
Prunes during pregnancy

Dried plums are not for everybody's taste. But during pregnancy, keeping in mind the great benefits of prunes, many women decide to introduce this popular dried fruit into their diet. However, its use has its own characteristics, which the expectant mother should be aware of.

Benefits for a pregnant woman

Dried plums are called prunes. Its juice and the dried fruit itself have a pronounced laxative effect due to the content of phenolic complexes - chlorogenic acids and sorbitol. Almost 7% in the composition of the product - it is a dietary fiber that perfectly stimulates the receptors of the intestinal walls, prompting it to increased peristalsis... This is the basis of the laxative effect of prunes.

Dried plum fruits are rich in antioxidants, and these substances are necessary to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and heavy metal salts.

Several years ago, scientists conducted a study on a model of colon cancer in experimental rats. As a result of laboratory experiments, it was proved that prunes have a good effect on the natural microflora of the lower intestines, and therefore dried fruit was recognized as a good means of preventing colorectal cancer.

Moderate consumption of prunes during pregnancy will not only help maintain normal bowel function, but will also prevent hemorrhoids. However, a woman should be careful - exceeding the permissible recommended amount of the product can lead to intestinal disorders, diarrhea, dehydration.

Prunes are rich in sugars, they perfectly satisfy hunger and can act as a full-fledged dessert. Most of the factory weaknesses during the period of gestation are prohibited, and the craving for sweets may well satisfy a more useful prune than candy.

Dried plums are available at any time of the year, their quality does not depend on the season. The chemical composition of the dried fruit is rich - there are also B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, metabolic processes and reducing the tone of the uterus. The fruits are rich in pectin, organic acids, fructose. Vitamins C, A, niacin are presented in large quantities.

Among the minerals, potassium is the real leader in terms of content in prunes. It is necessary for the correct balance of electrolyte salts and is able to lower blood pressure, which is important for women with hypertension and gestosis.

The presence of solid doses of magnesium makes prunes natural sedative - with its systematic use, a woman will feel an improvement in her mood, her sleep will become stronger and more calm, anxiety will decrease, and the ability to withstand stress will increase.

Iodine in dried plums will support the thyroid gland, and iron will help to avoid anemia, which is common in many pregnant women.

Thus, there are several good reasons to include dried plums in the diet, since it will support digestion and metabolism, will have a positive effect on blood composition and the condition of blood vessels, the skin will become healthier, blood pressure will decrease and water balance will improve, which is important when the presence of edema. Prunes stimulate the production of bile and help maintain a normal weight.

Potential harm and contraindications

There are practically no strict contraindications for dried plums during pregnancy, there are only certain recommendations and precautions. If you follow them and take the product correctly, negative consequences can be avoided.

If a pregnant woman eats the product uncontrollably, in large quantities, this can be fraught with unpleasant complications, for example, overweight, an increase in the blood sugar level of the expectant mother, which is dangerous for the development of gestational diabetes.

With constipation, the laxative effect has a cumulative effect, and therefore a woman who overeats prunes can easily go from constipation to diarrhea, which will not bring benefits for sure.

The development of an allergic reaction to the product is possible... The probability is higher in women with a burdened allergic history, but with the onset of pregnancy it is quite difficult to predict the behavior of the immune system, and in fact every expectant mother has the probability of an allergy. Therefore, the product should be introduced in small quantities, observing its own condition, tracking the slightest changes in it.

If a woman suffers from diabetes mellitus or its gestational form, you definitely need to ask your doctor if it is permissible to take dried plums. Most often, such pregnant women are not allowed to eat it, but if the condition is well corrected and therapy helps to control blood sugar levels, small amounts of prunes can be allowed.

It is not recommended to eat a lot of prunes for women who have a predisposition to bloating, increased gas production. Fruits in the intestines increase fermentation, which is fraught with increased bloating and pain.

Tips for correct use

A pregnant woman should eat only high-quality fruits with a uniform color, not too hard, without signs of rot and plaque... Since the fruits are sweet, pathogenic bacteria can easily and quickly multiply in such dried fruits, the waste products of which are toxic and can cause severe food poisoning. therefore the choice of prunes for a woman's nutrition during pregnancy should be taken with full responsibility.

For constipation, dried plums can be eaten neat, after thoroughly washing it out and letting it lie in water for about a quarter of an hour. But this is not the only way to deal with a delicate problem.

You can make a pleasant and very healthy dessert with dried apricots and prunes. For this, the fruits are taken in equal amounts, crushed in a blender. If the expectant mother is not allergic to honey, add a spoonful of this product to the mixture, roll up balls or sausages. This will make sweets that perfectly satisfy the desire to eat sweets and at the same time regulate the work of the intestines.

Sweet balls can be added to porridge, cottage cheese, yogurt, you can drink tea with them. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to overeat. It is allowed to eat no more such dried fruit sweets per day than the amount that will be obtained from five medium-sized prunes.

You can make tea for constipation. To do this, pour a few medium fruits with boiling water and stand for about a quarter of an hour. The infusion takes longer and better if you use a thermos for this - you need to insist the fruits in boiling water for at least five hours. A decoction for edema and constipation is done in a water bath and then insisted for at least 3 hours.

It is important not to overdo it with such drinks during pregnancy - drink them to prevent constipation no more than twice a week.

If constipation has already happened, it is worth taking whole fruits, previously soaked in water, on an empty stomach.

Early Prunes May Help Fight Toxicosis - pieces of sweet fruit with a characteristic taste and aroma will help to reduce the number and intensity of nausea attacks. In the later stages, the product will be an excellent tool for timely bowel cleansing.

If you see that prunes are shiny, then before you use them for food, ohgive the fruit boiling water... Often, manufacturers and sellers grease it with oil for a more presentable look of shriveled dried plums.

Too soft fruits are a sign of improper harvesting, there is no guarantee that pathogenic bacteria no longer breed inside. Too hard fruit is overdried, and such a prune will definitely not give you a lot of vitamins.

Remember that heat treatment, especially long-term, kills most of the vitamins and destroys the mineral composition.

Watch the video: Constipation In Pregnancy Hindi. By Dr. Mukesh Gupta (July 2024).