
Can you eat dates during pregnancy?

Dates are an ancient product with a rich history. It was appreciated in the countries of the Middle East and Africa, in India and Mesopotamia for several thousand years before our era. The fruits are depicted in the frescoes of ancient Babylon, they are mentioned in the Bible and the Koran. And all because a small date is a source of great energy and a helper for those who want to stay healthy. But pregnant women are wary of these fruits. Whether there are grounds for fears, and how to properly take the product for expectant mothers, this article will tell.

Benefits for expectant mothers

Dates are the fruit of the date palm. They are considered highly valuable. Such palms grow exclusively in countries with hot climates, and therefore dates usually get on the table of Russians not fresh fruits, but dried ones - in the form of dried fruits.

The fruits of other plants are often called dates, which, from a biological point of view, are not directly related to date palms. For example, the fruit of ziziphus is often called the Chinese date, but this is an erroneous wording.

Speaking about whether pregnant women can eat these dried fruits, the answer is always yes, dates are very useful for women and when planning pregnancy, and while carrying a baby. But their use requires a certain accuracy and compliance with certain conditions.

Speaking about what dates are from a chemical point of view, it should be noted that it is a very high-calorie product, with more than 200 kcal per 100 grams. This means that a woman should be extremely careful - if there are a lot of dates, then you can quickly gain extra pounds, which will significantly complicate the course of pregnancy, and the course of childbirth, and the postpartum recovery period.

Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals, which allowed the wanderers and heroes of ancient legends to eat for weeks in wastelands only on them, only drinking them with water. But at the same time, the date is a real record holder in terms of the glycemic index, and therefore the product is not suitable for diabetics.

Due to its high calorie content dates quickly saturate, satisfy hunger and restore energy balance. This can be beneficial during pregnancy, when a woman wants to eat almost all the time, as well as for expectant mothers who work hard, study and often experience all the "delights" of chronic fatigue and exhaustion. A couple of dates will help you quickly regain strength and feel good and cheerful.

Due to the abundance of glucose, the fruits of the date palm prevent the development of acetonemia and support the liver.

The fruits are rich in B vitamins, especially folic acid. It is necessary at the planning stage of pregnancy and in the early stages, since it is directly involved in laying the baby's nervous system. Scientists have proven that a lack of folic acid can lead to the formation of fetal neural tube defects - anencephaly, microcephaly, hydrocephalus, nonunion of the spinal column. Many of these intrauterine abnormalities are incompatible with life. And therefore dates are an excellent treat for pregnant women in the first trimester, if there are no contraindications.

Ascorbic acid in the fruit will help maintain the state of immunity, and all expectant mothers need this, because their immune defense is reduced. Magnesium as part of a date, it will support the nervous system of the expectant mother, help to establish sleep and increase stress resistance. Potassium necessary to ensure the correct water-salt balance of the body.

It is believed that some plant substances in the composition of dried fruit contribute to the production of oxytocin and the formation of a generic dominant in the later stages, and therefore expectant mothers are advised these fruits before childbirth in order to prevent the baby from being overdue.

Eating dates gives a woman pleasure. Serotonin is actively produced - the hormone of joy and happiness... The mood improves, and stress begins to seem like something so insignificant that you don't even want to pay attention to them.

If a woman suffers from a mild form of gestosis with edema, then dates due to the content of calcium salts will help to cope with slight puffiness - urination increases, the amount of intercellular fluid decreases, edema disappears naturally.

Dates are also recommended for constipation... They stimulate the intestinal walls, because plant fiber, passing through the digestive tract, is not digested, it gently irritates the receptors, increasing peristalsis. Eating dates wisely can help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

Iron content dates are considered a delicious medicine for anemia of pregnancy. And phosphorus and calcium are necessary for the proper formation of bone tissue and the musculoskeletal system of the baby.

