
At what age can a child be given an omelet?

Eggs are an important staple in the children's menu. The baby begins to give eggs at this age: hard-boiled yolk from 7-9 months, depending on the type of feeding, and the baby is introduced to the protein only after a year. When can you make an omelet for a crumb, which recipe to choose for baby food, and which eggs are best used for an omelet intended for a child?


  • The omelet contains many valuable nutrients, such as vitamin A for skin health and better vision, B vitamins to improve metabolic processes and the functioning of the nervous system, and vitamin D to support bone health. In addition, the omelet is rich in potassium, iron, copper and phosphorus.
  • The omelet contains the substance lutein, known for its antioxidant properties and the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Omelet is considered a light and gentle dish, so it can be included in the diet of children with diseases of the digestive tract.
  • The proteins from the omelet are well absorbed and give the child's body the entire spectrum of amino acids.

Harm and contraindications

  • Eggs are considered an allergenic food that often causes a reaction in childhood.
  • Excessive consumption of protein foods, which include eggs, can adversely affect kidney function.
  • Frying an omelet in a pan makes the product unhealthy due to the formation of carcinogenic compounds when the oil is heated.
  • If the heat treatment of the omelet is not sufficient, there is a risk of salmonellosis transmission through this dish.

From how many months can you enter the diet?

Omelets can be included in the menu of a child who is one year old, since both cow's milk and egg white, on the advice of pediatricians, are introduced into the children's diet after 12 months.

Like any new dish, it should be given to the crumbs in small quantities. For the omelet, fresh eggs and milk intended for baby food should be used. If you took country milk for the dish, be sure to boil it first. Omelettes for babies are baked or steamed - the fried version of the crumb can be introduced after 3 years.

How often can a 1 year old baby eat an omelet?

The frequency of eating egg dishes, which include an omelet, depends on the egg consumption rates for a child of one year. Since children of this age are recommended to consume up to half an egg per day, in the absence of boiled eggs and other egg dishes on the menu, you can cook an omelet from 1 egg three times a week.

Are quail or chicken eggs better for complementary foods?

A chicken egg is considered a very allergenic product, therefore, for children who have a predisposition to allergies, it is better to take a quail egg for an omelet. They cause a reaction much less often than chicken.

Quail eggs contain more trace elements and vitamins. At the same time, the nutritional value of these two types of eggs is similar, but quail eggs are better absorbed. It is only important to remember that for any recipe for an omelet, you need to replace chicken eggs at least twice as many quail eggs.

How to cook?

Traditionally, two main ingredients are taken for an omelet - eggs and milk. If you replace milk with sour cream, then you will get a less fluffy dish, but it will have a very delicate taste. Prepare a dish of several eggs at once, and give the child the middle part, as it turns out to be the most airy.

From yolks

An omelet for which not whole eggs are taken, but only yolks, is suitable for feeding babies under one year old. This dish can be prepared for babies aged 10-11 months. In addition, this version of the omelet is suitable for children with an allergy to egg white. To prepare it, beat one yolk, gradually adding about 60 ml of breast milk (or infant formula) and adding a tablespoon of semolina. The whipped mixture is poured into a mold and baked in the oven.

Steamed recipe

Beat one egg with a fork or blender for about 20 seconds, then add about 50 ml of milk to it, add a little salt and continue to beat. After pouring the resulting mixture into a glass container (it is important to fill it up to half of it), place it in a saucepan filled with water (the water in the saucepan should also reach half the form with an omelette). Keep the omelette on low heat, with the lid closed, until cooked through.

In a multicooker

This device allows you to prepare an omelet for the whole family at once. You will need approximately 250 ml of milk and 7 eggs. Beat eggs and milk in a mixer at low speed or with a whisk. Pour the mixture into the oiled multicooker bowl. Set the bake setting and cook the dish for 15 minutes.

In the microwave

Such an omelet turns out to be fluffy and airy, even if you do not add milk or flour to the eggs. Take 2 eggs and 75 ml milk, beat these ingredients with a blender and pour into a greased ovenproof dish. You can add vegetables, apples, cheese, and other additives to eggs.

The cooking time will be determined by the power of the stove, and on average will be from 3 to 5 minutes. If you are making an omelet for the first time, make sure it is ready. If you decide to make an omelet in the microwave without milk, beat the yolks separately, and then the whites, and then combine them.

In a double boiler

Take two eggs and two tablespoons of milk. Whisk these ingredients with a little salt. Lubricate the mold with butter, pour the egg and milk mass into it and put in a double boiler. After 10-15 minutes, you can treat your baby to a delicious steam omelette.

In the oven

Such an omelet will turn out to be very fluffy if you do not open the oven while baking it for at least the first twenty minutes (then the dish will not settle). Fill the omelette only halfway with the egg and milk mixture, as it will double the original volume during cooking.

Recipes with additives

If you want to cook an omelet for your child with some kind of filling, the ingredients for it should be prepared separately and added to the omelet ready-made. For example, it can be frozen or fresh vegetables, which are first stewed over low heat in a cauldron or in a slow cooker, and then poured with eggs beaten with milk.

For a sweet omelet with fruit, use one egg, 50 ml milk and 100 g fruit. Apples are great as fruit for an omelet. Take one large apple, peel and cut into wedges, then stew in a little butter. Pour the apples with beaten eggs with milk, and sprinkle the finished omelet with a little grape sugar.

Another interesting option for an omelet for a child over a year old is a dish with meat. For him, you need boiled chicken fillet, which is laid out in a heat-resistant form, poured on top with two beaten eggs with a small amount of milk, and then steamed or in the oven. Also, children over one year old will like an omelet with pasta, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese.

Tips for choosing eggs

  • A fresh chicken egg should not be light, and nothing should gurgle when shaken inside the egg.
  • The color of the shell does not affect the quality of the egg in any way, but the shell will have a slight sheen when fresh.
  • Do not purchase eggs for baby omelet in questionable places. It is better to buy them from a trusted seller or store, making sure that the product has the appropriate marks.
  • Don't buy eggs that are cracked or chipped, or eggs that are very dirty or washed out. Remember, washed eggs are stored for less as washing removes the protective film from the shell and the egg starts to deteriorate.
  • Don't assume that the largest eggs are the best choice. Larger eggs contain more water and less nutrients, as these eggs are laid by older hens. It is best to take eggs of the second category for the baby (they are carried by young hens and such eggs have a very pleasant taste) or the first category (they have the most balanced composition).

At home, you can easily check if the egg is fresh by immersing it in cool water. A good egg will sink, and if the product is not fresh, the egg will float.

Video on whether it is possible for a baby to have eggs and when, see below.

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

Watch the video: Easy Yummy Omelette Recipe for Kids - Recipe Ideas for Kids - Baking for Children - Lucas Kitchen (July 2024).