
Fluoridation of teeth in children

Milk teeth are quite fragile and vulnerable, so caries occurs in almost 70% of children under 6 years old. Doctors have developed many methods of treating this disease at an early stage, as well as its prevention. One of the most popular these days is fluoridation.

What is it?

This is the name of the process of dental treatment with preparations containing fluoride. From the composition applied to the enamel, fluoride ions are released and begin to contact with the tooth tissues with the formation of calcium fluoride crystals, which strengthens the tooth enamel and stops its decay from caries.


  • Fluoridation can protect the baby's milk and permanent teeth from early caries.
  • The procedure is easy to perform and does not cause any discomfort to the child, therefore it can be carried out at a very early age.
  • It differs from silvering in that the teeth do not darken, but remain white.
  • Thanks to fluoridation, the strength of the tooth enamel increases, and if its sensitivity is increased, then the procedure eliminates this problem.
  • When processing fillings, fluoridation helps to extend their lifespan in children.


  • The procedure should be repeated regularly.
  • An excess of fluoride intake into a child's body from a poor-quality drug is fraught with poisoning.
  • Manipulation will not help with severe caries.


The child is advised to perform dental fluoridation when:

  • Detection of the first signs of caries at the initial stage (white spots on the teeth).
  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth to external influences.
  • Lack of fluoride in the child's drinking water and food.
  • The need to protect teeth with braces.
  • The desire to extend the life of the filling on the tooth.


Fluoridation is not recommended if:

  • An increased level of fluoride in water and food that a child uses, as well as with the development of fluorosis.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the solution used during the procedure.
  • Development of medium or deep caries, when the infection has passed to dentin.

Stages of fluoridation

The first stage of treatment will be to remove plaque from the teeth. Further, simple fluoridation can be performed in two ways:

  1. With the help of special caps, which the dentist creates individually based on the impressions of the baby's teeth. A preparation containing fluorine is introduced into the mouthpiece, after which the device is put on the teeth and left for 10-15 minutes. The manipulation is repeated 10-15 times.
  2. By applying fluoride varnish on the tooth enamel, which is dried with a lamp. This procedure is repeated every six months.

Deep fluoridation

In contrast to simple fluoridation, in which preparations are used with rather large fluorine molecules that do not penetrate into the enamel, but remain on its surface, there is also deep fluoridation.

The result of its implementation will be the formation of submicroscopic crystals in the tooth tissues, which remain for several years in the tooth enamel. From these crystals, fluoride ions will be released in the tooth tissue for a long time, causing their remineralization.

Carrying out deep fluoridation includes the following stages:

  1. Cleaning the surface of the teeth and the spaces between them from plaque.
  2. Drying teeth.
  3. Treatment of teeth with a composition containing calcium and magnesium fluorides.
  4. Second drying of teeth.
  5. Treatment of teeth with a composition in which calcium hydroxide is present.

How old is the procedure?

You can perform simple fluoridation from the moment the child has the first teeth. As for deep fluoridation, the procedure is carried out for children over 1.5-2 years old.

In the absence of contraindications, manipulation is recommended for all children, because after teething for several years, mineralization processes occur in its enamel, and the procedure for treatment with fluoride preparations will increase their activity.


Parents are more positive about fluoridation than silvering. Most of those who have performed such a dental treatment on their children note that this is a rather effective procedure. Among the advantages are the speed of manipulation and its painlessness. The disadvantages include the need to go to processing several times. Also, some parents note the dubiousness of the benefits of fluoridation, since this procedure did not protect the teeth of their babies.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous pediatrician focuses on the fact that fluoridation does not cure caries, but acts only as a preventive method, helping to wait for the physiological change of teeth without removing the diseased tooth and harm to the bite.

If caries in a child has penetrated deeper than superficial tissues, Komarovsky advises to abandon fluoridation and resort to more effective treatment - filling.

As for prophylactic agents with fluoride, a popular doctor advises brushing children's teeth with fluoride pastesintended for children. If the parents decide to resort to fluoridation, Komarovsky does not recommend performing this procedure using fluoride varnish, since he considers such an inexpensive drug ineffective, since it is quickly washed off the child's teeth.

For the release of Dr. Komarovsky's program on children's teeth, see below:

Fluoridation at home

You can strengthen your teeth with fluoride yourself with the help of various products containing this element. They are presented:

  • Toothpaste... This is the most common form of dental fluoride at home. Their components are various fluoride compounds that can eliminate minor defects in the enamel and prevent caries.
  • Gels... Before using them, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned of plaque and saliva, then the gel is applied to the teeth for 3-4 minutes, repeating the courses of the procedure several times a year. Examples of fluorine-containing gels are Fluodent and Fluocal.
  • Rinses... When using them, it is important to ensure that the child does not swallow the solution, therefore, such remedies are most often used after the first permanent teeth have erupted.
  • Pills... If there is a shortage of fluoride in food and water, the doctor will recommend sodium fluoride tablets, which can be given to children from the age of two.


To prevent caries damage to children's teeth and the need to use fluoride protective drugs, it is important:

  • The expectant mother, even during pregnancy, to monitor her diet and health, so as not to harm the teeth of the crumbs during their prenatal laying.
  • Carefully monitor the hygiene of the child's oral cavity, starting to brush the baby's teeth as soon as they erupt.
  • Do not lick the baby's pacifier or spoon.
  • Do not bottle feed at night or give sweet drinks at night after the appearance of the first milk teeth.
  • Limit sweets in your child's diet and try to give them in the first half of the day.
  • Do not include in the baby's diet carbonated sugary drinks, candies and toffee.
  • If the child drinks sour juice, give the crumbs a tube.
  • Monitor immunity toddler, strengthening it.
  • Take your baby to the dentist regularlyin order to detect problems with baby teeth in time.

Watch the video: Vanish 5% Sodium Fluoride White Varnish - Now with TCP! (July 2024).