
Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Everyone knows how important good nutrition is for the expectant mother and her baby. However, not everyone understands how to properly organize the nutrition of a pregnant woman so that everything that turns out to be on her table will only benefit.

In this article, we will tell you how to do this, and also provide an example menu for a future mother.

Principles of nutrition during pregnancy

For some reason, the people believe that a woman in an "interesting position" should eat for two. In practice, this approach usually ends in failure - a woman is gaining excess pounds, pregnancy is complicated, childbirth is more difficult, and after them it is very difficult for a woman to get rid of what was deposited on the hips and stomach while she ate for two.

There are several basic principles of nutrition for pregnant women, following which you can maintain a slim figure and provide the baby with everything necessary for his growth and development. Here they are.


All food should be as natural as possible. Today, of course, it is quite difficult to find natural products in stores that are made without food preservatives, additives, flavors and emulsifiers. But you need to strive for this.

You may have to look for shops in the city where natural products from farmsteads are presented, go to the markets, study the assortment of summer resident grandmothers who sell what they themselves have grown on the site.

Diet and snacks

Overeating and periods of fasting should not be allowed. If even before pregnancy a woman allowed herself to eat "at random", to starve during the day and to have a hearty supper after work or school, then with the onset of pregnancy everything should change.

You can't starve or gorge yourself. If you can't eat normally during the day, you should definitely have a snack - apple, yogurt, curd.


All food should be viewed in terms of health benefits, not palatability. Even if you want to eat only cakes and nothing else, withIt is necessary to think about how much carbohydrates from the mother's bloodstream the baby will receive in her womb, as well as how difficult it will be for him to growif there is an excess of carbohydrates, but sorely lacking calcium, proteins, healthy fats and vitamins.

What is tasty for mom is not always good for a child. The maximum task is to find a balance in which it will be good for both the mother and the baby.

Drinking regime

There should be enough water in the diet. Drinking regimen is extremely important for a pregnant woman's kidneys and liver to work speed up metabolic processes.

Both the woman and her baby, which she wears under her heart, needs water at the cellular level.

The daily requirement of a pregnant woman is about 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water. To avoid swelling, it is important that the amount of fluid is not excessive.


Nutrition should be balanced. The concept of "balanced diet" includes understanding the rules for combining products. In order not to starve herself and not starve the child to death, as well as not to overeat and not overfeed the baby, you need to remember that every day a woman in a "position" needs to receive:

  • at least 150 grams of protein per day;
  • about 100 grams of fat (of which only 5-8 grams of oil, the rest is in complex products);
  • 400 grams of carbohydrates;
  • all essential vitamins and minerals.

This does not mean that 400 grams of carbohydrates can be consumed in one meal, and the next one can be put on proteins and fats.

All of these essential ingredients should be distributed evenly across all meals.... Each of them should contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Controlling calorie expenditure

Do not think that a woman will have to spend all nine months with a calculator in her hands, counting how many calories she consumed and how many she spent. If there are no problems with weight gain, if the doctor does not recommend a special diet, it will be quite enough to combine proper nutrition according to the above principles with light physical activity.

Many pregnant women mistakenly believe that physical activity is contraindicated for them, since they are expecting a baby. In fact, there are not so many contraindications - isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the threat of miscarriage, the threat of premature birth, oligohydramnios, symphysitis in the third trimester.

If there are no such complications, and the gynecologist did not warn about the need for complete rest and bed rest, then a woman, right up to the very birth, can walk in the fresh air, go in for swimming and water aerobics, yoga, do gymnastics... All this will ensure the correct expenditure of the received calories.

Consequences of violation of the principles

Ignoring the requirements of proper nutrition during pregnancy can lead to a wide variety of disorders in the mother's body and complications of the pregnancy itself. Here are just a few of the negative effects.

Excess weight, pathological gain

Depending on the duration of pregnancy, a woman should gain about 200-400 grams of weight per week. Moreover, the greater the initial weight of a woman before pregnancy, the less should be the increase in body weight while carrying a child.

