
The first signs of early pregnancy

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of articles that promise to reveal "33 signs of pregnancy at the earliest stages" or "determine the sex of the child a week after conception." Sane women perceive such information with skepticism, because in the overwhelming majority such articles have nothing to do with the truth. And the question nevertheless remains open - how to determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date and is it possible to do this at all?

In this article, we will consider this topic in detail and will try to find an honest and truthful answer to each of the women's questions about the early diagnosis of an "interesting situation".

How does it start?

In most cases, an interesting and amazing period of the birth of a new life passes by a woman, she simply does not notice it. The majority begins to suspect something only when the next menstruation does not come. Indeed, medicine considers a delay in menstruation as the very first, but still an indirect sign of pregnancy.

The delay can be caused not only by pregnancy, but also by irregularities in the cycle, hormonal disruptions, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and a host of other reasons.

Women who are very much looking forward to the onset of pregnancy, planning it, trying to "get" into a favorable period for conception, on the contrary, "listen" to any changes in their body throughout the second half of the cycle. Finding symptoms and signs for them sometimes turns into an almost manic idea.

To treat this issue more calmly and sensibly, one should have a good idea of ​​how conception occurs and when, in principle, the first signs of an "interesting situation" may appear.

Fertilization of an oocyte (egg) is possible only within one day during the whole month. And the name of this day is ovulation. The ovum becomes available to male germ cells only after leaving the ruptured follicle and about 24 hours after this "event". At the time of ovulation, sperm cells can already be in the genital tract of a woman (if sex was a couple of days before that) or reach the oocyte within 24 hours after the female cell leaves the follicle in the ovary (if sex occurred on the day of ovulation or during the day).

There are no other fertile windows in the female cycle. The only exception is the rare case of the production of two eggs at once, one of which comes out earlier, and the other - later. In this case, the second can be fertilized, and then the conception will take place much later than the calendar calculations.

The sperm cell, after penetrating into the shell of the egg, begins to give it its DNA information. This is how a zygote begins to form, 50% of the paternal genetic material, and 50% of the maternal. Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube. From there, the zygote begins its journey into the uterus within a few hours after fertilization.

The egg itself cannot move, it is "helped" by the villi covering the inner part of the fallopian tube, as well as the contractions of the tube walls, which are imperceptible for the woman. Along the way, the zygote grows, splits and becomes a blastocyst. On the 6-8th day after ovulation (not after intercourse!), The blastocyst descends into the uterine cavity.

It is here that the baby will spend the next nine calendar months. But for this, the blastocyst must first successfully anchor in the uterine wall. While she was "traveling" through the tube and its mouth, the hormone progesterone began to be produced in the woman's body. It was he who launched the first changes in the structure of the uterine endometrium. The inner membranes of the reproductive organ have become friable, more filled with blood.

Implantation takes place within a few hours - due to the enzymes contained in the membranes, the ovum can partially dissolve the endometrial cells and literally "penetrate" or "grow" into it. Chorionic cells immediately begin to perform two important functions: they provide a connection between the ovum and the uterus, the flow of maternal blood, and also produce and release a special substance into the female bloodstream - chorionic gonadotropic hormone (hCG). HCG promotes additional production of progesterone. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

Theoretically, a woman can notice the first sensations at any stage of the advancement of the ovum and its implantation, but they cannot be called specific. Rather, they will be associated with an increase in progesterone levels, and a week after conception, with an increase in hCG levels. Therefore, the answer to the question, is it possible to feel pregnancy so early, is not so easy to find. Theoretically, it is possible, but in practice, a rare representative of the fair sex has such a high sensitivity.

Feelings before delay

First impressions are always subjective. If a woman really wants to be pregnant, then she quite often pretends to be wishful thinking and simply "thinks up" symptoms for herself. Sometimes the signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are mistaken for early signs of pregnancy (they really are very, very similar!).

It should be noted that not all women have premenstrual syndrome, and therefore the appearance of unusual sensations in them usually does not go unnoticed.

As already stated, the first signs before a delay in menstruation can begin at any time. Progesterone, the level of which in the blood rises within an hour and a half after ovulation, begins to prepare the female body for pregnancy even before fertilization itself takes place. It relaxes the uterine smooth muscle, preventing uterine contractions. It suppresses maternal immunity so that it does not reject the new life that has arisen, because the embryo is half alien to the immune system (it contains 50% of the genetic material of a man, which is alien to a woman's body, the immunity “does not know” it).

