
Duphaston when planning pregnancy: instructions for use

Among gynecologists, the practice of prescribing the drug "Duphaston" is quite common when planning a pregnancy. The spectrum of its action is quite wide, but in most cases it is prescribed to women who want to become pregnant.

Can Dufaston be considered a universal remedy for all women who dream of becoming mothers, or is there a number of restrictions on its use? What are the contraindications for this remedy, and does it have side effects? And most importantly - what is the probability that after taking dyufaston, the long-awaited pregnancy will still come? You can familiarize yourself with the answers to these questions, instructions for use and the peculiarities of taking this drug by reading this material.

Mechanism of action

In order to be fully aware of whether it is worth taking Dufaston when planning pregnancy, you need to clearly understand how this drug affects the female body. This is necessary in order to understand why it is worth taking. exclusively on certain days of the menstrual cycle. If this rule is not followed, Duphaston, getting into the female body, will perform the opposite function, that is, prevent conception.

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows. One of the main components of duphaston is the artificially synthesized female sex hormone progesterone. It is not without reason called the "pregnancy hormone", since its main function in the female body is a kind of preparation of the uterus for bearing a future fetus: it provides conditions for the embryo to "firmly" penetrate the uterine lining (endometrium). Naturally, this hormone is formed during the postovulatory period of the menstrual cycle, that is, after ovulation has occurred.

Ovulation is a biological process inherent in the female body. Its essence lies in the fact that the follicle, located in the thickness of the ovary and which is a kind of receptacle for the egg (female reproductive cell), ruptures, as a result of which the egg moves towards the fallopian tubes, where the intended conception should occur (fusion of the female and male reproductive cells ).

The role of progesterone in a woman's body can hardly be overestimated: it has a huge impact on the functional capabilities of the reproductive system, providing a healthy menstrual mechanism, the possibility of conception, as well as the normal course of pregnancy. Progesterone belongs to the group of steroid hormones, and it is synthesized in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

In addition, the role of progesterone within the entire menstrual cycle needs to be considered. It includes two phases:

  • Follicular, or the proliferation phase. Here, all processes in the reproductive system: maturation of the follicle, "proliferation" of the endometrium, etc. occur mainly under the control of estrogens. These changes are a kind of preparation of the woman's body for possible conception, which can occur during ovulation.

  • Luteal, or the phase of secretion (at the site of the ruptured follicle, the so-called "corpus luteum" is formed, which will then produce progesterone in the amount that is necessary to ensure conception and the possible further normal course of pregnancy).

Also, under the influence of progesterone in the mucous layer of the uterus, certain processes occur (increased blood circulation in the tissues, the layer thickens, becomes looser, etc.). These cyclical changes are aimed at providing the most favorable conditions for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If conception did not occur during ovulation, then all stages of the menstrual cycle are repeated anew.

The biological significance of progesterone on the female body is explained by the influence on the following physiological processes:

  • ensuring the normal process of cyclic secretory changes in the endometrium, which are very important for the normal course of pregnancy;
  • a suppressive effect on the process of uterine contraction, thereby reducing the risk of rejection of a fertilized egg;
  • preparing the mammary glands for breastfeeding;
  • calming effect on a woman's nervous system, stabilizing her emotional background;
  • stimulation of the increase in the size of the uterus as the gestation period increases

Due to the above properties of progesterone, it is often called the "pregnancy hormone". And this is justified, because without his active participation, neither conception nor the normal course of pregnancy are possible.

A low indicator of the content of progesterone in a woman's body indicates either a "failure" in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, or a functional insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

A deficiency of this hormone can cause intermenstrual bloody uterine discharge. In addition, an insufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood increases the risk of abortion or the formation of any structural abnormalities in the fetus.

It happens that conception cannot occur due to certain physiological reasons associated with hormonal imbalance in a woman's body. If too little progesterone is produced, then the possibility of conception decreases, and the risk of termination of pregnancy increases if it does occur.

If a woman who wants to become a mother seeks help from a specialist, having a history of spontaneous abortions, or simply trying to get pregnant for a long time, she may be assigned certain examinations that can confirm the insufficient level of progesterone in the body.

In the case when the data of the test results clearly show a deficiency of progesterone, the attending gynecologist may prescribe Dufaston as one of the components of drug therapy.

In case of successful therapy - when pregnancy occurs - Duphaston is not canceled... A woman should continue taking the drug until the 20th week of pregnancy, and after that, gradually reduce the dose. If you stop taking Duphaston at an early stage, then you can thus provoke a miscarriage. It is necessary to take this drug only from 16 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle (with a cycle of 28 days) after the onset of ovulation).

It should be borne in mind that the benefits of using Duphaston when planning pregnancy will be only if if infertility is associated with a deficiency of progesterone. If other reasons are an obstacle to the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, then the appointment of Duphaston is not advisable. Therefore, to accept it or not, the specialist decides on the basis of the results of an objective examination.

