
Labor camps for teenagers

For a teenager, being in a labor camp is an opportunity not only to try himself as a real worker for the first time and earn his first money, but also just to have a great free time. Proper organization of leisure time in such centers allows children to relax and tune in to the new school year.

Why are they created

The main reason for setting up such camps for teenagers is proper work training. In a few years, the teenagers will graduate from school. After receiving a certificate of basic secondary education, a young person must decide for himself which profession to choose and what to do in the future. If he has a correct attitude to work since childhood, he will quickly find himself in his future professional life and achieve good results in the profession.

When organizing labor camps for teenagers, not only an educational goal is pursued, but also a moral one. When a child begins to work a little on his own, he more easily understands how hard it is to get money. As a rule, after visiting such camps, children become more tolerant of their parents. The psyche of a teenager is changing somewhat, he values ​​adult work and is more respectful of his own parents.


Typically, teenage labor camps are organized during the summer holidays. So the child has time to earn good money for him. During your stay in the camp, you can not only learn how to perform some types of work, but also meet interesting people, make new friends.

Sports competitions and competitions are regularly organized for children. Discos and dance events are organized in the 24-hour camps. In such children's centers, the child not only carries out socially useful work and receives money, but also quite actively spends his free time and rests.

You can learn about the labor and rest camp from the adolescents themselves in the following video.

Organization of activities

All work activities are strictly regulated. Children and adolescents cannot and should not work alongside adults. Usually, for work, children are offered to weed and refine flower beds, green spaces in gardens, parks and squares... If teenagers are in a 24-hour labor camp, it is often their responsibility to keep the area clean.

They remove rubbish, paint benches and playgrounds. Children over the age of 14 are usually involved in this work front. If the child has respiratory diseases or allergic reactions, any work involving paints should be avoided. For younger children, there is usually easier work to do. They help to clear areas of unnecessary trash and plant flowers.

Work and rest mode

Taking into account the current laws on the organization of work and recreation of children and adolescents, younger children can be involved in work for a maximum of 5 hours a day. The total number of hours worked per week should not exceed 24... Children over sixteen and up to eighteen can work 7 hours a day. Every 40-50 minutes, teenagers should take a short break (at least a quarter of an hour).

The hygiene rules regulate the work during the hot period for children. At temperatures from 25-28 degrees Celsius, children from 14 to 16 years old can perform their work duties for two and a half hours. Teenagers over the age of sixteen can work an hour longer. In hot weather at high temperatures, the rest period should also be increased.

To prevent the child from getting heat or sunstroke, work in the hot summer time should begin at 7 am or after 4 pm. If the distance from the center to the place of work is more than two kilometers, children must be delivered by special transport.

By the end of the shift, the most distinguished little workers are awarded with memorable prizes and gifts. Many competitions and contests are held among the children. This is a great motivation for the little ones to do a great job.

There are two types of teen labor camps. Some of them stay around the clock. Typically the duration is three weeks or a month. The guys are in the camp all day long without going home. Such centers are organized in different cities of our country and abroad.

There are also camps where teenagers spend only their assigned working hours. Leisure activities are practically not organized in such centers. But the guys, as a result of their work, can receive personally earned money.


For difficult teenagers, staying in such centers is an important element of educational work. They can choose the range of tasks to be performed. During their stay in such centers, the children become more independent, are involved in work. When a difficult teenager is busy at work, he lacks the strength to do bad things.

Every year, with the help of police departments and authorized bodies for working with disadvantaged children, dozens of children from low-social families are sent to labor camps. Methodological and educational activities are carried out with the children during their stay in such centers. Employees of the children's rooms of the police note the positive effect of the occupational therapy. Many teens change their behavior, become calmer and more organized.

Popular camps

There are labor camps for teenagers in almost every city. In the Novosibirsk region, specialized centers have been organized to carry out various types of activities. The work of children is supervised by professional teachers, psychologists and social workers. At the Orthodox monasteries, camps for difficult teenagers are organized. There, children undergo not only occupational therapy, but also special thematic courses in Orthodoxy and theology.

There are also many specialized camps in St. Petersburg. There, teenagers can learn something new, try themselves in a profession, and also earn money. These centers often teach applied disciplines. Children learn soap making, pottery, or the basics of the carpenter profession. This knowledge will be very useful for young men in the future.

Going to a labor camp is a great way to spend your free time or on vacation. Every year, in different cities of Russia, new interesting programs are offered to combine work and leisure for children over fourteen years old.

You can learn more about the labor camp by watching the following video.