
Velcro diapers: how to choose and use?

After the baby is born, young parents acquire many diapers, undershirts and many other accessories. In the first months of a child's life, diapers are simply indispensable. Therefore, you need to choose a quality and practical product. For example, a Velcro diaper. What is the peculiarity of such diapers and how to use them correctly, we will tell you in this article.

Features and types

Today in children's stores there is a huge selection of a wide variety of diapers. Among all the variety, there is a decent selection of Velcro products. This model is also called a cocoon diaper. This modern diaper is very practical and comfortable, it is great for changing newborns.

This product is a kind of envelope. This diaper is perfect for a calm and comfortable sleep of the baby. It is easy to use as it only takes a couple of minutes to swaddle. And even a young and so far inexperienced mother will calmly cope with the task with the help of such a modern product.

In stores you can find a variety of cocoon diapers, which have some differences. First of all, they differ in size. There are products designed for newborns up to three months old. This is followed by diapers from three to six months, and there are also universal diapers with Velcro. When purchasing this essential item for your baby, be sure to consider the age of the child. It is not recommended to take the product for growth, since a newborn will feel uncomfortable in a large diaper, he will be able to easily get out of it and this will affect the quality of the diaper.

We should also mention the universal version. This product is adjustable in size. As a rule, it has a small knot, which is located in the area of ​​the baby's legs. By tightening it, you can make the "cocoon" smaller and vice versa. This versatile diaper is usually used from birth to six months.

Also, these diapers differ in fabric. There are warm options - flannel, flannel, fleece, and even wool. There are lighter and thinner ones - these are cotton, chintz or knitted. There are options for square and triangular shapes. Considering the reviews of young mothers, it is the square ones that are the most comfortable.

Most of these diapers are cocoon-shaped, that is, the legs are placed in a kind of cocoon bag during swaddling. But there are options where the legs are separated during swaddling. That is, the product is sewn in such a way that there is a separate compartment for each leg. Such diapers are very convenient in the event that the baby needs to be fixed during the trip in a car seat or stroller.

Pros and cons

The main advantage of such diapers is that the changing will be very fast. Thanks to the Velcro product, not only young mothers, but also fathers can cope with such a difficult task.

Since such models have comfortable Velcro, if necessary, it will be possible to easily undress the newborn in order to change the diaper or undershirt. The process will not take long and the child will not be alarmed. In addition, this diaper is very convenient to carry the baby to the doctor's appointment. The pediatrician will be able to quickly undress the baby to begin the examination.

Another plus is that the final result of swaddling is very high quality and dense. At the same time, the child does not feel very constrained, he is comfortable, he can move calmly, but at the same time he will not be able to undress on his own. The product allows you to wrap the baby in such a way that as a result, folds and folds are not formed, which rub the skin and cause discomfort to the child.

During swaddling, the upper edge of the product is fixed so that the baby cannot remove his hand on his own. This is very convenient, because to achieve a similar result with a normal diaper, mothers have to wrap the baby very tightly.

In addition, young parents can easily choose any color and pattern for their baby. Thanks to the diaper, the baby will always look stylish and neat. Warm options are often made of materials that can easily replace a light autumn blanket.

If we talk about the minuses, then they certainly are. Unlike a regular diaper, this product with Velcro cannot be simply spread under the baby, it cannot be used to cover the baby or use it as a towel, as is usually the case. Another disadvantage is that the Velcro weaken over time, which affects the quality of the swaddling. It should be noted that the "strength" of the Velcro is often lost due to frequent washings.

How to use?

It is very easy to use such a fabric product, since you do not have to swaddle your baby for a long time in the traditional way. The first step is to spread the diaper on the bed or changing table. We spread the "wings" of the baby diaper to the sides and place the baby on top of the product. We carefully tuck the child's legs into the lower part, which resembles a bag. This part is simply put on the legs. You can easily do this by taking both of your baby's legs at the same time.

Next, we press the baby's left hand along the body and wrap the baby himself with the left side of the diaper. In this case, it is important to tuck the tip of the left "wing" of the diaper under the body of the baby. We do the same with the right hand, fix the right edge of the product with Velcro, and you're done.


Velcro diapers receive only positive feedback from young mothers who have already used similar products. Everyone notes the convenience and practicality of such a diaper. In addition, thanks to the comfort that such a swaddling provides, the baby sleeps peacefully and his blood circulation is not disturbed.

Those skilled in the art provide a lot of advice for those looking to purchase Velcro diapers.

  • When choosing this item for a newborn baby, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the material. Remember that the fabric should be exclusively natural, without the addition of synthetic threads. Otherwise, in such a diaper, the baby will be hot, uncomfortable, and a rash may appear on the skin.
  • When buying a product in the form of a cocoon, be sure to check the quality of the seams and the quality of the fastening of the Velcro itself. Products from unscrupulous manufacturers very quickly disperse at the seams, their Velcro is not properly sewn and the quality of the material is very low.

  • Choose diapers on which the Velcro is not in the form of small squares, but in the form of a wide and long strip. The more Velcro, the better you can swaddle your baby.
  • In the event that you purchase a triangular-shaped Velcro product for a newborn baby, then give preference to products whose size is 0.9 cm by 1.2 m.
  • When choosing diapers from various materials, remember that flannel products should be at least ten centimeters wider and longer than usual diapers (cotton or calico).
  • When washing such items, do not forget that baby items should be washed separately from other items. In this case, it is important to use exclusively children's detergents in order to subsequently avoid an allergic reaction.
  • You can wash such products either by hand or using a washing machine.

Velcro tends to thin out during the wash and often ruins other things. To avoid this, we recommend zipping them up during washing in the washing machine. This will help to maintain the original quality of the diaper for a long time.

See below for what the perinatal and child psychologist thinks about Velcro diapers.

Watch the video: Cloth Diapers Snaps VS Velcro (July 2024).