Progesterone already in the first days after implantation begins to "work" as a "caretaker", increasing the female appetite to create reserves of fat and glucose for the growth and development of the baby "for a rainy day". Progesterone helps to maintain pregnancy, which is why, if it is deficient in the body, implantation may not take place, and if the ovum still manages to gain a foothold, with a high degree of probability it will be rejected and die as soon as possible.

An increase in the level of progesterone, and after implantation - and chorionic gonadotropin, leaves an imprint on the work of all organs and systems of the female body at the biochemical level. Therefore, even before the delay, it is quite possible for the following symptoms and signs to appear.

Increased fatigue

Fatigue for no apparent reason is a consequence of the increased work of the body in conditions of a changed hormonal background, energy costs become higher. Such a symptom may appear within 6-7 days after ovulation.

Signs of a cold

Signs of a cold are a runny nose, nasal congestion without snot, difficulty breathing, general malaise. These signs are a consequence of the inhibitory effect of progesterone on the woman's immune system. In addition, progesterone slightly retains fluid in the tissues, which is why a runny nose appears, which is called physiological rhinitis of pregnancy.

Such a condition can be distinguished from a real cold or viral infection by the absence of high fever, liquid nasal discharge, and coughing.

From the point of view of biochemical processes, such a symptom can appear when the concentration of progesterone reaches a fairly high level, that is, not the next day after conception, but only after 8-10 days.

Sleep disturbance

In other words, insomnia or increased sleepiness. Normal sleep is disturbed not only by progesterone, which affects certain receptors of the nervous system in a completely unpredictable and unexpected way, but also a special center in the cerebral cortex - the "center of pregnancy". It is a temporary impulse center that appears after fertilization and disappears after childbirth. Its task is to regulate all nervous and physiological processes that are in one way or another associated with the period of gestation.

It is the work of this center in some pregnant women that later leads to the development of toxicosis in the first trimester. Before the delay in menstruation, the new center of the brain still does not interfere with the "neighbors" - the emetic center, the center of thermoregulation and others, but it is already beginning to assert itself. This manifests itself in a violation of some nerve connections, which causes difficulty falling asleep, abrupt and restless sleep at night, frequent awakenings.

Sometimes the body's reaction to the appearance of a new center in the cerebral cortex is the opposite - a woman begins to fall asleep in any position of the body, in any place and at any time, if she is left alone for a while. Sleep disturbances can appear as early as 4-5 days after conception.

Mood swings

Mood swings are a very difficult symptom to self-diagnose. Most women outside of pregnancy in the second phase of the menstrual cycle are not particularly balanced. But if fertilization still took place, then the first symptoms of emotional "swing" can appear only after implantation, when the hormone hCG begins to be produced. In combination with progesterone, it has a suppressive effect on the central nervous system of a woman.

By nature, this effect was intended to preserve the life of the embryo, because excessive emotional and mental "bursts" can harm the development of offspring at any stage of pregnancy. In practice, most often it looks like this: a woman becomes unstable, her mood changes from sadness to joy, she is easily irritated and becomes slightly distracted and forgetful.

This symptom may be present during premenstrual syndrome, but the mechanism of mood swings in PMS will be slightly different - exclusively progesterone. A woman with PMS is more irritable and even aggressive. If pregnancy has come, then tearfulness, resentment, aggression are more often observed.

A woman can begin to feel the first noticeable changes in her mood 10-11 days after ovulation, if the pregnancy has taken place.

Feeling of heaviness in the stomach

Usually a woman thinks that it is yesterday's dinner or breakfast today, that the reason for the slight and barely noticeable feeling of fullness in the stomach is in gas formation. But going to the toilet and even having an enema do not relieve this strange sensation. The fact is that under the influence of progesterone, the uterus and ovaries begin to fill with blood more intensively. This creates a feeling of "fullness".

Such a symptom can manifest itself only when the blood flow becomes more intense, and this will happen after the introduction of the ovum into the functional layer of the endometrium of the uterus.

