
Analysis of urine in children according to Kakovsky-Addis

The study of urine in a child according to the Kakovsky-Addis method refers to quantitative tests in which the number of erythrocytes, cylinders and leukocytes is determined. Read about other urine tests in a child in another article.


The study is carried out if the occurrence of:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Polycystic kidney disease.


The main feature of the method is the collection of urine for research during the day. If during the general analysis of urine or a sample according to Nechiporenko, the cylinders and blood cells may not be detected or be determined incorrectly, since their release can change during the day, then during the Kakovsky-Addis analysis, the dynamics of the release of leukocytes and erythrocytes will be very clearly visible.

How to collect the analysis?

Before collecting each portion of urine, the external genitals should be flushed. The classic test provides for collection within 24 hours, but now more often resort to a modified version - collection of urine in 10-12 hours, although it is less accurate.

Before bedtime, the child urinates, and the parents celebrate this time. In the morning, 10-12 hours after the time marked the day before, the child's urine is completely collected and taken for analysis. If the child has urinated several times during this period, all portions are collected in one container, which is stored in the refrigerator before being sent to the laboratory.

If urine is collected for the whole day, then the collection begins on the second urination of the first day, and ends with the collection on the first urination of the second day. Also, for young children, this sample can be replaced with an analysis according to the Amburge method, for which urine should be collected within 3 hours.


On the eve of the study, a meat diet is recommended, and on the day of collection, slightly restrict fluid intake. These measures will help to achieve such acidity and density of the test material, at which the hyaline casts will not dissolve.

Normal values

Reasons for deviations

  • If the results of the analysis of leukocytes are more than normal, this is a sign of pyelonephritis.
  • An excess of red blood cells usually indicates glomerulonephritis, as well as urolithiasis or kidney tumors.
  • A large number of cylinders can be a sign of both an inflammatory process in the renal parenchyma, and pyelonephritis.

Watch the video: Childrens Mercy: Getting a PICC Line (September 2024).