
Choosing toys for bathing

From birth, young children need to instill a love for water procedures. This is important for the physical and psycho-emotional development of babies. However, not all children have a positive attitude to bathing and categorically refuse this procedure. For this case, special toys were invented with which you can attract a child to water procedures.

Varieties of toys for bathing

Today, the children's goods market is replete with a variety of toy accessories designed for bathing babies. All of them are grouped by type of material, purpose and age. In general, these toys can be divided into the following:

  • Clockwork - are necessary for the development of fine and gross motor skills in babies. Toys can take the form of animals or vehicles. To start them, it is necessary to use a mechanical plant, which even a one-year-old child can easily cope with.

  • Magnetic - allow the child to feel like a fisherman. Magnetic bath toys are most often made in the form of marine life and have the ability to be attached to a metal surface. The set includes a fishing rod, with which the kid learns dexterity.

  • Rechargeable - usually have an interactive property, that is, they can move on or under water, blow bubbles or make various sounds. These products are made in any shape and are wound by pressing special buttons. This type of water accessories is convenient because ordinary battery-powered toys are not intended for bathing and break when in contact with liquid.

  • Rubber - are very popular with both parents and kids. Rubber products are among the first to buy, as they do not have dangerous and frightening elements. With their help, children's motor skills are developed and various animals or objects in the form of which toys are made are studied. These fixtures are made from quality rubber. They are empty inside, and therefore are able to stay on the surface of the water. The child can safely chew them, since these toys meet all safety standards.

In addition to the standard ducks in children's stores, you can find all kinds of cartoon characters, vehicles, animals, and so on. Particularly noteworthy are toys that can change their color upon contact with water. Such products will interest the baby even more.

  • Educational - allow the child to learn something new. These accessories include waterproof books that can become stained in contact with water. Some books have built-in beepers that make sounds when a button is pressed. There are also special coloring books and crayons designed for drawing under water.

  • Splashing - can shoot water at different distances. They can be used not only in the bathroom, but also outside in hot weather. For example, many children from 3 years old prefer blasters and water pistols, which are used in a fun company.

  • Musical - allow to revive the water procedure. Such toys not only entertain the baby, but also instill in him a love of music. In children's stores you can find special sets of different tools. Some products not only sing, but also glow, which even more attract the kids.
  • Stickers - suitable for use by children from six months old, when they have already learned to sit on their own. Stickers are Velcro that can be repeatedly glued and peeled off the surface. These toys have different shapes and colors. They can be multi-colored and made in the form of letters and numbers.
  • On suction cups - are attached to the bottom or frame of the container and allow you to keep the baby's balance. Some products are in the form of car washes, submarines, or fountains that pour water on the baby as they move.

Useful bath accessories

In addition to educational toys for water treatments, parents need to purchase additional accessories designed to ensure the safety of the baby. These include inflatable circles on the neck, which securely hold the head of a small child on the surface of the water. These swimming devices help to strengthen the muscles of the baby and teach him to control his own body.

For children over 2 years old, you can buy inflatable armbands. It is convenient to use such devices not only in the home bath, but also in open water.

For newborns, special hammocks were invented. With their help, you can conveniently position the baby and free the parent's hands. Such a device is stretched over the container and fixed along the edges of the bath with hooks.

To prevent the child from sliding on the inner surface of the bathtub, there are foam mats. They are attached to the bottom of the container and provide the child with a secure position. And in order to interest the baby's attention, the rugs have a bright print and an unusual shape.

Nowadays, bathing caps are very popular to prevent shampoo from getting into the baby's eyes while washing the hair. The products are shaped like a swimming cap, which has no upper part.

For children over 3 years old, parents can purchase diving goggles. For more interest, you can put fish, shells or toy coins on the bottom of the bathtub, which the young explorer will get out while swimming.

Additional accessories for water procedures are available at affordable prices, and therefore should be in every home where there are small children. Such things can not only make a child love water, but also teach him how to swim and dive.

How to choose?

In order to choose toys for bathing, it is not enough to be guided by your own interests and financial capabilities. It is very important to take into account the age of the child when buying goods for children. For example, for a baby it is necessary to select primitive objects that can only be felt and squeezed. A child learns from birth to learn about the world, and therefore you should not give him noisy, small and sharp toys.

Starting from six months, the baby can buy more educational goods. For example, rubberized rugs, stickers and clockwork animals can be used at this age. For children under one year old, it is important to purchase toys without harsh and loud sounds.

A one-year-old baby can be carried away by sprinkling products, a fishing kit or various containers. But a child over 2 years old is likely to be interested in educational toys. These can be books that change color upon contact with water, or coloring pages designed to draw under its surface.

When buying baby products for water treatments, it is important to consider the abilities and interests of your child. Some children may be completely indifferent to music books, but with special tenderness to treat simple rubber ducklings.

Security options

Due to the fact that the modern market is replete with an abundance of children's goods, very often buyers are faced with low-quality and defective products. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria when purchasing such:

  • Any good toy must have a quality certificate, otherwise such a purchase should be abandoned.
  • First-class product will not emit strong odors and stain.
  • Children's accessories should have a minimum of parts. It is especially important that the toys have no protruding parts and sharp corners, which can cause injury to the baby.

  • Bathing products must be intact. The battery compartments must be well insulated, otherwise they will oxidize on contact with water and cease to function.
  • High-quality children's product does not contain PVC, ester and phthalic acid salts. All this is dangerous for an immature organism and can provoke an allergic reaction.

Before giving a toy to a child, parents should check the product themselves. To do this, it must be lowered into the water and performed a number of actions with it. For example, crumple, bend, hold under water. It all depends on the toy itself. Only after making sure of the integrity and safety of the product can it be given to a small child.

In the next video, you will find an overview of different products and toys for bathing your baby.

Watch the video: Trying Kids Bathtub Toys!!! (July 2024).