
Diet "Table number 4" for children

The treatment table or diet number 4 according to Pevzner is a fairly often prescribed type of medical nutrition... Doctors resort to its appointment when treating many chronic diseases of the digestive system in children. Fulfillment of the main principles of such therapeutic nutrition allows you to achieve stable remission and prevent exacerbations of many diseases.

Who is it shown to?

This health food is specially formulated for the treatment of exacerbations of many diseases of the digestive system:

  • Exacerbations of chronic intestinal diseases. These include various enteritis, colitis, gastroenterocolitis.
  • It is used in complex therapy for intestinal tuberculosis, dysentery, typhoid fever. Can be used after bowel surgery.
  • After infectious inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • With intestinal dysbiosis, resulting from the multiplication of infectious microorganisms.
  • With irritable bowel syndrome, as well as for constipation and diarrhea.


The system of therapeutic nutrition, consisting of several tables, was created by the famous scientist I. Pevzner... It should be noted that it has existed for over a hundred years. This system has been used quite successfully in the treatment of many chronic diseases in children.

Diet No. 4 prohibits the use of fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods. They can damage the intestinal wall and increase pain. All pickled foods high in spices and vinegar should also be avoided.

Food is prescribed 4-5 times a day. For babies in the first year of life - up to six times throughout the day. All meals must be prepared in a gentle manner.

It is allowed to boil, bake, use a multicooker or double boiler.

Before eating, the food must be cooled to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. Giving a child too hot tea or soup is prohibited! The consistency of the dishes should be liquid or puree. In the first days of exacerbation, only pureed dishes are allowed. For babies under one year old, the food should be rubbed through a sieve. For older children, you can already use a blender.

The following foods should be completely excluded from the child's diet:

  • All canned food and products in marinade, including sauerkraut.
  • Freshly baked products, as well as baked goods. They are also contraindicated in pancreatitis.
  • Soups, cooked in strong meat or chicken broth, as well as dairy.
  • Meat and poultry with fat: pork, lamb, duck.
  • Meat delicacies and sausages. This also includes sausages, wieners and all other semi-finished meat products.
  • Whole cow's milk, cheese, sour cream. Fatty fermented milk products. Adding them to the diet is possible only when the inflammatory process subsides.
  • Scrambled eggs or eggs, withhard boiled.
  • Pork lard and fat. Margarine.
  • All spices and condiments. Ketchup, spicy tomato sauce, mayonnaise.
  • Coffee and cocoa and all sweet sodas.

If a child has a tendency to develop allergic reactions, in such cases it is worth turning to a hypoallergenic diet.

It completely excludes the introduction of allergenic products into the menu. Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet is also indicated for children with frequent exacerbations of diathesis or intestinal dysbiosis.

According to the chemical composition of foods, diet number 4 should include:

  • Up to 60-70% proteins, predominantly of animal origin. This amounts to approximately 70-80 g per day.
  • Up to 60-70 g of healthy fats.
  • 220-240 g carbohydrates of these, up to 50 g is assigned to the share of glucose.
  • Table salt - 7-8 g per day.
  • Water and other drinks - not less than 1.5-1.8 liters per day.

Daily calorie content is at the same time 1550-1750 kcal.


Treatment table No. 4 includes several options:

  • 4A. It is used for diseases associated with intolerance to cereal products, chronic pancreatitis with steatorrhea, various colitis. This option excludes all cereal products. There is a lot of emphasis on protein foods and calcium. All baked goods made from flour, buckwheat, oatmeal are prohibited.

Foods should be free of gluten, which can increase inflammation in the intestines.

  • 4B. It is prescribed after the exacerbation of the disease subsides. At this time, the intestines should begin to heal. Often this option is used for exacerbation of liver and gallbladder diseases. The diet at such a table is already expanding. Crackers, boiled pasta, jam and preserves, boiled and mashed vegetables (cauliflower and carrots) are allowed.
  • 4B. It is a transitional option from 4B to a regular table. It is usually prescribed for 1-2 weeks (to consolidate the result obtained). It can be used in the recovery period of the treatment of chronic intestinal diseases.

