
Antiviral drugs for children

Our children often get viral infections. More often than we would like, and less often than many drug manufacturers would like. Usually, in the season of general rise in incidence, about 90% of all colds in children are caused by viruses.

The immunity of growing crumbs is several orders of magnitude weaker than the immunity of an adult, so babies are more susceptible to seasonal "infections". The task of parents and doctors is to protect the child as much as possible.

Will the numerous antiviral drugs that are readily available in any pharmacy today help in this? What is more benefit or harm from them? To answer these questions, you need to understand in detail what antiviral drugs are and how they work.

Medicines for viruses

Antiviral drugs are a huge group of special drugs that, when they enter the child's body, are capable of destroying the structure of the virus, preventing it from multiplying or destroying it. By definition, antibiotics are not capable of this, because their target is bacteria, bacilli and atypical pathogens.

Antiviral agents work in two ways. Some drugs stimulate a person's immunity to fight the penetrated virus, others destroy the virus on their own.

A virus, as you know from a school biology course, is a living non-cellular organism, with its own DNA and RNA molecules. It is essentially a parasite that can live and reproduce only in a donor cell.

Antiviral drugs are most effective when taken to prevent influenza and SARS, when they are given to a child in advance, without waiting for a massive epidemic of the virus to clear up.

Antiviral agents help the child's body to produce interferon, a specific protein that can activate the body's fight against pathogens. Usually, interferon protein is produced on its own when the body sounds an "alarm" after the penetration of the virus. But the still unformed children's immunity in some cases needs reasonable and competent support with drugs.

What happens after a virus hits

The child's body will have two stages of reaction. During the first, the immune system will find the "saboteur", identify him and throw macrophages and lymphocytes into attack, which feed on such "pests". In the second stage, special cells, cytotoxic lymphocytes, will begin to destroy the infected cells. And their colleagues B-lymphocytes with the help of immunoglobulin protein will begin the final stage of the "operation" - the destruction of the virus.

Classification of antiviral agents

All antiviral agents differ in the main active substance, aimed at combating a particular type of virus:

  • Antiherpetic drugs (effective for chickenpox, herpes, herpes simplex, shingles, etc.).
  • Anti-cytomegalovirus drugs (effective for cytomegalovirus).
  • Anti-influenza drugs (used for influenza of almost all known strains and types). These drugs can belong to one of two groups: M2 channel blockers (Remantadin, Amantadine) and neurominidase inhibitors (Tamiflu, Relenza).

  • Antiretroviral drugs (used for HIV conditions).
  • Extended spectrum antivirus. This is the largest group of drugs that “target” most known viruses. These include drugs - interferons ("Viferon", "Grippferon", "Lokferon", which transport natural or human immune compounds obtained by genetic engineers into the child's body. Such compounds perfectly deal with viruses, but, unfortunately, cause a lot of side effects ...
  • Endogenous interferon inducers. These funds help the child's body synthesize its own protein, interferon, which will suppress viruses. The most famous representatives of this group include Cycloferon, Kagocel, Lavomax.

Homeopathic medicines are also used against viruses - "Otsillococcinum", "Aflubin", "Influcid", etc., as well as preparations of herbal extracts.

In addition, all antiviral agents are conventionally divided into three types according to the method of biochemical action:

  • Vaccines. Small doses of pathogens that, when administered, form immunity to a specific virus.
  • Immunostimulants (responsible for activating the production of protective cells) and immunomodulators (balancing the processes of immune defense) for a short time enhance the body's natural defenses.
  • Virus suppressants. Drugs that kill the virus block its ability to multiply inside the cell and release copies of the virus outside the cell.

Release forms

Antiviral drugs come in various forms that are convenient for use at different ages. Most often these are ointments, tablets, nasal drops, sprays, syrups and rectal suppositories, as well as solutions for injection in ampoules (only for medical use).

Manufacturers are trying to make children's antivirals tasty - with fruit and berry aromas, attractive even for the smallest patients.

  • Nasal drops, according to parental reviews, they are the most convenient and effective for use in viral infections, accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion. They have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect, which is important for a cold and cough.
  • Rectal suppositories - the shape is comfortable even for very young children. And although they began to release drugs in this form relatively recently, this method of treatment has more and more fans - after all, rectal suppositories work in a short time, are inexpensive, are quickly absorbed into the blood and have a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect.
  • Antiviral medication sprays effective for laryngitis of viral origin and useful for a sore throat with influenza and SARS, because they have not only antiviral effect, but also anti-inflammatory and restorative.

Some application features

The use of immunostimulants raises many questions from parents.

