
Boosters for children in the car: selection rules and operating features

It is known that the car occupies a leading position in the ranking of the most dangerous types of transport. And therefore, it is not without reason that special attention has been paid to the rules of transportation of children lately. But until now, the tightening of traffic rules regarding children in the car causes conflicting opinions among drivers. Some naively believe that innovations are a waste and are in no hurry to purchase car seats for children, arguing that children used to drive without additional devices and nothing terrible happened. Others absolutely support the traffic police and do not violate the rules when transporting children, because in an unforeseen situation such a small product as a car seat can save the life of a small passenger.

It is quite obvious that spending on the purchase of a car seat cannot be compared with the life of your baby, and the family budget will not be empty from another purchase.

What it is?

According to traffic regulations, children under the age of 12 must be transported in a car in special restraints. And if all drivers know about car seats and their reliability is beyond doubt, then many parents have some questions about such an accessory as a booster. For example, at what age can it be used and whether they provide absolute safety for a small passenger.

The booster is a more lightweight chair design. It is a small seat with padded armrests, but without a backrest, it provides the child with a more comfortable position in the standard passenger seat. The booster allows the child to sit comfortably in the car and be wearing a seat belt without discomfort. And besides, thanks to even a small elevation above the standard passenger seat, the child can look out the window in the same way as adults.

Without an additional seat, the standard seat belt for a small passenger is at the level of the face and neck. And since the car does not have the ability to adjust the belt for the passenger's height, it gives the child more discomfort than ensures safety. If the belt is located at the level of the neck, it is very dangerous. And with a booster, the child sits slightly higher than on a regular chair, and is correctly fixed with belts.

The booster is not a secondary or optional device for transporting children. It provides safety, with some reservations, yielding to a full-fledged car seat, and is not just an insignificant element for resolving misunderstandings with traffic police officers.

And even if you do not belong to car owners, but often use taxi services, get a simple and lightweight booster for long trips. This is really a real find for you.

Remember that the risk of injury without a special child seat for a small passenger is 25%. The responsibility for a high level of child safety rests precisely on the parent's shoulders.

Features and device

Child seat manufacturers use different materials in their production. The quality of the product depends on the quality of the materials used. The booster frame can be made of plastic, metal or extruded foam.

Seats for transporting children with a metal frame are considered the most reliable and durable, the safety of the child in such a booster will be at the highest level. These models are much more expensive and carry more weight. These are perhaps the main disadvantages of this design.

The plastic frame also provides a high degree of protection, but weighs significantly less than its metal counterparts, making it a great option for active traveling families. But before buying a plastic booster, you should pay attention to the thickness of the product. Thin plastic can break easily with minimal stress.

Extruded foam models are very popular with parents who often have to use taxi services. These models are very light and have a very affordable price. There are a lot of such devices on the market. But they do not differ in strength and reliability, the protection of a small passenger remains minimal, since the seat structure can easily break. And also such boosters cannot be called convenient.

The frame of the device is covered with soft fabric with pads that make the seat more comfortable and comfortable for the baby. Therefore, at first glance, it may seem that all boosters are practically the same. But they can also have different types of fasteners. And in order to properly and safely fix the small passenger in the booster, you must follow the instructions.

If the booster is fixed to the seat using the standard belts, install the booster in the rear passenger seat. Sit down the little passenger.

The lower strap of the standard seat belt should be tightened in such a way that the lower strap is at the baby's feet and passes through the booster armrests, and the diagonal strap fixes the child to the back of the seat.

Make sure the diagonal tape is below the level of the baby's neck and face.

This mounting method does not guarantee absolute safety. A sharp turn may cause the baby to fall out of the seat. The Isofix system is considered a more reliable method. With this system, the rigidity and reliability of fastening the booster to the car seat is several times higher, since the seat is attached directly to the integral parts of the car. In this case, the standard seat belts are assigned the secondary task of fixing.

To install the booster, you need to insert the rails into special mountings that are located between the seat and the back of the rear seat. But not all cars have such additional braces. And if your car belongs to this number, then the only option is to fix the booster with standard seat belts.

