
Strollers for winter: an overview of the most popular models

When the birth of a baby is expected in the family, the preparation is very careful and reverent. You need to take care of everything that a new member of society needs, first of all - a crib and a stroller. Manufacturers offer a huge selection of transport for babies, and you should know what criteria are important when choosing a model for walking in the winter.


Today in the market or in children's stores you can find a large selection of strollers. Many parents are looking for models that can be used at any time of the year. If the baby was born in winter, it is important to find the option that would suit this season best. Strollers can be divided into several types according to their characteristics:

  • season of use;
  • features of wheel fastening and their structure;
  • folding mechanism options.

A stroller for winter must have:

  • warm cover to shelter a child;
  • a visor with maximum droopability to prevent strong and cold wind from reaching the newborn.

Large and massive wheels are installed on these models, which makes it easy to walk with a stroller on a snowy road. Models for winter can be heavy, but modern vehicles for children are produced in a lightweight version, which greatly simplifies their maneuverability. Strollers for babies can be of different types, these are models:

  • 2 in 1. This combination allows you to use it in the form of a conventional classic stroller and a walking block. Such models are convenient because parents do not need to purchase two options for transport; they can use one product from birth until the child reaches four years of age.

  • 3 in 1. This model combines three options at once, for walking, a cradle stroller and a car seat for moving in the car. The 3-in-1 model is suitable even for newborns, it can be used for walks with the smallest up to 4 years old.

  • Transformer. This model combines a carrycot and a seat. Can be used for both newborns and older children.

  • Cradle. This model is purchased for newborns, the child can stay in it until that time, until he starts to sit. The cradle is designed for the age from 0 to 6 months.

  • Walking options. The model is suitable for babies who can already sit on their own, that is, from 6 months and older.

When choosing a model, it is important not to make a mistake, because the stroller should be comfortable, practical and functional. At the same time, I want to choose an interesting or original vehicle. Some parents prefer the classic options, while others look more sophisticated models. In addition, the stroller should look beautiful, it will be pleasant for the baby to be in it, and the parents will be happy to travel with it through the streets.

It is worth giving preference to models:

  • with a lightweight and durable mechanical frame. The best choice would be a product with a folding frame;
  • with the presence of three, four and even six wheels, in cases with twins or the weather, you can even find eight wheels on a sidecar;
  • with a seat for a child's seat, which has a pleasant soft upholstery and is made in accordance with the standards provided by specialists in this field;
  • with seat belts;
  • with a hood that protects from adverse external factors such as rain, snow, and wind;
  • with a crossbar for fixing the child;
  • with brakes, which can have a different arrangement and a vehicle fixing system.

It is good if manufacturers have provided for the presence of a special basket or bag for storing children's things and purchases that a young mother makes while walking.

It is worth stopping the choice on a model with a small table, where there is a special recess for a bottle. The stroller can be equipped with a raincoat, a mosquito net or a blanket for legs.


When choosing a stroller, you should pay attention to the folding mechanism. Many people prefer models that have the name "book", but most of the parents choose cane strollers. When folding the stroller-book, the product folds in half, This does not exert any significant pressure or effect on the body, which prolongs its service life.

The cane is folded along the axis, which also has its advantages. Such models are comfortable, practical and lightweight, which makes them so popular.

Stroller cane

Cane strollers are more suitable for walking with children who already know how to sit well and steadily, that is, at the age of one year and older. Due to the fact that the back and seat can be folded out, the baby can sleep if he is tired during the walk.

This model has increased maneuverability, thanks to the front wheels, which can easily turn around their axis. If there is a desire, you can install them only for direct movement, limiting their mobility.

These strollers are easily recognizable as they have two separate handles, a folding footrest and a cross-shaped connection of the levers under the child seat. This design allows the model to be folded in four, and when folded it resembles a cane.

The advantages of this model:

  • have low weight and dimensions;
  • can be folded easily and quickly;
  • has comfortable maneuverable wheels;
  • when carrying it will take up little space;
  • has a low cost.

Now let's dwell on the disadvantages that cane models have:

  • the cane is inconvenient to carry with only one hand;
  • when laying out the model, you need to check if all the rods and levers are in the right places;
  • due to small wheels, good passability will not be provided;
  • when folding the model, the wheels can smear the car during transportation, so it is worth purchasing a protective cover.