The attending physician should detail the regimen and establish the duration of therapy. It is impossible to drink the drug on the advice of friends without first establishing the reliable cause of your problems with conception.

Indications for use

Even after the doctor describes in detail for you the algorithm for taking Duphaston, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the annotation to the drug. After reading it, you will be convinced that the product has a fairly wide range of indications, including:

  • Endometriosis... This is a gynecological pathology associated with the proliferation of endometrial cells - the mucous layer of the uterus, outside of it. These cells can grow not only in other parts of the female reproductive system, but also, through the bloodstream, get into distant organs and tissues of the body. Leaving the uterine cavity, these fragments of its mucous layer retain the ability to periodically change, so every month the affected organ increases in size, bleeds and hurts. Also, with endometriosis, menstrual irregularities and infertility are noted.

  • Infertility associated with a deficiency of pituitary luteinizing hormone, which ensures the healthy functioning of the woman's reproductive system. Its main goal is to stimulate the production of estrogens by the ovaries - female sex hormones. The highest concentration of luteinizing hormone in the blood occurs during the ovulatory period. And also a high probability of spontaneous abortion or missed pregnancy associated with insufficient levels of progesterone.

  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is a periodically repeating phase of the menstrual cycle characteristic of a certain percentage of women, which is manifested by a complex of symptoms - such as headache, depression, emotional lability, lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. Usually these manifestations occur in 5-10 days before the onset of menstruation.

  • Dysmenorrhea and frequent missed periods - a pathological condition that periodically occurs during each menstruation. The most common symptom of dysmenorrhea is acute pain in the lower abdomen. The following disorders may also occur: general malaise, nausea, vomiting, headache, flatulence, labile emotional state, low-grade body temperature, etc.);

  • Secondary amenorrhea - the absence of menstrual flow for more than six months in women who have entered reproductive age, with an established cycle.
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - bloody discharge from the uterus, not associated with normal cyclic changes in the female body. They arise against the background of hormonal "disruption".

Of course, more often Duphaston is prescribed precisely when planning a pregnancy. If you follow all the recommendations of a specialist and do not violate the schedule for taking the drug, then the result will become apparent quite quickly.

Contraindications to use and possible complications

Unfortunately, there are situations when the attending physician is forced to cancel taking this drug when planning a pregnancy. if one of the contraindications is identified, such as:

  • hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug;
  • kidney disease;
  • cases of rash and itching during a previous pregnancy.

If you have a history of at least one of these pathologies, then it is better not to use the drug.

Otherwise, side effects may occur, due to the appearance of which the use of Dufaston should be completed. For example, such as:

  • hemolytic anemia (accelerated process of destruction of red blood cells - the condition is accompanied by a sharp jump in the level of bilirubin in the blood);
  • one type of allergic reaction;
  • headaches;
  • liver failure (its symptoms in this case may be decreased performance, general malaise, abdominal pain, yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes);
  • bleeding;
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands.

If you do not have the above contraindications to the use of this remedy, then you can, trusting the recommendations of the attending gynecologist, feel free to start treatment, observing the regimen and dosage.

It should be noted that the drug is not used for breastfeeding, since its main component is transferred to the baby with breast milk.

Composition of the preparation

Duphaston tablets are white coated. The preparation contains: hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol 400. Each tablet contains 10 mg of active substance. The synthetic analogue of progesterone is maximally similar to the natural hormone. In addition, this component is not obtained from testosterone, therefore, taking this drug does not provoke a number of side effects that are characteristic of drugs belonging to the group of addrogenic progestogens.

The drug does not adversely affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, does not disrupt metabolism and does not interfere with the normal functioning of the liver. Duphaston does not have a contraceptive effect. It does not interfere with menstrual function and does not suppress ovulation.

In addition to the main active substance, Dufaston tablets contain additional components: lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, maize starch, silicon dioxide.

Interaction with other drugs

If the reception of this remedy is combined with preparations containing liver enzymes, then its activity is significantly reduced.

In most cases, taking Duphaston is appropriate with other drugs that are often prescribed to pregnant women, for example: folic acid, vitamin E, courantil, clostilbegit, etc.

Data that in combination with other medications Duphaston loses its effectiveness has not yet been found.

Dosing rules

Only the attending physician has the right to draw up a treatment plan and calculate the dosage of the drug, since only he is familiar with your history and physiological characteristics.

The data given in the annotation to the drug are somewhat generalized and serve as a rough guide rather than an accurate treatment regimen. therefore do not self-medicate, be guided only by the appointment of a specialist.

