
Normobact for children: instructions for use

Loose stools, bloating, colic, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms from the digestive tract are quite common in childhood. Their appearance is caused by the action of various factors, among which stress, feeding with a mixture, infection with bacteria, moving, violation of the diet and so on are noted.

To improve the functioning of the intestines and improve the condition of the child, doctors advise using probiotics are drugs that contain beneficial bacteria. In addition, the so-called prebiotics are in demand - means through which the normal intestinal flora reproduces more actively.

There are also active supplements that contain both probiotics and prebiotic components. One of them is "Normobakt". Such a drug is prescribed for poisoning, rotavirus or dysbiosis, as well as for acute respiratory viral infections and for the prevention of various diseases. But before giving it to a child, it is worth learning more about the features of such a dietary supplement and the dosages allowed for children.

Release form

"Normobakt" is produced in Poland, and in our country it is represented by the company "Akrikhin". In its assortment, the additive is presented in two variants.

  • "Normobakt L" - portioned sachets with powder. One sachet contains 3 g of this creamy or white powder, and one package contains 10 sachets. For use, the drug must be mixed with milk, water or other liquid.

  • "Normobakt Junior" - tablets to be chewed. They have the sweet taste of white chocolate and the cub shape that attracts children. Such tablets are placed in blisters of 4 or 20 pieces and are sold one blister per pack.


Both types of "Normobact" contain probiotic microorganisms, but they differ in powder and tablets. The beneficial bacteria in Normobact L are of the type Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (abbreviated as LGG). One 3 gram sachet contains about 4 billion of these microorganisms.

In the “Junior” preparation, they are replaced by two other, but no less useful types of bacteria - acidophilic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria lactis. Their number (CFU) in one tablet is at least 2 billion.

As part of "Normobact L" there is also a second active ingredient, which is classified as a prebiotic. These are fructo-oligosaccharides contained in one sachet at a dose of 800 mg. They are also present in bear pills, but in much smaller quantities, so this component is noted among the excipients. Besides them, among the additional ingredients of "Normobact Junior" you can see maltitol, lecithin, antioxidants, milk powder, vanilla flavoring and palm oil.

As for the inactive substances in powder form, they are only silicon dioxide and maltodextrin. Both of these substances are harmless and non-toxic even for babies. They are not harmful to the child's body and are often included in medicines as fillers.

Operating principle

Living microorganisms in the "Normobact" do not die under the influence of digestive juices, but enter the intestine and begin to actively multiply there, which is additionally supported by the presence of fructooligosaccharides. Inhabiting the intestines, they displace harmful microorganisms, and also have a positive effect on immune function.

Taking the supplement has the following effects:

  • restores the disturbed balance of the intestinal microbial flora;
  • reduces the risk of developing intestinal bacterial infections;
  • helps prevent diarrhea while using antibiotics and other medications;
  • promotes faster recovery from infection with rotaviruses;
  • reduces the incidence of loose stools due to climate and diet changes while traveling;
  • eliminates bloating, which provokes plant fiber;
  • prevents or eliminates constipation;
  • reduces the incidence of acute respiratory infections and supports the immune response in viral infections;
  • reduces the manifestations of atopic dermatitis or prevents its exacerbation during diathesis;
  • has a positive effect not only on the balance of intestinal microflora, but also on the composition of bacteria in the oral cavity, thereby reducing the risk of caries.


The reason for using any of the types of "Normobact" is:

  • dysbiosis;
  • poisoning with spoiled foods;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • diarrhea caused by any cause;
  • food allergy;
  • intestinal infection;
  • changing the diet and diet while traveling;
  • constipation.

The drug is prescribed both for vomiting, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms that the child already has, and to prevent their development (prophylactically).

At what age is it allowed?

It is possible to give "Normobact L" to children from 1 month, after agreeing with the attending physician. Such an additive is used even in infants and children of 1-2 years old, but "Junior" tablets are recommended only from the age of three.

If the child is not yet 3 years old, the supplement in the sachet or its analogs should be used instead of the solid form.


The use of both powder and tablets is prohibited in case of intolerance to their ingredients. The manufacturer does not mention any other contraindications for taking Normobact L, and the use of cubs, according to the paper instructions, requires caution if the child has congenital heart defects or immune diseases.

In case of any serious pathologies, such supplements should be given to a small patient only as prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects

The ingredients of the powder or sweet tablets can provoke rashes, nausea and other symptoms of intolerance.

When they appear, further use of the dietary supplement must be abandoned immediately.

