
Features of baby car seats with wheels

Modern manufacturers of children's products are constantly improving their products using innovative technologies and the latest developments. One of these solutions is a car seat with wheels.


The baby car seat on wheels is a unique product that can be used both as a regular chair for transporting a baby and as a stroller. Such an invention is very convenient, because during the trip, the baby can fall asleep, there is no need to wake him up - you can get the carrier and transform the car seat into a stroller with simple movements or fix the cradle on the wheelchair base.

Some models are transformed with just one hand movement, which will greatly simplify the process if only one parent is moving with the baby. Such options are very similar to transformers, since the part with wheels is not removable, but folds compactly behind the back of the product when it is used as a car seat.

A wheelchair can be made up of two elements: an infant car seat and a chassis. The walking block is small, so it can be conveniently transported in the trunk of a car. The cradle is fixed to the chassis thanks to a special system.

A car seat with wheels is great for air travel as it can be used as a seat on an airplane. Moreover, such systems for children are certified, so passing the safety control will not be a problem.

Advantages and disadvantages

Car seats for children with wheels have the following advantages:

  • convenience and practicality;
  • car seats with wheels are the ideal choice for babies;
  • ease of use;
  • the base of the seats is characterized by light weight and rather compact dimensions;
  • the presence of an additional handle for transportation;
  • high level of safety while traveling and walking.

Like any product, car seats on wheels have disadvantages, among which the following should be noted:

  • high cost, since functional models that combine several options are always more expensive than the usual options;
  • some models have additional functions that are practically not used, but their presence affects both the price of the product and its weight and dimensions;
  • few consumers have experienced a car seat on wheels, so it is rather difficult to talk about the real pros and cons of such models.


Today, wheeled car seats are produced by various well-known brands. The products of Maxi-Cosi, Britax, Recaro are very popular. Among the latest innovations, we should mention the model from OrbitBaby, the chair of which is capable of turning 360 degrees, which is carried out using a structure with rounded shapes. This model can be used with a mobile system in the form of a stroller. Additionally, it is equipped with a protective screen. OrbitBaby's model is designed for children from birth to four years old.

The Recaro Babyzen car seat is very popular because it provides a high level of safety and comfort. This model is made from materials of excellent quality, which has a positive effect on the service life. The weight of the product is only 10 kg thanks to the use of an ultra-light frame made of aluminum according to EN1888 standard. It is additionally equipped with a brake foot, and the front wheels can be swiveled 360 degrees. Five-point seat belts, an ergonomic cushion and soft fabric guarantee your baby a high level of comfort and convenience even on long journeys.

Another striking representative is the Donna stroller. It attracts attention not only with its ease of transformation, convenience and comfort, but also with a wide selection of colors. Stylish design makes the product effective and modern. The integrated chassis allows the car seat to be converted into a compact stroller at the push of a button. The wheels are pre-positioned in the seat base. The undeniable advantage of the Donna car seat is the ability to use it as a rocking chair on the floor. The comfortable Isofix base can be easily attached to the car seat.

For an overview of a car seat with wheels, see the following video.

Watch the video: Do I Need An Infant Car Seat? Are Convertible Car Seats Better? (July 2024).