These models look more solid than the previous version. Use book strollers for walks with children from 6 months. The weight of such a structure and its dimensions will exceed the previous version.

To fold such a stroller, you must press the special buttons-levers and bend it in half. After bending, the wheels will only be on one side, which will allow transporting it even without using a cover. When folded, this model has not very large dimensions and will fit freely in the trunk of a car.

The advantages of this design include:

  • there is a lot of space inside the stroller, which allows you to use it for walking even with very large children;
  • the model has a hard back and seat, thanks to which the baby's back will be reliably protected;
  • has a stronger and more reliable design;
  • models have a solid handle, which allows you to carry the stroller even with one hand;
  • you can quickly and easily fold and unfold it;
  • the presence of a protective hood;
  • the set may include removable mattresses, covers for legs, etc.

The disadvantages of this design include:

  • greater weight of the model, in contrast to the previous version;
  • its dimensions are larger than that of a cane;
  • the cost of products is higher.

Now let's consider a universal option, the use of which allows you to walk with children from birth to 2-3 years old.


This model consists of a walking version and a cradle for newborns. This equipment allows you to use transport from birth, using a cradle for walks, in which the baby feels very comfortable. For older children who are already sitting and actively learning about the world around them, a walking block is installed.

Manufacturers complete these models at the highest level. Having a thin mattress, shelter for the baby's legs and a deep bottom basket and shopping bag will be a great advantage when choosing a product.

The advantages of this model include:

  • structural strength;
  • maximum functionality;
  • excellent cross-country ability even in places with a bad road;
  • the opportunity to purchase one stroller instead of two;
  • ease of operation with one hand;
  • thanks to the fully reclining backrest, the child will sleep comfortably while walking.

Such models deserve attention, but they also have certain disadvantages:

  • they take up a lot of space during storage;
  • can be cumbersome and heavy;
  • there is not always a folding design option.

A winter stroller should be lightweight and comfortable, especially for models for newborns. Many parents prefer a product with a reversing unit or a rocker handle. These options are very convenient for both parents and kids. During a walk, a small child in complete safety can be facing his mother, or satisfy his curiosity, looking at what is happening around him, being face in the direction of travel. At this time, mom can control the child's actions through a special mesh, which is provided on the stroller's hood.

The model should be compact so that parents can quickly fold it and move it to the desired location.

Quite often, only one of the parents walks with the child, usually the mother, and she has to bring the stroller home after the walk. It is worth considering how convenient it will be for her to transport the stroller, and what weight and parameters it should have.

Walking models can be three or four wheeled. The second option is considered more common, but products on three wheels in some cases can help out a lot, for example, if you need to drive in a narrow place or actively maneuver in a crowd or store.

Baby strollers can be of different colors. Many parents have a preference for neutral colors that can work for both boys and girls. After all, these products are often given or bought when the sex of the child is still unknown or if there are plans to have several children. Therefore, choosing a neutral color would be the most appropriate option.

When choosing a stroller for the cold season, it is important to understand that you will have to walk during a period when there may be a lot of snow, ice, snow drifts on the road. When choosing a vehicle for traveling on a difficult road, you should pay attention to many parameters.

  • When choosing a cradle for a baby, you should give preference to the insulated version. At the same time, it is taken into account that during walks the child will be dressed in overalls and covered with a blanket.
  • Strong and large wheels are important, because walks can be not only on flat asphalt, but also along snow-covered streets. If there are small wheels in the product, the axle of which is located close to the ground, they will slip and get stuck in the snow. For winter walks, rubber or polyurethane wheels are more suitable.

  • Brake. For winter vehicles, having a good brake is a must. When rolling down a hill, leaving the store, or descending into an underground passage, using the hand brake, you can save your child from possible danger. The foot brake is often used to lock the stroller in place.
  • Product protection from adverse weather conditions. The child should be outdoors for a long time. In the winter season, the weather can not always be good, so the main advantage of the product should be its protection from wind, rain or snow, which is helped by transport with a hood. The stroller should be provided with special awnings, thanks to which it will remain warm and not be blown out.

