
What to do if the lymph nodes in the child's neck are enlarged?

Many parents become very anxious when they notice that a child has swollen lymph nodes in the neck. A variety of reasons can lead to this state.

The reasons for the increase

Lymph nodes are active participants in systemic immunity. They exist in our body in order to recognize any infections in time and effectively deal with them. There are many different groups of lymph nodes that are located throughout the body. Cervical lymph nodes are located at the back of the neck. Normally, they are not palpable and do not protrude above the skin surface. It is impossible to see healthy cervical lymph nodes.

Under the influence of various factors, inflammation begins in the cervical lymph nodes. This leads to a pronounced increase.

They can turn bright red. Hyperemia appears, the affected lymph nodes begin to be felt. In some cases, they become the size of beans or almonds. On palpation, the child feels noticeable soreness.

Inflamed lymph nodes are usually tightly adhered to the skin. Any attempts to feel them cause the baby to become more painful. The child can refuse to conduct an examination in every possible way. Often little kids start crying and being capricious. In some diseases, the inflammatory process simultaneously affects several adjacent groups of lymph nodes. Submandibular lymph nodes often enlarge if the lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged.

An increase in cervical lymph nodes is often caused by:

  • Viral infections. The most common cause in toddlers and schoolchildren is infectious mononucleosis. This disease is caused by herpes viruses Epstein - Barr. Once in the body, viruses contribute to the development of an inflammatory process in it. Some time after the onset of the disease, various groups of lymph nodes also become inflamed.

  • Children's infections. Chickenpox and scarlet fever also occur with clinical signs of cervical lymphadenitis. Moreover, the increase in lymph nodes occurs rapidly immediately after the end of the incubation period of these diseases. A timely visit to the hospital contributes to the speedy recovery of the baby and the normalization of the size of the lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Hypothermia. The increase in the incidence of cervical lymphadenitis occurs mainly in the cold season. Inappropriate clothing for outdoor walks and neglect of wearing a warm scarf during windy weather often contribute to severe inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck. The pronounced stagnation of lymph in this area noticeably worsens the well-being of the child.
  • Various neoplasms. Fast-growing tumors are a "mute" cause of enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes. In some cases, the child's well-being does not change in any way. The only and often the first manifestation of a neoplasm or malignant tumor can be a significant increase in the size of the cervical lymph nodes. They are usually firm, mobile, and painless to the touch.

  • Tuberculosis infection. The disease has a chronic course and is manifested by various unfavorable symptoms, including at certain stages and cervical lymphadenitis.
  • Immunodeficiency states. Babies with congenital or acquired HIV infection are at risk of enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Liver disease. Various damage to the liver cells lead to disruptions in the functioning of the organ. As a result, hepatitis develops, one of the clinical signs of which is cervical lymphadenitis.

  • Toxoplasmosis. Refers to infectious diseases. A child can become infected from a pet. Often cats become carriers of the infection. After the incubation period, the child develops numerous symptoms of the disease, including an increase in the cervical lymph nodes.
  • Diseases with metabolic disorders. The malfunctioning of the internal organs of the body leads to the appearance of pathological conditions of the immune system. In some cases, this is manifested by an increase in various groups of lymph nodes, including cervical localization.
  • Various diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs. Disturbances in various hematopoiesis sprouts lead to the development of lymphadenitis in children. Often, the process involves lymph nodes located in the upper half of the body. To normalize their size, first, treatment of the underlying disease is required, which caused such a pathological change.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Every year they are registered with babies more and more often. They proceed with the development of numerous symptoms that arise in various internal organs. They are characterized by the appearance of characteristic failures in the functioning of the immune system, manifested by the formation of specific autoantibodies that destroy the body's own cells.

Who should I contact?

The appearance of enlarged lymph nodes is a significant cause for concern for parents. Many dads and moms make a dangerous mistake when deciding to treat at home. They try to warm up the neck with a hot compress to reduce inflammation there. This absolutely should not be done!

Any warming up is very dangerous, as it can aggravate the course of the underlying disease and significantly worsen the prognosis of the disease:

  • If the cause of cervical lymphadenitis is any neoplasm or tumor, then the use of compresses is also strictly prohibited. This can contribute to the progression of tumor growth, which can lead to the active spread of metastases. Bacterial cervical lymphadenitis is also quite dangerous to treat at home without medical supervision. Incorrectly selected therapy can lead to negative consequences dangerous for the life and health of the baby. After "home" warming up of the lymph nodes, doctors often reveal signs of suppuration in babies. High temperature can significantly increase the inflammatory process and lead to the development of a purulent abscess or even phlegmon in the neck.

