
Nimulid for children

"Nimulide" is one of the drugs of a large group of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, so it helps with inflammation, pain or high fever. Not everyone knows at what age Nimulid is prescribed for children, in what dose it is prescribed in childhood, whether it is dangerous for the child's body.

Release form

The medication is produced by the Indian company Panacea Biotech in four different forms:

  • Suspension. Such "Nimulid" is most often chosen for children, as it is represented by a sweet yellow liquid with a pleasant smell. It is housed in a 60 ml plastic or brown glass bottle. Each bottle comes with instructions and a measuring cup.
  • Gel. This version of the drug is a translucent mass with a yellowish tinge, packed in plastic or aluminum tubes of 10, 20 or 30 g each.
  • Tablets to be sucked. They have a pale yellow hue, a sweet orange flavor and a round shape. Such "Nimulid" is packed in blisters of 10 tablets, and in one box - 1 or 2 blisters.
  • Ttablets to be swallowed. They are also light yellow and round, but they are marked with a logo on one side and the word "Nimulid" on the other. One pack contains 30 or 100 of these tablets, placed in blisters of 10 pieces.


The active ingredient in each of the forms of "Nimulid" is nimesulide. Its amount in 5 ml of suspension is 50 mg, in each tablet (both for oral administration and for resorption) - 100 mg, and in 1 gram of gel - 10 mg. The auxiliary ingredients of the drug are:

  • In suspension - sucrose, glycerin, water, yellow dye, sorbitol, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, mango and vanilla additives for flavor and other ingredients.
  • The tablets for swallowing contain lactose, corn starch, polysorbate, povidone and other compounds.
  • Lozenges contain aspartame, croscarmellose sodium, orange flavor, mannitol, potassium sorbate and other substances.
  • The gel contains triacetin, phosphoric acid, ethyl alcohol, aromatic additives, hyprolosis and some other compounds.

Operating principle

Nimulid has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as an antipyretic effect. Such actions of the drug are associated with the ability of nimesulide to inhibit cyclooxygenase-2. This leads to blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins. Since these substances are responsible for the inflammatory response, an increase in body temperature and the sensation of pain, the use of "Nimulid" will affect all these processes.

When compared with other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it can be noted that nimesulide has less effect on cyclooxygenase-1, so the drug does not inhibit the formation of prostaglandins in healthy cells, but affects the synthesis of such substances only at the site of inflammation.

Taken internally, "Nimulide" is very well absorbed, and then combines mainly with plasma proteins. Metabolic changes of the drug occur in liver cells, and excretion is carried out both with urine and with bile.

When the gel is used locally, the agent acts only on the treated area (this form enters the bloodstream in extremely small doses), as a result of which the pain weakens or disappears. If such "Nimulid" is applied to the joint, it will help get rid of swelling and stiffness of movements.


Most often "Nimulid" tablets and suspensions are prescribed:

  • With various diseases of the joints and bursitis, as well as with inflammation of the tendons and ligaments (including the inflammatory process due to their injury).
  • For inflammation and pain due to surgery.
  • For headache or toothache.
  • With fever and pain caused by angina, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
  • For muscle pain.

The gel is used for myalgia, arthritis, lumbago, bursitis, sprains, bruises, tendon injuries and other pathologies that require analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Are children prescribed?

All forms of "Nimulid" are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age. A two-year-old child can be given the drug in the form of a suspension, but only after consulting a doctor. The use of the gel is allowed for children over 7 years old. The tablet form of the drug is not prescribed until the age of 12, as well as children who weigh less than 40 kg.


"Nimulid" is not prescribed:

  • Children with gastrointestinal ulcer disease during its exacerbation, as well as with bleeding in the stomach or intestines.
  • Patients with hepatic impairment.
  • Babies with serious kidney problems.
  • Children who have an intolerance to nimesulide or other anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Patients with blood clotting disorders.
  • Children with severe heart failure.
  • With a high level of potassium in the blood.

The presence of diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases in a child requires the close attention of a doctor during treatment with Nimulid.

The gel should not be applied to mucous membranes, as well as skin with injuries or infected areas. It is not recommended to cover the treated area with a bandage.

Side effects:

  • The child's digestive system may respond to treatment with Nimulid with stomach pains, nausea, heartburn, tar-like stools.
  • In rare cases, the drug causes drowsiness, dizziness, shortness of breath, anemia, edema, oliguria or headaches.
  • In some patients, the drug causes a skin rash, erythema, or another allergic reaction.
  • When using the gel, side effects such as temporary skin discoloration, rashes, flaking or itching are possible.

