
Menovazin for children

Menovazine is an affordable remedy with a quick effect, therefore it is often used by adults for myalgia, neuralgia, bruises, joint pain and other problems. But can this drug be used in childhood, for example, at 3 years old? What is its composition, how does such a medicine affect the body, and in what cases its use is not recommended?

Release form

Menovazine is a solution used for external treatment. It is a colorless transparent liquid with a pronounced menthol aroma. Such a solution is produced in vials with different capacities - 25, 40 or 50 ml. In order for the product to retain its properties, the bottle is made of dark glass.


The active ingredients in the Menovazin solution are the following components:

  • Menthol... Due to its presence in the composition, a person feels a slight coolness after applying the product to the skin. The menthol content in 100 ml of the drug is 2.5 g.
  • Novocaine... This local anesthetic, also called procaine, contains 1 gram per 100 ml of solution.
  • Benzocaine... This analgesic substance, also called anesthesin, is contained in an amount of 1 g / 100 ml.
  • Ethanol. This is an auxiliary ingredient, which is an alcohol with a concentration of 70%.

Operating principle

Due to the presence of substances with anesthetic effect in the preparation, Menovazin prevents the conduction of nerve impulses from pain receptors, as a result of which the agent has a local analgesic effect.

Menthol in Menovazine has a cooling effect and distracts from pain a little, and also enhances the effect of analgesic components. The solution also has an antipruritic effect, which is used in the treatment of dermatoses with severe itching.

The use of Menovazin for coughing is due to the warming effect and stimulation of blood flow to the bronchi, as a result, cells are attracted to the treated area, which actively fight bacteria and inflammation. In addition, Menovazin acts on cough receptors and reduces their sensitivity.


The most common reason to prescribe Menovazin are diseases that are manifested by pain and itching. The drug applied to the surface of the skin is concentrated mainly in the superficial areas of tissues and almost does not penetrate into the general bloodstream. Menovazine may be prescribed by doctors:

  • With neuralgia.
  • With bruises.
  • When the ligaments are stretched.
  • For skin diseases, the symptom of which is severe itching.
  • For joint or muscle pain.

Some pediatricians recommend Menovazine for coughing. Popularly, the medicine is also used for sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, applying cloth moistened with Menovazin in the area of ​​the frontal or maxillary sinuses to reduce swelling and pain. For otitis media, you can rub the area behind the ears with a solution, and for headaches - the temples.


It is impossible to rub the skin with Menovazin in such cases:

  • In children under 18 years of age.
  • With intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
  • With broken skin integrity (cuts, wounds, burns).
  • For inflammatory skin diseases.
  • For malignant skin lesions at the site of treatment.
  • When breastfeeding or carrying a baby.

In addition, the drug should not get into the eyes and other mucous membranes, therefore, official medicine prohibits the use of such a solution for a runny nose (instillation into the nose).

Can I give it to children?

Instructions for the use of Menovazin indicate that under the age of 18, the product must be used with caution. It means that smearing the skin of a child, for example, at the age of 2 years, with this solution, is possible only after a doctor's prescription. The doctor will assess the need for local anesthetics and the presence of contraindications, after which he will tell you how to use the solution correctly.

Side effects

Rubbing with Menovazine can provoke allergic reactionsuch as local swelling or rash. In some patients, treatment with such a solution causes dermatitismanifested by redness or flaking of the skin. Also, the medicine can cause nausea, headache, decreased blood pressure (sometimes before fainting occurs) and dizziness.

Instructions for use and dosage

If Menovazin is prescribed for itchy skin or pain syndrome, the itchy or painful areas are treated with the solution 1-3 times a day. The drug is applied with rubbing movements in an amount of not more than 5 milliliters at a time. After rubbing your hands, wash them thoroughly and apply a nourishing cream to them. The duration of the drug should be determined by the doctor, but on average it is advised to rub the skin with Menovazin from 7 days to 3-4 weeks.


There is no information on cases of overdose of such a solution.

Interaction with other drugs

The effect of Menovazine on treatment with other drugs has not been studied.

Watch the video instructions for using Menovazine from Elena Leonova:

Terms of sale

Purchasing Menovazin at a pharmacy does not require a prescription from a doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

After purchasing the bottle of Menovazin, it is imperative to place it in a cool place (with a temperature below + 15 ° C). It is important that small children do not have access to this place. The medicine has a shelf life of 2 years. When it is completed, the use of an external treatment agent is not recommended.

What if the child drank Menovazin?

Young children are restless and curious, so the storage of any medicine should be under the control of parents. However, there are situations when the baby accidentally drinks or eats a remedy, and then you need to act quickly. If the Menovazin solution gets into the child's digestive tract, a gag reflex should be immediately called to flush the stomach, then give the baby some enterosorbent and immediately call an ambulance.


Menovazin's anesthetic effect is mostly well received. Parents, who, after consulting a pediatrician, smeared a child's bruises or sprains with such a solution, noted that the medicine helps quite quickly, relieving pain and discomfort... The advantages of Menovazin are also called the cooling effect, low price, pleasant aroma and ease of application. Among the disadvantages, many reviews include a mention of an allergic reaction to novocaine as part of this remedy.

As for prescribing a medicine for coughing, most parents are sure that the warming effect of Menovazin is not at all a reason to use this remedy in children. They refuse to use this medication in their children, preferring to give the child drugs that are allowed for childhood.


Camphor oil, Dimexide (from the age of 12), Dr. Mom Cold Rab, Dr. Theiss Eucalyptus ointment and other drugs with similar local action are capable of replacing Menovazine, as a means for external treatment. For children with a cough, instead of Menovazine, it is preferable to rub the chest with Dr. Theiss balm, camphor oil, Dr. Mom ointment for colds, Vitaon extract or Pulmex ointment.

Watch the video: Чудо Мазь ЛЕВОМЕКОЛЬ Универсальное средство за копейки#DomSovetov (July 2024).