
"Korablik" diapers: features and tips for choosing

In the old days, young mothers used gauze instead of diapers, now it is difficult to imagine the life of a family with a small child without diapers. They are very baby-friendly, keep the skin dry and avoid troubles such as getting bedding and clothes wet. Most parents prefer well-known brands, while there are other brands that are equally popular.

About the brand

Korablik diapers are made specifically for the retail and retail chain of the same name, which specializes in the sale of goods for children. According to 2017 data, the chain of stores became the only representative in the "children's" segment, which entered the TOP of the most promising companies in the domestic market.

Today the Korablik firm is considered the largest retailer. She has over 200 stores in Moscow and other Russian cities. It offers a wide range of products aimed at children from birth to 9 years old. Toys, clothes, children's furniture and, of course, hygiene products are on sale.

Only on the shelves of the stores of this trading network can you find Korablik diapers, which are of a fairly high quality, but at the same time they have an affordable price for most young families.

It should be noted that they are produced by a Belgian company at production facilities located in the Czech Republic, so we can safely say that the products are made in full compliance with European quality standards.


Disposable diapers "Korablik" are produced using the latest technology from the most environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic raw materials.

These are soft and gentle hygiene products that are distinguished by a good degree of absorption, so the baby's skin stays dry and clean for a long time.

The absorbent component consists of three main layers:

The first one instantly absorbs the liquid and prevents it from returning to the surface, thereby eliminating the occurrence of diaper rash and irritation on the baby's skin.

The second layer allows you to evenly distribute moisture along the entire length of the diaper, due to this feature, the diaper does not greatly increase in size as it gets wet, does not make it heavier and does not hinder the baby's movements.

In the third layer, moisture is transformed into a gel, due to which it is retained inside the adsorbent, in addition, it contains antibacterial components that stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and maintain a neutral acid-base balance - this prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors and makes the use of the diaper as hygienic and safe as possible.

The product is made of "breathable" material, the structure of which allows air circulation. As a result, a normal microclimate is maintained inside the diaper and the possibility of creating a "greenhouse effect", which mothers of boys are so afraid of, is completely excluded. Disposable nappies are rather thin, so they can be worn even by the most active babies - when moving, they do not get confused and do not crumple.

Manufacturers paid special attention to the inner layer, it is made of a very non-woven fabric, which does not irritate the skin of the crumbs and significantly minimizes the risk of diaper rash and the development of diaper rash dermatitis.

The products are made taking into account the anatomical features of children, have a physiological shape, and elastic sides, due to which they tightly, but at the same time gently fit the child's body. Thin flexible cuffs provide effective leak protection.

Young mothers will love the reusable Velcro fasteners - they allow parents to "check" the diaper from time to time and, without causing any discomfort to the child, change the diaper. This is especially true if you have to carry out all these manipulations while the baby is sleeping.

Manufacturers pay special attention to the materials used, the products are made of cellulose fiber and cotton, these are hypoallergenic raw materials that are absolutely safe for children.

It is important that whitening of Korablik diapers does not use chlorine-containing components, in addition, the use of aromatic fragrances is completely excluded.


The manufacturer offers several series of diapers targeted at babies from birth.

For newborns

Despite the fact that the representatives of the brand claim that these diapers can be used from birth, this is not entirely true. The product is aimed at children weighing from 4 to 9 kg, therefore, they are most often purchased for babies from the second month of life. It's no secret that most babies are born weighing from 2.5 to 3.65 kg. The diaper will be large for such babies, which will lead to frequent leaks.

As soon as the child reaches the required build, you can safely purchase hygiene products from Korablik for him - they are very soft, gentle and pleasant to the touch, do not rub the baby's legs, comfortably hold on to his body and leave the skin dry for a long time. Products in this series absorb moisture well, and they can absorb not only moisture, but also loose stools - this is especially important for babies who have frequent bowel movements.

The diapers have soft reusable Velcro fasteners. Anxious mothers who constantly check the condition of the baby inside the diaper need not worry. Diapers will not stop sticking to the baby's body. Mom will be able to unbutton / fasten the diaper as many times as needed.

The belt and cuffs are made of thin material, which tightly, but at the same time quite gently grabs the buttocks and legs of the baby.

The property of the material to pass air allows you to maintain good ventilation, therefore, the appearance of rashes and irritations that so often torment babies in the first months of life is excluded.

Numerous consumer reviews testify to the good effectiveness of such diapers; many parents prefer this model, noting that it is as reliable as the products of more famous brands, but at the same time much cheaper.

"Korablik" 4 diapers for 7-18 kg

These models are purchased for slightly older children. They also need protective equipment, even more so than newborns. These babies begin to move, crawl, roll over, try to sit and even walk, so it is especially important for them that the diaper maintains dryness, but at the same time does not hinder movements and does not slip if the baby is too active. Korablik products fully meet all these requirements.

The manufacturer made sure that it was dry and comfortable here not only for boys, but also for girls.

The soft surface protects the baby's skin from chafing, the high absorbency allows you to maintain dryness, thanks to the effective redistribution of moisture, the product almost does not increase in size with use and filling, and the soft but dense elastic bands provide a high-quality and gentle adhesion to the surface.

The disadvantage of the model is the lack of a filling indicator, so mothers cannot always immediately notice that it is necessary to change the diaper. But good Velcro allows you to repeatedly unbutton the diaper and check its condition.

Such a minor minus is more than offset by the cost of the products. In 2017, a pack of Korablik 4 diapers in 64 pieces cost about 700 rubles, which is two times less than a similar package of products of more famous brands.


"Korablik" 5 and 6 are designed for children whose body weight is 11-25 kg. Most often they are worn in a year or two. At this time, the children have already learned to get up, walk and began to actively use their new capabilities.

Every day the crumbs run more and more, jump, try to conquer new peaks and climb any hill that stands in their way. Such active children especially need diapers that will fit snugly to the body, but at the same time do not constrain movements and do not slip.

All this can be fully found in the maxi model. The products have elastic sidewalls that do not squeeze the baby's hips. In addition, the diapers are very thin, thanks to which the baby can move without additional stress. By the way, despite the thin absorbent layer, such a diaper can retain a fairly large amount of moisture, not less than a liter. All absorbed moisture is evenly distributed over the surface of the diaper, so it practically does not increase in size.

In addition, in the Korablik chain of stores you can buy diaper panties that are optimal at the stage of potty training. They have the shape of ordinary children's panties, so they can be taken off and put back on the baby many times.

However, even the highest quality products are not designed to be worn for many hours - the diaper needs to be changed every 3 or 4 hours. Otherwise, you cannot avoid leaks, diaper rash and other unpleasant consequences. Using diapers correctly will have a positive effect on babies' mood and health.

For an overview of the Korablik diapers, see the next video.