What age is it suitable for?

Traffic rules state that children under 12 years old should be transported in special restraints that will ensure safety while driving. And therefore, many parents are interested in the question of what age all restraints are designed for and from how many years a booster can be used to transport children.

All restraints are divided into separate categories:

  • To transport newborn babies, you must use infant car seatdesigned for weight up to 10 kg. This model can be used from 0 to 6 months.

  • Car carrying designed for transporting children up to 13 kg. These devices can be used until the baby is 1.5 years old.

  • Car seats - models designed for different heights and weights. Such devices can be used for 1 to 3 years. The weight for which the car seats are designed is from 9 to 18 kg, depending on the model.

  • Devices for children from 3 to 7 years old - they are able to withstand loads from 15 kg to 25 kg.

  • Seats for children from 6 to 12 years old designed for loads from 22 to 36 kg.

Over time, as the child grows up, the car seat must be changed to a more suitable model, since the restraints are selected according to age and height and weight indicators.

According to the SDA, boosters can be used when the child grows out of a standard full-fledged car seat. According to the manufacturers and the traffic police, it can be purchased for children from 3 to 12 years old. It is suitable if the child's weight does not exceed 36 kg, and the height is below 120 cm. And if your baby is still comfortable in a full-fledged car seat, then do not rush to switch to a lighter version. And besides, if the car seat can be installed in both the rear and the front passenger seat, then with a booster such freedom of choice is unacceptable.

A small passenger on a booster can only be transported in the back seat of a car.

But children of different ages need to fasten their seat belts in different ways. So, for example, at the age of 3 to 7 years, the lower and diagonal ribbons of the standard seat belt should be under two armrests. And when the weight of the small passenger is 22 kg, then the diagonal seat belt must be brought out over the armrest.


The category of restraints does not include homemade pillows and all kinds of pads - they are not able to guarantee the safety of the child in full. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase car seats and boosters only in specialized car dealerships or children's supermarkets.

The frame car seat provides greater safety and comfort during long journeys. It provides additional support and protection for the back and head, so in such a car seat the child will more easily endure a long journey. Some manufacturers also offer seats with backrests for this category, and in fact these models are standard car seats that can be transformed. But such designs are more suitable for long trips.

Also, if you plan to travel long distances by car with your child, then consider models with a cup holder or with a table. This is ideal for a fidget. This makes it easier for your little one to travel long distances and long car rides. Some models also have a compact cup holder that can be hidden in the seat structure.

And for parents who do not have their own car, but often travel by public transport or by taxi, a booster backpack is an excellent option. This amazing device combines everything necessary for parents: a comfortable seat for the safe transportation of children, a spacious backpack in which you can carry many things for a long walk, and, of course, an orthopedic back - the manufacturer has taken care not only of comfort and safety, but also about health.

And what is important, the booster-backpack has all the necessary European certificates of quality and safety, and the design itself is lightweight, so even a child can carry an empty backpack on his shoulders.

Another cutting-edge novelty appeared on the market not so long ago - the foldable booster. It has many advantages over conventional models. Lightweight and compact when assembled, you can carry the booster in a backpack, making it easier to comfortably and safely place three children in the back seat. Older children will not feel like babies with such a device. The collapsible booster can be used to transport children from 4 to 12 years old. The traffic police will not have any questions about this device.

Of course, inflatable models can also be used in travel. When folded, such a booster can easily fit even in a bag with children's things. Their safety indicators are undoubtedly inferior to frame models, but nevertheless inflatable devices have their advantages:

  • compactness and light weight;
  • the ability to take with you;
  • small price.

But the safety of the child does not tolerate savings, so before buying it is necessary to correlate all the pros and cons of popular models and choose the right option for your baby.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any product for transporting children in a car, boosters have advantages and disadvantages. The indisputable advantages include the following characteristics:

  • the optimal ratio of price and quality - undoubtedly, in terms of safety, boosters may be inferior to some models of full-fledged car seats, but still they are much cheaper than analogues;
  • the booster can be used during short trips around the city;
  • compact size - these devices do not take up much space in the trunk of a car;
  • low weight is also an advantage of all models;
  • easy installation - the booster can be attached to the car seat with the Isofix system or with standard seat belts;
  • the child is unrestricted in movement - seats for transporting children do not have additional angles that can shackle him;
  • suitable for small cars;
  • you can take the booster with you if you need to take a taxi.

