
How long should you wear compression stockings after a cesarean section?

Women who are about to have a cesarean section are advised to purchase and take compression stockings with them to the hospital. Not all women in labor are well aware of why such underwear is required during operative childbirth and how long after the operation it is necessary to continue wearing medical jersey. We will talk about this in our article.


Compression underwear has a wide range of applications. It provides compression - compression. Medical leg jersey is a tight elastic underwear that exerts external pressure on the blood vessels. As a result of such pressure, blood flow is distributed more evenly, the lumen of the vessels decreases, more blood flows to the heart, less to the lower extremities, which reduces the likelihood of developing varicose veins, as well as the formation of blood clots.

In medicine, stockings are used to treat various degrees and forms of vascular disorders.

For pregnant women, such products are recommended to relieve excessive stress on the legs, and for women in labor - to prevent problems with veins after and during childbirth under conditions of increased stress on the body.

For women who undergo a cesarean section, such underwear is also necessary, and for several good reasons at once. When the abdominal cavity is dissected, intra-abdominal pressure is disturbed, which can lead to pathological changes in the vessels, and the postoperative period is associated with a rather long stay of the postpartum woman in a horizontal and almost immobile state, which can also negatively affect the veins and arteries.

Medicines that anesthesiologists use to relieve the process of surgical delivery can also affect the integrity of the vascular walls and their tone. Therefore, wearing compression stockings is shown in the postpartum period.

The purpose of such underwear during a cesarean section is to reduce the likelihood of postoperative thromboembolism. If a blood clot forms and travels with the bloodstream through the blood vessels, a blockage is possible. Some forms of thrombosis and thromboembolism (thrombus disorder of the vessel lumen) can be fatal.

Compression stockings before a cesarean section are put on just in order to prevent dangerous complications from the blood vessels. Additionally, such underwear normalizes the level of blood pressure due to a more even distribution of blood flow along all bloodstreams in the body.

In some maternity hospitals, it is customary to bandage the legs with elastic bandages. This method is cheaper, but, alas, it cannot provide accurate compression. The pressure must be applied with a certain force, and when bandaging, it is almost impossible to determine the degree of compression. Hospital stockings are considered a more accurate and reliable way to protect the health of a woman in labor.

For planned surgical delivery, such underwear is recommended for all women, but especially for those who have problems with obesity and blood vessel health with the appropriate signs:

  • swelling of the legs;
  • the presence of gestosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • the presence of a manifested vascular network ("stars", "cobwebs") on the legs;
  • excessive weight gain;
  • convulsive syndrome (legs cramp);
  • blood clotting disorders according to test data, a tendency to thrombosis.

The stockings that a woman puts on before the operation will help to avoid negative consequences in the postpartum period.

When to shoot?

Removing stockings immediately after a cesarean section is strongly discouraged.

The risk of developing complications in blood vessels persists for 10-14 days. This is the time it is recommended to wear hospital underwear after surgery.

In the first few days, stockings are worn around the clock, without even taking them off for sleep. After 7-8 days, a woman can start taking off her stockings at night. During the first week, the remnants of medications used to anesthetize the surgical delivery, as well as their metabolites, usually leave the body of the postpartum woman, and the risk of thrombosis becomes lower.

Wear stockings in the morning after a night's rest in a horizontal position without getting out of bed. After another week, a woman can stop wearing stockings. In recent days, it is best to gradually reduce the time of wearing medical medical jersey by 2-3 hours per day.

The indicated dates are relevant for women in childbirth who do not have any problems with the health of blood vessels.

If there were certain problems before the birth, the phlebologist should determine the period of wearing the stockings.

It will be good if the woman first takes care of the availability of a second, spare pair of stockings. After the operation, a woman should pay special attention to hygiene in order to prevent infection of the stitches and the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the genital tract. Therefore, the second pair will come in handy - while one dries after washing, the second woman can wear.

For more information on compression stockings, see the next video.

Watch the video: How to Put On Compression Socks THE EASIEST WAY! (July 2024).