
Vitamins and nutrition when planning pregnancy

To prepare the conception of the baby, you need to approach responsibly. In order for the fertilization of the egg to be successful, and the course of pregnancy to be calm, future parents should think about their state of health. Vitamins will help them improve its performance.

The importance of taking vitamins

When planning a pregnancy, vitamins are important for both the future father and the expectant mother. The modern way of life, poor nutrition and stress contribute to the frequent development of disorders in the balance of vitamins and minerals in the human body. If we add to this the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs in one of the future parents, then the development of conditions associated with a deficiency of vitamins becomes even more likely.

Vitamins have been known in medicine and science for many years. Hundreds of studies are conducted daily to determine their effect in various pathological conditions. In terms of their chemical structure, vitamins are low-molecular-weight organic compounds of various chemical nature. Each of them has its own unique mechanism of action, has its own chemical and biological properties, and must be used in strict dosage.

Vitamins have no plastic function, that is, they are not used by the body for energy. These substances are a kind of catalysts for the most important biological reactions. Unfortunately, almost all vitamins are not synthesized by our body. That is why they must regularly come with food. With an unbalanced diet, doctors resort to prescribing special vitamin and mineral complexes.

Experts note that almost ¾ of women do not receive the required amount of vitamins in their daily lives. In some women, this condition can reduce the possibility of conception and the desired pregnancy.

Carrying a baby is a very important and rather lengthy process. For several months, the female body must provide not only its basic biological functions, but also work "for two." In order for all reactions to proceed physiologically, a sufficient amount of vitamins is needed. It is better if the expectant mother prepares her body in advance, even before conception.

The health of a man is also very important when planning a pregnancy. Spermatogenesis - the process of formation of male germ cells (spermatozoa) can be disrupted under the influence of many factors, including an unbalanced diet. In this case, the possibility of natural conception is reduced several times. Specially selected vitamins will help to improve the situation in such a situation.

Mechanism of action on the body

Vitamins are biologically active components. The list of actions they provide is quite large. Each of the vitamins plays a specific role in the body to maintain its vital functions. For people planning to become parents, it is very important that vitamins of different groups are regularly supplied to their body.

Water soluble vitamins

They are named so because they are able to dissolve in water. Almost all of them do not have the ability to accumulate in the body and are easily absorbed from the intestines. The exception is vitamins B12. Since water-soluble vitamins are not able to accumulate in the body, but are necessary, they should be obtained from food daily.

These biologically active substances are found in both animal and vegetable products. If metabolic processes in the human body are disturbed, they can persist for a couple of days, but subsequently they are still removed from it.

Water-soluble vitamins can have a combined effect. So, their deficiency may contribute to the fact that some other vitamins become less active and unable to maximize their effect... There is practically no excess of them, since they are easily excreted in the urine through the renal tubular system or are metabolized to less active metabolites.

The main function of water-soluble vitamins in the body is catalytic. They actively participate in the composition of coenzymes of various biologically active substances, thus normalizing metabolism. Also, water-soluble vitamins improve overall health indicators and even reduce the manifestations of allergic reactions.

Group B

Presented by several vitamins at once. They were first discovered at the beginning of the 20th century by the scientist K. Funk. Each of them has its own serial number, as well as a unique name.

The main vitamins of this group, necessary at the stage of pregnancy planning, are presented in the table below.

In some cases, doctors are forced to prescribe medications containing several B vitamins at once. Usually, they are prescribed before the general condition stabilizes, several months before the onset of the long-awaited conception.

One of these drugs is Angiovitis. It contains vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. The course of treatment with this drug is on average 30 days. He is appointed by a doctor for medical reasons. As a rule, you need to take 1 tablet per day.

Folic acid

It is also called vitamin B9 and is one of the most important biologically active substances at the stage of pregnancy planning. Doctors recommend that folic acid be included at least 3-4 months before the intended conception.

Folic acid has a number of positive effects on the body:

  • improves overall health indicators;
  • normalizes the work of female genital organs, having a beneficial effect on the regularity of the menstrual cycle;
  • participates in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • has a beneficial effect on the metabolism of protein molecules;
  • necessary for the synthesis (formation) of the generation of new healthy cells in the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the well-coordinated work of the digestive system;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The average daily dosage of vitamin B9 is 400 mcg. In some cases, it can be changed by the attending physician. If necessary, folic acid is prescribed to both spouses before the planned conception.

Vitamin C

One of the most important functions of this biologically active substance is to ensure the excellent functioning of the immune system. At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, the prevention of various viral and bacterial infections is very important. Regular intake of ascorbic acid into the body is able to maintain a high level of immunity, protecting against many diseases.