With toxicosis, a woman can relieve an attack of nausea with just one date. A big plus of the product is that dates almost never cause allergies, and therefore can even be included in the diet of women with allergies in moderation.

Harm and contraindications

There are two main dangers from eating dates - high calorie content and high glycemic index. Therefore, dates are either strictly limited, or, in general, are prohibited for women suffering from diabetes of any type, as well as expectant mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus. The rest, who have high risks of carbohydrate metabolism disorders, but so far not critical, should take dates carefully. taking into account the very likely jump in blood sugar levels and only after consulting your doctor.

The high calorie content of the product is the reason why the fruits of the date palm are not recommended for women with obesity, overweight and pathological weight gain for the current period of pregnancy.

Dates should be used with care by expectant mothers who have problems with the condition of their teeth. A high sugar content is an increased risk of caries, and they can only be reduced by the competent use of dates: after a woman has eaten them, you need to rinse your mouth with clean water. In this case, the acidity level will be maintained at a stable level, and pathogenic bacteria, so "respecting" the sweet environment, will not receive food for active reproduction.

So that there is no harm a woman without diabetes and obesity should eat no more than 5-7 fruits per day... Exceeding this dose recommended by experts can lead to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, diarrhea, digestive disorders, unjustified weight gain, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

How to take at different times?

Pregnancy has three trimesters. And each of them has its own characteristics that a woman should be aware of when planning her diet. Dates at different times can affect the body in different ways.

1 trimester

In the early stages it is important for pregnant women to maintain balance, preventing the lack of vitamins and their excess. During embryogenesis, both are dangerous. And therefore it is very important at the beginning of pregnancy to strictly adhere to the recommended amount of the product, especially if a woman is simultaneously taking multivitamins. During the first trimester, many nutritionists generally advise against eating dates, as women may gain weight. And also the production of oxytocin is considered dangerous at this time.

But in order for a woman to have a miscarriage due to overeating the fruits of the date palm, you need to eat them 10 kilograms, no less. And, naturally, no one can handle this amount. Therefore, 2-3 fruits, for example, to relieve toxicosis, if a woman loves dates, are permissible.

2 trimester

In the second trimester, if desired and in the absence of contraindications, the number of fruits can be increased to 7 per day. At this time, the risks are minimal, and a woman may well enjoy her position and goodies.

3 trimester

If when is the best time to consume this product, it is the third trimester. In later stages, and especially before childbirth in the last weeks, dates are a highly recommended delicacy, which is considered an important dish for preparing for childbirth. It seems that the hormonal benefits of the product are somewhat exaggerated, but the harm in the absence of diabetes and excess weight has not been proven by medicine.

The only thing that should not be hoped for is a reduction in the time of childbirth, which experts in traditional medicine promise if a woman eats dates. The time of childbirth does not depend on food addictions.

How to choose and use correctly?

An oriental delicacy on the shelves of Russian stores gets after processing in paraffin and sugar syrup. This helps extend their shelf life, but makes them even sweeter than fresh date palms.

Experts are confident that choosing the right dried fruit will help the pregnant woman get more benefits and less harm... Therefore, when choosing a product, you need to carefully evaluate the skin - if it has cracks, if it is sticky or has a strange sheen, such fruits are unsuitable for feeding expectant mothers. Take the product only from reputable stores, do not buy dates hand-held at roadside stalls and questionable green markets.

Good fresh dates do not show signs of mold, unpleasant odor, or bitter taste.

The fruits can be consumed as a separate delicacy, or can be used in cooking, for example, for stuffing apples or adding to a curd casserole. Some include sweet dates combined with sour berries or fruits in the compote, while not adding sugar to the dish, since the fruits of the date palm are generously shared with their more sour neighbors in the culinary community.

For more information on why pregnant women need to eat dates, see the next video.

Watch the video: Dates Khajur, Ayurveda and Pregnancy. Benefits of Dry Fruits in Pregnancy - Ep2 (July 2024).