To eliminate such consequences of home therapy, an emergency hospitalization of the baby in a hospital and an operation is required.

  • If parents find inflamed and enlarged lymph nodes in the baby's neck, then first of all they should show the child to the doctor. The pediatrician will examine the baby and be able to establish a presumptive diagnosis. To clarify it, it often requires additional analyzes and consultations of other specialists. The doctor chooses the scope of diagnostics individually, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the baby, as well as the presence of a set of clinical signs.

All babies with signs of enlarged cervical lymph nodes must undergo a general blood test. This simple test allows you to find out if a child's body has a viral or bacterial infection. Also, with the help of a general blood test, you can identify some specific pathologies of the hematopoietic organs and detect the first signs of autoimmune diseases.

In some cases, an extended diagnosis is required to establish the correct diagnosis. It includes the performance of biochemical blood tests, ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, determination of tumor markers, computed and magnetic resonance imaging. The indications for these studies are very specific and are determined by the attending physician.

Babies with signs of cervical lymphadenitis are also examined by doctors of various specialties: cardiologists, oncologists, otolaryngologists and others. These specialists can detect various, even rare diseases that could be the root cause of an increase in the cervical lymph nodes in a child.

After carrying out a complex of diagnostics, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.


Various methods of therapy are used to normalize the size of the lymph nodes. In some cases, prescribing drugs is not required. For example, if cervical lymphadenitis is a result of the flu or ARVI. In this case, after 3-4 weeks, the cervical lymph nodes will return to normal on their own. In other cases, doctors resort to prescribing various therapeutic agents.

For the treatment of cervical lymphadenitis in babies are used:

  • Correct daily routine. It is important to remember that a sick and feverish child should be in bed for the entire acute period of the disease. Long hot baths are prohibited during this time. Hygiene treatments are performed in the shower. For a quick recovery, the baby must sleep at least 9 hours a day.

  • Good nutritionenriched with vitamins and microelements. A deficiency in minerals often contributes to a weakened immune system. This condition significantly slows down the baby's recovery. The daily inclusion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the children's menu, as well as special children's multivitamin complexes, will help the child to strengthen the immune system and quickly recover.

  • Medication therapy. For this, various groups of anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used. These include: nimesulide, ibuprofen, ketorol and others. The duration of such treatment is usually 4-6 days. Longer use of medications is discussed with your doctor.
  • Prescribing antibiotics and antiviral drugs. It is carried out only on strict indications, when a proven infectious disease has become the source of cervical lymphadenitis. In this case, a course of correctly selected antibiotic therapy helps to improve the well-being of the baby and leads to complete recovery.

Currently, for the treatment of cervical lymphadenitis, doctors give preference to drugs with a wide spectrum of action.

  • Physiotherapy. It is carried out during the period of exacerbation subsiding. It is categorically contraindicated for any tendency towards a purulent course of the disease! Several procedures can be performed to normalize the size of the lymph nodes. Usually the course of treatment is 10-12 sessions.
  • Surgery. It is used only in case of emergency. Surgical treatment is usually performed on babies with cancer and malignant tumors. The decision on the need for such an operation is made by a pediatric oncologist.


So that the child does not have signs of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • Exacerbations chronic diseases must necessarily be treated. A sluggish inflammatory process often contributes to the spread of infection to the lymph nodes. If a child has chronic pathologies of internal organs, then he must be observed by the appropriate specialists. In some cases, prophylactic treatment is required to help reduce the risk of exacerbation in the future.
  • Have regular checkups with your baby at the dentist. Carious and bad teeth are often the cause of various lymphadenitis in babies. The danger of this condition is that it can lead to the spread of infection in the body. Timely treatment of diseased teeth will help prevent the possible development of lymphadenitis.

  • Strengthen your immune system. Leading a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep are the guarantors of well-being and mood.

A good functioning of the immune system protects the baby from various infections.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about the lymph nodes in a child in the next video.

Watch the video: GIANT LYMPH NODES, Sore Throat, u0026 1 Really Cute Kid. Dr. Paul (July 2024).