Instructions for use

In order for the ingredients of "Normobact" to work most effectively, give a suspension prepared from a powder or offer the child to chew the tablets during meals. For babies under 3 years old, the daily dosage of "Normobact L" is one sachet. If the child is already three years old, he is often also prescribed one sachet per day, but sometimes the dose is increased to 2 sachets per day.

To give the powder form to the child correctly, you need to carefully open the sachet and pour its contents into the liquid. The recommended volume of such liquid is at least 100 ml. After stirring the powder, the agent should be immediately given to the little patient.

The dilution fluid may vary depending on the age and preference of the child. If a dietary supplement has been prescribed for a baby, then it is convenient to dilute the powder with expressed human milk or formula. For older children, the drug is diluted in yogurt, plain water or milk.

Tablets for patients over 3 years old, regardless of the child's age, are prescribed twice a day, that is, the daily dose of such "Normobact" is 2 tablets.

The duration of use of both supplements should be discussed with the pediatrician. Most often "Normobact" is given to the child in a course that lasts from 10 to 14 days. If it is necessary to take a repeated or longer admission, these issues must be resolved with the attending physician.

If the reason for using the supplement was antibiotic therapy, then usually "Normobact" is given to children as long as the course of antibiotics lasts.


Exceeding the dose of "Normobact L" is unlikely, because such a product is packaged in portions. For this reason, there have been no cases of overdose of this drug to date. As for exceeding the dosage of Junior tablets (taking more than two "bears" per day), this threatens with a laxative effect, but after the cancellation, the condition will soon normalize itself.

Interaction with other drugs

The manufacturer does not provide any data on the incompatibility of "Normobact" with medicinal products. If the child is already taking any medications, this should be reported to the doctor before using the powder or tablets.

Terms of sale

"Normobact" is not a medicine, but represents a group of active food additives, so sachets and tablets can be purchased without a prescription. However, before using in children, it is advisable to consult with a specialist so that the drug really helps, and does not worsen the condition of the little patient. The price of 10 sachets of "Normobact L" varies in different pharmacies from 410 to 480 rubles, and for 20 tablets "Junior" you need to pay about 340-370 rubles.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of both types of "Normobact" is 2 years and is indicated on the package. It should be clarified before the start of admission, since it is impossible to give an expired remedy. The recommended storage temperature for preparations is + 15- + 25 degrees. Powder sachets or blisters with tablets should be placed in a dry place.

To exclude the risk of overdose of the “Junior” drug, which exists because of its pleasant taste and attractive appearance, it is important to store this dietary supplement in a place hidden from children. It is not recommended to store the powder diluted with liquid.

Prepare a fresh batch for each next use.


On the use of "Normobact" in children, you can see mostly good reviews. The preparation in powder form is praised for its ability to be used even in infants, for its pleasant taste and convenient portion packaging. According to moms, a course of such a supplement helped to get rid of various uncomfortable symptoms, for example, constipation and flatulence.

The advantages of the "Junior" product include an interesting shape, sweet taste, the ability to store without a refrigerator and effective action. Among the disadvantages of "Normobakt" most often mention is the high cost. In addition, some parents do not like the composition of the tablets (the presence of palm oil and other auxiliary compounds)


If for some reason it is necessary to replace "Normobact" with a product with the same action, the doctor will advise the following medications.

  • "Maxilak Baby". Such a powder, packed in separate sachets, contains 9 strains of microorganisms at once, supplemented with fructooligosaccharides. Children are prescribed it from 4 months, and for patients 3 years of age and older, "Maxilac" is produced in capsules.
  • "Yogulakt". These capsules contain 4 types of probiotic bacteria and are used in children over three months old. For the smallest patients, they are opened and the contents are mixed with milk.
  • "Acipol". These capsules contain acidophilic lactobacilli, to which polysaccharides from kefir fungi have been added. In childhood, they are prescribed from 3 months.
  • "Bifidumbacterin". This probiotic is available in sachets, vials, tablets, capsules, and even rectal suppositories. Its action is provided by microorganisms that belong to the type of bifidobacteria. The medicine can be used at any age, even in newborns.
  • Linex. These capsules include not only bifidobacteria, but also lactobacilli with enterococci. The drug is used in patients of any age.
  • "Bifiform". This probiotic is presented in tablets, capsules, powder form and solution. It contains various beneficial microorganisms, and treatment with "Bifiform" is possible from birth.

For more information about the drug "Normobact" for children, see the next video.

Watch the video: How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children. Lael Stone. TEDxDocklands (July 2024).