
Three-wheeled strollers: features and tips for choosing

A baby carriage is a subject about which nothing new, it would seem, can be said. Moreover, come up with a modification that would be fundamentally different from what is on the market. But manufacturers, who employ a whole army of designers, marketers and engineers, continue to fight for our sympathy.

The three-wheeled stroller is a relative novelty in our market. In the west, it has its own consumer segment, which has been conveniently located for a long time. For our country, it still continues to be a relatively exotic commodity.


The main feature of these devices is that they are not intended for motion sickness or sleep. These are strollers for active walks with a child who is at least six months old. For older children who have already formed a stronger spine, models with a less rigid back are provided.

Many parents use transforming strollers, while often complaining about their cumbersomeness and sluggishness, as a result of which going to the store or to the clinic turns into a severe ordeal. But the cane stroller, on the contrary, successfully solving the indicated problem, is bad in another way: it does not have a stable and well-reinforced back.

Therefore, strollers become the golden mean in this case. Let's imagine that the child is about a year old, and his mother leads an active lifestyle, loves movement in the fresh air and is ready to overcome decent distances together with the baby. Now she can be completely sure that, while enjoying her favorite way of life, she can not worry about her son or daughter: wind, rain and sun rays can no longer cause any trouble.

This agile and versatile model has a high rating and mostly positive reviews.

Pros and cons

Since three-wheeled strollers are rapidly gaining popularity, and mothers with such devices can increasingly be seen on the streets of Russian cities, Let's try to figure out what is the reason for this popularity and what qualities of this product have earned such trust of buyers.

  • Maneuverability - five plus! The front wheel is able to turn around its axis, as a result of which the stroller changes direction, while having a relatively small turning angle. This, of course, significantly reduces the parent's energy consumption and helps to avoid many inconveniences on the road.
  • This is a really compact design! When folded, the stroller takes up quite a bit of space, which is very important for small apartments. Nobody wants to clutter up their home.

  • Appearance: you will be the star! Stylish, unusual strollers are not such a frequent occurrence on the streets, usually mothers walk with standard and familiar models for everyone. They will definitely pay attention to you. These models are most often decorated in a rather extraordinary way, the design is made with the expectation of buyers for whom not only convenience and functionality are important, but also an effective design.
  • Weight: lighter than light! A really important aspect for fragile moms. Lightweight designs, in addition to the obvious advantages in the form of a reduction in the number of problems with lifting and carrying the stroller itself, are much easier to control on the move than conventional models and overcome obstacles along the way. Considering the conditions of our Russian road realities, this is an important advantage.
  • Price: quite affordable for a thing with a competent technical performance, spectacular appearance and decent quality. The average family can afford this stroller. Of course, there is a wide range of models on the market, prices for which vary, but in principle, this category of goods is in a fairly affordable price segment.

Now let's talk about the cons - where can we go without them? As you know, there are no perfect things, and this fully applies to strollers.

  1. Trips to the metro with such a stroller will certainly be accompanied by inconveniences.
  2. The ramps, which are equipped with all modern entrances to buildings, are designed for four-wheeled devices, so it will not be possible to use them, but you will have to look for other ways to lift the wheelchair.
  3. Curbs of sidewalks, hills, all sorts of small obstacles through which four-wheeled brothers can easily climb, for a three-wheeled carriage can become insurmountable - yet the stability of this device can pump up at the most crucial moment.
  4. Extremely impassable roads not for a tricycle. It can cope with moderate terrain, small obstacles, but this stroller is not your assistant in overcoming serious difficulties. You will have to avoid snowy and rocky areas and stay close to the asphalt.


Well, now we come close to the most interesting thing. Let's see what types of three-wheeled strollers are and why they are interesting.


It would seem, what could be less compatible than strolling and sports? Stroller manufacturers disagreed with this, and as a result, such a phenomenon as a sports three-wheeled stroller appeared. There is even a separate name for it - from a foreign language the word "jogger" came to us (derived from the English word meaning "running").