Vitamin C is believed to have a beneficial effect on emotional perception as well. So, people who regularly receive it in sufficient quantities improve their mood, increase their ability to withstand stress, and also reduce the risk of developing depressive disorders. Regular intake of vitamin C improves total blood cholesterol levels and helps to normalize blood vessel tone. This property becomes especially important for future parents who are planning to conceive a baby after 40 years.

Doctors note that ascorbic acid is especially necessary for all smokers. It helps to "cleanse" the blood vessels from the decomposition products of nicotine, while having a beneficial effect on the processes of intracellular respiration.

Of course, it is better that at the stage of preparation for conception, none of the future parents smoked if possible. Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes have an adverse effect on the germ cells.

Fat-soluble vitamins

These biologically active substances are also necessary for both men and women at the stage of preparation for conceiving a baby. This group got its name due to its ability to dissolve in fats. These biologically active substances are part of the cell membranes.

Fat-soluble vitamins have another interesting property - they can accumulate in the cells of adipose tissue. A fairly large supply of them is in the liver. With the onset of relatively unfavorable conditions for the organism, this "strategic" reserve begins to be spent according to its immediate purpose - to provide the basic functions for life.

Vitamins of this group are found in both animals and plant foods. An exception to this rule is vitamin K. It can be produced in small amounts in the intestines.

A tendency to accumulate can lead to overdose symptoms. To avoid this, you should carefully monitor the daily dosage of vitamins used.

Vitamin A

Also called retinol. It is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system and for providing good resistance to various infections. Retinol has a positive effect on all mucous membranes of the body. Without this vitamin, it is impossible to imagine good eye performance.

Regular intake of retinol in the body is necessary to ensure "twilight" vision. Thanks to this feature, a person can see well in the dark and distinguish between freestanding objects. Quite a lot of retinol is found in the liver, egg yolk and fish oil.

The human body has a unique ability. It is able to form active vitamin A from beta-carotene. This substance is found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables that are predominantly yellow, orange or red in color.

So, a lot of beta-carotene is found in carrots, pumpkin, apricots and dried apricots. The daily requirement for vitamin A during pregnancy planning is about 3000 IU.

The correct diet and an optimally composed menu will allow people planning to become parents to do without additional intake of the dosage form of vitamin A. For this, it is necessary to correctly think over each of the meals during the day.

In some cases, medicinal forms of this vitamin can be prescribed for medical reasons. In this situation, the duration of admission and dosage is determined by the attending physician individually.

Vitamin D

This group of substances unites many different types. They have truly unique effects on the body. Thus, vitamin D is essential for maintaining optimal calcium and phosphorus metabolism, maintaining the necessary strength and structure of bones and teeth.

Its regular intake is necessary for the active work of the immune system. Without vitamin D3 in women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, various hormonal disruptions in the endocrine system occur. During the period of increased stress on the body, the need for this vitamin in the body increases several times.

People living in northern countries often experience a deficiency in getting vitamin D, because its metabolism in the body occurs under the active influence of ultraviolet rays. In the summer solar time, as a rule, problems with the synthesis of this vitamin do not occur. If the weather becomes unfavorable and constantly cloudy, and there is no sun for a long time, then a deficiency of vitamin D in the body may gradually appear.

Reviews of many women indicate that during the planning period of pregnancy, doctors prescribed them various medications containing vitamin D. They note that after such a reception, their health improved, and the general condition of the skin and nails returned to normal.

A large amount of vitamin D is found in fish - cod, herring, halibut and others. At the same time, fish also contains a lot of useful omega-3 - an equally important substance when planning pregnancy.

The inclusion of these useful food products in the diet normalizes the work of the endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems, which favorably affects the possibility of conceiving. The average daily requirement for vitamin D during preparation for conception is 400 IU.

Vitamin E

It is one of the most important biologically active substances at the stage of pregnancy planning. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is necessary to prepare the female body for the upcoming conception of a baby.

Regular intake of vitamin E helps to prevent the possible "freezing" of pregnancy, the development of various intrauterine pathologies in the fetus, as well as spontaneous miscarriages.

Tocopherol has a lot of beneficial effects on the body at the stage of responsible preparation by the time of the baby's conception:

  • normalizes the work of the ovaries, leading to optimal production of progesterone - one of the most important hormones of pregnancy;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle and ovulation;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases of the intimate female organs;
  • participates in ensuring the maintenance of the elasticity of the uterus necessary for the forthcoming pregnancy;
  • positively affects the tone of the blood vessels, ensuring sufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • increases the ability to withstand the effects of daily stressful environmental factors, increasing the body's resistance to stress.

The selection of the required daily dosage of vitamin E is carried out strictly individually. The dose can be from 100 to 400 IU per day, taking into account individual characteristics. If a woman has a burdened obstetric history of the development of pathologies in previous childbirth or cases of miscarriages, then, as a rule, she is prescribed a higher dosage - 300-400 IU per day. In other cases, the daily dose of tocopherol is usually 100-200 IU.