If the kilograms arrive rapidly, there is a threat to the baby's life and development, the likelihood of miscarriage, premature birth, and the birth of a large fetus increases. Have women with large weight gain often have problems during childbirth... They are manifested in the weakness of the generic forces.

Overeating significantly complicates the condition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester, when the load on the legs, pelvic bones, and lower veins increases. Excess weight increases pressure, which leads to the development of unpleasant pathologies - hemorrhoids, varicose veins on the legs, symphysitis, etc.


This is a serious condition that threatens the life of the baby and mother, since at any time it can lead to premature birth, to drainage of water, to intrauterine death of the child, and bleeding.

Gestosis and extra pounds are interrelated... With excessive pathological weight gain, a woman may have problems with blood pressure, it will begin to rise.

The fluid, which is retained in the tissues during gestosis, creates edema. Excessive amounts of sugar and carbohydrates can trigger diabetes, even if the woman did not have it before. Against the background of such gestational diabetes, the likelihood of defects in the baby, difficult childbirth in a woman increases.

Large or hypotrophic fetus

The likelihood of developing a large fetus usually becomes known in the second trimester, when babies begin to grow in different ways. The dimensions of the baby are not always associated with the mother's nutrition, since there is a considerable share of a genetic predisposition in height and weight. However, women with large weight gain are more likely to have large and even giant babies.

A large child in obstetrics is considered a child whose weight at the time of birth exceeds 4 kilograms, and a giant is called a baby whose birth weight is more than 5 kilograms.

It is very difficult to give birth to such children on their own in a natural way, the risk of birth trauma and child disability increases. therefore often such pregnancies end with a caesarean section, which is logical in this situation.

If a woman is malnourished, taking care of preserving her figure, she may have the other extreme - a low-weight hypotrophied fetus that was deficient in nutrients. Such children have significantly lower immune protection, often there are pathologies of internal organs, babies born with a weight of less than 2500 kilograms adapt worse and get sick more often.

From such mothers, nature protects the baby as soon as he is conceived. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, appetite increases in the first weeks of pregnancy and remains so almost until the very birth. The exception is cases of toxicosis, when a woman would be happy to eat, but cannot. In this case, she often needs medication to prevent fetal malnutrition.

Metabolic disorders

Nutritional disorders can lead to disturbances in water-salt balance, mineral metabolism and supply of vitamins to the body. At the same time, various metabolic disorders develop in both the mother and the fetus.

A mother may lose her hair, break her nails, teeth only because her baby will by all means search for the calcium he needs for bone growth, if it is pathologically lacking. If a woman eats few foods with iron content, she may develop anemia, which will also affect the condition and well-being of the growing baby.

Excessive concentrations of calcium, magnesium, iron are also dangerous. So, hypercalcemia leads to damage to the kidneys and urinary system, and an excess of iodine can cause problems with the thyroid gland and hormonal levels.

Constipation, hemorrhoids

Even quite normal in quantity, but unbalanced diet can lead to constipation. This is an unpleasant consequence of consuming a lot of solid food, carbohydrates, and also a small amount of fiber.

Constipation can cause a lot of trouble while carrying a child, they increase intoxication, worsen digestion, general well-being. In addition, the likelihood of hemorrhoids increases tenfold. - a painful and painful condition, which is difficult to cure during pregnancy.


Even if before the onset of pregnancy a woman tried to eat right, followed three meals a day, after the test showed two cherished stripes, everything in her diet will have to be reviewed.

You should start with the number of meals. During pregnancy, meals should be divided. 5-6 meals a day are welcome.

If the number of meals increases, then the portions should accordingly decrease. The total amount of food per day may remain the same, because the size of the stomach during pregnancy does not change in any way.

We'll have to think about the quality, energy value and useful properties of the products that will be included in the six meals a day for a pregnant woman.

Under the new rules a woman will have to eat every 3-4 hours, even if the feeling of hunger does not appear... In the morning, after waking up, you always need to "start" digestion by taking on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast a glass of water at room temperature. After that, you can do your personal hygiene and morning toilet, and only then go to breakfast.