If you see a model in the name of which this word appears, you should know that this is a sports stroller. Abroad (both in Europe and the United States), they are very widespread. Everyone knows how people all over the world are now obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, so this type of model had no chance to remain without its share of popularity.

The difference between this type of stroller lies in its special technical characteristics, thanks to which it enables the parent to combine walks with the child and sports: you can both run and roller-skate. Firstly, the stroller is more stable than its “non-sporting” counterparts due to its increased weight. Secondly, the front wheel can be swivel or tilt (also called "steering").

Calm classic

Not every parent believes that walking with a child is a reason for physical activity on their own side. Perhaps a walk for someone is additional time that can be spent reading or surfing the Internet. Of course, all this is possible, provided that the child in the stroller feels comfortable and protected.

For such cases, three-wheeled carriages are also provided. These are classic, calm modular models that exist as if out of time - they always look great, command respect for their solid and respectable appearance, have a certain segment of their adherents.

New technologies

It is impossible to tell about all the technical innovations used in wheelchairs in our time. There are countless of them, and every day more and more new ones appear - the imagination of designers and engineers is limitless. As long as there are fans of gadgets and technical devices among parents, the industry will offer more and more new solutions.

Various electronic devices, flashlights, displays, a lot of all kinds of technical devices. What is, for example, a model equipped with its own ... power plant! The engineers came up with the idea that they installed a device on the stroller that converts the energy of rotation of the wheels into electricity. As a result, the stroller provides itself with energy for the operation of all accessories: there is a backlight, there is a charger for the phone. Initially this miracle of science and technology was developed for a four-wheel base, but over time it migrated to three wheels.

American manufacturers offer options for the more tech-savvy parents. As you know, such people themselves will give odds to any seller of technical devices. Therefore, the manufacturer invites such consumers to independently determine the complete set of the stroller for themselves: any whim for your money.

Let's summarize. As we can see, there are many models. Some put care and comfort at the forefront, others - functionality, and still others - an effective design. Of course, you cannot please everyone, and no model in the world will combine such qualities that everyone, without exception, will like it.

Therefore, each parent will choose for himself what is most consistent with his idea of ​​the ideal stroller and will correlate with his personal preferences and lifestyle.


We have already touched on the issue of manufacturers a little, discussing the topic of models.

Of course, in terms of the number of manufactured products, China is leading, which produces an incredible number of strollers, and in terms of pricing it has no equal. For 6,000 rubles, you can purchase a completely acceptable option: light weight, decent maneuverability, there are even additional accessories (for example, a cup holder or a built-in table). There are also drawbacks: often these products are not sufficiently insulated, the hood may not cover the child well.

But let us remind you once again: the price range does not oblige these models to be the height of perfection.

Reputable German manufacturers are a completely different matter. Care and comfort are put first here. The insulated backrest (the material is both breathable and absorbent), fixation of the backrest in a million positions, brakes are no worse than a Mercedes car, and very light weight. Just a dream, not a stroller. But not everyone will be able to buy it - prices start at about 23,000 rubles.

The Italian models are in the same price range. The quality is impeccable - excellent wheelbags, beautiful appearance, chic shock absorption, handling and cross-country ability are beyond praise.

In the same price segment, there are models from the UK, Spain and other European manufacturers. In general, the characteristics are similar, the quality is very solid, the prices are high.

You can learn more about the stroller of one of the brands by watching the following video.

How to choose?

Of course, you will have to choose something in between, try to find a "golden mean" that is acceptable in terms of price, quality, and appearance.

But when examining a particular stroller, deciding whether your child will go for a walk, pay attention to the following:

  • whether the brake lever is designed to block all wheels;
  • the width of the wheelbase should be decent;
  • the front wheel should not be fixed (otherwise there will be a loss of maneuver);
  • choose a model with a lower weight.


There are a couple of ways to improve cross-country ability: when overcoming relief areas, learn to raise the front wheel, but snow and sand are best overcome by fixing it. This should be done carefully. Climbing stairs will be easier if you move up with the double wheels while using the handle.

Locking the wheel is a good way to overcome obstacles, learn how to use it.

Watch the video: TOP 5: Best Jogging Stroller 2020 (July 2024).