Often, women notice this symptom only 12-14 days after ovulation, that is, by the beginning of the delay. It is often mistakenly interpreted as a harbinger of the onset of menstruation.

Tingling in the uterus

Medicine can explain these feelings only by the softening effect that the same hormone progesterone has on the endometrium and the muscles of the woman's reproductive organ. However, some women may have tingling sensations, while others will not. This rather subjective symptom can theoretically manifest itself sporadically on any day of the second phase of the menstrual cycle with completed conception, starting from about 3-4 days after ovulation.


Regular headaches can begin after implantation of the ovum into the uterus. Most women say that the head hurts for a short time, usually in the evening or in the morning. The pains pass as suddenly as they began. The reason lies in the changed hormonal balance.

Breast sensitivity

There are women who, according to the condition of their breasts, can almost accurately determine whether to wait for "critical days" this month or go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. But this is possible only if a woman knows well the characteristics of her body and has become pregnant more than once. For most of the fair sex, the "language" of the mammary glands is not entirely clear.

Let's say right away - all changes in the mammary gland are hormone-dependent. This means that this is how the gland reacts to an increase in progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, regardless of whether pregnancy has occurred. However, during pregnancy, the balance of other hormones will change in the early stages. For example, the prolactin level will change subtle for diagnosis. Therefore, quite often women note that pregnancy may not necessarily indicate painful sensations in the chest, but rather unusual ones.

If in normal cycles the breasts began to ache by menstruation, during the “pregnant” cycle the mammary glands can be surprisingly calm and painless. If the breast is usually not very disturbed before menstruation, then it can be assumed that the increase in pain may not indicate pregnancy.

Such a symptom should not be expected before the end of the cycle, that is, 10-13 days after ovulation.

Heartburn, constipation, frequent urination

Usually, such symptoms appear later than in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, but in some cases, it is with such unpleasant manifestations that the woman's body reacts to an increase in the concentration of progesterone.

Increased body temperature

With the onset of pregnancy after implantation, women quite often note that in the second half of the day their body temperature may rise slightly - up to 37.0-37.5 degrees. There is a feeling of chills or heat, mild headaches. This is a consequence of the suppression of the immune defense of the female body, such "attacks" will pass as soon as the body fully adapts to the new state, that is, by about the middle of the second month of pregnancy.


This is a fairly common sign of pregnancy at the very beginning. And it, despite the strangeness of the wording, is quite easy to identify. A symptom manifests itself in the form of uncontrolled salivation in a dream.

A woman may notice that the edge of the pillow is wet in the morning. The symptom has a completely scientific explanation - the work of the new center of the cerebral cortex "infringes" on the work of the center responsible for the production of saliva. Quite often, such a sign indicates an onset and developing pregnancy.

Implant bleeding

A huge number of reviews and entries of women on thematic forums are devoted to this symptom, and therefore we decided to consider it separately from others. Indeed, unusual discharge about a week after ovulation can be quite informative in terms of early diagnosis of the "interesting position".

From the point of view of official medicine and science, at the time of implantation, with the destruction of the part of the endometrium, into which the blastocyst is inserted, it is quite possible that there is a slight bleeding, which is called implantation. On the physical level, a woman may feel slight pulling pains in her lower back on the day of implantation. They can be called pains very conditionally, rather, it is just a little discomfort.

On a daily sanitary napkin, you may find an abundant, scanty discharge. Sometimes there are only a few drops. The color will be due to the presence of a certain amount of blood in the vaginal secretion - pink, yellowish, cream, brown. Scarlet blood usually does not occur during implantation.

Implantation bleeding stops literally in a few hours, in extreme cases, it lasts no more than a day. And this is its difference from the premature onset of menstruation, for which this symptom is usually taken. By the way, according to statistics, only 35-45% of women have this symptom. For the majority, however, implantation does not manifest itself in any way.

You should be aware that implantation bleeding is not dangerous for the development of pregnancy. Implantation itself does not guarantee a successful pregnancy. Sometimes the ovum is rejected immediately after implantation or stops developing within a few days. This may be due to diseases of the woman, chromosomal or genetic defects of the embryo, in which its further growth is impossible, as well as a host of other factors, not all of which can be explained by medicine.

The successful development of the fetus will be indicated by a twofold increase in the level of the hormone hCG, which will occur every two days starting from the moment of implantation. Below we will explain how this can be determined.

