
How many days after conception does the breast usually start to hurt?

From the moment of fertilization, multiple changes begin to occur in the female body. Soreness in the chest is one of them. This article will tell you about how many days after conception, the expectant mother usually begins to have chest pain, and also why this symptom appears.

How does it manifest?

Soreness in the breasts early in pregnancy is due to hormonal changes. After fertilization of the egg, the concentration of female sex hormones increases in the blood of a pregnant woman. They act on the tissue of the mammary glands, which leads to the fact that they swell and even slightly increase in size.

The mammary gland contains glandular tissue. After the small embryo is implanted (tightly attached) to the wall of the uterus, the glandular tissue begins to grow. This contributes to the fact that the mammary gland also changes its size. Such an increase in glandular tissue leads to a certain compression of the nerve endings, which contributes to the appearance of pain and an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Under the influence of hormones, the breast tissue itself increases. In this case, the chest is "poured". It should be noted that gradual breast enlargement begins to occur even after ovulation. During this period of the menstrual cycle, there is quite a lot of progesterone in the female body, which ensures the changes that occur in the mammary glands.

Another hormone also contributes to the increase in glandular tissue in the mammary glands - human chorionic gonadotropin. It is more commonly known as hCG. This hormone is released due to the appearance in the female body of a "new tenant" - a small embryo. Without hCG, it is impossible to imagine the full course of the intrauterine development of the child's body, especially in the very first period of its intrauterine life.

Under the influence of hCG, specific changes also begin to occur in the glandular tissue of the mammary glands, contributing to the fact that the breasts begin to enlarge and slightly hurt. The higher the level of this hormone in the blood, the more severe the symptoms may appear.

In some women, breast enlargement in the first days after conception is not particularly evident. The chest remains the same size, but it still becomes quite sensitive. The woman notices an increase in sensitivity on her own. In some pregnant women, this symptom manifests itself so strongly that they note that even wearing a previously familiar and comfortable bra brings them severe discomfort.

Swelling of the mammary gland is manifested, as a rule, by the fact that it becomes quite sensitive to any influences. The most sensitive area is the nipple areola. In many women, in the first days after conception has already occurred, the sensitivity of the nipples increases. Their areoles during pregnancy change their color: they become darker. However, in the very first days after conception, it is quite difficult to determine this clinical sign, since it develops later.

Soreness in the chest can occur at any time of the day. Most women note that discomfort in the mammary glands worried them more in the morning. At the same time, I felt much better in the evening. However, the timing of breast tenderness may vary. For some women, soreness persists throughout the day.

It should be noted that soreness in the chest in the early stages can be localized not only directly in the mammary glands themselves. The pain can also spread to the armpits. Usually, the nature of the pain is pulling or somewhat bursting.

Many women find that chest soreness worsens after exercising in the gym, especially during dumbbell exercises.

In some cases, the first sign of a change in the state of the mammary glands due to pregnancy is the appearance not of soreness in the chest, but itching. A mother-to-be may notice that even wearing a bra or usual clothes leads to increased itching. The appearance of this symptom is not accidental. RThe development of itching is also facilitated by hormonal changes that develop in the body of a pregnant woman. Itching appears due to irritation of the nerve endings that are located in the mammary gland. This is also preceded by an increase in glandular tissue.

Many women who do not plan pregnancy in advance cannot immediately determine that the soreness in their mammary glands has arisen due to the conception of a baby. They may think for a long time that the breasts are swollen due to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). However, if a strong sensitivity appeared in the mammary glands and menstruation "did not come" on time, and there was also unprotected intercourse, then this is a certain reason to think about and check for pregnancy.

Women who, on the other hand, carefully plan pregnancy and purposefully try to get pregnant, can treat their feelings quite carefully. It so happens that a woman wants to become a mother so badly that even in the absence of conception, she reveals signs of a pregnancy. She includes the appearance of sensitivity in the chest, nausea, general weakness, mood changes, increased appetite to them. However, all these nonspecific signs are not proof of pregnancy.

These symptoms can only be associated with a change in hormonal levels associated with the normal development of the menstrual cycle. In this situation, only a pharmacy pregnancy test or a visit to a gynecologist can help dispel doubts about the onset of conception.

In women who have had various pathologies in the mammary glands before pregnancy, the severity of symptoms after conception can be very different. This largely depends on how much the hormonal background changes. So, in some cases, women may experience more severe chest pain. Women who have pathologies in the mammary glands even before the onset of pregnancy should definitely see a mammologist after conceiving a baby.

It is especially important to visit a doctor for those expectant mothers who were taking any medications in order to correct the pathology of the mammary glands. In this situation, the doctor may discontinue these medications or prescribe others.

When do the first symptoms appear?

It is not worth waiting for the first manifestations in the breast immediately after the day of conception. Even a change in hormonal levels that occurs in the first few days after fertilization does not affect the appearance of any symptoms. As a rule, the first changes in the well-being of the expectant mother occur by 8-10 days after conception. By this time, a small embryo is usually implanted into the wall of the uterus. From this moment on, the level of hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman begins to increase faster, which leads to the development of specific changes.

It should be noted that not all women in the very early stages of pregnancy experience exactly the same symptoms. Some women note that they had practically no uncomfortable symptoms in the first weeks after conception. They also note that they did not notice any significant changes in their breasts. It really can be, since every female body is unique.

How long does the soreness last?

How long the breast tenderness and tenderness will last cannot be predicted. For every pregnant woman, these symptoms may persist at different times. It depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.

For many women, the uncomfortable symptoms that occur in the first weeks after conception usually go away until mid-pregnancy. By this time, the hormonal background is already quite stable. If in the early stages of pregnancy the appearance of certain symptoms serves as a "signal" that conception has occurred and intrauterine development has begun, then in the later stages of pregnancy, changes in the breast are a kind of preparation of the female body for the upcoming lactation (breastfeeding).

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the condition of the mammary glands. Compliance with hygiene is very important and serves as an excellent prevention of various infections. The skin of the mammary glands must be clean and breathable. A regular hygienic shower will help with this. The water temperature should be comfortable.

Well-fitting bras can also help reduce breast tenderness. Currently, there is a huge selection of lingerie designed specifically for pregnant women. It is very important that the bra has comfortable supportive cups, does not tighten or pinch the delicate tissue of the mammary glands. It is better to choose products made from natural materials. This will help keep your breasts healthy even during pregnancy.

For information on what the symptoms of early pregnancy may be, see below.

Watch the video: Signs of ovulation- When do you ovulate- Find most fertile days (June 2024).