
Height-adjustable children's chair

If there is a baby in the house, then any item of his everyday life should be carefully thought out. This applies to almost any item, including children's furniture. Consider some options for height-adjustable children's chairs, and how much this thing is really needed for the younger generation.

Models, features, characteristics

Among the common models are:

  • Chairs-transformers. This furniture is similar to a highchair with a removable table top that is easy to clean. This acquisition is quite practical, because after a while it can be disassembled and used separately. The dimensions of this set of children's furniture are small - it will easily fit into a small kitchen or bedroom.

  • Computer chairs. They differ in a variety of choices and functionality. Adjustment and fixation is as simple and reliable as the structure itself. The regular model is adjustable in height and backrest tilt. The seat rests on a rack on which the rollers are fixed. Some models are available with armrests.

Some models are worth describing in more detail.

Orthopedic chair

Such a solution for your child will definitely keep the child's health safe and sound. After all, these models of chairs are aimed at preserving the health of the student.

Positive aspects of orthopedic construction:

  • The back of such a chair allows you to improve the child's posture due to the uniqueness of its design: the Akerblom line.
  • The spine will not be overstrained - this is due to the mobility of the back at the correct angle of inclination.
  • The armrests are equipped with a special structure that provides an orthopedic effect.
  • The height of the chair is adjustable - this allows your child to keep their eyes and spine in great shape.

  • The curvatures are also adjustable, which contributes to the correct posture of the child. However, this design trick can be found not in all models of orthopedic chairs and armchairs.

Structural strength is achieved using high quality materials used - cast aluminum and steel.

Growing chair

Particular attention should be paid to the growing chair. This model will become an excellent guardian of the baby's health from an early age. Thanks to this purchase, parents will receive the following benefits related to the health and development of your baby:

  • Formation of the correct posture of the child.
  • Correct development of the baby's skeleton.
  • Prevention of possible disorders in the child's well-being.
  • Also, such furniture is notable for its practicality, because it will "grow" with the baby, and this is saving the family budget.

In addition to the positive aspects in the health of the child, this collection of chairs has and a number of other advantages:

  • Easy to operate.
  • Adjustable backrest angle, seat height and footrest.
  • Long service life.
  • Safety. Most designs have Teflon-coated legs to allow the chair to slide over the floor.

  • Stability. The chair structure has a large support area, moreover, it is designed for a load of up to 100 kilograms.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material used is notable for its safety, because this chair is made only of high quality wood, coated with water-based varnish. There are models made of plastic, but it is also completely safe. This approach of manufacturers makes the growing chair hypoallergenic and completely safe for the health of the growing baby.
  • Great design.

Depending on the cost, the number of regulated positions varies from 10-15 and more. Thus, your child will sit in such a chair as comfortably and naturally as possible. One cannot but mention the disadvantages of such an invention. True, there is only one - this is a high price. However, if you think about how many years of service this chair will last, then it turns out to be a completely profitable acquisition for parents.

Chair and desk with adjustment

The simplest version of such a design solution is a chair with a desk, in the design of which the possibility of raising the table top is laid. Usually, the sets of desks do not provide additional elements for storing accessories - shelves and cabinets. Therefore, parents have to buy these attributes additionally.

The material of the worktops is mainly MDF, chipboard, chipboard or plastic, the frame is MDF or metal pipes.

The most convenient options, but also the most expensive, are models of chairs and desks with adjustment, which are equipped with the following attributes and functionality:

  • Necessary storage places for accessories: hooks, shelves, drawers.
  • Possibility of adjusting the angle of inclination of the working surface of the table top.
  • By dividing the working area for writing into two parts, one of which can remain horizontal.

Note that the cost of such children's furniture is quite high, however, its convenience and practicality will have a positive effect on the health of a student teenager.

Color solutions

It should be noted that, depending on the models, the color shades of children's chairs differ dramatically. For example, you may notice that the main color range of highchairs for young children is calm light tones - it is mainly beige, pale pink or blue, and for older children - dark shades: gray, black or brown.

Tips for choosing

Choosing the right piece of furniture, such as a height-adjustable children's chair, can not only save parents some money, but also improve the environment in the nursery. After all, not every parent understands and knows how important it is to take into account all the nuances in the formation of the personal space of a growing person.

So, in order to wisely approach the issue of choosing a chair for a child, you need to imagine what exactly is the purpose of the parent in buying this piece of furniture. Perhaps it will be a highchair for the baby, or maybe the child needs a chair to do his homework at the computer table. In any case, you need to determine the purpose of the purchase.

So, an excellent option for a child from six months to five years old would be the purchase of a transforming chair, and for a student - a computer chair, which can be used not only by him, but also by any household member.

Please note that the very design of the chair or chair must be:

  • ergonomic;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • safe;
  • have adjustment not only of height, but also of the angle of inclination of the back;
  • comfortable.

Here are some more tips to help you choose the right baby chair:

  • Pay particular attention to the weight that the chair structure can support. Usually, it varies within 50 kilograms.
  • Be sure to check the fixing elements before purchasing. It is important that the child maintains the correct posture while sitting in this chair at the table.
  • Try the chair with your child before purchasing. Pay attention to the correct position of the baby's legs: the feet should be completely on the floor, and the lower leg and thigh should form an exclusively right angle. The location of the back is also directly related to the health of the child: ideally, it should end in the middle of a person's shoulder blades.
  • Give preference to models that have the ability to adjust the armrests. Their incorrect location can provoke tension in the cervical spine, which over time can develop into permanent muscle congestion and negatively affect the child's posture.
  • It is better not to buy models with soft seats - bypass them, because sitting on such a chair tends to relax more, and this is unacceptable for a person's posture.
  • The chair model should be easy to adjust and operate.
  • When buying, we strongly recommend that you contact your pediatrician and orthopedist for an appointment. This is necessary in order to identify health problems in the child and get the necessary advice that can be used when buying a child chair.

Chairs construction material

Undoubtedly, the best option for a small child would be a chair made of plastic materials. A chair made of wood or plywood is also practical, however, do not forget that a small toddler can accidentally wet it, and this will make the wooden surface unusable. Plastic also has some disadvantages related to its strength - it breaks easily. Therefore, try to look in stores for a highchair made of thick plastic materials.

For schoolchildren, the simplest chair design is made from a metal frame on steel pipes. Wooden seats and backs are usually supplemented with soft padding with an orthopedic base. Often you can find on sale children's chairs with a cover. After all, a restless child can spill something on the chair or just get it dirty.

The cover is easy to remove and put on thanks to the dense fabric. Washing in a washing machine is also not a hassle.


Any pleasant innovation for a child is a lot of emotions and joy. And in order to combine it pleasantly with the useful and necessary, you can decorate the children's furniture with small accessories that will give the chair not only an interesting and meaningful look, but also add a little work or play environment to the children's room.

For example, pockets for toys or educational supplies are especially popular. This approach will accustom the child to the necessary independence, and the necessary things can always be found where they should be.

In the next video you will see a presentation of the growing highchair for a child.

Watch the video: How To Correctly Adjust An Ergonomic Kids Chair - Moll Maximo (July 2024).