
8 week of pregnancy: discharge and pain in the lower abdomen

Each period of bearing a baby is truly unique. In the female body in the early period of pregnancy, very specific changes occur.

Determination of the term

The age of the baby who is in the womb is determined by experts using obstetric months and weeks. This calculation is somewhat different from the usual calendar method from the date of fertilization.

The entire pregnancy lasts 280 days. There are differences between obstetric and calendar age. 8 obstetric week is equivalent to 6 weeks from the moment of fusion of male and female germ cells.

Tummy size

At this stage of pregnancy, female body proportions do not change much. The size of the abdomen increases slightly. It is impossible to determine from the outside whether a woman is pregnant or not.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother looks quite normal. Her belly cannot be called big: an increase in the circumference of the female tummy will occur a little later, when the baby grows larger... However, in petite and slender women, you can see a slight increase in the lower abdomen.

Most women who have already become mothers note that they did not notice significant changes in the size of their abdomen at this stage of pregnancy.

At this stage of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is still relatively small. It resembles a large grapefruit.

Features of vaginal discharge

This stage of bearing a child in a pregnant woman is accompanied by the appearance of biological fluid from the vagina, which is facilitated by both physiological and pathological reasons.

The appearance of light discharge or transparent mucus from the vagina, resembling a white liquid in appearance, in the absence of any unpleasant odor, is a normal variant for a given gestational age.

The appearance of this vaginal discharge has a very physiological reason. An important pregnancy hormone, progesterone, provokes such specific changes, which acts on the epithelial cells lining the vagina, leading to the accumulation of glycogen in them.

In turn, it provokes the active growth of beneficial microbes that normally live in the intimate area. These microorganisms are necessary to maintain optimal microflora and pH.

If enough glycogen is produced, it protects the female body from various infections. A decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood during pregnancy is dangerous by the development of many pathologies, including a weakening of local immunity in the vagina. A decrease in this protection contributes to the fact that a pregnant woman may develop adverse symptoms of candidiasis (thrush).

This pathology appears due to the active growth and reproduction of Candida fungi. They develop in the intimate area rather quickly under conditions favorable to their growth.

An important clinical sign of this disease is the appearance of light vaginal discharge, resembling curd flakes in appearance. The color of such secretions, as a rule, is white and beige. When the secondary bacterial flora is attached, a woman may develop yellow discharge.

Candidiasis is also accompanied by an equally uncomfortable symptom - the appearance of itching in the intimate area, the degree of which may be different.

As soon as the expectant mother has these adverse symptoms, she should immediately seek medical help. Many women decide to treat candidiasis on their own, but doctors do not recommend doing this.

During pregnancy, it is very important to correctly and carefully select medical therapy. Many of the drugs have adverse effects on the small embryo. Only a doctor can choose a truly adequate, effective and safe treatment.

At this period of gestation, a pregnant woman has a special formation - a mucous plug. It protects the internal cavity of the uterus from the penetration of dangerous infections into it, as well as from the effects of external factors. The mucous plug will be in the genital tract before the onset of labor.

The color of the discharge characteristic of this period of pregnancy is very diverse.

Any light brown or dark brown discharge from the genital tract is an important reason to visit your doctor. Especially it is impossible to hesitate with a consultation if they are accompanied by increased pain in the lower abdomen, as well as a deterioration in well-being.

Bloody discharge is a clinical sign that should not be ignored. If a pregnant woman has noticed pink or red blood spots on her underwear after having sex or after undergoing a transvaginal ultrasound, she should not panic. Such symptoms quite often develop after mechanical effects on the genital tract. As a rule, they completely disappear by the end of the first day from the moment of occurrence.

In most cases, after such mechanical influences, spotting appears without abdominal pain.

It so happens that a woman notices on her underwear smearing scarlet discharge that occurs for no apparent reason. Their appearance can be a very unfavorable sign.

In some cases, the appearance of pale or bright red discharge may be a manifestation of the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, it is very important to provide timely medical care.

