
Candles "Pimafucin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The body of a woman while waiting for a baby experiences high loads and the changes that occur do not always benefit the health of the expectant mother. Due to hormonal changes and a decrease in immunity, thrush begins in many women in the position. She often bothers in the later stages, but can even manifest in the first trimester.

Such a disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, but it does not pose a danger if it is treated in time with antifungal agents approved for pregnant women. These drugs include "Pimafucin". Among its advantages are low toxicity and the possibility of using it at any period of gestation. The most popular form of "Pimafucin" during pregnancy is vaginal suppositories.

Features of the drug

"Pimafucin" in suppositories is sold in cartons containing 3 or 6 suppositories. Each candle is individually wrapped in aluminum foil, and the three candles are interconnected in strips. Such a medicine has an elongated shape and a white-yellow color. The medication is sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription and costs an average of 250 rubles for 3 suppositories. Storage of the drug at home is allowed at room temperature, and the shelf life of unopened candles is 2 years.

The main component of "Pimafucin", thanks to which suppositories have antifungal effect, is called natamycin. Its dosage in one suppository is 100 mg. In addition, substances were added to the composition of the drug that give it density during storage, but ensure rapid dissolution inside the vagina. These include polysorbate 80, solid fat, adipic acid, sodium bicarbonate, cetyl alcohol, and sorbitan trioleate.

Note that in addition to candles, Pimafucin is produced in two more versions. One of them is coated tablets (such a drug is taken orally), the second is a cream (it is designed for leather processing).

There are indications for the use of such forms of medicine, and sometimes the doctor prescribes several varieties of "Pimafucin" at once. The question of such a measure is decided individually.

Operating principle

Natamycin, which is a macrolide antibiotic, has a fairly wide spectrum of action on infectious agents. However, it is especially effective against fungi, including the species Candida albicans, which provokes symptoms of thrush. When the active substance of the suppositories comes into contact with the cell membranes of the fungal cells, styrenes are bound, which destroys the membranes and disrupts their function, as a result of which the microorganism dies.

Resistance to "Pimafucin" is not found in pathogenic fungi. In this case, the action of suppositories is local, since natamycin affects only the mucous membrane and does not penetrate into the tissues, acting only on the surface. This leads to the absence of systemic effects of the drug, reduces the list of contraindications, eliminates the risk of overdose and incompatibility with other drugs.

Is it used during pregnancy?

The manufacturer of "Pimafucin" notes in the annotation to the suppositories that such a drug is allowed during the waiting period of the child and is not harmful to the fetus. It can be prescribed for any period, including in the 1st trimesterwhen the formation of the most important structures in the baby's body occurs. "Pimafucin" does not disrupt early embryonic development and can be used even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Such a medication is often prescribed in 2-3 trimesters, because in the later stages, thrush is a fairly common problem.

Tests have confirmed the safety of the active substance of suppositories for the unborn child, but it is important to coordinate the use of Pimafucin with the attending physician.

Doctors advise all expectant mothers to act like this.

  1. If there are unpleasant symptoms from the genital organs, you need to immediately sign up for a consultation with a gynecologist so that he prescribes the necessary tests. Abundant discharge, especially if they have changed color or consistency, is a reason to see a doctor. Examination is also needed for women who have normal discharge, but have other symptoms of infection, for example, severe itching in the perineum.
  2. After evaluating the test results, the doctor will select the most appropriate antifungal drug. Taking into account the clinical symptoms, he will determine which form of "Pimafucin" is needed by a particular expectant mother and whether it will be enough to limit herself to local treatment.
  3. In the course of therapy, the doctor will monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and in case of an allergic reaction, he will immediately cancel the medication. You will also have to stop using suppositories in a situation if at the end of the course of treatment there is no recovery. For such a patient, the doctor will prescribe another remedy that has a pronounced activity against Candida.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

As already mentioned, the use of "Pimafucin" in pregnant women is in demand for candidiasis, which caused inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (this infection is called vaginitis), as well as the external genital organs of a woman (this pathology is called vulvitis). The use of "Pimafucin" in such diseases in pregnant women is justified, because a prolonged inflammatory process can affect both the course of childbirth and the health of the baby.

