
Apilak for children

When a child is often sick or eats poorly, mothers often think about any tonic that can improve appetite and protect the child's body from colds and viruses. One of the most popular drugs with this effect is Apilak. Is it allowed to give this remedy in childhood, in what form is Apilac produced, how is it properly dosed and when it should not be given to children?

Release form

Apilak is available in the following form:

  1. Pills, which must be kept under the tongue and slowly dissolve. One package contains 25 or 50 of these yellowish-white tablets.
  2. 3% ointment, which is used for external processing. It is a white or white-yellow substance, which is packed in tubes of 30 or 50 grams.
  3. Suppositories, packed in 10 pieces per pack.


The main component of Apilak is royal jelly, which is the secret of bees. Such milk is lyophilized, that is, dried at low temperature under vacuum conditions.

  • Each tablet contains 10 mg of this active ingredient, supplemented with talc, lactose, potato starch and calcium stearate.
  • Apilak suppositories are produced with both 10 mg of royal jelly and 5 mg of this active ingredient. This form of release also contains cocoa butter.
  • In Apilak ointment, in addition to 10 mg of royal jelly for each 1 g of the product contains such components as purified water, cinnamic alcohol (it gives the drug a special smell), hard paraffin, petroleum jelly, glycerin and some other components.

Operating principle

The drug is included in the group of general tonics. It has a biostimulating effect due to the presence of vitamin compounds in royal jelly. (B9, H, B1, C, B6 and others), amino acids (methionine, valine, histidine, tryptophan, etc.), mineral elements (Fe, P, Na, Mg, Ca, K) and a number of other substances.

When taking such a drug, metabolic processes in cells are activated, and cell nutrition is improved. This helps to improve overall tone and accelerate tissue regeneration. In addition, an antispastic effect is noted in royal jelly.

Watch a video on the benefits and uses of royal jelly:


Apilak can be prescribed to children:

  • With insufficient body weight and eating disorders, such as appetite or anorexia.
  • In order to accelerate the recovery of the body after illnesses.
  • As an adjuvant in the treatment of neurological problems.
  • With low blood pressure.
  • With seborrhea, to restore the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin and with neurodermatitis, as well as with diaper rash (use ointment).
  • As a prophylactic agent for immunity, increasing efficiency and reducing fatigue.

Apilak is actively used by adults, especially nursing mothers, as this tool helps to establish or restore lactation.

From what age is it allowed to take?

Apilak suppositories are prescribed from an early age, even to premature babies. At the same time, the instructions for the use of Apilak tablets contain children under 18 years of age as contraindications, since the effect of this form of the drug has not been sufficiently studied.

However, experienced doctors prescribe Apilak tablets in children from the age of 2 years, choosing a reduced dosage for the child.


Apilak for children is not used:

  • With hypersensitivity to beekeeping products, as well as to other components of the product.
  • With Addison's disease.

Side effects

Taking Apilak can cause an allergic reaction or sleep problems. If the child has an allergy, the course of treatment is stopped immediately. In case of sleep disturbance, the dosage is first reduced, and if this does not help, then Apilak is already canceled.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Apilak tablet should be placed under the tongue and wait for complete resorption. In childhood, give a quarter or half of one tablet three times a day. The duration of taking this form of Apilak is from 7 to 15 days.
  • Skin treatment with Apilak ointment is carried out 1-2 times a day... The agent is applied to the affected areas with a thin layer. The duration of such treatment can be from 7 days to 2 months.

Apilak suppositories are prescribed for children in half (children of the first month of life) or a whole candle three times a day. The medicine is used for 10 to 20 days.

How to light a candle for a child, see the next video.


There were no cases of overdosing of Apilak.

For video instructions on Apilak, see below.

Interaction with other drugs

The effect of Apilak on the use of other drugs is not known.

Terms of sale

You can buy Apilak without presenting a prescription. The cost of a package with 25 tablets is on average 230 rubles, and a package of 50 g of ointment is about 160 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Having bought Apilak, the package of tablets should be kept in a dry place, out of direct sunlight. Storage temperature should not exceed + 25 ° С. The optimal temperature conditions for storing the ointment are called + 8 + 15 ° C. Keep candles in the refrigerator.

Remember that children should not have access to any medicines, including Apilak.... The shelf life for Apilak in the form of an ointment is 2 years, for the tablet form - 3 years, for suppositories - only 1 year.


When looking for a remedy for immunity, many mothers choose Apilak and are satisfied with its use in their children. They note that this is a useful strengthening drug, the main advantage of which is naturalness. Kids tolerate this remedy mostly well and get sick less. However, there are also reviews about the lack of effect from taking Apilak.


In order to strengthen children's immunity and improve the general condition of the child, instead of Apilak, you can give aloe preparations, pantocrine, rosehip syrup and many other remedies with a tonic and restorative effect. but the appointment of any drug should be discussed with the attending physician, because even drugs based on natural ingredients have their own contraindications and disadvantages.

Watch the video: 5 වසර ශෂයතවය පරශන 3000ක අක 02 grade 5 scholarship parisaraya sinhala demala 5 wasara (July 2024).