Doctors note that an ectopic pregnancy is very often manifested at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. It is accompanied, as a rule, by the development of bloody discharge or even bleeding from the genital tract. The general condition of the woman is aggravated by a severe pain syndrome in the lower abdomen.

Ectopic pregnancy is a pathological condition in which the embryo does not develop in the uterine cavity, but in the appendages. Tubal pregnancy is not provided by nature. The appendage of the uterus does not have the same structure as itself. In medical practice, there are cases when a woman does not even suspect that he has such a pathological condition.

In medical practice, there are cases when a woman does not even suspect that he has such a pathological condition.

At the same time, she “writes off” the delay in menstruation to severe stress at work or other conditions. Ultimately, she develops bleeding from the genital tract, there is severe abdominal pain. In a rather serious condition, she is hospitalized in a hospital, where the presence of an ectopic pregnancy is revealed.

When bleeding from the genital tract appears, the doctor needs to conduct a comprehensive clinical examination, during which the doctor determines not only the severity of the mother's condition, but also her baby. If the situation requires it, the doctor can also refer his patient to undergo an unscheduled ultrasound.

Feeling in the stomach

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel discomfort associated with the active growth of the uterus, as well as under the influence of a changing female hormonal background.

The walls of the uterus become denser and more elastic. This feature is necessary in order to protect a small embryo from the effects of adverse environmental factors.

The increasing size of the uterus leads to the fact that the expectant mother begins to have various sensations. Many women experience tingling in the lower abdomen.

Usually the severity of this symptom is moderate and does not bring discomfort to the woman. Colitis in the lower abdomen in pregnant women also after eating fatty and fried foods, the presence of other errors in the diet.

If a woman is constantly pulling the lower abdomen, and the pain syndrome is only progressing, then she should definitely seek the advice of her doctor. Soreness in the lower abdomen at this time may be a completely physiological symptom due to the growing uterus. However, if the expectant mother is greatly concerned about this, then it is better for her to "dispel" her doubts from a specialist.

An increase in the size of the abdomen leads to the fact that the pregnant woman begins to choose more comfortable positions for rest and sleep. Many women at this time, out of habit, accidentally go to sleep on their stomachs, and then they are afraid of the consequences, but you should not worry: in this way she will not be able to cause severe harm to the child... As the pregnancy progresses and the abdominal circumference increases, the expectant mother will not physiologically sleep on her stomach, choosing more comfortable positions.

One of the important criteria assessed is uterine tone. It shows how adequately the walls of the uterus function.

Normally, the muscle layer of this genital organ - the myometrium - should be capable of contractions, since this is due to its structure. The myometrium is formed by smooth muscle fibers located in different directions and capable of increasing their size under the influence of a number of hormones. These fibers can contract, which contributes to an increase in the thickness of the uterine walls.

Uterine tone allows doctors to assess the ability of this genital organ to contract. If it increases, this condition is called hypertonicity. Its appearance leads to an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. With hypertonicity of the uterus, the expectant mother is under intensive medical supervision.

Too intense tone of the uterus can lead to the appearance of adverse symptoms in a woman. So, the expectant mother may feel that her stomach hurts like during her period. Soreness usually worsens after stress or exercise. The appearance of such a symptom is a reason to consult with your doctor.

Another possible symptom of uterine hypertonicity may be a "hard" abdomen. The pain syndrome can also spread to the lumbar region and tailbone.

Doctors recommend that when pain appears, take a more comfortable position: muscle relaxation also helps to reduce pain, and even and deep breathing will also help improve your well-being.

The most optimal clinical condition is normotonus, which is characterized by normal intrauterine pressure. This contributes to the optimal development of the baby in the uterus.

Doctors conduct dynamic monitoring of the tone of the uterus throughout pregnancy. This allows them to timely detect dangerous pathologies for the fetus in the early stages of their occurrence.

For important information about 8 weeks pregnant, see the video below.

Watch the video: 8 Weeks Pregnant - Your 8th Week Of Pregnancy (July 2024).