If a woman wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning, then:

  • she will have breakfast at about 7.30;
  • second breakfast - at 10.30;
  • lunch - at 13.00;
  • afternoon tea - at 16.00-16.30;
  • dinner at 19.00;
  • a light snack before bed - at 21.30.

The last dense meal should be no later than 2.5-3 hours before going to bed, otherwise all the fats and carbohydrates obtained with dinner will be digested already in a dream and will certainly be deposited in the wrong place.

Between meals, you should drink clean water, green weak tea, homemade fruit drinks from fresh berries. Fresh home-pressed fruit juices do not count towards the liquid amount as they are classified as food.

At first, it may seem quite difficult for a woman to observe such a regime, because she does not always have the opportunity to eat well, especially in the early stages, when there is quite a lot of time left before going on maternity leave. In this case it is worth stocking up on several food containers in which the expectant mother will put the necessary food with her to work or to the clinic.

Gradually, the correct eating habits will form, which a woman can maintain after childbirth, because she will have to breastfeed responsibly.

Often pregnant women complain that they cannot cope with the cravings for a harmful product or that they cannot get rid of the habit of eating in the middle of the night because they “really want to”. Psychologists recommend not to force yourself and give yourself the opportunity to eat if you really want to, exactly what the soul asks for. True, you should limit yourself if the product is on the list of not recommended during pregnancy: its amount should be small.

Snacks at night, according to nutritionists, are a sign of an unbalanced daily diet. Normally, the body should rest at night, and not digest food, because digestion is a responsible and hard work for it.

If you plan everything correctly, provide all daytime meals, provide for the necessary combination of foods, then the desire to eat at night will gradually disappear. While it is melting, you can allow yourself one apple or one apricot in the middle of the night, no more.

Nocturnal zhor is not a physiological need of the body, but a psychological one. This should not be forgotten.

Allowed Products

A woman who does not have gastrointestinal tract pathologies, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, pathological weight gain can eat almost all foods that were in the diet before. We will discuss the restrictions below.

Proper nutrition during the period of bearing a child does not imply the introduction of new products into the diet that are unusual for the geographical area in which the expectant mother lives. For example, a resident of Yakutia should not lean on pineapples, because you can get vitamin C in the right amount from cranberries.

In order to plan your menu for a day, a week or even a month, it is important to know exactly which foods are not banned. It is understood that permitted foods should be required and included in the daily diet.

Bread and pastries

You can eat baked goods until 150 grams per day, while giving preference to rye, dietary salt-free bread, wholemeal bread, with bran, seeds.

Bread should not be eaten fresh and soft, it is best for a pregnant woman to eat yesterday's or the day before yesterday's bread. You can occasionally pamper yourself with whole grain breads, as well as breadcrumbs and non-nutritious biscuits.

Meat and poultry

Women in an "interesting position" low-fat varieties are recommended - such as rabbit, beef, veal, chicken and turkey. All meat should be steamed, baked in the oven, boiled, stewed.

It is undesirable to eat fried meat products and poultry during pregnancy. The daily rate of meat products - 150 grams per day.

A fish

Like meat, fish is a rich source of protein. You can eat it about 100-150 grams per day. When choosing fish, you should give preference to low-fat varieties. - pollock, haddock, pink salmon, trout.

Fatty fish like mackerel and herring can cause an excess of fat and the balance will be upset. Fish also cook in a double boiler, stew, bake... Fried and smoked, it will not bring much benefit to the expectant mother and child.


As a source of proteins and fats, milk is an indispensable product during pregnancy, rich in calcium and other useful substances.

Whole milk for expectant mother you can consume about 200 grams per day... At the same time, there is no big difference whether she drinks it for an afternoon snack in the amount of a whole glass or divides it into two doses, adding it to the porridge in the morning and leaving half a glass for an afternoon snack for self-intake.

Cottage cheese in quantity 100-150 grams per day, choose only fresh, fat-free or low-fat, without dyes and food additives, without fruit pieces, since such curd products most often contain preservatives.

