
Fukortsin for children: instructions for use

"Fukortsin" is in demand for various wounds, cracks, abrasions and other damage to the skin, as it is an antiseptic and disinfectant. It is also used for fungal and pustular skin lesions. For similar properties with "Brilliant Green", the drug is often called "red brilliant green". In addition, this solution is called Castellani paint or liquid.

Release form

"Fukortsin" is represented by only one dosage form - a solution that is applied externally (it is not produced in the form of an ointment). Such a Russian drug is sold in glass bottles of 10, 15 or 25 milliliters. Bottles from some manufacturers have a dropper stopper or a cork with a shaving brush. Such devices help to apply the solution to the skin. As for the solution itself, it has a characteristic bright crimson color and a specific smell.


The action of "Fukortsin" on the skin provides several active substances at once, supplemented by auxiliary components. It includes:

  • boric acid present in the drug at a concentration of 0.8%;
  • dye fuchsin added to 100 ml of medication in an amount of 0.4 g;
  • resorcinol, which is in solution at a concentration of 7.8%;
  • phenol, which is contained in 100 ml of the drug in an amount of 3.9 g;
  • acetone, which is 4.9% in solution;
  • 95% ethyl alcohol present in the drug in an amount of 9.6 ml;
  • distilled water added to other ingredients to make 100 ml.

Operating principle

Fukortsin has antiseptic properties, so treatment with such a medicine has a disinfectant effect. Due to the presence of resorcinol, phenol and boric acid in the solution, the cell walls of harmful bacteria are destroyed, which leads to the death of the pathogen. This effect is used in inflammatory skin diseases that are provoked by bacteria.

The components of "Fukortsin" not only affect different types of microbes (the spectrum of antiseptic action of the drug is called wide), but also fungi.

The antifungal effect of the drug makes it a popular remedy for fungal skin infections. In this case, the medication is prescribed both with an already existing infectious process, and for the prevention of infection of various injuries (for the purpose of disinfection).


Treatment with "Fukortsin" can be prescribed:

  • with cracks, abrasions, open calluses and other shallow wounds in order to prevent their infection;
  • with various skin lesions, if they are inflamed, festering and do not heal for a long time;
  • with impetigo, streptoderma and other pustular lesions of the skin;
  • with inflammation of rashes with allergies, prickly heat, atopic dermatitis, and so on;
  • with a fungal infection of the skin (lichen and other mycoses);
  • with chickenpox, to eliminate inflammation and itching of the rash, as well as accelerate the appearance of crusts and prevent scarring;
  • with ulcers and wounds in the mouth (stomatitis);
  • for traumatic nail injuries to accelerate healing and prevent fungal infection;
  • with panaritium in the initial stage;
  • with sore throat to treat the throat.

At what age are they used?

Officially, the drug is not contraindicated for diseases and skin lesions in children, but many other countries limit treatment with Fukortsin at an early age. This is due to the presence of phenol in the solution, which, when used in children under 5 years of age, can be absorbed into the bloodstream, which will lead to side effects (especially if a large area of ​​skin is being treated).

However, Russian pediatricians often recommend Fukortsin from birth, due to their practice and experience. They note that such a medication has been used in medicine for a long time and when treating small areas of the skin (for example, only the umbilical wound), it does not provoke unwanted negative symptoms even in newborns.

In order to further reduce the danger of the solution for small patients, when used in children under 5 years of age (especially in babies of the first year of life), it is recommended to dilute "Fukortsin" with water in a 1: 1 ratio.


The drug is prohibited for patients with hypersensitivity to its components. It is also not recommended to smear any open wounds with "Fukortsin" and it is undesirable to apply a continuous field (the skin should be lubricated only in damaged or infected places with an area of ​​no more than 2x2 cm), since when processing a large area, phenol will be absorbed from the solution and may cause toxic effects.

Side effects

When Fukortsin comes into contact with damaged skin, it can cause itching or burning for a short time. In most cases, these unpleasant symptoms disappear after 1-2 minutes.

If more than 5 minutes have passed after treatment, and there is still a burning sensation and itching, such an adverse reaction requires stopping the use of the solution and immediately washing it off the skin. It is also recommended to take an antihistamine to stop the development of allergies.