Sample menu for a week

When choosing recipes for a child, remember that food should be varied and complete.... There is no need to include the same foods in the diet every day, arguing that the baby is shown a diet! It is only a systematization of products, the use of which will contribute to a quick recovery.

Try to alternate meat products each week when compiling a sample menu.

Be sure to include lean fish in your diet.

Consider what dishes you should choose for feeding your baby.


Breakfast: Boiled slimy flakes. Oatmeal is perfect. Unsweetened jelly.

Breakfast number 2: Rubbed apple.

Dinner: Vegetable broth with chicken meatballs. Non-acidic berry juice.

Afternoon snack: Dry biscuit biscuits with a glass of tea.

Dinner: Stewed fish meatballs with boiled rice as a garnish. Lingonberry fruit drink.


Breakfast: Cooked buckwheat flakes. Dried apricot compote.

Breakfast number 2: Pear pudding.

Dinner: Mashed cauliflower soup. Blueberry juice.

Afternoon snack: Rice biscuits with tea.

Dinner: Vegetable puree and steamed fish dumplings. Sea buckthorn fruit drink.


Breakfast: Mashed rolled oats with dried fruits. Berry fruit drink.

Breakfast # 2: Banana soufflé.

Dinner: Rice soup with fish. Oatmeal jelly.

Afternoon snack: Tea crackers.

Dinner: Stewed chicken meatballs with boiled rice flakes. Tea.


Breakfast: Rice pudding with dried apricots. Compote with raisins.

Breakfast number 2: Baked plums.

Dinner: Ear. A decoction of raisins and dried apricots.

Afternoon snack: Galette crackers with tea.

Dinner: Steamed beef dumplings with vegetable puree. Berry fruit drink.


Breakfast: Cereal pudding. Kissel.

Breakfast number 2: Pear soufflé.

Dinner: Broth with vegetables, wheat biscuits. Berry fruit drink.

Afternoon snack: Crackers and tea.

Dinner: Hake soufflé with vegetables.


Breakfast: Pear balls. Morse.

Breakfast number 2: Banana.

Dinner: Chicken broth with well-cooked oatmeal. Seasonal fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: Biscuits with tea.

Dinner: Stewed fish dumplings with boiled rice.


Breakfast: Steamed rice casserole. Warm sea buckthorn fruit drink.

Breakfast number 2: Baked pear.

Dinner: Turkey meatballs with rice flakes.

Afternoon snack: Biscuits with tea.

Dinner: Meatballs with rice. Dried apricot compote.

Delicious recipes for the children's menu

Rice pudding with dried fruit

  • Take 100 g of dry round rice. Rinse well. Pour in two glasses of water and boil until the cereal is completely boiled. Cool it down. Add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and one egg. Stir.
  • Rinse dried fruit thoroughly. Check that they do not include rotten and old fruits. Pat dry with a paper towel. Chop dried fruits. This can be done through a meat grinder or blender. Mix dried fruit with rice paste.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter. Spoon the rice mixture into the mold. Bake it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees (for 15 minutes). Serve with any fruit puree.

Homemade fruit puree

Take one ripe pear and one apple. Wash the fruit, remove the skins and stalks. Place them on parchment paper and bake in an oven preheated to 150-160 degrees until completely soft. Cool and rub through a sieve. Add some sugar or icing sugar. This will be a good alternative to purchased puree from jars. Such food goes well with puddings or boiled porridge.

Compliance with diet number 4 helps to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

The appointment of such a diet for various intestinal diseases helps to normalize its work and relieve inflammation.

For useful and unhealthy food for a child, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: TOEIC 2020. New Listening Test with Answers and Tapescripts. Global TOEIC Listening practice. (July 2024).