
Features of Moony diapers

In the modern world, it is difficult to even imagine caring for a baby without using such a convenient tool as diapers. Everyone has heard about the advantages of famous brands like Pampers, Huggies or Libero thanks to annoying advertising, but not everyone knows that not these brands are considered by specialists to be the most comfortable and convenient.

There are also more technologically advanced diaper brands that are equipped with almost computerized mechanisms for tracking the fullness of the product and other similar improvements that make the product more expensive, but take its use to a completely new level of convenience.

The leader in the production of such ultra-modern diapers is predictably Japan, leading in the latest technology, and Moony is considered one of the most popular brands of Japanese elite diapers.

Brand info

Moony is not in vain among the leaders - the company has a relatively rich history as a manufacturer of Japanese diapers. The year of foundation was relatively recent in 1981, when the same Pampers were already heard all over the world, but the Japanese quickly caught up. It is clear that many of the products they advertise are also somewhat exaggeratedly praised, but still, most parents have a very good opinion of them.

As for the outstanding achievements of the manufacturer, already in 1987 he introduced "the world's first waterproof disposable diapers", significantly improving the system of three-dimensional ruffles along the leg circumference line. Prior to that, such tightness would certainly have led to obvious skin problems like diaper rash, but the developers thought of everything in the complex, making the diaper itself from breathable materials. Let's be honest: in fact, any diaper can leak, but this one was a real revolution.

In 1992, the brand introduced another novelty - the "Moony Man" panties, the key feature of which was their focus on a toddler who can already walk. At that time, these were the only diapers in the world that could be changed from a standing baby without laying him on a flat surface. The latter might not have been in public places, so many parents liked the novelty. In 2001, a similar concept was presented, but for crawling babies.

Today, the company's developers continue to work on the introduction of all new technologies for comfort and safety from leaks. Some formulations may seem strange to an ignorant person, not meeting the needs of the baby, but parents all over the world cannot be mistaken - Moony products of different series are considered, perhaps, the best among all competitors.

Main characteristics

Moony diapers are distinguished by a decent variety of assortment - the model range includes both classic "diapers" for newborns and babies, and baby panties for children who are already ready to take their first steps. There are both typical disposable diapers, which are effective for only a few hours, and more "durable" nightwear. The products are produced separately for boys and girls - this is reflected not only in the strengthening of the absorbent layer in the appropriate places, but also in the stylistic design of the product.

The basis of the technology for the production of such technological diapers is a specific material called "Air Skinny". It means a mesh, woven from ultra-fine fibers and almost freely passing air, due to which normal humidity is maintained inside. This allows the skin to be perfectly dry and avoids the typical negative effects of excessive moisture such as diaper rash.

The outer layer, of course, is also not devoid of modern technologies - the shell material is made of polyolefins. Inside, at first glance, there is nothing unusual - the absorbent layer is made on the basis of cotton, but in fact there are also chemical superabsorbents that allow the liquid to quickly thicken. Models of diapers for older children, who are no longer so strongly allergic to everything unfamiliar, have additional impregnation of the inner layer with various herbal extracts extracted from chamomile and eucalyptus, as well as witch hazel.

Regardless of the assignment to this or that series, all the diapers of the Japanese brand have characteristic features, which, of course, are more logical to attribute to the pluses. For example, the Velcro used in these "diapers" does not deteriorate after the first unbuttoning - this is convenient not only for reusable diapers, but also generally provides a more secure fit. The developers also equip absolutely all models with filling indicators, so that parents are aware of the current situation, without even unbuttoning the accessory.

All products are necessarily designed in such a way that fit snugly enough to the baby's body, without hindering his movements, and special reinforced ruffles minimize the likelihood of leakage. Regardless of the exact configuration, the materials used are sure to breathe and do not provoke irritations on the skin, being hypoallergenic and just gentle to the touch.


According to many parents with their own experience using diapers from various leading brands, it is Moony that most deserves to be called the best. There are quite a few reasons for this opinion, but we will consider only those that are most popular in the comments on sites dedicated to motherhood.