Doctors generally recommend splitting vitamin E intake throughout the day. In this case, it is recommended to take half of the daily dose in the morning, and the other in the evening. You should not choose the dosage of tocopherol on your own.

In order to avoid incorrect selection of the dose, and therefore the unwanted symptoms of an overdose, you should still seek the advice of a doctor.

Vitamin K

Participates in ensuring the normal function of hematopoiesis. It is necessary to maintain the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the kidneys. Vitamin K ensures normal blood clotting, positively affecting the number of red platelets (platelets) in the peripheral bloodstream. The daily requirement for this biologically active substance is about 1 mg.

Are all vitamins necessary?

It is very important that all vitamins are supplied to the body. It is impossible to imagine the functioning of internal organs without any one important component. A balanced intake of vitamins in the body ensures its smooth operation and improves fertility (the ability to conceive).

For future dads

Doctors advise men to start specific vitamin therapy at least 3.5 months before the intended conception. There are scientific explanations for this. It is believed that it takes 90 days for a new generation of sperm to form.Against the background of taking vitamins, new high-quality male germ cells are formed, which have better properties than their predecessors.

These sperm are usually more mobile. Their ability to fertilize eggs increases several times. It is believed that a full-fledged complex of vitamin therapy in a man helps to ensure that conception occurs already in 1-2 attempts, taking into account the correctly chosen date of the menstrual cycle.

The following vitamins improve the quality of the semen analysis.

  • Folic acid. Helps sperm to have the correct shape and mobility sufficient for fertilization of eggs. Taking folic acid regularly for several months significantly increases male fertility.
  • Vitamin E. Protects sperm from negative environmental factors. Thanks to tocopherol, male germ cells remain sufficiently mobile and active. The viability of the sperm also increases.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is necessary for the normal course of the spermatogenesis process, as well as the formation of specific male sex hormones. Vitamin C, acting as a powerful antioxidant, improves the mechanism of testosterone formation. Also, ascorbic acid protects sperm from the effects of environmental factors.

All of these vitamins are essential for men's health. It is better that they all regularly enter the male body in the recommended dosages.

If some unforeseen situation develops when it is not possible to take all vitamins, men should definitely take vitamins C and E, and also not skip taking folic acid.

In addition to basic vitamins, trace elements are also necessary for the male body in the period of preparation for conception. The most important of these are zinc and selenium. Usually, they are not required to be taken separately, since they are part of many vitamin and mineral complexes.

Zinc is essential in the male body for the normal formation of sperm. They also help to enhance libido. Regular intake of zinc helps to improve the sexual experience.

Selenium is an essential trace mineral for all men who are planning to become fathers at a fairly mature age. It improves potency, contributing to the maintenance of male fertility for many years.

For expectant mothers

Vitamin therapy for a woman preparing to become a mother is very important. It helps to bring the indicators of women's health back to normal already a few months before conception.

A well-chosen vitamin intake regimen:

  • necessary for the quality of the ovaries;
  • ensures the regularity of ovulation;
  • helps prepare the female body for the upcoming 40 weeks of pregnancy.

To determine the existing pathologies, the doctor usually prescribes complexes of various tests. Also, as a rule, instrumental studies are required. This advanced diagnosis allows the doctor to identify all diseases that may interfere with the onset of conception in a woman.

Vitamin B9 is extremely important for all expectant mothers. It is important to note that the intake of this biologically active substance does not stop even after the onset of the long-awaited conception of the baby. Folic acid is usually prescribed up to 12 weeks of gestation.

In addition to B9, vitamin E is also very important for women. It has a beneficial effect on the ovulation process, and also helps to "align" the altered hormonal background. Under the influence of tocopherol, the production of female sex hormones improves. Competently conducted vitamin therapy with tocopherol helps to prevent spontaneous abortion in the future.

Since the future baby will be borne by his mother, the amount of vitamins needed during preparation for conception is much larger for a woman. In addition to folic acid and vitamin E, vitamins of other groups are also needed: B, C, D, A.

Given such a significant variety of vitamins necessary for taking, the best choice would be complex preparations containing vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements.

Multivitamin complexes

Currently, the pharmaceutical market is ready to offer a huge number of different multivitamins. They differ in chemical composition, cost, country of origin and some other criterion. The choice of the best drug is usually carried out in conjunction with the attending physician, who knows the characteristics of a particular organism.

The complex of vitamins allows you to enrich the body with almost all biologically active substances necessary for its vital activity. The list of drugs can be quite long.

