
"Aqualor" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Expectant mothers try to avoid diseases as much as possible, but due to the decrease in immunity characteristic of the body of most pregnant women, illness while waiting for a baby is not uncommon. Fortunately, many women tolerate them mildly, such as a runny nose or pharyngitis. It is possible to cope with such problems with safe means for the fetus, for example, with the help of "Aqualor".

Features of the drug

In the Aqualor line there are several medicines that are prescribed for rhinitis and throat diseases. Such products are produced in Sweden and France from ocean water. They have a different composition, therefore the purpose of using "Aqualor" depends on its type.

  • Children are usually discharged "Aqualor baby" drops in the nose or in the form of a spray with a special nozzle that restricts the introduction of the medicine into the child's nose. Such a transparent, brackish, colorless liquid is represented by an isotonic solution of sea water containing 8-11 g of salt per liter. There are no other ingredients in the “baby” product, and the spray is sprayed in the form of a “soft shower” - this method can be used even for newborns in any position of the baby's body.

  • The same active substance (isotonic sea water solution) is contained in "Aqualore soft"... The only difference from the "baby" is the method of spraying, which the manufacturer simply calls "shower". The drug in a small package (50 ml) is often chosen for the first use in order to evaluate the effect of Aqualor and make sure that there is no hypersensitivity.

  • The third type of medicine, also containing seawater with an isotonic concentration, is "Aqualor norms"... It differs in the power of atomization - the drug enters the nasal passages under a stronger pressure, which helps to cope with thick secretions (such atomization is called a "jet"). The tool is used for rinsing the nose.

  • As part of "Aqualor forte" sea ​​water is already hypertonic, as it contains 19-23 g of salt per liter. There are no preservatives and excipients in such a preparation. The spray is sprayed in the "shower" method, sold in mini-packs and cylinders with a volume of 125 and 150 ml.

  • Hypertonic sea water solution forms the basis and means "Aqualor extra forte", but it additionally contains plant extracts obtained from chamomile and aloe. In addition, the spraying of such a preparation is more intense, since the "jet" method is used.

A separately produced medicine called "Aqualor throat"... This spray has the same composition as in the "extra forte" (contains extracts of useful plants and hypertonic sea water), but equipped with a special nozzle that helps to direct the medication to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. Irrigation takes place in the "shower" method.

Operating principle

The basis of any type of "Aqualor" is water from the Atlantic Ocean, which is rich in trace elements and other valuable substances. It contains a lot of chlorine, iodine, magnesium, selenium, sodium and other elements. The concentration of salt determines its effect on the body. If it is isotonic, then Aqualor perfectly moisturizes the mucous membranes, removes mucus, allergens, microbes and other impurities from the nasal passages.

Treatment with such a solution increases the resistance of the nasopharynx to negative influences, and also accelerates the regeneration of cells if they are damaged by viruses or other factors.

If you take "Aqualor" with a hypertonic solution, then it is effective for swelling and inflammation. This is due to the osmotic effect, due to which water is released from the damaged cells, and the edema subsides. The use of preparations "forte" and "extra forte" helps to restore breathing through the nose, relieves congestion, and also strengthens local immunity and washes away pathogenic substances from the mucous membrane. Aqualor throat has the same effect on the tonsils and other parts of the oropharynx.

The inclusion of chamomile extract into the composition of this product and the "extra forte" spray provides additional antiseptic properties, and the use of aloe extract increases the immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effect of the solution.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

All preparations of the Aqualor line are considered safe for the fetus and the health of expectant mothers, therefore, they are used during the period of bearing a child at any time without restrictions. Such funds can be prescribed even in the 1st trimester, when any external influence can affect the development of the baby. If a cold occurs early, the best option would be to use Aqualorthat will prevent complications and the development of a more severe infection. In 2-3 trimesters, you can also use a spray or drops without fear.

However, before use, it is still advisable to consult a doctor.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

"Aqualor" with isotonic salt concentration can be used daily for hygienic purposes - to cleanse the mucous membrane, moisturize it and prevent acute respiratory infections. Any type of medicine with the exception of "Aqualor throat" is also prescribed for expectant mothers:

  • with a runny nose of an allergic nature;
  • with rhinitis provoked by harmful bacteria;
  • with subatrophic rhinitis, manifested by severe dryness in the nose;
  • with flu or SARS;
  • with a case of sinusitis;
  • with adenoiditis.

Spray "throat" is often prescribed for sore throat and inflammation in the tonsils. In addition, it is used for stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis. All types of "Aqualor" can also be used prophylactically after surgical procedures in the area of ​​the nasopharynx or oropharynx.

Contraindications and side effects

The only reason to refuse from Aqualor brand products is hypersensitivity to such drugs. This is a rare situation, but it is still possible, especially when using solutions with plant extracts, therefore if a woman is prone to allergies with such sprays, increased caution is needed.

The portability of Aqualor is generally good. In this case, neither accidental ingestion, nor too high a dosage of the solution poses a danger.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to wipe the cylinder head with alcohol before using the solution.

The mode of application of the drug depends on the type of "Aqualor".

  • "Aqualor soft" spray into each nasal passage by pressing the nozzle for several seconds. The procedure is convenient to carry out in the bathroom with your head tilted to one side. Then the solution will be poured into the sink, washing away any dirt. Usually the drug is used 1 to 4 times during the day. If there is a lot of discharge or they are very thick, you can rinse the nasal cavity several times in a row.
  • If it is more convenient for a woman to use drops and she decided to purchase "Aqualor baby", then a single dose is 1-2 drops. In such an amount, the agent is injected into each nostril 2-4 times a day or more often.
  • For washing with products "Aqualor Norm" or "Aqualor Forte" it is necessary to tilt your head to the side and insert the end of the balloon nozzle into the nostril, which will be at the top. After a few seconds of rinsing, you need to blow your nose and do the same manipulation with the second nasal passage. Such medicines are used 2-3 times a day or more often.
  • Using "Aqualora throat" the nozzle is directed to the inflamed area and the spray is pressed for several seconds. The procedure is performed 4 times a day or more often. After processing, you should not eat or drink anything for half an hour.

The duration of treatment or prophylactic use of the selected option "Aqualor" should be checked with your doctor. The manufacturer advises to use such drugs as long as it takes to completely disappear the symptoms of the disease or to have a sufficient preventive effect.

Reviews and analogues

Mostly good reviews can be found about using Aqualor while waiting for a baby. Women call such drugs quite effective for nasal congestion and rhinitis, and isotonic drugs, according to them, do a good job of moisturizing the mucous membrane and preventing ARVI.

Among the shortcomings, only the high price is noted.

If you can't use Aqualor, it can be replaced by drugs that also contain sea water or saline: Humer, Physiomer, Aquamaris and others.

In addition, an isotonic solution can be made at home on your own by mixing 1 liter of boiled water and 10 grams of table salt.

You will learn about how you can cure a runny nose during pregnancy in the next video.