
Clearblue Pregnancy Tests

Among the large and varied assortment of pregnancy tests, one of the leading positions belongs to the Clearblue test systems. Tests of this brand have various modifications, cost, but invariably retain the accuracy, efficiency and ease of use that make these systems so popular. This article will tell you what Clearblue tests are and how to choose the one that is right for you.

About the manufacturer

Clearblue is a British brand represented by Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH (SPD). The company specializes in the production of a wide variety of diagnostic systems - from tests for detecting pregnancy to ovulation tests and fertility monitors. Products of this brand are sold in 47 countries.

Clearblue test systems have a long and interesting history. The first test was released in 1985. It was a breakthrough, because in just half an hour (that was how long the result had to wait), the test could indicate an "interesting position." In 1988, the company released a simpler test that did not require a long wait, and women began to receive the result in 3 minutes. And only in 1996, Clearblue appeared, answering the main female question in just 1 minute.

In 2003, the company was the first in the world to start producing digital systems. And after another 5 years, the latest generation Clearblue appeared, which has a gestational age indicator. The latest achievement of the company is a unique double test that can simultaneously determine two hormones that are important for the diagnosis of ovulation. - the system detects the level of estrogen and hormone LH. Since 2013, this system has also been available to women.

The Clearblue Research Center is located in Bedford in the UK and employs more than 130 professionals - chemists, biologists, endocrinologists, quality experts who conduct clinical trials and try to bring the accuracy of their products to the maximum in this case 100%.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the test systems of this manufacturer is no different from tests of other brands and modifications, it is simply not yet invented another way to diagnose an "interesting situation" at home, except how to determine the presence of a special hormone in a woman's urine - hCG. If a woman becomes pregnant, that is, biological conception has taken place, the level of this hormone begins to increase after the successful implantation of the embryo. This event occurs approximately 6-9 days after conception. Implantation for 5–6 days is not excluded, but after 9 days, if implantation has not occurred, it usually does not occur. Pregnancy does not occur, despite the fact that conception has taken place.

Chorionic gonadotropin is produced by the villi of the ovum, with which it is attached to the endometrium of the uterus. Every two days, the concentration of hCG almost doubles. And gradually the level of the hormone increases, accumulates in the blood plasma and urine, it is in the urine that it can be determined by the test. All tests, except for digital, have two zones - test and control. In the control, a strip appears whenever the device comes into contact with liquid media, but a special chemical reagent is applied to the test manufacturer, which is sensitive to an increased content of hCG molecules in a milliliter of fluid secreted by the kidneys.

In this way, in the presence of pregnancy and a high level of chorionic gonadotropic hormone, the test zone is brightly colored in the form of the very second strip, which some are looking forward to, and others with fear... While the level of the hormone is low, the test may be wrong, showing a negative result, since each test has its own threshold of sensitivity. Usually, from the first day of the delay, the accuracy of the self-diagnosis is already high.

But Clearblue can be done even before the delay - 3-4 days before menstruation, in most cases, the high-precision systems of the British manufacturer can already give the correct answer with a high probability.

Types and characteristics

Today the manufacturer offers several types of tests on the Russian market for self-diagnosis of an “interesting situation”. Clearblue differs from other manufacturers a large number of implemented innovations that significantly simplify the use and reading of results. The manufacturers themselves are confident that only such an approach can provide a woman with confidence in the result and maximum peace of mind in those periods of life when the fair sex is in greater need of it.

Unfortunately, the simplest test strips and cassette tests do not meet these requirements. They are inexpensive, readily available and sold even at supermarket checkouts, but often give questionable results. In their models, Clearblue tried to make sure that the woman does not have to collect urine, guessing over the fuzzy second stripes about whether there is a pregnancy or not. You will not find thin paper strip strips from this manufacturer.

All his tests are packed with love and care in functional, hygienic and simply very comfortable and beautiful cases. Several models are available for sale today.


This is the simplest test of this line. It is a strip hidden inside a white plastic case. The Compact test is used as a jet test; there is no need to collect urine. It is easy to use - you need to remove the cap, bring the test tip under the stream of urine for 5 seconds and evaluate the results after three minutes. The system is designed for single use.

Rapid test for easy reading

One of the simplest suggested options for Cliable. It is a cute plastic case with a test strip inside, a removable tip and a sensitive absorbent dip pad. The test is single use, not intended for repeated use. The tip, in contact with the liquid, turns pink, which is an analogue of a quality control, a control zone. If it turns pink, it means that the test was carried out correctly, it is serviceable, not expired and can be applied... After 2 minutes, when the urine has passed on, where a special "tablet" with a reagent is hidden inside the body, either "+" or "-" is displayed inside the window on the body. Accordingly, a positive or negative result.

The instructions for using this test are pretty simple. The test is jet, so there is no need to collect urine beforehand. Remove the blue cap and place the tip under the stream of urine. Check the result after 2 minutes. If you want to do everything the old-fashioned way, you can, of course, collect urine. If the test is placed under a stream, it is recommended to keep not less than 5 seconds, and in the collected urine - 15–20 seconds.

After that, you need to return the previously removed blue cap for the test, put the test on a flat and dry surface. It is permissible to hold the test in your hands, but only in the position of the absorbent (turned pink) tip down. The instruction prohibits lifting the tip up. It is noteworthy that blue lines will begin to appear in the window on the case almost immediately, but manufacturers recommend reading the final result only after a mark appears in the small control window next to it, which announces the end of testing. Until it appears, the test is not considered complete.