Butter - 20 grams per day, sour cream - 2-3 tablespoons. All dairy products for pregnant women must have a minimum percentage of fat.


Be careful with chicken eggs. They refer to the list of permitted products rather conditionally with a large number of reservations. In a week of a pregnant woman, you can eat no more than 1-2 boiled eggs.


Vegetable oils must be included in dishes and salads for a pregnant woman. 15 grams of sunflower oil is enough per day. For olive and other vegetable oils, the dosage is the same.


A woman expecting a baby should eat as many vegetables as possible raw. It is a source of vitamins and fiber, without which normal healthy digestion will be impossible.

Carrots, onions, garlic, fresh herbs, fresh cabbage, not heat-treated, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers are welcome.

Vegetables that should not be eaten raw can be boiled or stewed. This applies to beets, squash, squash, pumpkin. Care should be taken with potatoes: this is a rather insidious vegetable that can lead to weight gain.


A pregnant woman who is not overweight, has diabetes mellitus, and is prone to allergies can eat any fruit. If there are some restrictions, bananas, grapes, tropical fruits, some citrus fruits should be excluded.

Without exception, apples, pears, peaches and apricots, plums are allowed and strongly recommended. In winter, when there is no abundance of affordable fruits, you can enrich the diet with dried fruits, prunes, and figs.


It is difficult to imagine complete nutrition without the so-called long carbohydrates, therefore, a woman should definitely eat cereals every day. The most useful are unground buckwheat, oats, corn... Be careful with rice and legumes.


They are allowed, but in small quantities. Noodles or vermicelli, for example, can be added to soup.

If a pregnant woman wants pasta or spaghetti for the second, she can afford it, provided that she does not have problems with weight and metabolism, but in small quantities and with a complete rejection of bread on this day.

Sweets and drinks

From sweets, marshmallows, delight, milk chocolate are allowed. All these goodies should be limited and taken in a small bite per day, if there are no contraindications and special orders from the doctor.

From drinks, green tea, unsweetened compotes made from fresh fruits or dried fruits, homemade fruit drinks are preferred.

Prohibited foods

Women expecting the birth of a baby will have to limit themselves in the intake of products that can negatively affect the health of both. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to eat a lot of salty, also the amount of salt is limited to 5-7 grams per day... Exceeding this norm can lead to fluid retention in tissues and the appearance of edema.

The list of prohibited foods is not a guide to action, it is just a warning, a reminder of what foods are best to exclude or minimize.

Rational nutrition during pregnancy does not include the following foods:

  • Pork and lamb... Such fatty meats can negatively affect digestion and metabolism.
  • Fast food... The products that are used to make burgers and pizzas in most cases do not comply with the principle of natural food, and also often have expired. To "reanimate" them, cooks use chemical compounds and preservatives, as well as flavorings, which are harmful and completely unnecessary substances for a pregnant woman's body. Plus, fast food is always high in fat.

  • Carbonated drinks and shop juices... They contain too much sugar, the use of which nutritionists warn expectant mothers. Carbonated drinks also cause increased gas formation in the intestines, contain dyes and preservatives.
  • Confectionery... The ban includes buns and cheesecakes, pastries made from yeast, butter and puff pastry, all factory-made cookies, as well as fatty cakes, pastries, and sweets. There is nothing but a huge amount of carbohydrates, which are absorbed quickly and require additional amounts of insulin from the pancreas.

  • Dairy products and cheeses... A woman in a "position" should refuse to buy processed cheeses, as they are high in fat. It is also worth giving up ready-made sweet curd masses, cheese curds, glazed curd curds, ready-made advertised curd and dairy desserts. All dairy products with a high fat content (milk 3.2%, sour cream 20%) should be replaced with less fatty or low fat.
  • Sausages and fish... You should completely abandon the intake of sausages, sausages, smoked meat, salted and smoked fish, fish roe, factory pates, canned meat and fish. If you really want sausage, you can cook it at home from good beef or rabbit meat - there are plenty of recipes on how to do this.

