
Basic rules of conduct in public transport for schoolchildren

One of the main trends in the modern world is constant movement, therefore it is not surprising that even children have to actively use public transport. Some were sent by their parents to a school far from home, because the teachers there are better, someone attends additional classes and circles after school.

On a school bus or a sightseeing bus, children are accompanied by adults who are responsible for their safety and correct behavior, but in ordinary public transport, the baby is left to himself and can get into an unpleasant situation due to non-observance of etiquette.

Parents should explain to their child the rules of behavior in public transport, so that the baby feels more confident and does not force adult acquaintances in the cabin to “blush” for themselves.

How to enter correctly?

Boarding transport, being an extremely simple procedure, still presupposes certain rules of decency. Knowing them will help avoid a scandal at a bus stop.

  • You should not try to enter the vehicle as soon as it arrives. It is more logical to first let out passengers who want to get out of it. It is worth observing a queue, but even if one has not been formed, you should not push, trying to get inside the vehicle as quickly as possible.
  • For a long time, the unconditional rule of good manners for schoolchildren was considered to help pensioners and pregnant women board the bus. However, today it is recommended to first ask if this is appropriate. A person may be independent enough to enter the salon without outside help, and someone else's touch or the very fact of being perceived by outsiders as helpless can offend.
  • Schoolchildren often have a heavy briefcase or bag with them. If such a part is worn on the shoulders, it is better to take it off and hold it in your hands when landing.

How to behave in the salon?

Most often, a typical children's trip is limited to a few public transport stops, but in large cities such a trip can be much longer. During the entire time spent on the bus, you will have to interact with people. Both action and inaction can evoke praise or condemnation. In order not to show himself from the worst side, the child should remember simple recommendations.

  • Many passengers will give way to an elementary school student of their own free will, but in fact, a child of this age can already ride and stand. Polite people in this situation will be offered to sit in the vacant seat for elderly people or to invite the sitting passenger not to give up their seat.
  • If the child is sitting by himself, it makes sense to give way to those who need it - the same pensioners, mothers with small children, people with heavy bags. However, the same rule applies here as when boarding a vehicle - for a start, it is worth at least visually assessing the degree of need of a standing passenger for a free seat. If the decision to concede is nevertheless made, it must be accompanied by the words "sit down, please."

  • Nowadays, in transport, almost everyone travels, if not with a gadget, then with a book in their hands. Perhaps, very interesting things are drawn or written there, but you should not look over the shoulder of an unfamiliar passenger. Everyone has the right to personal space, because he is not obliged to expose his preferences or activities to the public.
  • Public transport is not exactly the place where you need to clean up. Girls are not recommended to comb their hair, or, even more so, paint on the bus. This is not very decent and may interfere with other passengers.

Exceptions can only be cases when the child's appearance has undergone strong changes for the worse due to force majeure (hair is badly disheveled, etc.).

What shouldn't you do?

Certain actions in a close circle of strangers can be judgmental. There are several rules about what a student should not do when traveling on public transport.

  • In any situation, you need to sit neatly, occupying only the space that is provided by the occupied space. This is especially true on the bus during rush hour. It would be wrong for one to take his place and half of the aisle, when in the other half there are several people at once.
  • Self-care is good, but even the best French perfume can be a problem in a cramped indoor environment with a lack of fresh air. It is possible that some of those present may be allergic to such a smell, however, in a crowded cabin, a person will not be able to change his position at all will. Even if passengers do not have allergies, if there is a lack of air, they may feel dizzy from the strong aroma.
  • If you shouldn't abuse the pleasant smells in the bus, then the unpleasant ones - even more so. It is no secret that many types of delicious food can leave bad breath, and in tight quarters it is possible that a student can breathe directly into someone's face. This does not mean that you should give up your favorite food, but after eating a fragrant food, it is advisable to at least use a refreshing chewing gum.
  • Eating food on public transport is also considered incorrect. Its smell can disturb someone, and the risk of staining the seat and other passengers due to sudden jerks of the vehicle is also not excluded. Of course, on a road that takes several hours, this rule is not valid. However, unaccompanied schoolchildren rarely find themselves in such situations.

  • Modern gadgets allow you to spend time on the road in an interesting and useful way, but you should not interfere with other people in the process. Loud extraneous sounds, be it music, a movie, or a game, can distract other passengers from their own thoughts or even annoy them with rejection of the content or headaches.
  • In rainy weather, an umbrella not only protects against precipitation, but also becomes a frequent cause of conflicts in public transport. In order not to touch people with a wet umbrella and not to spray drops of water in all directions, it should be folded at the bus stop, before entering the bus. In the cabin, if possible, it is better to lower the folded umbrella, allowing the water to drain down. After getting off the bus, you need to open the umbrella not at the door, but a couple of steps away from other passengers, otherwise they will be splashed with drops or even hurt by the umbrella itself.
  • There are times when a child feels so bad that it is difficult for him to stand on his feet.

In order not to fall and not hit, he can politely explain what is happening to one of the sitting passengers and ask him to give up his seat if there are no free passengers in the cabin.

For the basic rules of behavior in public transport for schoolchildren, see the following video.

Watch the video: Public Transit (July 2024).