In winter, small children sleep during walks, so the stroller should exclude the penetration of cold air into the interior, but there should still be fresh air for the baby.

  • Design. Many parents make great demands on him and try to find a suitable model. Now many manufacturers produce bright strollers, but when making the final choice, it is worth looking not only at the beauty of the product, but also at other parameters.
  • The weight. Even if the house has an elevator, the stroller still needs to be brought in and out of the apartment, so its weight is very important. Considering that in one hand there is a small child dressed in warm, winter clothes and a blanket or blanket, and in the other hand a stroller, then a lot depends on the weight of the product. When choosing a stroller in a house without an elevator, you should give preference to products with lighter weight, which simply fold and take up little space when folded.

  • Passability. If the vehicle has large wheels, then walking on snowy streets will not be a hassle.
  • Convenience. In the cold season, the child is dressed warmly, he is wrapped in a blanket, blanket or overalls, so the stroller should be wide enough so that the dressed baby can comfortably stay in it. If your home has an elevator, you need to match the width of the stroller to the doorway.

  • A pen. This part of the stroller is a very important part of the whole design. Considering that the walk takes place in winter, many models have special warm mittens or hand warmers. Very convenient is the handle, which can be adjusted to the height of the parents and where it can be thrown over to the other side.

This is especially true when a strong wind blows in your face or it is raining or snowing. By moving the handle to the other side, you can save your baby from wind and cold.

  • The basket under the stroller. It is very convenient if the model for a stroller in the winter has a large basket. This eliminates the need to carry a grocery bag and push the stroller through the snow. You should choose a model where, even in a lying position, the bag will fit comfortably.
  • Cost. An important criterion when choosing a product is the price. The cost of strollers for a winter walk can be different, it is important to find the best price-quality ratio and opt for such a model.

A model for winter is not a luxury item, a stroller is simply necessary for daily walks with a baby, so its choice should be made, taking into account all the subtleties and nuances, so that mom and child can feel as comfortable as possible on a walk.


To ensure a smooth running of the product, manufacturers use different types of materials for the wheels. The cross-country ability of the wheelchair, its maneuverability and controllability depend on what they are made of.

Wheels for a winter stroller can be:

  • Rubber. Thanks to rubber wheels, the product will go on the ground very softly and no irregularities and depressions can wake up the baby. Inflatable rubber products can provide good shock absorption on problem areas of the road and make the wheelchair move smoothly. For such wheels, models with a foot brake and a hand brake are better suited.

  • Plastic. The advantage of this material is that they do not puncture, which can happen with wheels made of other materials. Such products are one of the cheapest, they are very tough and have low shock absorption. Their service life is short, most often it is one or two seasons.
  • Made of foam rubber. These wheels combine the best qualities of rubber and plastic products, and they can also be used for walking in the winter. They are a little tougher than the previous version, but on flat sections of the road they run gently, moreover, they can be considered more durable.

Considering that temperature fluctuations and precipitation in the form of snow are possible in the winter season, it will be problematic to ride on such a difficult road, so you should give preference to models with rubber wheels or choose a stroller where they will be made of plastic and have a large size.

Four-wheel models can be:

  • With swivel castors (front and rear). They are characterized by good stability and maneuverability.

  • No swivel wheels, which are highly stable.

  • Twin - have six or eight wheels. Such models are more stable, but their weight will be much greater.

Our roads are rarely of perfect quality, especially in winter, so you should choose a stroller with swivel front wheels. This will allow you to avoid pits and bumps with maximum maneuverability. When choosing a stroller, consider the type and diameter of the wheels:

  • Small wheels (with a diameter of 8 to 15 cm) have a small cross-country ability, they are suitable only for walking on a flat road.
  • Medium wheels (with a diameter of 15-25 cm) are usually made of rubber or polyurethane foam. Although they are heavy, their flotation is significantly greater. Most often they are installed on the rear axle.
  • Large wheels (with a diameter of 25-40 cm) not used for strollers. Usually these are inflatable products and put them on heavier models, such as transformers. They have excellent cross-country ability and shock absorption, a stroller with large wheels allows you to use it even on very bad road sections.