  • The ability to absorb loose stools well. For most diapers, the main criterion for urgent replacement is the "big" baby surprise, but in the case of Moony this is not always necessary. The fact is that babies feed mainly on milk and other types of food of soft consistency, and therefore their stools are liquid, and the diaper in question copes with such a problem as easily as if it were urine.
  • Ability to keep fit in any situation. The problem with many diapers is that, due to the active actions of the baby, they crumple, and in such a situation, the likelihood of leakage of the accessory increases.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the absorbent gel, under the influence of the absorbed liquid, can become heavy and flow, shifting from where it should be, which further reduces the absorption capacity. The Moony developers have been able to ensure that these popular flaws are not inherent in their products.

  • Width. Many manufacturers, in an effort to reduce the cost of their products, make diapers relatively small - so less expensive materials are consumed. It is assumed that a tight girth in the right places compensates for the small size, but in practice it turns out that it is enough for the liquid to get literally a centimeter past the expected zone - and that's it, we get a leak. That is why "diapers" from Moony are valued by most parents above other Japanese manufacturers, who are also considered world leaders in the industry. The brand in question is distinguished by an increased width of products, therefore it gives more reasonable guarantees of protection against leaks.
  • Balancing the rubber bands. To avoid leaks, you need to ensure the most tight girth of the baby's body, but you must not press too hard, otherwise it will cause obvious discomfort. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the child's skin is much more delicate, so excessive pressure will leave much more serious consequences. The Japanese creators of "diapers" managed to find a fine line when the material does not leave the slightest gap, but at the same time not only does not overtighten the tissues of the body, but also does not interfere with movements.
  • Embossed inner layer. The difficulty in creating perfect diapers lies in the fact that the absorbent layer almost always remains somewhat damp, and contact of the soaked material with the skin very quickly leads to diaper rash. The Moony designers have gotten out of this by making the inner layer of embossed material that, being quite thick, does not get wet through and does not allow the absorbent inner layer to reach the skin.

At the same time, the relief also means that the diaper does not touch the skin absolutely everywhere - it rather rests on certain points that can change during movement, due to which a significant part of the skin is able to breathe fully and experience less stress.


In theory, the best diapers in the world should be free of any drawbacks at all, but in fact, there are certainly drawbacks, otherwise Moony would have no competitors at all. The brands Pampers, Huggies and Libero get their chance due to the fact that some problems have not been solved by developers from Japan, but they are not always so critical as to force parents to refuse to purchase them. However, if you are just planning to try the products of this brand, then you should know about the possible disadvantages in advance.

  • Cost. The use of modern technologies and the presence of technological "chips" like a filling indicator in all models without exception could not but affect the price - in some categories the prices are twice as high as those of the same Pampers. This may not be such a fundamental point in Japan, where the level of income of the population is quite high, but in our country, many parents think once again before buying this.

The main diaper manufacturers among the cheaper ones are not inferior in quality, so this choice is not worth discussing.

  • Imperfect fit to size. Most parents choose diapers according to the size table, which indicates for what weight which diapers are needed. It is difficult to say what is the reason - inaccurate measurements or the difference in body size between our children and Japanese children, but many parents say that Moony diapers selected from the table turn out to be cramped. This, of course, is not such a big problem if you know in advance - then you can simply buy "diapers" one size larger.
  • Unstable quality. Separately, it should be emphasized the widespread statement that some diapers from this manufacturer are different to others, even if both packs belong to the same series. For many parents, it remains a mystery how to determine in advance the degree of quality of the purchased products, but those who are especially attentive pay attention to the fact that Moony, it turns out, separately produces products, in fact, for Japan, and separately - for export.

All the striking advantages attributed to the brand's products relate to those "diapers" that are targeted for sale in Japan - these are easy to distinguish due to the absence of inscriptions on the packaging in languages ​​other than Japanese, as well as by the barcode starting with 45 or 49. Accordingly, if the packaging has a translation at least into English, then there is no doubt that the diapers were released specifically for export.