They act at the biochemical level, and the mechanisms of immunity are still being studied.

Immunologists warn parents that antiviral drugs should not be given to a child uncontrollably and often. Because the child's own immunity is suppressed by artificial stimulation, and the baby's body becomes more and more vulnerable. In addition, stimulating the immune system can lead to immune aggression - the appearance of inflammatory processes in healthy organs and tissues.

If a child has close relatives with immune ailments (such as diabetes mellitus) or with oncology, the child should not use immunostimulants.

In order to choose the right antiviral drug, it is desirable to have an idea of ​​what kind of virus is causing the disease. The most common flu and ARVI are dangerous viruses that can be complicated by serious illnesses. Therefore, such ailments cannot be cured by the method of selecting a medicine. A doctor should prescribe antiviral drugs for influenza. Considering that anti-influenza drugs act more aggressively and harshly, and it is impractical to take them with ARVI. Most often, with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, simple blockers are prescribed that prevent the penetration of the virus into the cells of the body.

The use of homeopathic medicines is generally quite controversial. Homeopathy does not sleep, and every season gives out new drugs. Patients hardly complain about them, because there were no side effects from taking such drugs, as well as great benefits. Clinically, the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies has not been proven, and, according to many doctors, this is a placebo effect.

Taking antiviral drugs for prophylaxis is an issue that requires separate consideration. Prevention of influenza and SARS is necessary in certain situations:

  • If one of the family members falls ill with the flu or ARVI, that is, the source of infection is in the immediate vicinity of the child.
  • If a child during a period of illness is expecting serious changes in life: he will go to kindergarten or start attending a section.
  • If in a team - at school or kindergarten - more than 10% of children are sick with viral infections. When the number of cases reaches 30%, this is the basis for the Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health to declare quarantine. But why wait until every third person around your baby gets sick with the flu?

Taking antiviral drugs to prevent an illness does not give a 100% guarantee that the child will not get sick, but significantly increases his chances of staying healthy.

Doses of medications taken for prophylactic purposes should be half the dosages prescribed for the treatment of an already onset disease.

When antiviral drugs don't work:

  • For bacterial infections, diseases caused by microbes. For the treatment of such a group of ailments, there are antibacterial drugs.
  • For headaches without signs of a cold
  • With severe pain syndrome for the purpose of pain relief.

Drug selection problems

There are a great variety of antiviral agents in pharmacies. Different in price, domestic and foreign, for adults and children. But there is still a problem with the choice. And she's pretty serious:

  • First, most antiviral drugs have not been proven to be effective. Clinical trials of new drugs are conducted by manufacturers, not third-party expert groups.
  • Secondly, almost every season new modern drugs appear on the shelves of pharmacists, advertised names that are more expensive than drugs of previous generations, but upon closer examination, these drugs of the latest generation differ from their predecessors only in price. The composition is identical.

Therefore, there is no reason to chase expensive funds. Cheap analogs, believe me, are no worse either in treatment or in matters of prevention.

Most antiviral drugs in Russia are sold without a prescription. In Europe, they are strictly prescription.

The drugs produced by Russian pharmacists are usually several times cheaper than their foreign counterparts. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, one should not think that a good remedy = an expensive remedy.

Antivirus products for children

When choosing antiviral drugs for children, remember that the benefits must outweigh the potential harms of the drug. "Children's" antivirus products should have a minimum list of contraindications and side effects. The fact is that many drugs with a proven effect in clinical trials have a large list of contraindications. By the way, only neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 channel blockers have proven efficacy.

Due to the abundance of undesirable consequences, "Adapromin", "Amantadin", "Neovir", "Ribavirin", "Triazavirin" are not recommended for children.

The drug must necessarily be approved for use in children in a particular age group. With regard to antiviral agents, this is a very important detail.

You can find out about various antiviral drugs by watching the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.

Age features

The immunities of a newborn baby and a baby after a year differ from each other. And it is essential. The older the child becomes, the more chances he has to defeat the viral infection on his own. On the knowledge of this feature, the compositions of many antiviral agents for a specific age group of children are built. What can be used at a certain age?

For babies from birth

  • Panadol ". Russian drug with analgesic and antipyretic effects. It is not an antiviral agent, but it is often used to treat very young children with colds and viral diseases at a temperature during therapy. Panadol has no effect on immunity. For children, it is available in the form of rectal suppositories and sweet syrup.

  • "Viferon". An effective domestic antiviral medicine. This immunomodulator comes in the form of rectal suppositories, gel and ointment. The ointment is applied to the affected skin with herpes, the gel is excellent for prophylactic purposes.