Changes in appearance

From the point of view of medicine, external changes in a woman should not occur before the delay. But examples from the rich female personal experience, generously published by the fair sex on the Internet, suggest otherwise. Since women planning pregnancy, and especially those who have been planning it for a long time and so far to no avail, have learned well to "listen" to changes in themselves, quite often certain groups of complaints about external changes are noted already within the first week after conception.

These changes most often include a slight swelling of the face, which appears before the delay. It is physiologically associated with fluid retention in tissues caused by the hormone progesterone. However, a slight swelling can also be observed in non-pregnant women in the second half of the menstrual cycle, especially a few days before the start of the next menstruation, also due to an increased concentration of progesterone.

Acne of varying intensity often appears about 5-6 days after ovulation. It is of endocrine origin and appears in most women before the delay. However, it should be understood that acne can have many other causes that have nothing to do with pregnancy.

Many women note that they have begun to look better, a blush appeared on their cheeks, and a perky shine appeared in their eyes. And everyone around you usually notice, give compliments. The blush on the cheeks is associated with increased blood volume and increased vascular permeability, which are thus affected by the same pregnancy hormone - progesterone.

In women suffering from chronic hemorrhoids, after conception, an exacerbation of the piquant problem with varicose hemorrhoidal veins may be observed. For many women, the first sign is the manifestation of thrush, because immunity is reduced, which gives the fungi the opportunity to start multiplying in more favorable conditions for themselves.

Thrush in any case needs treatment, regardless of whether the pregnancy has come or not.

The most ambiguous of their described symptoms is cystitis. Many women note that it becomes painful and unpleasant to empty the bladder a few days before the date of the next menstruation. Cystitis, like thrush, is caused by a decrease in immunity due to the "fault" of an increased concentration of progesterone.

When the immune defense weakens, pathogenic bacteria, including those that have entered the urethra from the rectum, are activated, which causes all women to have known signs of cystitis - pain during urination, frequent trips to the toilet, discomfort in the perineum.

Symptoms after delay

Delay is in itself a very striking and characteristic sign of pregnancy. After a delay, there is usually no need to look for any signs of an "interesting situation", because laboratory diagnostics of pregnancy is already becoming available.

In the first week after the onset of the delay, women who did not feel anything unusual before it did not notice a significant difference in well-being. If the first early signs were felt a week earlier, after a delay they may intensify.


As a rule, in the second week after the onset of the delay, and it corresponds to 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, early toxicosis may appear. It can be both moderate and quite pronounced. There are also lucky ones who do not know what toxicosis is in principle.

Whether toxicosis or not depends on the woman's age, on the state of her immunity, and genetic predisposition. The mechanisms of development of toxicosis have not been studied enough, but the immune explanation of what is happening seems to be the most plausible. Until the young placenta is formed, and it usually begins to function at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, the woman's body is trying to "get used" to the new "tenant", as well as to a new, enhanced mode of operation of all organs and systems.

Most often, toxicosis is manifested by nausea, vomiting, intolerance to smells that previously gave pleasure, intolerance to certain types of food, certain foods. Also, toxicosis can be accompanied by exacerbations of allergic reactions, if a woman has a predisposition to them, which once again proves the immune factor of toxicosis.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen

Almost all women in the second week after a delay note that it becomes uncomfortable to sit for a long time with a straight back - the heaviness in the lower abdomen interferes. The uterus begins to grow, while the changes in its size are still minimal, but they already differ from the size characteristic of a woman outside the state of pregnancy, in addition, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases.

The state of the mammary glands changes

They begin to increase in size, the sensitivity to touching the nipples increases, the areola may become slightly darker. Some women notice that a bluish venous network on the mammary glands becomes noticeable. Multiparous women, especially those who have breastfed their first child for a long time, may release a few drops of colostrum when pressing on the nipple.

In general, signs of pregnancy after the next menstruation have not come can not be considered clinically characteristic, since and delay, and an increase in body temperature, and cystitis, and soreness of the mammary glands can be manifestations of pathologies that have nothing to do with pregnancy.

That is why, after 1-2 days of delay, it is recommended not to guess at the coffee grounds, but simply to be examined, because the diagnosis is no longer difficult.