The main export destinations for the brand are neighboring Asian countries, for example, China, where the standard of living of the population is noticeably lower, as is the quality of local "diapers", because Moony supplies their diapers there in a somewhat "lightweight" version, saving on materials. It is the second type of product that often ends up in our outlets - both because of the lower cost and because of the more understandable labels on the packaging.


The size range of Moony brand products is distinguished by division into special sizes for diapers themselves and separately for panties. On the other hand, the number of pieces in the package makes it easier to orientate in size - as a rule, the older (more weighs) the child, the fewer diapers in the pack. At the same time, one should bear in mind the disadvantage already mentioned above - many parents believe that the recommendations for the weight of the company's products are somewhat overestimated.

When it comes to size, there are four main categories:

  • "Newborn", or simply "NB", designed for newborn babies that weigh from 0 to 5 kg - a pack usually contains 90 copies;
  • "S" can be used for heavy children from birth, it assumes a weight category within 4-8 kg, 81 pieces are placed in a package;
  • "M" designed for grown-up toddlers, whose weight already reaches 6-11 kg, a standard pack contains 62 such diapers;
  • "L" - the largest size for children from the weight category 9-14 kg, there are 54 pieces in such a package.

Diapers are not very convenient for active children who either crawl as hard as they can, or can stand or walk. Panties have been specially designed for them, but since they are designed for heavier babies, the size table for similar products is different.

  • "M" in this case, they are designed for a child's weight of 6-10 kg, panties in such a package are usually 58 pieces. It should be noted that in these panties, in contrast to the larger sizes, separation by gender is not yet provided.
  • Panties size "L" are focused on children in the weight category of 9-14 kg, it is here that gender division first appears, and due to the subtleties of the location of absorbents, it is extremely undesirable to choose a model that does not correspond to the sex of the child. There are already significantly fewer copies in such a package - 44.
  • "Moony XL" designed for rather large children who are already gradually getting used to the potty - this is not surprising, because the weight of a potential owner should be 12-17 kg. Such babies no longer need diapers so often, because 38 pieces in a pack are quite reasonable.
  • "XXL" - this is an option for those toddlers who gain weight much faster than they learn to use a pot. They are designed for "clients" weighing 18-35 kg and are used more for safety reasons than for full use, therefore there are very few of them in a pack - only 26 pieces.

It should be noted that most sellers do not differentiate in price between packs of different sizes - usually one general price is set for all Moony diapers and another for all panties.

This approach is due to the fact that with a decrease in the number of copies, the amount of materials used does not decrease, since the product itself increases in size. In practice, this means that the heavier your baby is, the more expensive each individual diaper or panties will be.


There are fewer comments about Moony even on specialized sites than about the company's competitors - this is due to the high cost of the company's products, which hurts the pocket of most compatriots.

On the best side, they are usually characterized by those consumers who do not feel constrained by money and highly value their own comfort. They note that the brand's diapers and panties are significantly better than others in terms of protection from leaks and taking care of the baby's health. The convenience of using such accessories also collects excellent reviews - you can change them even on a standing baby, and there is no need to constantly monitor the condition of the diaper, regularly unbuttoning it, because the filling sensor perfectly performs the function of informing parents.

Moving on to negative reviews, it should be said that there is an opinion on the Internet that Moony products are often counterfeited. Naturally, the fake and the original differ greatly in quality - this is confirmed by many parents. In fact, we are probably not talking about a fake, but about an imported version of diapers, as mentioned above - here you just need to be more careful when choosing a package in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

If Moony is criticized as a whole, they usually mean the discrepancy between price and quality. Most of these critics admit that the technologies used (the same filling indicator) may be worth the money, but there is no urgent need to use them. The authors of such reviews believe that once again unbuttoning a diaper to check the fill level is not so difficult, given that sometimes you can save twice on it.

A similar logic applies to some other aspects of the use of child care products. Here, of course, everyone is free to decide for himself, but the general popularity of simpler and cheaper competitors hints that there is logic in such reasoning.

In the next video, you will find a review of the Japanese diapers Moony.

Watch the video: Tips about Japanese diapers and wipes - Pampers, Goon, Moony, Merries (July 2024).