  • Sweets... You should not eat factory ice cream, condensed milk, preserves and jams, confiture.
  • Roast... All dishes that are usually fried during pregnancy should be excluded. Better to choose any other cooking method - stew, steam, boil, bake in the oven.
  • Mushrooms... Mushrooms are very poorly digested by the human body, during pregnancy there is practically no nutritional benefit from them, but the load on the digestive organs increases.

  • Potatoes... Despite the fact that in Russia potatoes are considered the second bread, and sometimes even the first, pregnant women do not need an excess of starch. It is better to minimize the consumption of this corpse crop, for example, to add to the soup, since the first courses are quite difficult to imagine without this ingredient.
  • Spice... A woman in a "position" should give up spices altogether. Acute, especially with heartburn, only provokes attacks of gastric juice into the esophagus, and spices whet the appetite, and many women find it difficult to cope with their appetite during pregnancy. With constipation, spices only increase the symptoms.

  • Chips and croutons... For the preparation of such "little things" use a large number of dyes, artificial flavors, preservatives. The use of such products is highly undesirable.

  • Strong tea and coffee... Such drinks during pregnancy, despite the many discussions around this issue, are prohibited. Tea and coffee have a direct effect on blood vessels, heart function, arterial blood pressure. Sometimes weak coffee with milk is recommended for women with hypotension, but such an appointment must necessarily sound from the mouth of the attending physician.
  • Alcoholic drinks... This applies to all drinks, without exception, regardless of their naturalness, strength and the beneficial invigorating properties attributed to them. Pregnancy and alcohol are not compatible in principle.

  • Pickled products... Despite the fact that women expecting a baby, especially for small periods, want pickled cucumbers or lecho, such products are considered prohibited due to an excess of salt, vinegar and spices in them. In the first trimester, when gustatory "quirks" are most pronounced under the influence of progesterone, small deviations from this requirement are permissible, but if the woman is to observe the measure. In the third trimester, especially in the last month, marinades are prohibited in any form and quantity, since they contribute to the appearance of puffiness.

  • Sugar-rich fruits and berries... A woman, especially with a tendency to overweight, needs to be more careful in choosing berries and fruits. It is better to replace raspberries with cranberries or cherries, while bananas, sweet juicy varieties of pears, peaches and grapes should be limited as much as possible.
  • Cereals and legumes... Beans and peas should be taken with caution as they promote gas in the intestines and rapid weight gain. Among cereals, you should avoid semolina, pearl barley, white parboiled rice, chaff.

The need for vitamins and microelements by weeks of fetal development

A baby in a mother's womb for nine months goes through all stages of human development in the course of evolution.

In the early stages, the organs are laid, then bones and cartilaginous tissue begin to grow, then the baby begins to gain mass, subcutaneous fat. Thus, in different periods of pregnancy, the fetus needs a different ratio of nutrients that it receives with the mother's blood through the "mother-placenta-fetus" system.

Proteins are the main building blocks for cells, and from them a new organism is formed inside a woman.

Carbohydrates are a "battery" that supplies energy to all processes in the body of a mother and her baby without exception.

Fats also provide energy, but, in addition, they also take part in the formation of new tissues. Minerals and vitamins, like an orchestra, "conduct" metabolic processes, without which life is impossible.

The child's needs at different gestational times are somewhat different from each other, and in order to provide him with everything he needs, the expectant mother should have a good idea of ​​what her baby needs at one stage or another of development.

In the very early stages, a child needs a lot of energy, because every day his body undergoes colossal changes - new organs appear, systems are laid. therefore at the beginning of pregnancy, carbohydrate food is very necessary.

At the end of pregnancy, the need for carbohydrates also increases, since both the child's body and the woman's body begin to prepare for the crucial moment, which will require maximum energy from them - for childbirth.

Protein requirements are higher in the second and third trimesters, when the baby starts to gain weight. This does not mean that protein foods can be neglected in the first trimester. The nuance lies in the fact that in the first trimester, most of the daily allowance should be vegetable proteins, and in the second half of pregnancy - animals.

