
Tomatoes during pregnancy: rules of use, benefits and harms

With the onset of pregnancy, women often change their taste preferences. And if one wants herring with onions, and the other wants jam with black bread, then many begin to dream of tomatoes. At the same time, nutritionists warn against excessive consumption of tomatoes, and therefore the question arises whether expectant mothers are allowed to eat tomatoes. How to do it right to get the most benefit?

What are the benefits for pregnant women?

Tomatoes are fruits that contain many vitamins. This is mainly ascorbic acid, vitamins E and K, PP, folic acid. The juicy pulp contains many minerals:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur.

In addition, red-sided tomatoes are rich in organic acids, glucose, lycopene... Considering the ratio and quantitative indicators of vitamins and minerals, the product is fully approved for the nutrition of pregnant women, they can be eaten, but with some restrictions. The benefits of tomatoes during pregnancy are great and difficult to dispute. Ascorbic acid in the fruit helps to strengthen the immune system.

The body's natural defense during the period of gestation is in a depressed state, it is weakened, and therefore external support will not hurt. Naturally, eating tomatoes will not be able to fully protect a woman from influenza or SARS, but it will comprehensively support her. And even if the disease happens, the recovery will be faster.

Tocopherol strengthens blood vessels, makes their walls more elastic, which has a positive effect not only on the blood circulation of the pregnant woman, but also on the blood circulation in the mother-placenta-fetus system, and therefore the child receives more nutrients and oxygen. Vitamin PP is useful for overwork, fatigueas it helps to replenish the body's energy reserves. It is believed to also help lower cholesterol levels.

B vitamins and especially folic acid are important for the baby no less than for his mother. Folic acid is involved in the formation of the child's nervous system, and its deficiency can lead to malformations of the neural tube. Vitamin K, which tomatoes are so rich in, is needed to improve blood clotting. He also participates in the formation of the baby's bone tissue.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of the mineral composition. Potassium, magnesium, iron are needed for blood formation and correct functioning of the nervous system. These same minerals are needed to maintain normal muscle function and prevent seizure activity. Iodine contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Magnesium is a doubly useful substance. Both the baby and the mother need it. Due to its mild effect on the nervous system, magnesium is highly recommended for pregnant women. Therefore, tomatoes can be safely called a natural sedative and food of "good mood".

But the main advantage of tomatoes is the presence of lycopene in fruits. This unique natural substance is a powerful antioxidant. It also gives the tomatoes their red color. It is lycopene that reduces the risks of cardiovascular ailments and oncological tumors. No wonder experienced oncologists advise women to eat fresh tomatoes more often to avoid breast cancer.

Lycopene reduces excessive appetite, which will help you not pass, even if you have a strong urge to eat. It effectively fights against harmful microbes that inhabit the intestines, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.

Of course, fresh ground tomatoes are the healthiest ones. Greenhouses are grown using chemical fertilizers that accelerate their growth. In addition, all heat-treated tomatoes lose most of their useful composition.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits of tomatoes, there are situations in which you need to be careful with them. Moderately eat tomatoes during pregnancy by women with previously diagnosed chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder. In case of problems with the pancreas, it is better to refuse tomatoes - they are too heavy for digestion in case of enzyme deficiency. You should not abuse tomatoes for women with hypertension, as well as with arthritis.

Women who often have problems with the work of the intestines and stomach should definitely consult their doctor about their diet. Organic acids in the tomato pulp can be provocateurs of pain in cholelithiasis. Therefore, women with such a diagnosis are advised to give up tomatoes altogether, choosing other vegetables for nutrition.

Excessive use of fruits and juice from it is also harmful. It is believed that too much tomato juice with prolonged and systematic use can cause kidney stones. Allergies to tomatoes are rare, but this may well happen with a pregnant woman. With the onset of pregnancy, the work of the immune system changes, and even products that have not previously caused a negative immunological reaction may well become allergenic during the period of gestation.

If you find a skin rash, nausea, abdominal pain after consuming the product, if diarrhea develops, you should stop taking tomatoes and consult a doctor.

Are salted foods allowed?

Salted tomatoes are strongly associated with pregnancy. It is believed that expectant mothers are simply uncontrollably eating pickled tomatoes. In fact, cravings for them are on par with other foods. If you want to eat such a product, then you should choose lightly salted tomatoes. Allowed 1 fruit per week. Salted tomatoes cannot be included in the diet every day.

Pickled and pickled tomatoes are strictly prohibited, be it large tomatoes or cherry tomatoes, for women with high blood pressure, edema, pathological weight gain. Salt retains water in the body, which provokes renal complications, even more severe edema, aggravation of gestosis and an increase in blood pressure.

Canned foods are generally not recommended for the nutrition of expectant mothers for any period. This increases the burden on the kidneys, and the preservatives that are part of factory-made marinades can be dangerous for the development of the fetus and the bearing of the baby.

Safe use rules

The safe use of such delicious fruits as tomatoes is possible at any stage of pregnancy. It is better to choose fresh tomatoes, moreover, grown in season, ground ones. If it is a cold season in the yard, and you cannot find ground tomatoes, it is better to replace this fruit with any other, since imported tomatoes contain nothing but harm. The pulp and thin peel absorb nitrates and nitrogenous compounds well, and a pregnant woman does not need them.

Choosing tomatoes to feed the expectant mother, it is better to choose medium-sized specimens, not the most beautiful, shiny and red, but natural, grown in the beds. Fleshy and weighty tomatoes are usually of greenhouse origin. They don't suit you. Fruits that are too ripe with cracked skins are an increased risk factor. They easily and quickly multiply pathogenic bacteria, which can cause severe and dangerous food poisoning for a pregnant woman.

A woman in early pregnancy can also make a salad with tomatoes, adding onions, cucumbers, and fresh herbs to it. The use of such a dish allows many to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, nausea.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, tomatoes can be generously seasoned with vegetable oil. In this case, the dish will also become an excellent prevention of constipation and hemorrhoids.

A woman can afford tomato juice at any time. It is better to make it yourself from ripe fruits. Store juice, which is sold in packs or cans, certainly contains preservatives, and a cheap product may also contain flavors and dyes. Such drinks are extremely harmful and negatively affect the health of a woman and her baby.

Homemade juice can be taken neat or mixed with other vegetable juices such as beetroot or carrot... A reasonable amount of tomato juice is no more than 3-5 glasses per week. Instead of pickled and pickled tomatoes, it is better to choose tomatoes in their own juice. It is also advisable not to buy them ready-made, but to make them yourself. Tomatoes added to vegetable stews, baked or boiled, will not have the same benefits as fresh ones.

Traditional medicine ascribes another use to tomatoes. Pregnant women can quickly reduce the manifestations of varicose veins if the pulp of a ripe tomato is applied to the legs as a lotion. On what such a recommendation of traditional healers is based, official medicine does not know, and therefore it is rather difficult to comment on how effective the method is.

If we talk about which tomatoes are healthier for a pregnant woman, then red ones are worth mentioning. They are more rich in lycopene than yellow or brown ones. But for women who have a burdened allergic history and suffer, for example, allergies to certain vegetables, fruits and red berries, it is better to reduce the amount of lycopene. Yellow tomatoes, brown ones are more suitable for them.

Otherwise, the pregnant woman herself has the right to choose which tomatoes to eat. It all depends on financial capabilities, time of year, region of residence and the presence or absence of individual contraindications.

For food dangerous for pregnant women, see the next video.

Watch the video: Just Drink 6 These Juices Will Keep You Healthy During Pregnancy (July 2024).