
Anemia in an infant

Deficiency conditions in newborns and in children under one year old are quite dangerous. Anemic syndrome can be the beginning of the development of persistent disorders in the internal organs. With an untimely start of treatment, such conditions lead to the development of dangerous adverse consequences in the future.

What it is?

A decrease in hemoglobin or a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood indicates the presence of anemia. There are many different factors that cause anemia in an infant.

Hemoglobin plays an important role in the child's body. With its help, nutrients and oxygen are transferred to the cells of the body. Disruption of the transport function as a result of a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin leads to the appearance of tissue oxygen starvation or hypoxia. This condition is dangerous because after a while, persistent destructive changes begin to occur in the internal organs.


Various factors lead to the appearance of anemic syndrome. They can be either congenital or acquired in the first months after birth. Various causes cause a decrease in hemoglobin, which leads to an anemic state in the baby.

The following reasons can cause anemia:

  • Increased destruction of hemoglobin. It arises as a result of pathologies in the hematopoietic organs. It most often occurs in diseases of the liver, spleen and bone marrow, which are severe and require urgent treatment.

  • Heredity. As a result of genetic abnormalities, the process of formation of red blood cells - hematopoiesis - is disrupted. The number of newly formed erythrocytes is too small. They are not enough to perform basic oxygen transport functions. This leads to the development of persistent tissue hypoxia and oxygen starvation of internal organs.

  • Prematurity. In prematurely born babies, due to incompletely formed hematopoietic organs, an impaired synthesis of erythrocytes is observed. This leads to the fact that the child's body does not produce the required number of red blood cells. An insufficient content of red blood cells leads to a low concentration of hemoglobin, which means that it provokes the development of anemia.

  • Multiple pregnancy. Twins or triplets may have lower hemoglobin levels after birth. The more body weight in future babies during intrauterine development, the higher the risk of developing an anemic state in the first days after their birth.

  • Eating disorders. If a child has chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the development of individual intolerance to certain foods during complementary foods, the first anemic manifestations may develop.

  • A quick refusal to breastfeeding and the transition to artificial formula. Scientists have proven that breast milk contains a sufficient amount of all substances necessary for the growth and development of a baby, including iron. With the rapid refusal of breastfeeding and the wrong selection of adapted formulas, the baby may experience various deficiencies, which ultimately lead to the development of anemic syndrome.

  • Congenital tumors. In the presence of such formations, a rapid and persistent development of anemic syndrome occurs. Quite often, only a decrease in the level of hemoglobin or red blood cells makes it possible to suspect the presence of a tumor in a baby.

  • Congenital pathologies of the digestive system. The presence of anatomical defects in the structure of the stomach or intestines can lead to impaired absorption of iron, folic acid and vitamins from the incoming food. Ultimately, this condition leads to the development of anemia.

  • Different Rh factor for baby and mother. In this case, hemolytic anemia develops. As a result of the immune response, damage to the red blood cell occurs. Its outer shell breaks through and the whole structure of the red blood cell is disrupted. This leads to a strong decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

Severity classification

The quantitative determination of hemoglobin is used by doctors to establish the prognosis of the course of the disease. A level above 110 g / liter is considered a normal indicator. A decrease in hemoglobin below this indicator should cause fear in parents and force them to see a doctor.

In terms of severity, all anemic conditions in infants can be divided into:

  • Reduction of 1 degree. The hemoglobin level is over 90 g / liter, but below 110.

  • Reduction of the 2nd degree. Hemoglobin level from 70 to 90 g / liter.

  • Reduction of 3 degrees. The hemoglobin level is between 50 and 70 g / liter.

  • Reduction of 4 degrees. Hemoglobin level below 50 / liter.


Taking into account the various reasons that provoke the development of anemias, several options can be distinguished:

  • Iron deficient. Associated with insufficient intake of iron into the body from the outside. Most often it occurs due to the refusal of breastfeeding and the use of improperly selected mixtures, as well as the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system in the baby. Most often it is hypochromic, that is, with a reduced color index.

  • Hemolytic. They arise as a result of exposure to various causes that lead to the death of erythrocytes. Most often found with different Rh factor in mother and child during pregnancy, as well as during intrauterine infection with various viral infections.