Reading the results is pretty straightforward. Either it is "+" or "-". If the "plus" has a weak coloration, it is still assessed as a positive result. Clearblue does not show weak positive, questionable results and the notorious "ghosts".

Within 10 minutes, the results are considered accurate and reliable, after this time you do not need to pay attention to any changes in the window, they no longer have diagnostic value and significance.


The most accurate of all tests of the brand line, which also gives the result in just 1 minute. It was researched in a large international trial by thousands of women, received the Red Dot Design Award in 2012. The test accuracy is estimated at 99% (in practice, of course, it is lower, but insignificantly), the case has an ergonomic shape, which is convenient to hold, so using such a system is a pleasure. The absorbent tip has a wider surface area than the previous model, which results in faster diagnostics. Due to its high sensitivity, diagnostics can be carried out 4-5 days before the expected day of menstruation.

It is used like the previous version - inkjet. Remove the cap, bring the tip under the stream of urine. The tip will turn pink after 5 seconds, indicating that the urine collection has been successfully completed. If you diagnose urine previously collected in a container, keep the tip in the liquid for about 20 seconds. Replace the blue tip and wait for the results.

If the result is positive, a blue plus sign in the window on the case may appear in a minute. A negative result must be stated no earlier than three minutes later. Speaking of accuracy 5 days before menstruation, manufacturers in the instructions correct themselves - in 4 days. And they bring statistics compiled by their own testing center. According to her, the test accuracy when testing for 4 days does not exceed 56%, for 3 days - 88%, for 2 days - 97%.

Evaluate the result, which looks like in the previous case, with a blue plus or minus, should be done only after a strip appears in the smallest control window. She says that the research is complete. If it is absent within 10 minutes, the test was performed incorrectly, the results are invalid. You should not evaluate the results after a 10-minute pause, they are not considered reliable, since they may be subject to changes.

This system is disposable, not reusable.

Digital Test

The only test in the world today that determines not only the fact of pregnancy, but also the period by weeks. This became possible thanks to two sensors at once. The first determines the presence of the hCG hormone and with an accuracy of 98–99% displays the verdict on the presence or absence of pregnancy. And the second analyzes the quantitative indicative substance and with an accuracy of about 92% determines the period in weeks - 1–2, 2–3, 3+. The device, according to the manufacturer, can also be applied before menstruation is delayed for 4–5 days, while the accuracy decreases with distance from the date of the expected start of the next menstruation.

Before use, you need to remove the cap, turn on the device, wait for the ready signal and start testing. You can bring the tip under the stream of urine for 5 seconds, or you can lower it into the urine collected in advance, but for at least 15 seconds. While performing these manipulations It is very important to prevent urine from getting on the digital electronic housing.

Usually, when used correctly, these problems do not arise.

After the end of wetting, an hourglass sign is displayed on the electronic board. It can last up to 3 minutes. This is the time when the received data is analyzed. Do not lift the device with the tip up at this time, do not shake it or turn it off. Simply lay on a dry and firm horizontal surface or hold in your hands, but only in one way - with the cap and tip down.

After three minutes, the screen will display “Pregnant” or “Not pregnant”. If a pregnancy is detected, this will indicate 1-2 or 2-3, which means the approximate number of weeks that have passed since conception. The result is saved in the device memory for 24 hours. The diagnostic system is reusable and includes 20 replacement tips. Each of them can only be used once.

The cost

Clearblue is hardly a budget and economical product. But the high price, in principle, corresponds to the quality that is offered for this money. The most expensive in the line is the digital Clearblue. Its cost starts from 390 rubles. The simpler Clearblue Plus costs from 139 rubles, and the even simpler Clearblue for easy reading starts from 120 rubles.

Useful Tips

The instruction will help to make the test correctly. It is included with every modification. It must be strictly adhered to. If you do the test before the start of the delay, then try to test it in the morning, since the first portion of urine after a night's sleep has the maximum density and concentration of all substances, including hCG. After the start of the delay, manufacturers recommend choosing the time for testing on your own - it is permissible to do this in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is worth adhering to the following useful recommendations:

  • do not drink large amounts of fluid before diagnosing;
  • correctly calculate the timing of ovulation, with an irregular cycle, use tests to determine the ovulation period;
  • do not start doing tests too early, the earliest date is 4-5 days before the start of the delay;
  • if you get results that seem dubious or unreliable to you, consult a doctor, do a blood test for hCG - this is a more accurate medical technique.

What affects accuracy?

Manufacturers point out that the accuracy of the result is mainly affected by the early timing of diagnosis and non-compliance with the test rules. But some medications can also affect, for example, containing hCG, which are used to stimulate ovulation or in the IVF protocol. At the same time, the woman's level of the hormone is increased not because she is pregnant, but because this drug was administered.

Pain pills, hormonal contraceptives, alcohol, antibiotics do not affect the result.


Women are ambiguous about the brand. There are those who were satisfied with the purchase, and there are those who claim that Clearblue let them down and cheated. Everyone notes the high price segment as a disadvantage, but the absence of dubious weak second stripes is an undoubted advantage, thanks to which decoding is not difficult. The accuracy is not really the 99% indicated on the packaging.

But in fairness, we note that no other self-diagnostic system has this accuracy. Even a digital model positioned as the most accurate can fail. So, according to reviews, with the result "Not pregnant" sometimes shows for some reason a period in weeks.

For information on how to choose the pregnancy test that suits you, see the next video.

Watch the video: Pregnancy Test Line Progression. 10-23 DPO. Baby #2 (July 2024).