But no matter what wheels the stroller has, it is very difficult to walk with a child in winter and not get stuck constantly in snowdrifts. Therefore, in order to save the parents' nerves and give the child a calm and comfortable rest, the manufacturers came up with a sled stroller. Such an all-terrain vehicle will allow you to overcome any obstacles. This walkable model will make the walk with your baby comfortable, regardless of weather factors.

The difference from the usual models is that runners are installed instead of the chassis. A large number of models have small wheels at the end of the runners, allowing you to move safely on cleared asphalt road sections. To choose a wheelchair sled, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • The size. When choosing a model, do not look at bulky models, because large design parameters will make it less maneuverable, especially when cornering. Do not forget that their size should correspond to the size of the doorway in the apartment and the elevator. It should be such that the wheelchair will fit in the lift with you.
  • Safety. Everyone understands that the safety of the child must be paramount, so you need to make sure that the fixing straps are available so that the child does not fall into the snow. Seat belts can be simple single, but it is worth giving preference to five-point designs that will securely fix the baby.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to how the belts are fastened and to exclude the possibility of the child unbuckling them on their own.

  • Soft armchair. When choosing, you should give preference to models with a soft and comfortable seat. To make the sled slide effortlessly, models with long runners are chosen.
  • The choice of runners. Choosing wide flat runners, you can easily ride in such a stroller on loose snow. Tubular runners are more suitable for driving on icy or slightly snowy surfaces.

  • Handle selection... Walking with a child takes enough time, and so that your hands do not get tired, you need to choose the right handle. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made, it should not allow moisture to pass through. Manufacturers often make handles from a special material that is pleasant to the touch and easy to clean.
  • Step. When choosing a model, it is worth looking at how the footrest is adjusted. It should be easily placed at any height and in the right position, in accordance with the child's growth, while the baby's legs should not hang down, otherwise they will quickly get tired.

The choice of any version of the stroller should be conscious, then the comfort of the mother and the baby will be at the highest level and every walk, even in winter, will bring a lot of pleasure.

How to choose?

Strollers are one of the most popular types of baby vehicles for their convenience and practicality. In addition, you can find a suitable model in color, design, equipment. The price of the product also plays a decisive role.

Considering that both a newborn baby and an older baby can be in the stroller, it is necessary to study the features of the models for each age. If the baby was born in the cold season, then the choice of a product for walking should be the most balanced.

A stroller for a newborn baby should be:

  • warm and comfortable;
  • with a high location of the bottom from the ground;
  • with a wide berth;
  • with a closed cradle and no cracks at the attachment point;
  • with the presence of a raincoat or umbrella for mom, which are attached to the handle;
  • with good shock absorption, for example with an X-like chassis.

For a one-year-old child, a cradle is no longer needed, a walking block will be enough for a baby. When choosing a stroller, take into account the season: a cane with a mosquito net is more suitable for summer, a stroller with a raincoat for autumn and spring, and a model with a heater (cover) for winter.

Choosing options with a rocker handle or with a special module, you can turn the baby both to face the mother and to the other side. When choosing a handle, you should pay attention to the handbrake, which is located on the handle to ensure the safety of the child.

Best rating

Now a lot of domestic and foreign companies are engaged in the production of goods for children. When choosing a stroller for winter, preference should be given to manufacturers who have proven themselves from the most advantageous side. Let's dwell on the most interesting models. Giving preference to one or another wheelchair, you should find out:

  • specifications;
  • how convenient and comfortable the model is;
  • take into account the completeness of the package;
  • determine how similar the color and design is to the child and parents.

So, TOP-10, an overview of the most popular strollers for winter.


First of all, you should pay attention to the products of the Peg-Perego company. The products of this well-known company are always in high demand among babies and their parents. For winter walks, the Italian company has prepared the Peg-Perego Book Cross model, which is characterized by increased maneuverability. The stroller looks very stylish thanks to its modern design, functionality and practicality are combined here.

Manufacturers have provided a special warm cape, thanks to which you can not only cover the baby's legs, but also cover him completely and protect him from the cold wind.

The model has a very comfortable backrest, which is adjustable in three positions, which will allow the child to sit or sleep in the stroller. Due to its maneuverability and lightness, it can even be operated with one hand. The model is equipped with large passable PU wheels, with shock absorption. There is a control lever on the frame. The stroller is suitable for walking with a child from 6 months old, equipped with five-point seat belts.