The drug is also prescribed to patients in whom the examination revealed vulvovaginitis - inflammation that has engulfed both the vulva and the vaginal mucosa... Its symptoms are burning, itching and pain in the genital area. If the cause of vulvovaginitis is candida, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese is often added to such uncomfortable sensations, but in some women the leucorrhoea does not change its consistency, smell and volume.

"Pimafucin" can be prescribed to a woman in the third trimester and during carriage, when there are no clinical symptoms of candidiasis, but a smear showed the presence of fungi and their activity. In such a situation, it is important to treat the infection even in the absence of itching, discharge and other signs, so that the disease is not transmitted to the baby during childbirth.


It is prohibited to insert "Pimafucin" into the vagina only in case of hypersensitivity to natamycin or any inactive ingredient of suppositories. Other contraindications for the use of this medication are not indicated in the annotation to the candles, however, there are cases when this medication should not be used by a particular woman, therefore self-medication with Pimafucin is unacceptable.

Side effects

Most patients tolerate suppositories without any unpleasant phenomena, but in some situations, "Pimafucin" can worsen the woman's condition. When an adverse reaction occurs, it is often local in the form of redness of the mucous membrane, edema, irritation or burning sensation. If such signs appear soon after the introduction of the candle and they are pronounced, you need to remove the drug and consult a doctor.

Usually, a slight burning sensation after the administration of the drug is due to the cetyl alcohol present in the candles.

If a woman has noted such an adverse reaction, she is recommended to replace "Pimafucin" with an analogue, which will not contain this auxiliary substance. Some expectant mothers, when using suppositories, note an increase in early toxicosis.

How to apply?

According to the instructions for use, the course of treatment with "Pimafucin" lasts from 3 to 6 days... The suppository is inserted into the vagina once a day, usually in the evening before bedtime. The introduction is carried out in the supine position as deep as possible. It is not required to wet the preparation with water additionally.

When heated by body temperature, the suppository quickly dissolves and turns into a semi-liquid foamy substance that evenly covers the mucous membrane. The use of the drug at night eliminates the leakage of the dissolved suppository, which usually occurs if, after the administration of the medication, the woman is in an upright position.

If symptoms of vaginitis persist, the doctor may additionally prescribe "Pimafucin" tablets.

To exclude re-infection with Candida from a partner, treatment of a man is also recommended. Traditionally, a cream is prescribed to him, and the frequency and duration of treatment of the genitals is determined individually. Usually, after the symptoms of infection have subsided, treatment is continued for a couple of days, and then the drug is canceled.


The use of "Pimafucin" in candles during the waiting period for the child is generally responded positively by expectant mothers and doctors. According to women, the main advantages of the drug are safety in preparation for pregnancy and in the early stages of gestation, good tolerance, effective action on fungi, and a quick therapeutic effect.

The disadvantages of suppositories include discomfort during use, since many women note that the remains of a candle inserted at night stand out in the morning. There are also complaints about the short-term effect and high cost of the drug.


If it is necessary to replace "Pimafucin" with a drug with a similar therapeutic effect, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs.

  • "Primafungin"... Such a medicine also includes natamycin and is represented by vaginal suppositories, which are sold in 3 pieces per pack, contain 100 mg of the active compound and are somewhat cheaper (180-190 rubles per pack). They are completely identical to Pimafucin and are allowed at any stage of pregnancy.
  • "Clotrimazole"... This medication has a pronounced antifungal effect, is sold without a prescription, is presented in several forms and has an affordable price. With thrush, the expectant mother is usually prescribed vaginal pills. The drug is not recommended in the first trimester.
  • "Polygynax"... Such a medicine in the form of vaginal capsules includes nystatin and two antibacterial components. It is not used in the early stages, and in the second and third trimesters it is used only according to indications.
  • "Neo-Penotran"... The effect of such vaginal suppositories on fungi is due to the combination of metronidazole with miconazole. The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, and from the second it can be prescribed not only for candidiasis, but also for Trichomonas or mixed infection.

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