  • Folic acid deficiency. They arise as a result of insufficient intake of folic acid. May be congenital or acquired. Quite often, they proceed in a latent form and are difficult to diagnose.

  • B12 is in short supply. Associated with an insufficient content of vitamin B12 in the blood. They are found in the presence of diseases of the digestive system, as well as during helminthic invasions. Eliminated by parenteral administration of drugs.

In premature babies, doctors distinguish several types of anemic conditions. With the development of anemic symptoms at 3-4 months of life, such anemia is called late, at an earlier age - early. This division allows the diagnosis to be made as accurately as possible.


It is quite difficult to suspect an anemic condition in a baby with a mild course of the disease. The most specific signs appear only when the hemoglobin content is significantly lower than the age norm.

The most common symptoms of anemia are:

  • Lagging in physical development. Poor weight gain can be noticed in babies as early as 3 months. The child develops more slowly, does not gain weight well and looks different than his peers.

  • Decrease in blood pressure.

  • Exposure to frequent colds. The presence in the medical card of a 9-month-old baby of information about 5-6 transferred infectious diseases should alert the attending physician.

  • Decreased appetite, distorted eating habits. Toddlers can skip certain foods entirely. In some cases, they may like combinations of products that are absolutely incompatible at first glance.

  • Pale skin. With a severe course of the disease, the child's lips acquire a blue tint. The skin becomes transparent and pale, veins are well visible.

  • Severe dryness of the skin. Even despite the use of various moisturizers and nourishing products, the child's skin remains very dry and easily injured.

  • Small cracks in the corners of the mouth.

  • General weakness, decreased activity, increased drowsiness.

  • Behavior change. Babies become more restless, do not fall asleep well, and may refuse to breastfeed.

  • Stool disorders. Most often - a tendency to constipation. However, with some forms of anemia, diarrhea can also occur.


Anemia is dangerous by the development of distant manifestations. With prolonged oxygen starvation, many internal organs do not receive the required amount of oxygen they need to perform all the necessary vital functions. This leads to the appearance of persistent and pronounced violations.

Oxygen starvation is most dangerous for the heart and brain. Prolonged anemia leads to the development of myocarditis. This condition is manifested by the appearance of various cardiac arrhythmias. Most often, babies experience severe tachycardia or arrhythmias.


Various drugs are used to treat anemic conditions. If the process is caused by iron deficiency, then iron-containing drugs are used. They can be administered as tablets, syrups, and suspensions. In some cases, if the baby has erosive processes in the stomach or intestines, such drugs are prescribed in the form of injections.

Treatment of anemia is long-term. It takes several months to normalize hemoglobin levels to normal. The first result of the treatment can be assessed only after 2-3 months. For this, a general blood test is performed. The appearance of reticulocytes indicates the activation of the process of hematopoiesis and is a favorable symptom of improving well-being.

If the cause of anemia is a congenital defect in the bone marrow or spleen, then in many cases surgery is required. Usually, operations are performed at an older age. However, if the baby has cancer and a bone marrow transplant from a donor is required, then it may need to be performed immediately.


Compliance with preventive measures should begin already during the pregnancy of the expectant mother. Often, babies are born with signs of anemic conditions that have arisen as a result of various pathologies of the mother in the process of gestation. Controlling the correct and healthy course of pregnancy helps prevent various congenital pathologies of the hematopoietic organs.

After the baby is born, it is important to try to keep breastfeeding as long as possible. Mother's milk contains all the essential nutrients in the right concentrations.

The introduction of the first complementary foods should be carried out taking into account the age of the baby. By the age of one year, the child's diet must include most of the animal and plant products. Buckwheat, beef, poultry, various cereals, vegetables and fruits should become daily components of the children's menu.

Preventing the development of anemia in a baby in the first year of life is a very important task. A child needs a normal hemoglobin level for proper growth and development.

Why is there a lack of iron in the baby's body? This is the reason why Doctor of Medical Sciences Kapitonova Eleonora Kuzminichna talks about it.

Watch the video: Neonatal Anemia, Bleeding and Screening (July 2024).