So, men are often prescribed the following vitamin and mineral complex remedies:

  • Spermastrong;
  • "Alphabet" (marked "for men");
  • “Duovit” (marked “for men”);
  • Complivit;

  • "Proffertil";
  • Selmevit;
  • Selmevit Intensive;
  • Selzink Plus;
  • "SperAktiv".

These drugs should be taken in accordance with the instructions that come with them. For women, multivitamin complexes have also been developed that promote ovulation and increase fertility. Manufacturers even use a kind of rating for such funds.

These funds are chosen, as a rule, by a gynecologist or reproductive specialist. The following are several drugs that are often used to prepare for a planned pregnancy.


Besides vitamins, this drug is also rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper and zinc. Its folic acid content is also quite high - 400 mcg.

It is important to note that this preparation does not contain iodine. Its women in the planning phase should be taken separately. The prophylactic dosage of iodine is selected individually and depends on the region of residence. In iodine-deficient regions, a little more of such an element is required for the full functioning of the female body.

Women who took Elevit before pregnancy generally note its positive properties. Many people say that their menstrual cycle has returned to normal, the condition of their skin, hair and nails has improved. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost, the appearance of constipation, a strong increase in appetite.


It is one of the most controversial products to use. It is intended for women from the moment of preparation for conceiving a baby until the 12th week of pregnancy.

The preparation contains the following vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, B9, PP, C, E and other useful components, including iodine.

The number of positive and negative reviews for it is approximately 50/50. The pluses include a fairly balanced composition. Taking this remedy provides the female body with almost all the vitamins it needs. Many women who took Femibion ​​even before conception, note that they practically did not have adverse symptoms of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy.

The disadvantages include a rather high cost. Some women even consider it unreasonably overpriced. In some cases, like any remedy, Femibion ​​can cause allergic reactions. At a rather high cost, it also leads women to leave negative reviews.


Also refers to the drugs that are quite often used during preparation for pregnancy. The manufacturer has even developed a special version of this product for women who are preparing to experience all the delights of motherhood. The name of this drug is Vitrum Prenatal or Vitrum Prenetal Forte.

Most of the reviews from the reception of this complex are positive. Many women are satisfied with its price, as well as the composition. This preparation also contains iodine. This makes it more convenient to take, since you do not need to take any iodine-containing products separately. The vitamin-mineral complex has a positive effect on general well-being, normalizes the functioning of the genitals, and also improves the condition of the skin and hair.

How long should you take vitamins?

The reception scheme is compiled individually. For this, the doctor necessarily evaluates several factors:

  • the initial state of health of the future father or mother;
  • features of their health and the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • geographical conditions of residence and environmental factors (climate, temperature, air pollution indicators, and many others).

On average, doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes at least 3-4 months before the date of the alleged conception of the baby. In some cases, the reception regimen may be slightly longer - up to six months or more. Such a relatively long time is necessary for the body to replenish and normalize its physiological functions while taking vitamins.

After pregnancy, vitamins are not canceled, but their dosages change. This is due to the increased stress on the female body.

To compensate for the condition, obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe to their patients special multivitamin complexes that are approved for use in pregnant women. Such vitamins are very important, as they are necessary for the full intrauterine development of the baby.

How to take it right?

Most often, vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed 1-2 times a day. It depends on the specific medicine. There is no clear connection with meals. Take a pill or capsule with a small amount of plain water.

If, against the background of the reception, soreness in the abdomen appears, an itchy rash on the body or hives, numerous red spots, then in this case, you should immediately seek medical help. These symptoms can be a manifestation of an individual allergic reaction to taking certain vitamins.

In this case, it is required to cancel the drug that caused the allergy.

Foods rich in vitamins for fertility

Experts note that a properly selected diet is necessary to ensure all vital body functions. Unfortunately, at present, not many people can eat correctly and in a balanced way. Inhabitants of megalopolises and large cities, according to statistics, experience a large deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

In order to compensate for this important disadvantage, it is very important to monitor the food that is taken into the body several times a day. During preparation for conceiving a baby, this must be done especially carefully. In addition to the basic nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), it is very important that a variety of vitamins are present in the daily diet. For this, the principle of diversity must be observed.

In the diet of everyone who wants to become parents, porridge must be present. They provide the body with useful trace elements, are high in calories and nutritious, and most importantly, they are rich in B vitamins.

Fruits and berries should also be eaten regularly by people who intend to eat quality and healthily. They contain a lot of vitamin C.

Eating vegetables will "saturate" the body with folic acid and useful microelements. The alternation of fruits and vegetables will not only diversify the menu, but will also bring great benefits to the body.

For information on how to eat right and what vitamins to take when planning pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Vitamins to Boost Fertility. Top 5 Vitamins to Boost Fertility Naturally (July 2024).