If a woman does not have enough fat at the beginning of the gestation period, the situation can lead to a miscarriage, because polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins D, A, K and E, contribute to the preservation of the embryo and its harmonious development... Oils, sour cream, cream are irreplaceable in the first third of pregnancy.

In the second half, it is better to reduce the amount of fat consumed mainly by reducing animal fat. It is important that vegetable fats remain at a constant stable level, because from the second trimester they are necessary for the development of the baby's central nervous system.

Much has been said and written about the benefits of vitamins. Suffice it to recall that from the first days of pregnancy, the need for all vitamins and minerals increases by about 25%. To meet this need, special vitamin preparations for pregnant women. The content of vitamins in them is already increased compared to conventional complexes.

The need for iron increases by about 18 weeks of gestation, when the volume of circulating blood increases significantly. The need for calcium becomes more pronounced than ever during the formation and active growth of the child's skeleton - from the 15th week of pregnancy.

The need for iodine and selenium rises sharply after 22 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby has already formed the central nervous system.

In the last month of pregnancy, a woman should limit the consumption of meat, fish, milk, while simultaneously increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, fresh herbs and cereals. Excess calcium intake two to three weeks before the upcoming birth is undesirable to facilitate the labor process.

Table of daily requirement of a pregnant woman in vitamins

Nutrition for toxicosis - features

Unfortunately, no one is immune from toxicosis. Even if you constantly feel sick and do not want to eat at all, you still need to eat. Little by little, in a balanced way, carefully so as not to deplete the mother's body.

With severe toxicosis, doctors come to the aid of a woman, who are ready to hospitalize her and help the baby with additional nutrition - the introduction of vitamin solutions intravenously and intramuscularly to the woman.

At the same time, the expectant mother will have to learn to eat not because she wants to, but because she needs to. Sometimes women mistakenly believe that eating too little food does not cause nausea. This is not true. Nausea is not caused not by a certain amount, but by a situation in which the body does not respond with a vomiting reflex to food, so the main thing the rule is to eat when you don't feel sick.

Some women find it helpful to eat in unfamiliar places, such as outside, on the balcony, or in bed. If such meals are really beneficial, then you can practice them as much as you like.

If you suffer from toxicosis, nutrition should be thought out to the smallest detail, making a menu for every day, because it is much more difficult to monitor the balance of healthy foods when there is nausea and even vomiting.

A woman can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water to relieve the symptoms of nausea. Helps a little bag with nuts, white bread croutons.

With any toxicosis, there is such a product for which a rejection reaction does not occur. Its definition will help to survive the difficult first trimester, since the symptoms of toxicosis usually recede by the second.

Nutrition with excess weight gain

In order to normalize weight and the rate of its gain, a woman should follow a special diet that is universal for pregnant women. Its basic principles are described above.

The diet should contain natural products, properly thermally processed or unprocessed (when it comes to fruits, vegetables), fractional nutrition, the correct organization of the number and quality of meals.

The difference is that a woman with a pathological gain needs to slightly reduce the daily intake of carbohydrates, as well as exclude sugar from her diet. Salt should be reduced to 5 grams per day. All other rules remain the same.

Lifestyle plays a huge role in the event that the expectant mother is advised to somewhat reduce or slow down the mass gain. In addition to diet, you need allowed physical activity, walks, correct drinking regimen and control over changes in body weight (weekly).

Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman is allowed to spend one fasting day a week. During such a day, a woman will be able to eat either cottage cheese, or buckwheat porridge without salt and sugar, or low-fat fermented milk products.

Sample menu for a week

When planning a menu for trimesters, months and weeks, you should remember the basic rule of a balanced balanced diet - every meal should contain all the necessary components - we are talking about the "great trinity" of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Based on this knowledge, we will compose an approximate menu for several days. In the future, a woman will be able to diversify it with dishes of her own "composition".