  • Efferalgan. It is an imported antipyretic agent with analgesic effect. The drug does not belong to antiviral drugs, but is often prescribed to young children for symptomatic treatment. The product is available in syrup, rectal suppositories, in the form of effervescent, easily dissolving tablets.

  • "Anaferon for children". It is an antiviral immunostimulant. It actively stimulates the second stage of the immune defense - the cellular response. It is used to treat various strains of influenza, ARVI. Suitable for children with mononucleosis, chickenpox, herpes. It is part of the complex treatment for enterovirus infections and coronavirus. Sold in the form of highly dissolving tablets under the tongue.

  • Aflubin. It is a homeopathic remedy with immunomodulatory effects. Together with antiviral drugs, it is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, relieves the condition of a child with pharyngitis, runny nose, moderately relieves pain in muscles and joints. Available as a nasal spray, sublingual drops (great for babies), and sublingual tablets.

  • "Viburkol". A homeopathic remedy that is often used as an adjunct to antiviral therapy. Available in the form of rectal suppositories.

  • "Immunoflazid". Antiviral syrup, which is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza, including pandemic strains, ARVI and prevention of bacterial complications.

  • Interferon. This is an antiviral mixture of interferons obtained from donated blood leukocytes. This rather serious drug is prescribed for hepatitis B and C, malignant melanoma. As a prophylactic agent for influenza and respiratory viral infections, only nose drops are used. In pharmacies, you can buy a dry solution for making drops.

  • "Nazoferon". It is a combined drug with antiviral and immunostimulating effects. It is prescribed for lingering colds, for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. The product is produced in the form of a spray in the nose and nasal drops. Drops are a more suitable form for babies.

  • "Oxolinic ointment" is a well-known and popular way of protecting against influenza. It protects cells from virus penetration. Less concentrated ointment 0.25% is intended for lubrication of the inside of the nose, more concentrated 3% - for external use. In case of stomatitis, "Oxolinic ointment" can be used to lubricate mouth ulcers.

  • Oscillococinum. Another well-known homeopathic remedy, often used as a means of preventing influenza and ARVI. It is produced in the form of homeopathic soluble granules.

  • "Timogen". It is an immunomodulatory drug that improves cellular metabolism in the second stage of immune defense. It is used in the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, it is prescribed as an adjunct in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases, for example, with bronchitis.Available for children in the form of a cream for external use and a nasal spray.

  • Ergoferon. This is a preparation containing antibodies in small doses, for this reason it is often classified as homeopathic. Active against many viruses, it is often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza and SARS, chickenpox, herpes zoster and herpes simplex, mononucleosis. Available for children in the form of homeopathic tablets under the tongue, which dissolve well and quickly.

Children from 1 to 3 years old

  • "Algirem". Sweet syrup with powerful antiviral properties. Especially effective for influenza A virus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, herpes. It has an immunomodulatory effect.

  • "Tsitovir-3". It is an immunomodulator that stimulates the production of its own interferon. In pharmacies for children, you can buy powder for solution preparation and ready-made syrup.

  • Ingavirin. Antiviral agent that has very high activity against influenza A, B, "swine flu" viruses, adenovirus infection. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Available in capsules. It is permissible for babies to dilute the contents of the capsules with water.

  • Tamiflu. This is a foreign drug, a selective neuraminidase inhibitor. It inhibits the growth of the virus and prevents it from leaving the affected cell. Designed for the prevention and treatment of influenza. For children, it is available in the form of a powder for preparing a suspension.

  • "Engystol". Homeopathic medicine of foreign production with immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. It is used as an adjuvant in complex treatment for fever, viral infection, flu. It comes in the form of homeopathic pills that are placed under the tongue and dissolve quickly.

  • Immunal. Immunostimulating agent based on plant extracts - Echinacea purpurea. Promotes an increase in the number of leukocytes. Activates phagocytosis. It is produced in tablets, as well as in the most suitable form for children - in solution, including in a solution with the addition of vitamin C.

  • "Imupret". It is an antiviral drug containing medicinal herbs and plant components (chamomile, horsetail, oak bark, etc.). The tool is mainly used to relieve symptoms of respiratory diseases that accompany viral infections. Imupret is available on pharmacy shelves in the form of a solution and in pills.

  • Orvirem. This remantadine-based antiviral drug prevents the virus from multiplying inside the affected cell. It is especially effective against influenza A virus. It is produced in the form of a sweet pleasant syrup.

Children from 3 to 6 years old

  • "Arbidol". Antiviral agent that suppresses influenza A and B viruses, coronaviruses. Reduces the likelihood of developing complications with a viral infection. It is prescribed for the treatment of influenza, even if it is accompanied by pneumonia or bronchitis. It is used as an auxiliary medicine in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and herpes infection. Available in capsules and tablets.