The Inglestina stroller has received good reviews, it is a model with undoubted advantages, among them:

  1. the presence of a removable cover for the walking block;
  2. the ability to adjust the back in three positions;
  3. only natural materials are used for interior upholstery;
  4. the presence of five-point seat belts;
  5. a warm cover is provided for walking in winter;
  6. a book-like structure is formed;
  7. the product is equipped with removable powerful inflatable wheels;
  8. with rear brakes;
  9. vehicle price from 20 thousand rubles.

Judging by customer reviews, this model is very comfortable, and the child feels protected from strong gusts of wind and snow in it.


Emmaljunga. Also a transformer. The advantages of the model:

  1. has a Safe Frame protection from impacts to the head of the baby and HI PRO, a shock-absorbing mechanism in case of a sudden fall of the back;
  2. comfortable handle, with the ability to adjust it to the height of the parents;
  3. adjustable footrest;
  4. ThermoBase system allows you to adjust the baby's comfort in all weather conditions;
  5. has a five-point harness for child safety;
  6. the wheels are puncture resistant.

Consider her world class stroller. The cost ranges from 16 to 45 thousand rubles.

City lanser

It is worth noting the City Lanser model from Polish manufacturers. The advantages of this product include:

  1. powerful wheels in this model;
  2. rocker handle;
  3. reliable braking system;
  4. a convenient large basket, a bag for parents;
  5. large color palette;
  6. a cover for winter walks is provided.

The model can be purchased for 8-10 thousand rubles.


Another stroller made in Poland is the Bumbleride model. Its advantages include:

  1. the ability to rearrange the seat in the chosen direction;
  2. the model has a lightweight aluminum frame;
  3. has powerful inflated wheels, the front wheels can be steered;
  4. with five-point seat belts and the ability to quickly remove them;
  5. with an adjustable handle;
  6. with a large convenient pallet for purchases;
  7. the model has a cradle and a walking block;
  8. a warm foot cover, raincoat is provided;
  9. there are headrests, cup holder and pump.

The price of this model can vary from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Chicco simplicity

The Chicco Simplicity stroller received good reviews. This is a very comfortable and high quality model, very beautiful and stylish. The benefits include:

  1. a handle that can be adjusted to any convenient height;
  2. the structure folds very easily, when folded it is compact;
  3. has five-point harnesses for child safety;
  4. a wide comfortable seat for the baby is provided;
  5. excellent shock absorption;
  6. the set includes a warm cover for walking in the cold season;
  7. Velcro fasteners, which allows you to quickly remove textiles for cleaning or washing.


Among the companies that are engaged in the production of baby carriages, it is worth highlighting the Geoby company. The Geoby C 780 model is perfect for walking with a child in the cold season. Manufacturers were able to provide not only its practicality, but also add broad operational capabilities. Among the advantages of the Geoby C 780 model, the following should be noted:

  1. full set;
  2. good maneuverability;
  3. large wheels providing a high level of shock absorption;
  4. suitable for use in the cold season;
  5. folds easily;
  6. there is a shopping basket;
  7. affordable price.

The disadvantages of this model include the following:

  • the model does not have a crossover handle;
  • the frame is not strong enough;
  • has a lot of weight;
  • when folded takes up a lot of space.

Despite the shortcomings, this model is of good quality, has an excellent appearance, it is reliable, besides, the price of the product allows even people with modest income to purchase it. Considering all the advantages, all the disadvantages are not that important.

Capella S-803

This is a stroller for walking in the cold season. This model has four wheels with inflatable tires, the diameter of the rear wheels is 30 cm. It is thanks to them that the stroller is maneuverable, with good maneuverability. The model has a multi-layer upholstery with filling. A large comfortable hood can reliably shelter the child from the strong frosty wind. In addition, this model has a warm cape. The stroller weighs 11.6 kg.

Bebetto Fabio 2 in 1

If you are looking for a stroller that would go through all the drifts, then you should pay attention to this model. Given that her wheels are located high from the ground, the child will be reliably protected from the cold. The model is equipped with a capacious cradle, closed on all sides. The inner upholstery is made of cotton with a very comfortable mattress. The hood can be closed completely, a warm cover for children's legs is provided.