Diet on the first day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal or rice milk porridge, seasoned with a small piece of butter, any fruit.
  • First snack: vegetable salad dressed with olive oil and a small slice of whole grain bread or bran bread.
  • Dinner: beetroot salad with prunes, soup with meatballs and vegetables in meat broth, steamed veal cutlet, any fruit, berry compote.
  • Afternoon snack: milk, whole grain bread, apple
  • Dinner: boiled fish fillet with stewed vegetable stew (cabbage, zucchini, onion, fresh herbs), grated carrot salad, tea with cookies.
  • Second snack: a glass of fat-free kefir.

Diet on the second day

  • Breakfast: rice porridge with butter, low-fat cottage cheese, pureed apple.
  • First snack: a glass of milk, whole grain bread, an apple.
  • Dinner: salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with sour cream, cabbage soup with turkey broth with pieces of turkey, cabbage casserole with minced poultry meat.
  • Afternoon snack: pear, cottage cheese, biscuit.
  • Dinner: seaweed salad, unground buckwheat, boiled chicken breast fillet, freshly squeezed apple juice.
  • Second snack: fermented baked milk and apple.

Diet on the third day

  • Breakfast: steam omelet with 2 eggs, fresh cucumber, a slice of bread with butter and cheese.
  • First snack: cottage cheese and peach.
  • Dinner: milk noodle soup, steamed meat cabbage with rice and cabbage, fresh tomato slices.
  • Afternoon snack: hard cheese, whole grain bread, apple.
  • Dinner: meatloaf with onions and zucchini baked in the oven, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  • Second snack: kiwi and tea without sugar.

Diet on the fourth day

  • Breakfast: milk millet porridge with butter, fruit salad (apple, kiwi and pear slices).
  • First snack: kefir, apple (kiwi).
  • Dinner: vegetable soup with chicken, steamed rice and steamed cutlet, carrot salad with walnuts.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and apple.
  • Dinner: meat baked in foil after pre-boiling, vegetable salad (cucumbers - tomatoes, lettuce), whole grain bread or bread.
  • Second snack: bioyogurt and apple.

Diet on the fifth day

  • Breakfast: corn milk porridge with butter, hard cheese and bread.
  • First snack: yogurt, apricots.
  • Dinner: cabbage soup with sour cream, minced chicken meatballs, vegetable salad, bread.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, bread and peach.
  • Dinner: boiled beet salad, buckwheat and stewed chicken breasts.
  • Second snack: kefir.

Diet on the sixth day

  • Breakfast: rice milk porridge, kiwi and apple salad, seasoned with a spoonful of bioyogurt.
  • First snack: fermented baked milk and pear.
  • Dinner: fish soup made from fresh lean fish (pink salmon), vegetable stew with a piece of boiled chicken breast, fresh cucumbers or tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and apple.
  • Dinner: boiled broccoli, chicken casserole, fresh cabbage and carrot salad, bread.
  • Second snack: kefir.

Diet on the seventh day

  • Breakfast: Druzhba porridge, bread with butter, hard cheese.
  • First snack: peach and kefir.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, steamed chicken pilaf without spices, cucumber salad.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese and pear.
  • Dinner: beef goulash, stewed vegetables, fresh vegetable salad, bread.
  • Second snack: fermented baked milk.


Weight during pregnancy and nutritional issues, as a rule, begin to worry expectant mothers already after the attending physician ascertains an excess weight gain. In any case, this is evidenced by the numerous reviews on the Internet left by women on sites and forums dedicated to motherhood and childhood.

Many mothers-to-be do not even think about diet or planning their menu until some complications appear. In general, among those who have tried a universal diet for pregnant women from personal experience, claim that, although they did not manage to lose extra pounds on it, they managed to maintain weight at least at one level.

Among the disadvantages, women indicate the need to cook for themselves separately, because most mothers and wives are used to eating what they have prepared for all the rest of the household. In addition, the need to carry food containers with you can create additional inconvenience.

However, after childbirth, such a diet helps many to quickly return to good physical shape, especially since the principles of nutrition described above are also suitable for nursing mothers with a slight correction in the diet towards increasing proteins and carbohydrates.

For information on how to eat right during pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Foods to Eat in the First Trimester - What to Eat in the First Trimester - First Trimester Diet (July 2024).