
"Anaferon" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Sometimes, to support the immune system and strengthen the defenses of expectant mothers, homeopathic medicines are prescribed, for example, Anaferon. Such a product from Materia Medica can be used for children or adults. It is used when the first symptoms of a cold or viral infection of the respiratory tract occur, as well as for prophylactic purposes.

Features of the drug

"Anaferon", which is intended for adults (from 18 years old), is lozenges. They have a round flat shape, white color, there is a risk, on one side there is a mark “Anaferon”, on the other the name of the manufacturer (“Materia Medica”). One package contains 20-100 tablets, costs about 230 rubles for 20 pieces, sold without a prescription. The shelf life of such a product is 3 years.

"Children's Anaferon" is also produced in the form of tablets, which must be slowly absorbed, but there is also a liquid form - drops. The tablets are almost the same as the adult version, only next to the inscription "Anaferon" there is the word "Kid". They have about the same price, but the active substance is presented in a smaller dilution, so the drug is used in childhood from 1 month.

The droplets are intended for the smallest patients - from 1 month to 3 years. They are clear and colorless, sweetish in taste, sold in 25 ml glass bottles and are also over-the-counter. Moms praise such a drug for its ease of use and safety at an early age.

The action of any kind of "Anaferon" is determined by antibodies to interferon gamma. In the manufacture of tablets, they undergo special cleaning and are applied to milk sugar, after which microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate are added to the active substance to obtain a dense structure. The dosage of antibodies in 1 "adult" tablet, as in the tablet preparation for children, is the same - 0.003 g. Only the dilution of the active ingredient is different.

Operating principle

"Anaferon" refers to homeopathic remedies that have antiviral effect. The drug is active against a large number of viruses, including pathogens of influenza and parainfluenza, as well as various types of herpes viruses that provoke lesions of the lips and genitals, chickenpox and mononucleosis. The tablets also act on adenoviruses, enteroviruses, rotaviruses, RS viruses and other infectious agents.

In addition, Anaferon has an immunomodulatory effect, since it stimulates the production of interferons, enhances the cellular and humoral responses of the immune system. Under the influence of tablets, antibodies begin to be produced faster, T-cells become more active, phagocytes and killer cells increase their functionality.

Is it allowed for expectant mothers?

The period of bearing the child is not marked in contraindications for the use of "Anaferon", but this does not mean at all that the drug can be used for ARVI without a doctor's prescription. The manufacturer focuses on the fact that The safety of "Anaferon" for women in the position has not been studied, therefore, the attending physician takes responsibility for the appointment of such homeopathy. If he sees the need for therapy, then prescribes pills to the expectant mother, weighing all the possible risks. Application without the appointment of a specialist is prohibited.

Many women consider homeopathy to be harmless, so they do not see any problem in taking Anaferon during pregnancy on their own, especially if they already have children and the drug has shown its effectiveness in combating ARVI. But this is a dangerous misconception, especially when it comes to the 1st trimester, when the child's organs have just begun to form, and the placenta does not protect the embryo from harmful external factors. The immune defense of a woman in the early stages is weakened so as not to harm the development of the crumbs, therefore, increased immunity can lead to unexpected consequences. For this reason in the first trimester, the use of "Anaferon" should be abandoned.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the baby is already under the protection of the placenta, so the list of approved drugs for later terms is expanding... And therefore, the doctor can prescribe Anaferon to the expectant mother for a period of more than 13 weeks, if there are indications for this. Since a viral infection poses a serious danger to a woman in a position, in a severe course, the use of "Anaferon" is often justified. Wherein many doctors reduce the dosage and prescribe an individualized regimen.

But choosing instead of adult tablets for children is not worth it, since the effect of a smaller dilution of the active substance will be low, which makes the use of this form impractical.

When is it prescribed?

The use of "Anaferon" is in demand with ARVI, as well as for their prevention, however, the drug can be used and with other viral lesions, for example, with chickenpox, genital herpes, tick-borne encephalitis, viral intestinal infection, and so on. In addition, pills are sometimes included in the treatment of bacterial diseases in order to reduce the incidence of complications and stimulate the immune response.


According to the annotation, the only contraindication for taking Anaferon is hypersensitivity to pills. The drug is classified as a safe means, therefore, it is prescribed even for serious problems., for example, if the patient has kidney failure or liver dysfunction.

But since the composition contains lactose, "Anaferon" is also not used for hereditary diseases in which carbohydrates are not absorbed.

Side effects

Usually the tolerance of "Anaferon" is good and no negative effects are detected when the tablets are resorbed. However, on rare occasions an allergic reaction may occur to the drug, which is why it is immediately canceled.

Instructions for use

"Anaferon" should be kept in the mouth until the drug completely dissolves on its own. You need to take the remedy separately from meals. One single dose is one tablet. It is impossible to swallow the drug with water, as this will affect its action.

It is recommended to start taking it for acute viral infections as early as possible, then the effect will be more pronounced. When ailments appear, "Anaferon" is absorbed every half hour for two hours, and then taken three more times during the day at equal time intervals. Further, the agent is used three times until the disease completely disappears.

Preventive schemes, as well as the use for herpes, are selected individually. If no improvement is noted on the third day of admission, a second consultation with a doctor is needed. Anaferon can be combined with any other medications, for example, with antipyretic, antibacterial or antiviral drugs.


Women who used "Anaferon" during pregnancy speak of it differently. Supporters of homeopathy call it effective and confirm the positive effects in ARVI, rotavirus and other infections. Its advantages include a pleasant taste, good tolerance, and the possibility of preventive use.

However, there are also negative opinions, including from doctors, since doctors consider such a drug to be a remedy for which effectiveness has not been proven.

Many experts question the effect of "Anaferon", because the concentration of the active substance in such tablets is very low, which makes the drug similar to a placebo.


If it becomes necessary to replace Anaferon with a remedy with similar therapeutic effects, your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications.

  • Ergoferon... In these homeopathic tablets, antibodies to interferon antibodies were also added to antibodies to histamine and CD4. The tool can be used during pregnancy to treat viral infections with the exception of 1 trimester, but only as directed by a doctor.
  • Oscillococcinum. The action of these homeopathic granules is provided by an extract obtained from the liver of a musky duck. Drinking such a remedy for ARVI and flu is permissible at any gestation period.
  • "Viferon". The composition of these suppositories includes interferon, so the drug directly affects the immune system, which contributes to the rapid cure of viral diseases. Suppositories are not prescribed in the early stages, but in the second and third trimesters they are used under medical supervision.
  • "Grippferon". This interferon drug is available in liquid form - nasal drops and spray. Both options can be prescribed to pregnant women even in the early stages, since they act only locally on the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

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