The backrest in this model can be tilted up to 180 degrees, which allows the child to sleep with complete comfort. Five-point seat belts are provided. There is a very comfortable handle made of eco-leather that can be adjusted for height. In such a stroller you can walk outside with your child in any weather.

"Slipping mosaic"

If we talk about sleds, I would like to mention the model for walking with children from 1 to 3 years old "Sliding Mosaic" of Russian production. The brand's employees created a model that was specially prepared for snowy winters. They took into account the peculiarities of the weather conditions and equipped the model with 4 small and 4 large wheels. The sleigh has polypropylene wheels. With just one foot press, the sled can quickly turn into a stroller. The advantages include:

  1. the presence of a warm awning;
  2. convenient cross-over handle;
  3. the use of reflective material;
  4. large hood that protects from the wind;
  5. removable fleece mattress;
  6. Convenient pocket for small things.

The rating of strollers can help parents who are faced with the problem of choosing a beautiful and high-quality model that could be useful not only in winter, but also in the off-season.

Helpful hints

Which model to give preference, you can find out based on the following considerations:

  • If the family lives in a private house, purchasing a transforming stroller may be a good choice. This type of child transport has large dimensions, but, in this case, it does not play a significant role. Plus, you don't have to buy a second stroller later.
  • Young mothers who keep up with fashion should take a closer look at three-wheeled models with rubber wheels. Such options are highly maneuverable. The main advantage is the weight, they can be easily carried when folded.
  • For residents of multi-storey buildings with elevators, wheelchairs are more suitable, with a wheel diameter of 15–20 cm.
  • If parents often have to travel with their child on public transport, it is worth choosing a light and comfortable cane model, which is equipped with small wheels.

When choosing a stroller, you should immediately decide which model you need. You should not buy a product that you liked only in color or design. It is important that the chosen model meets all the requirements:

  • The main criterion can be considered the safety of the child, so you need to immediately see if it has seat belts and other restrictive elements. This is especially important if the child is active so that he cannot fall out of the stroller while walking.
  • It is necessary to check how the stroller folds, and the final choice will depend on how quickly and conveniently it can be folded.

  • To make a walk on a winter day pleasant and comfortable, you need to make sure that the baby is well dressed and covered with a special warm blanket. To keep your child warm, you can put it in a sheepskin bag. If the choice fell on a model with removable covers, check how easy they can be removed and put on, because the cover will have to be washed often.
  • When choosing a product, it is worth considering the option with a solid handle, this will allow you to roll the stroller even with one hand, while you can talk on the phone with the other or perform any important action. If the parents have different heights, it is worth looking at the option with an adjustable handle. Many parents prefer products where the handle is thrown to the other side, thanks to this, you can change the position of the child in relation to the one who is carrying him.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the braking system and stoppers. In winter, there is often a strong wind, so the mother must be sure that the stroller with the child will not start moving in case of a strong gust.
  • Of no less importance is the presence of a luggage compartment in the model, where you can put children's things or products. Many manufacturers only make a small pocket for the essentials, but this is not entirely convenient, since during a walk there is an opportunity to go to the store to shop.
  • A hood is required to protect against the cold wind. It should be adjustable in several levels to protect the child from gusts of wind. Of course, when choosing a stroller for the winter, you need to choose a model with a warm leg cover.
  • For the cold season, a stroller with large wheels is needed, since it will be difficult to roll it on a snowy road on small wheels. You need to check the shock absorbers, because they are responsible for a smooth ride and comfort while driving. Plastic hinges and springs are considered to be more durable than belt products.

  • Parents should make sure that the footrest in the stroller unit adjusts to fit the baby in the most comfortable position.
  • In the cold season, it is worth choosing a model with a clutch. This and other optional accessories such as grocery bag, umbrella, bottle holders, game pad can be purchased separately.

When choosing a stroller for winter, it is worth checking how resistant it is to rollover. Before buying, you need to write a list where you indicate the requirements for the product, this will greatly facilitate your choice and bring you closer to your goal.

For information on what characteristics a stroller should have for winter, see the next video.

Watch the video: Top 3 Terrain-Capable Daily-Use Strollers: Spring 2020 (July 2024).