Instructions for use

The drug is applied pointwise only to those areas that are damaged or inflamed - on the surface of scratches, cracks, abrasions, pimples, and so on. To do this, use a cotton swab, cotton swab, or cosmetic disc. The leather should be treated two to four times a day.

The duration of application depends on the rate of disappearance of signs of inflammation and other factors. In general, it is permissible to use the medicine for a long period, but in childhood the terms should be as short as possible: then only the wounds began to heal, and the rash dried up, the treatment was stopped.

To exclude the contamination of the solution when processing infected skin, you can pour a little of the drug into a lid or glass, and then dip a stick or cotton swab into this small container and apply it to the skin.

When all areas affected by the fungus or bacteria are already lubricated, the solution is poured out of such a container, and for the next treatment it must be recruited.

How to wash off the skin?

"Fukortsin" has a rather bright color, therefore, if used carelessly, the medication can stain clothes, linen and any surface it gets on. For this reason, it is also washed off the skin with great difficulty, leaving pink and burgundy marks on the treated surface for some time. To remove a medicine, you can:

  • rub the skin with a swab dipped in salicylic alcohol, then you can wash off the remaining alcohol with soap and water;
  • add two tablespoons of ammonia to three tablespoons of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then wipe the contaminated skin with this mixture and rinse it under running water;
  • rub with laundry soap and add a little ammonia or hydrogen peroxide to it to make a gruel, then apply on the skin and wait a few minutes, and then rinse with water;
  • wipe the stained skin with a cosmetic disc or cotton swab dipped in vodka or medical alcohol; then you need to treat the surface with laundry soap and rinse with water.


If you use "Fukortsin" for a very long time or lubricate large areas of the skin with a solution, phenol poisoning is possible, which is manifested by weakness, dizziness, and impaired breathing. If these symptoms occur, they immediately stop using the medication and, if necessary, consult a doctor for symptomatic therapy.

If a child accidentally drank the solution, this poses a great danger to his health, therefore, you should immediately call a doctor. While the ambulance is traveling, the little patient needs to be given a lot of water and activated carbon or other sorbent.

Interaction with other drugs

Fukortsin can be used with any other local remedies - ointments, liniments, lotions, pastes, and so on. They can be applied to the skin after the solution is completely dry. The medication is also compatible with any drugs that are taken by mouth.

Terms of sale

The drug is over-the-counter and available at most pharmacies. The price of "Fukortsin", depending on the manufacturer and the volume of the solution, ranges from 20 to 50 rubles.

Storage conditions

Shelf life of "Fukortsin" - 2 years. Since the solution is sensitive to sunlight, it should be stored in the bottle in which it is sold, because the walls of the bottle are dark (you should not pour into another container), and also put in a closet or other place where the sun's rays do not fall. In this case, the storage temperature should not be higher than +25 degrees. In addition, it is important to keep Fukortsin out of the reach of children.


About the use of "Fukortsin" almost always respond well, because it is a cheap drug, which is effective in various diseases and skin lesions. According to mothers, the medicine quickly dries out the skin, helps to eliminate inflammation and form crusts faster, so that the skin heals without complications (it does not fester and does not get wet). In rare negative reviews, the drug became the cause of allergies. There are also complaints that the solution has stained skin, linen and other items.


If it is necessary to replace "Fukortsin" with a similar medicine, they most often resort to the "Diamond Green" solution. Such a medicine also dries the skin well, but lacks an antifungal effect, and the spectrum of the antimicrobial effect of "green" is not as wide as that of "Fukortsin".

In addition, another antiseptic can become a substitute for "Fukortsin".

  • "Hydrogen peroxide". After contact with the skin, such a product forms reactive oxygen species and additionally cleans the surface. For external treatment, the solution is used from birth.
  • Miramistin. This antiseptic is often used by ENT doctors, dentists and surgeons. The medicine is used to treat mucous membranes and damaged skin in children of any age.
  • "Hexoral". Such a drug based on hexetidine can be used for angina and stomatitis. The drug is released in an aerosol or solution and is used from 3 years of age.
  • Betadine. This solution acts on infected skin and various wounds thanks to povidone iodine. In childhood, it can be used to treat patients over one month old.

For the drug "Fukortsin", its indications and side effects, see the next video.

Watch the video: Suppositories (July 2024).