Instructions for use

So, the points to pay attention to:

  • "Nimulide" in suspension is given to the child after a meal or at the end of meals to eliminate the harmful effects of the drug on the stomach. If necessary, the product can be washed down with clean water.
  • A single dose of the drug for children must be calculated by weight. The medication is given at the rate of 1.5 mg of nimesulide per 1 kg of body weight of a small patient. For the convenience of dosing the suspension on its carton and in the annotation to this form of "Nimulid" there is a table of single doses for children with different weights. For example, a two-year-old baby who weighs 11 kg is given 1.5 ml of suspension per dose.
  • The frequency of application of "Nimulid" is 2 or 3 times a day. It is determined by the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease and the response of the child's body to treatment.
  • The maximum amount of nimesulide per day for a child is considered 5 mg for each kilogram of his weight. For example, a child weighing 20 kg is given a maximum of 100 mg of the active ingredient - no more than 10 ml of suspension per day.
  • If the child weighs more than 40 kg, the dose of the suspension is not calculated for him. Such a patient is given a sweet medicine in an adult dosage - 10 ml each morning and evening (single dose - 100 mg).
  • Tableted "Nimulid" children over 12 years old with a weight of more than 40 kg are given twice a day, 100 mg - one tablet per dose. The medication is advised to be taken after meals with plenty of water or sucked in the mouth.
  • The preparation in the form of a gel is applied to the affected area and gently spread in an even layer, but not rubbed into the skin. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling. The amount of gel for one application and the frequency of application are determined individually, but usually painful and inflamed areas are lubricated with such "Nimulid" no more than 4 times a day and no longer than 10 days.


Too large a dose of any of the oral forms of "Nimulide" can lead to vomiting, drowsiness, lethargy, nausea. With a significant overdose, bleeding from the stomach wall often begins, blood pressure rises, renal failure develops, and breathing is inhibited.

There is no special antidote that eliminates the therapeutic effects of nimesulide, therefore, symptomatic therapy is prescribed for children. If no more than 4 hours have passed after the overdose, the patient is vomited, and then he is given an osmotic laxative and sorbent. Since the drug binds to proteins, hemodialysis is not used.

An overdose of the gel is possible only when the drug is applied to a very large area of ​​the skin, which is extremely rare. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

When treating "Nimulid" you should not give many other medications, including anticoagulants, glucocorticoid hormones, diuretics, hypoglycemic agents and other medications. If a child takes any drugs, before using "Nimulid", their compatibility should be checked with the pediatrician and in the annotation.

Terms of sale

Nimulid gel is freely available over the counter as an over-the-counter product. Other forms of the drug are sold by prescription only. The average price of 10 tablets for resorption is 120-130 rubles, for a bottle of suspension in different pharmacies you need to pay from 150 to 230 rubles, and a tube of gel weighing 30 g costs about 230-250 rubles.

Shelf life and storage features

Any form of "Nimulid" is recommended to be kept at home in a place hidden from moisture and sunlight - at room temperature. The drug should be placed where children cannot reach it. The shelf life of conventional tablets is 5 years, while other forms have a shelf life of 3 years. If it has expired, the use of medicine for children is unacceptable.


You can find a large number of positive reviews about the treatment of children with "Nimulid", in which mothers call the drug effective and confirm that its use quickly reduces high fever and helps get rid of pain. The suspension formulation is praised for its ease of dispensing and good taste.

Doctors also respond mostly well to this medication. "Nimesulide" is banned in Europe (for the treatment of children under 12 years of age) in any form - because of the high risk of liver damage. However, domestic pediatricians note a low frequency of side effects from "Nimulid" and prescribe the drug to small patients when other antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen do not work.

Komarovsky says the following: in order to avoid a harmful effect on the child's body, the temperature should first be brought down with ibuprofen or paracetamol preparations. "Nimulid" should be given only if they are ineffective. The dosage should be selected individually, starting treatment with a smaller amount of suspension than recommended in the table on its packaging.

As for the disadvantages of "Nimulid", in some children the drug causes an allergy (according to statistics - in 2-5% of patients), but it is often associated with chemical additives in the suspension.


Instead of "Nimulide", other drugs may be prescribed, the action of which is provided by nimesulide - "Nise", "Nimesil", "Nemulex", "Nimesulid", "Nimesan", "Aponil" and other medicines. They come in various forms, including gel, dissolving tablets and granules for suspension, and therefore can replace any of the "Nimulide" options.

However, when treating children (especially with fever), pediatricians prefer anti-inflammatory drugs containing ibuprofen or paracetamol. It is these analogs that are considered the safest in childhood. Instead of "Nimulid" it is better for the child to give "Nurofen", "Efferalgan", "Calpol", "Next" and similar medications.

For the smallest, these drugs are produced in candles - for example, "Tsefekon D" or "Panadol"... They effectively reduce the temperature of flu, chickenpox, pneumonia and other diseases, and also help to eliminate pain in the ear, muscles, joints, throat, gums and other places.

You can see clearly about the analogs of Nimulid in the next video.

Watch the video: Nimesulide u0026 Paracetamol tablet, dosage, usage, side effects. Pain Killer Drugs (July 2024).