
Doctor Komarovsky on biliary dyskinesia in children

Biliary dyskinesia in children is a fairly common diagnosis. Parents of both boys and girls, parents with any income and attitude towards raising a child can hear him in the clinic. Children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, the favorite of millions of mothers, tells about what the disease is and how to deal with it.

About the disease

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract is a violation of the gallbladder, associated with a violation of the outflow of bile, which is essential for the body primarily for the breakdown of fats. It is produced by the liver, accumulates in the gallbladder, “works” in the duodenum, where it enters through special biliary tracts.

The movement of bile can be disrupted for a variety of reasons.

The rarest of them is congenital malformations of the gallbladder and its ducts.... It takes only about 5% of all cases of the disease.

In all other cases, doctors talk about a secondary disease caused by malnutrition, various stomach problems (gastritis, peptic ulcer, etc.), helminthic invasions, viral hepatitis, hormonal disorders. Sometimes dyskinesia can begin even as a result of severe stress, psychological and emotional shock.

The disease manifests itself with unstable stools - alternating constipation and diarrhea, vomiting when eating fatty foods or sweets, poor appetite. Treatment of the disease is based on nutritional correction in combination with medications, which the doctor prescribes depending on what type of disease is found in the child. Hypermotor dyskinesia (with an excess of bile) is treated with drugs that relax smooth muscles (No-shpa, Papaverine, etc.), sedatives, mild sedatives. An ailment that proceeds according to the hypomotor type (with a lack of bile) - choleretic drugs.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that he has never met such a diagnosis in his practice in children from large families. Not because parents have no time to thoroughly and thoroughly examine each of their children, but because in large families children are usually not overfed.

It is overfeeding that Evgeny Olegovich considers the main reason for the appearance of biliary dyskinesia.

When a child is the only one in a family and is overly loved by all household members, parents quite often make such a mistake. They feed the baby not when he is really hungry and asks for food, but when mom and dad decide that the time has come and it is already "time to eat."

Another extreme is feeding the child a volume of food that he is able to fit in the stomach, but is in no way able to digest.

Some mothers, but more often grandmothers and grandfathers, “sin” by trying to make all the food for the beloved baby as soft, liquid, mashed as possible, feed only warm and chopped. Excessive culinary processing of products, emphasizes Dr. Komarovsky, also often causes the appearance of the disease.

Quite often, such a diagnosis is made to children, whose parents are very fond of experimenting with different complementary foods without taking into account the age-related characteristics of the child's digestion.

Oddly enough, babies whose parents are adherents of mandatory sterilization of everything the baby deals with - a nipple, bottles, pacifiers, rattles, dishes, are also at risk. Such a pathological, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, the craving for sterility does not lead to good, since in addition to dyskinesia, it can be an indirect cause of allergic reactions.


There is no single approach to the treatment of pediatric biliary dyskinesia and cannot be, says Evgeny Komarovsky. Everything is strictly individual and largely depends on the reasons that led to the violation of the outflow of bile. To treat, says the doctor, you need not dyskinesia itself, but precisely the reasons that led to it.

In the treatment of all types of the disease, a strict diet should be followed, it should be checked with the attending physician. As a rule, fatty and fried foods, pickles, canned food, and sweets are completely prohibited. With hypermotor dyskinesia (excessive bile secretion), it is important to eat wheat and buckwheat porridge, herbs, vegetables and bread. With such a violation, you should not eat ice cream and drink cold drinks, chicken yolks, as well as foods that contribute to gas formation - beans, peas and cabbage.

Of the medicines, drugs are required that smooth out smooth muscles ("No-shpa), magnesium preparations are useful. In addition, if the child does not have pain, the doctor may recommend taking medicinal mineral water in strictly defined individual dosages.

Of the accompanying procedures, such children will benefit from exercise therapy and electrophoresis with magnesium and novocaine.

To treat dyskinesia of the hypomotor type (lack of bile) should also be followed by a strict diet. But it should contain more fatty foods (sour cream, cream). Such children should be given egg yolk and coarse bread, which are contraindicated in babies with hypermotor dyskinesia.

From medications, B vitamins and choleretic agents ("Cholenzym", "Magnesia") are prescribed. Children are given tyubazhs and prescribed mineral waters.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice

Before starting treatment, make sure that the cause of the disease is established correctly, and that the diagnosis itself is not mistaken. Evgeny Komarovsky considers ultrasound to be the most accurate way to diagnose biliary dyskinesia.

During therapy, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescription and diet. Even after the end of the course of treatment, there is no need to rush with enthusiasm to stuff the child with everything. Proper balanced nutrition without overeating will help avoid recurrence of the disease. The same principles should be considered the best prevention of disease.

See more in the issue of Dr. Komarovsky below.

Watch the video: How To Treat Biliary Dyskinesia Without Surgery or Drugs! (July 2024).