  • "Alpizarin". Antiviral agent in the form of ointments and tablets. The drug acts as an immunomodulator. It is obtained from plant raw materials - penny herb.

  • "Hyporamine". It is a herbal antiviral agent. It is produced in the form of suppositories, tablets, ointments, aqueous solution for inhalation. It is often recommended for the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, shingles, herpes.

  • "Influcid". It is not an antiviral drug, although many people think so, since the drug is quite common in the treatment of colds. It is a homeopathic remedy with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps to strengthen immunity in case of illness. Available in solution (drops) and dissolving homeopathic tablets.

  • Flacoside. Herbal antiviral agent. Effective for acute hepatitis A and B, herpes, measles, chickenpox. Available in tablets only.

In addition, children from 3 to 6 years old can take "Engistol", "Imupret", "Orvirem", "Immunal".

Children 6 to 12 years old and older

  • "Ridostin". It is an immunostimulating interferon inducer used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, an inflammatory disease caused by viruses. It is produced in the form of a dry substance for preparation of injections.

  • "Remantadin". A well-known antiviral agent, most effective against influenza A virus. Available in tablet form.

  • "Amiksin". This antiviral drug enhances the synthesis of interferon proteins in the body. In children, it is used for the treatment and prevention of ARVI and influenza. In adults, the range of effects of the drug is much wider. Available in tablet form for children.

  • "Kagocel". Antiviral agent that promotes the synthesis of interferon. It is used in the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. Available in tablets. There are no other forms of this medicine.

  • Lavomax. Antiviral immunomodulator. Effective against many known viruses, acts by suppressing their ability to multiply. The medicine is part of the treatment for hepatitis A, B, C. It is effective in the treatment of herpes, cytomegaly, tuberculosis. It is used for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. It is available in tablets and is recommended for children over 12 years old.

  • "Laferobion". It is an antiviral drug that contains human interferon. It has shown itself well as an important component of the complex treatment of the herpes virus, human papilloma, warts, hepatitis B, mixed infections - influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, to which a secondary bacterial infection has joined. It is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, dry substance for preparation of nasal solution and powder for injection.

  • Cycloferon. It is an immunomodulator with a broad spectrum of bioactivity. It is used for children as an effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of influenza, herpes, acute respiratory viral infections, and acute intestinal infections. Available in tablets, in the form of ointment and powder for injection.

In addition, children over 6 years old are allowed to take drugs for the previous age groups - Oscillococinum, Anaferon, Influcid.

When to give antiviral drugs

It is not necessary to stuff the child with drugs as soon as his throat is red or the temperature rises. High temperature is a normal immune response to the virus, and the baby is quite able to cope with simple viruses on his own. In addition, if he was already sick with a viral infection, then his immunity perfectly "remembered" the type of pathogen and the way to fight it.

It is unforgivable to feed a child with antiviral agents every time, thereby lowering the ability of his own immunity.

  • With the permission of a doctor, you can give the drug to a newborn and an infant up to 3 years old if he has a temperature above 38 degrees for more than three days, or a three-year-old child if his temperature does not drop to 39 degrees.
  • If the child has severe intoxication
  • If, with all of the above, there are signs of a viral disease - the temperature appeared abruptly, immediately high, all other symptoms develop rapidly. The bacterial infection usually progresses slowly.
  • Antiviral drugs are usually not prescribed with antibiotics, but there are exceptions. If a viral infection is in full swing, a bacterial complication is added. For example, with ARVI, angina started. With angina of non-viral origin, only antibiotics are relevant.
  • With mononucleosis, antiviral agents are given only in case of a severe course of the disease.
  • You should not give antiviral after antipyretic, unless the instructions for use provide otherwise.
  • In case of rotavirus infection (the so-called "intestinal flu"), antiviral agents are given as part of complex therapy. At the same time, antiviral drugs can be prescribed with clear clinical signs of infection - with diarrhea, with vomiting.

Folk natural remedies

Safe folk natural antiviral agents have long been known. They are easy to prepare at home. They do not have side effects, but their effectiveness is low.

The rating of popular immunostimulants of plant origin is headed by ordinary onions, the juice of which is an excellent medicine for a viral infection.

Infusion of chicory and motherwort is a good antiviral and immunomodulatory agent with antipyretic effect.

Eucalyptus essential oils, plantain and nettle extract help with flu. The best remedy for flu and colds is black radish with honey.

Watch the video: 3D Animation video of how Remdesivir works (July 2024).