In the instructions for use, the dosage is indicated depending on the type of pathology:

  • With endometriosis, 10 mg of the drug should be taken 3 times a day daily or from 5 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • With luteal deficiency, Dufaston should be taken 10 mg per day from 14 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. Usually, in such a situation, the course of treatment lasts no shorter than six months. In case of successful therapy (that is, when pregnancy occurs), the attending physician can extend the course for another 2-3 months.
  • With the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is required to take 40 mg of the drug once. Then every 8 hours, take 10 mg of the drug until the symptoms disappear.
  • With PMS, the drug is taken in mg twice a day from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • In the case of established dysmenorrhea, it is necessary to drink Duphaston twice a day, 10 mg of the drug from 5 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle.

With hormone replacement therapy, Duphaston is prescribed in combination with estrogen. If estrogen is taken in a continuous mode, then Duphaston should be drunk daily at 10 mg per day for 14 days. If estrogen is used in a cyclic mode, then Dufaston should be taken at 10 mg per day during the last two weeks of estrogen intake. If the results of instrumental examinations confirm that the use of Duphaston is not effective enough, then the daily dose of the drug can be doubled (unless this is due to the fact that the woman missed the prescribed pill intake).

If a gynecologist who observes your pregnancy or treats any pathology that prevents conception insists on using Duphaston, then you should not refuse. This remedy has a positive reputation in the treatment of reproductive diseases.

But it is important to remember that the key to successful treatment is a competent and responsible approach to taking any medication, especially if you are in a “situation”.

Before you start drinking the drug, try to collect as much information as possible about it.Just use the correct sources, and not questionable reviews from the Internet or incompetent opinions of friends. This approach will help to avoid possible side effects and give you more confidence in the correctness of your actions in planning a pregnancy or while waiting for a baby. Cancellation of the drug should also be fully coordinated with the doctor.

A little about analogues

Speaking about the positive properties of Duphaston when planning pregnancy, it is impossible not to recall the analogue of this drug - Utrozhestan. This agent is also a synthetic analogue of progesterone and is made from plant components. Indications for use are the same as those of Duphaston.

Many specialists in the field of reproductive health still argue about which of them are more effective, therefore, which of these drugs will be prescribed to a woman with a progesterone deficiency most often depends on the experience and preferences of her attending gynecologist.

Utrozhestan is available in capsules, which can have different dosages (100 or 200 mg of active ingredient). When planning a pregnancy, it should be taken in the second phase of the menstrual cycle in an amount of 200 mg per day. This tool ensures the transition of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity from the secretory to the proliferation phase, and if conception does occur, it will create all the conditions for reliable attachment of the fertilized egg to the endometrium.

Just like Dyufaston, Utrozhestan suppresses the contractile activity of the uterus and fallopian tubes, and also stimulates the tissue growth of the mammary glands, thereby preparing them for breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, Urozhestan is used from the moment of establishing the fact of pregnancy until the end of the second trimester. In this case, the therapeutic dose of the drug is prescribed individually by the attending physician. The dosage is selected based on the patient's history and the severity of symptoms indicating a possible "failure" of pregnancy. Most often, the regimen for taking this drug is as follows: 2 times a day, 2-3 capsules.

One of the significant differences between Dufaston and Utrozhestan is that the latter can not only be taken orally, but also inserted into the vagina.

The intravaginal method of administration of this drug is considered even more effective, because the active substances in this case, bypassing the digestive tract and liver, are immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and begin to act. This technique of using Utrozhestan is suitable for pregnant women who suffer from severe manifestations of toxicosis and, due to regular bouts of vomiting, cannot take the drug orally.

Also Utrozhestan has its negative sides. For example, unlike its counterpart, it has a sedative effect. Utrozhestan does not affect the metabolic processes in the woman's body and is absolutely harmless to the fetus, but it should be canceled with the onset of lactation, since it can be passed on to the child along with breast milk.

The side effects of the intake include local and general allergic reactions, decreased performance, drowsiness, dizziness, yellowness of the skin. In the event of any of the listed phenomena, the drug must be canceled.

It is necessary to stop taking Utrozhestan by gradually reducing the dose.

Experts' opinions

Quite often, patients planning to become mothers in the near future are prescribed Duphaston by gynecologists to normalize hormonal levels. The drug is very popular not only among young professionals, but also among experienced doctors "with a name".

The effectiveness of therapy with this remedy directly depends on the correct diagnosis, on the basis of which a treatment plan is drawn up. To do this, it is necessary to pass all tests, the results of which could confirm the absence of infectious diseases. In addition, it is necessary, using a number of clinical studies, to determine the level of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in the blood.

If the patient accurately fulfills all the appointments, and also adheres to the regimen of taking the drug, then the positive effect will not be long in coming. For more information about taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, see the following video.

Watch the video: Aarogyamastu. Medications During Pregnancy. 25th October 2017. ఆరగయమసత (July 2024).