
Is it possible to give Ivan tea to children and at what age can you drink it?

Ivan tea, or, as it is also called, fireweed, has long been consumed in our country, but many modern parents doubt whether such a drink is allowed in childhood. Their doubts are understandable, since fireweed tea is not just a delicious drink. It is able to help with various diseases and improve health if brewed and drunk correctly.


Drinks based on Ivan tea have many positive effects. These include improving digestion and strengthening immunity. This tea increases resistance to viral infections, promotes healing of wounds and skin rashes. Its use will speed up recovery from colds, remove toxins, improve sleep and help withstand stress.

It is also important that there is no caffeine and theine in ivan tea, so the drink from such a plant is devoid of such disadvantages of ordinary tea or coffee as agitation and gradual depletion of the nervous system. On the contrary, tea made from fireweed has a calming effect and is recommended for children with increased excitability.

Harm and contraindications

A drink made from Ivan tea has a slight laxative effect, and prolonged use of such tea (longer than a month) can cause digestive problems. There is also a risk of an allergic reaction to tea.

Contraindications to its use are problems with blood clotting. Also, you should not combine the use of tea from fireweed with sedatives and antipyretic drugs.

At what age to give?

It is possible to acquaint the baby with Ivan-tea, brewed in the same way that ordinary tea is brewed, from the age of two. If we are talking about a decoction or infusion that is used for treatment, then they are not recommended to be given to children under six years old.

Correct dosage

Depending on the dosage, ivan tea can have both a prophylactic effect and a healing effect.

For home tea parties, take from half to a full teaspoon of dried tea for each glass of hot water with a temperature of about + 85 ° C. Raw materials can be brewed repeatedly up to 4-5 times.

All parents should know how much to drink such tea per day. Experts recommend drinking twice a day, although you can give it more often, but the maximum amount per day should be up to 5 servings.

Infusion for medicinal purposes, for the preparation of which they take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of Ivan-tea and a glass of water, give the child twice a day. A single serving for children 6-8 years old is a tablespoon, and for children 8-14 years old - 50 milliliters of such an infusion.

Introduction to the diet

Like any product unfamiliar to a child, a drink from fireweed should be introduced into the children's menu very carefully. A few spoons of tea will be enough for the first sample. It is best to give the drink to your baby in the morning to track his reaction to the new drink throughout the day. If no negative effects are found, the portion can be increased the next day.

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

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