When is diagnosis possible?

Often, around early diagnosis, women arrange real hysteria - 4 days after sex on the day of ovulation, they run to the pharmacy, buy up a large supply of test strips and start using them every morning and evening in search of the so-called ghost strip (weak second line). Why such actions do not make sense and only harm is easy to understand, given that all tests begin to respond only when a sufficiently solid supply of hCG accumulates in the urine.

Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced, as we said above, only from the moment of implantation, and therefore up to 7-9 days after ovulation, it does not make sense to use any tests at all. Even supersensitive strips are not able to detect in urine what is not in it yet.

The first rise in the hCG level will be two days after implantation, but it will be so small that only a laboratory analysis of the woman's venous blood can record it. The hormone level will double in 2 more days and will be perfectly determined in the blood. Thus, the most impatient of the fair sex is recommended to do a blood test at any clinic 10-12 days after ovulation (this is the 24-26th day of the cycle). It costs quite inexpensively (about 500-600 rubles), but the accuracy of the result tends to 100%.

Chorionic hormone enters the urine much later than the blood, and therefore the manufacturers of test strips recommend using home tests only from the first day of delay, when the level of hCG in the fluid excreted by the kidneys exceeds the sensitivity threshold of the reagent applied to the test strip. The advantage of such tests is availability and low cost, the disadvantage is accuracy.

Quite often, contrary to the assurances of manufacturers, such tests give false positive or false negative results.

After IVF or artificial insemination, test strips are contraindicated in principle, because the protocol most often uses an injection of hCG to stimulate ovulation, and traces of the hormone remain in the patient's urine and blood for a long time. Such women should look for an answer to the question of whether there is a pregnancy, should not earlier than 14 days after embryo transfer or intrauterine insemination. During these periods, you can make the first blood test for hCG.

If the test is positive, the woman wants to make sure it is true. Therefore, it is understandable and natural that the expectant mother wants to get an ultrasound scan and an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible. However, there is no need to rush. Immediately after the delay, neither ultrasound diagnostics nor the doctor of the highest category will be able to answer the question of whether there will be a child.

After natural conception, an ultrasound scan should go no earlier than 5-6 weeks of pregnancy (this is 3-4 weeks after ovulation or 1-2 weeks after the start of the delay). At this time, the ovum will be well visualized, and by the end of the 6th week it will be possible to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. With the results of the ultrasound, you can go to the antenatal clinic and get registered for pregnancy.

After IVF, the first ultrasound is performed at a clearly defined time frame - on day 21 after the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity, a confirmatory diagnosis is made, on the 28th day after the transfer - a clarifying one. The first shows whether there is a pregnancy at all, how many fetuses are in the uterus, and the second - whether the embryos are viable, whether they are alive, whether they are growing in accordance with the term and whether their heart beats. After that, you can also go to the consultation for registration.

Why is rushing to diagnose bad? Because, soaking the 15th test a week before the delay and not seeing the stripes on it, the woman is nervous and very worried. Stress becomes chronic, specific stress hormones lead to suppression of the natural production of sex hormones. Such a "diagnosis" can result in the rejection of the ovum, early miscarriage. Sometimes stress is the only reason for IVF failure or lack of implantation during natural conception.

How to determine the gender of a child?

The sex of the child is predetermined at the time of fertilization. It depends on which type of sperm was able to get to the egg first. If fertilization occurred with a sperm-carrier of genetic set XX, a girl will be born, if with sperm-XY, a boy will be born. However, sex differences in embryos of different sexes will begin to form only at the 9th week of pregnancy, and until that moment the embryos look exactly the same. It is possible to establish their gender only with IVF, if preimplantation genetic diagnostics is performed.

Neither before the delay nor after it is it possible to establish who is due to be born in nine months. However, women stubbornly continue to assert that in some situations they perfectly felt what gender they were carrying almost immediately after conception:

  • The moms of the boys claim that almost from the very beginning of pregnancy, before the delay or immediately after it, they noticed that their appearance had noticeably improved, nails and hair became stronger, and pimples disappeared. Before the delay, the temperature did not rise, but the sensations of heat almost constantly pursued, and the legs almost always remained cold. The appetite of the boys' mothers began to increase almost from the very beginning of the "interesting position"; meat products and fish prevailed among taste preferences. There was practically no toxicosis, as well as drowsiness, depression of mood.

