
Milgamma for children: instructions for use

For diseases of the nervous system, adults are often prescribed a drug based on B vitamins - called "Milgamma". The instructions for use are quite simple. Not everyone knows if this medicine can be used for children.

Release form and composition

The medication is presented in an injection form - dark glass ampoules containing 2 ml of a red transparent solution. One package contains from 5 to 25 ampoules. Their active ingredients are:

  • Vitamin B1 in the form of thiamine hydrochloride - at a dose of 50 mg / 1 ml.
  • Vitamin B6 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride - at a dose of 50 mg / 1 ml.
  • Vitamin B12 in the form of cyanocobalamin - at a dose of 500 μg / 1 ml.
  • Lidocaine in the form of lidocaine hydrochloride - at a dose of 10 mg / 1 ml.

Additionally, the solution contains sodium hydroxide and polyphosphate, potassium hexacyanoferrate, sterile water and benzyl alcohol.

A separate preparation is produced under the name "Milgamma Compositum". These are white-coated tablets containing only two B vitamins - B1 as benfotiamine and B6 as pyridoxine hydrochloride. Each of the ingredients is presented in one 100 mg tablet. Additionally, the medicine contains sucrose, povidone, wax, corn starch and other compounds. One pack contains 30 or 60 tablets.

Operating principle

Vitamin compounds in Milgamma have the following properties:

  • Thanks to thiamine, carbohydrate metabolism improves, which is extremely important for the support of nerve tissues.
  • Pyridoxine is important for the exchange of amino acids, the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of various active compounds (they are called mediators).
  • Vitamin B12 has an antianemic effect - by activating the synthesis of nucleic acids, methionine, choline and other substances. This vitamin is actively involved in a variety of metabolic processes inside cells and has an analgesic effect.

The presence of lidocaine in the solution provides an additional analgesic effect.

The use of "Milgamma" strengthens the body as a whole, has a beneficial effect on blood formation, blood circulation and the work of the nervous system.


Milgamma is used:

  • with neuritis;
  • with radiculitis;
  • with damage to the facial nerve;
  • with myalgias;
  • with shingles;
  • with neuralgia;
  • with polyneuropathy;
  • with hypovitaminosis.

Is it prescribed for babies?

The annotation to both Compositum tablets and Milgamma injections includes information that such medications are contraindicated in patients under 16 years of age.

This is due to the very high dosages of vitamins, and to insufficient study of the effect of drugs on children.


The medication is not used not only in childhood, but also with intolerance to any of its ingredients, as well as with serious heart pathologies, in which conduction is disturbed and heart failure occurs.

Dragee "Compositum" is not prescribed in case of difficulties with the absorption of glucose or fructose.

Side effects

Treatment with Milgamma can cause rash, nausea, bradycardia, respiratory failure, itchy skin, sweating, convulsions and other symptoms. They usually occur when the solution is injected too quickly into the muscle or when a high dose of medication is prescribed.

Instructions for use

The form of the drug, its dosage and mode of administration is determined by a specialist. Usually, with severe pain, treatment is started with intramuscular injections, and then switched to pills. The duration of therapy is usually one month.

To learn how to use the drug "Milgamma", see the next video.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase "Milgamma" in a pharmacy, you need a prescription from a doctor. The average price of 5 ampoules is 240-270 rubles. Storage of the solution is recommended at a temperature not higher than +15 degrees. The shelf life of this form of medicine is 2 years.

Compositum is sold in pharmacies as an over-the-counter drug. The cost of a pack of 30 tablets is about 650 rubles. The shelf life of the pills is 5 years, and it is advised to keep such a medicine at home at room temperature, out of the reach of a small child.


The same composition of the solution for injections "Combilipen", tablets "Neuromultivit" and the drug "Neurobion", produced in tablets and ampoules. However, these medications are also contraindicated in childhood. If you need to prescribe a source of B vitamins to your child, your doctor will recommend one of the multivitamin complexes, for example:

  • Vitamins "Multi-tabs Junior" (assigned to children 4-11 years old) and "Kid" (used for children 1-4 years old). These chewable tablets are a source of 7 B vitamins.

  • "Syrup Pikovit 1+"recommended for children over 1 year old. It gives babies five essential B-group vitamins. Older children are prescribed other complexes of the Pikovit line, which also contain thiamine, pyridoxine and other B vitamins.

  • "Gel Kinder Biovital". As part of such a sweet multivitamin, there are six vitamins, which are classified as group B. The medication is used for children over a year old.

  • Vitrum Junior tablets. This is a complex for children 6 years of age and older, it contains all the essential B vitamins.

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