Externally, the booster does not look like a car seat for small children, so it will make your little passenger feel older, which, of course, every child dreams of.

But the design is not without its drawbacks:

  • undoubtedly, in terms of reliability, the booster is inferior to a full-fledged car seat;
  • the child is not protected from side impact;
  • because the booster lifts the child a few centimeters above the level of the car seat, there is a risk of hitting his head on the side window, and not on the door trim.

On the forums on the Internet, parents leave various reviews about these devices. Some are happy with the purchase and recommend it to their friends, while other parents prefer the exceptionally large frame car seats. But if it is important for you that the device for transporting children, according to your idea, is compact or portable, then the booster will still be indispensable for your family.

How to choose?

The main points to look out for when buying a booster:

  • Method of attaching the booster to the car seat. Manufacturers subdivide two methods of fastening: with standard seat belts or the Isofix system. The latter is a more reliable and safer option for installing a seat.

  • What is the seat frame made of: made of metal, plastic or extruded foam. The level of safety and the cost of the product depends on the type of construction.

  • Material from which the device is made - give preference to breathable fabrics so that on a hot summer day the little passenger does not feel uncomfortable to sit. An ideal booster consists of four components: metal frame, plastic, softening material, and removable casing.

  • Comfort and convenience - the baby should be comfortable to sit on it for a long time.

  • The booster must be certified confirming that this model can be used to transport small passengers.

Pay attention to the models with removable covers - they are the most suitable option for young passengers who are not immune from unforeseen situations.

When choosing a suitable model, you need to focus on the height, weight and age of the baby. And in order to make the right choice, it is better to take your baby with you. Then you can choose a more comfortable and comfortable seat for a small passenger in width, length and height. In a relaxed position, the child's hands should be on the armrest, and during movement, the booster should remain stationary and not slip on the surface of the seat.

The seat width should not be narrow or too wide. Remember that you will be using the seat for a long time. Your baby should be comfortable to ride in a car not only in summer, but also in winter in a bulky down jacket.

Frameless chairs do not meet all safety requirements and do not provide a comfortable ride for the baby.Some drivers often use a frameless seat together with a fest - this is a device that allows you to adjust the seat belt to the child's height so that it presses the baby to the back of the seat not at the neck level, but in the abdomen and chest area. Also, some manufacturers have improved the design - they have supplemented the seats with additional belts, which also pull the diagonal belt of the seat belt from the baby's face and neck. This additional belt is located over the shoulder of the young passenger.

But as tests show, it is not advisable to use fest and additional loops. Since the fest still does not allow you to fix the child at the level of the hips, in the event of a collision, the baby can dive, which, in turn, can lead to injuries to the abdominal cavity, and the additional belt can burst during an accident. Therefore, as shown by the crash test, fest and additional loop do not provide absolute safety and complete protection of the baby, but can only be useful if the seat belt rubs the neck or face of a small passenger.

Placement and Usage Tips

A seat for transporting children in a car is a mandatory attribute of a parent's car according to the traffic police rules. Boosters fall into this category and are approved for use in 2018.

According to the rules of the road, small passengers are allowed to be carried only in a special seat, which is installed in the passenger seat in the back or front seat in the direction of travel. Still, the most reliable place for installing a child seat is considered to be the place behind the driver's back.

If you do decide to install a child seat in front of the driver, you must deactivate the airbag. Sudden braking or a slight impact on the car can trigger it, resulting in injury to the baby.

The seat needs to be cleaned more often than the interior of the car. If your booster model has additional replacement covers, then there will be no problems with cleaning. And if the fabric is not removable, then you can freshen it up at home on your own with special means for cleaning upholstered furniture or go to a car wash.

For what a booster is and how to install it correctly, see the next video.

Watch the video: Staying Safe in the Car: Booster Seats - School Aged Children (July 2024).