  • Girls moms claim that within a week after the start of the delay, their appearance changed for the worse - there was swelling of the face, lips, nose, the skin became paler, and sweating increased. In the early stages, body temperature often rose, and the feet and palms were almost always hot to the touch. Morning sickness to one degree or another manifested itself before the delay or in the first days after it. The mood often changed, the actions were notable for confusion and lack of logic. There was almost no appetite, or I just wanted something sweet or dairy.

Please note that these signs are not confirmed or refuted by medicine and science. There is no logical explanation for what is happening. It should be noted that the coincidence of signs with the real sex of the child is observed only in half of the cases. This means that even with a male embryo, a woman can eat chocolates and suffer from toxicosis, and with a girl in an early period, the expectant mother can feel great and demand herring and onions.

The body's response to pregnancy is highly individual. And it only depends on her how this or that woman will feel pregnancy, what she will prefer from food, as well as what external signs and how long she will show.

Common questions

In connection with attempts to determine pregnancy at the earliest possible date, women usually have a lot of questions, the answers to which they are looking for, including on the Internet. We tried to select the most discussed and answer them as truthfully as possible.

The test showed a positive result, but menstruation began

Test strips can be expired, a woman can make mistakes when performing a test, hCG can be increased in a woman's body due to the growth of a tumor of any localization. All this may be the reason that the test will show a positive or weakly positive result in the absence of pregnancy.

Sometimes pregnancy is of a biochemical nature, in which implantation will first take place, but then the development of the embryo will be interrupted. The hCG level will be elevated, but your period will come after a short delay. In any case, after a positive test from a pharmacy, it is best to do a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropic hormone twice with a difference of 2-4 days, so that you not only know about the fact of pregnancy, but also see that it develops.

The test showed one thing, but the blood test showed another

In this case, it all depends on what the blood test showed. It is more accurate, and therefore there is more reason to trust laboratory research. The reason for the difference in results may lie in incorrect testing at home or in the fact that the rapid test itself was defective or expired.

The test showed a negative result, but the period did not come

This situation is possible if the test was performed too early, when the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine did not reach the concentration necessary for accurate diagnosis. Another option is the test of rights, just the delay is caused by pathologies from the organs of the reproductive system, stress or endocrine disorders.

In case of a delay, be sure to repeat the test or do a blood test for hCG.

Basal temperature does not rise

Women who closely monitor the basal temperature know that at the time of ovulation, it rises, and in case of conception, it does not fall, remaining above 37.0 degrees. However, the temperature in the rectum depends on the level of progesterone. Therefore, in some women with an insufficient level of this hormone, the basal temperature after conception can remain quite low by general standards - 36.6-38.0 degrees. This does not mean that pregnancy will not be possible. But an early threat may arise.

If the temperature does not rise on the expected day of ovulation, this may indicate the absence of ovulation in this cycle, an anovulatory cycle. If a woman has no more than 2-3 such "empty" cycles a year, there is nothing to worry about. If more, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause of the cycle disorder. In anovulatory cycles, conception is impossible.

When can an unwanted pregnancy be terminated?

If it so happens that early pregnancy is unwanted, women wonder how quickly it can be terminated. It is impossible to do this the next day after receiving positive test results. A normal abortion can be performed up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, but first you need to pass all tests and get a referral.

Medical abortion can be done earlier, but only after the pregnancy has been confirmed by ultrasound. It is optimal to go to the clinic at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, do an ultrasound scan and conclude a contract for a medical abortion.

After 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, such termination of pregnancy will be denied by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Can I get registered for pregnancy later?

It is clear that it is too early to get registered in the first month. But you should not delay contacting a gynecologist. It is best to contact an antenatal clinic 2-3 weeks after the start of the delay. At this time, the doctor will be able to determine pregnancy by manual examination of the uterus, by ultrasound and by a blood test for hCG.

The main thing is to be in time before 12 weeks, when the first prenatal screening takes place. However, you should know that early registration sometimes helps to identify pathologies and problems that appear before 12 weeks, and this is in the interests of both the child and the mother.

For the first signs of early pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Earliest Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period (July 2024).