
"Ingalipt" during pregnancy: instructions for use

While carrying a baby, many women have reduced immunity, so expectant mothers often get colds and acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of which are sore throat. To cope with discomfort, traditional medicine recipes, such as raspberry, lemon, or honey, are usually preferred.

But sometimes you have to resort to medicines, for example, to spray Ingalipt down the throat. Such a drug affects the mucous membrane and helps to quickly relieve pain and inflammation. However, its use during pregnancy requires increased caution.

Features of the drug

Ingalipt produces several manufacturers in two forms - spray and aerosol. Their difference is the method of supplying the solution - in the spray, the medicine is dosed out, and the aerosol comes from the cartridge due to pressing, which requires more careful use.

Otherwise, such drugs are similar and are represented by a transparent yellowish liquid with a menthol smell. It is sold over-the-counter in 15 to 50 ml bottles. On average, you need to pay 70-80 rubles for 30 ml of Ingalipt. It is recommended to store the medicine at home at room temperature for no longer than one year from the date of manufacture. (the expiration date may differ, so it is important to clarify it when buying).

The solution contains 5 active substances, among which there is a soluble streptocid (its second name is sodium sulfanilamide), oils from eucalyptus and peppermint leaves, thymol and sulfathiazole.

There is also "Ingalipt-N", in which the last active ingredient is replaced by sodium norsulfazole. The inactive components of the drug are glycerin, sucrose, ethyl alcohol, water and polysorbate 80, and nitrogen is additionally present in aerosol form.

Operating principle

Ingalipt has an antimicrobial effect due to the presence of sulfonamides in the solution. Such substances are capable of destroying a large number of gram-positive microbes and some gram-negative microorganisms that provoke diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity. However, they do not affect viruses, so in the event of ARVI, a spray or aerosol will be ineffective.

The inclusion of thymol and vegetable oils in Ingalipt additionally affects bacteria, and also makes the drug active against pathogenic fungi. This allows you to use the medication when infected with Candida.

In addition, the drug has some analgesic effects and helps in the fight against inflammation. The solution sprayed in the oral cavity settles on the mucous membrane, neutralizes pathogens, reduces pain and cleans the affected tissues from purulent plaque.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

Annotation to "Ingalipt" does not contain any information about the possibility of using the drug in women in position, therefore if a sore throat occurs, the expectant mother needs to consult a doctor and agree on treatment with him.

Many experts allow the use of "Ingalipt" with severe pain, and also note the predominantly local effect of the solution, which is why its harmful effect on the fetus is minimal. But there are many doctors who avoid prescribing a spray during pregnancy, since a sufficient number of studies on the effect of Ingalipt's components on the development of a child have not been conducted.

In addition, the doctor's decision is usually based on the gestational age. In the 1st trimester, they prefer to refuse such a medication, because the influence of any external factors can adversely affect the development of the embryo.

Mint and eucalyptus oils contained in the preparation are capable of increasing toxicosis and are strong allergens. Another ingredient in the medicine, thymol, is also known for its negative effects on early pregnancy.

In addition, Ingalipt includes ethanol, which can also be harmful to the baby when his organs are just being laid.

In the 2nd trimester "Ingalipt" is no longer dangerous, therefore it can be used while waiting for a child. However, even during this period, you should not use an aerosol without a doctor's prescription. In addition, before using the medication, it is important to familiarize yourself with the paper instructions, which are placed in a cardboard box along with the bottle.

For women who are already in the third trimester of pregnancy, Ingalipt is also allowed. During this period, the baby's organs were already practically formed, and local treatment of the oropharynx is often unable to worsen the condition of the fetus. At the same time, it is permissible to use the drug as prescribed by a doctor, as well as subject to exact adherence to the dosage and regimen prescribed by the specialist.

The use of "Ingalipt" is in demand for bacterial diseases in the mouth and pharynx. The drug is prescribed for patients with aphthous stomatitis, laryngitis, fungal infection of the oropharynx, laryngitis, pharyngitis and similar pathologies.

Contraindications and side effects

It is prohibited to spray Ingalipt only in case of hypersensitivity to peppermint oil, thymol, streptocide, eucalyptus oil or other component of the solution. Manufacturers of aerosols and sprays do not note other restrictions for the use of the drug.

Some women, after spraying Ingalipt in their mouths, complain of discomfort, for example, a burning sensation or a sore throat. Usually, such side effects are short-lived and soon disappear on their own.

If they are pronounced, further use of the aerosol or spray should be discarded. In some cases, the drug provokes rashes, itching or other allergy symptoms, which is why Ingalipt is immediately canceled.

Instructions for use

Before using any of the forms of "Ingalipt", it is recommended to rinse the throat and mouth with warm boiled water, and if a woman has ulcerative stomatitis or aphthae, then before irrigation it is necessary to clean the affected areas with cotton swabs (remove plaque). Further, the use of the drug depends on the acquired form.

  • When using a spray, turn the spray tube so that it is at right angles to the bottle. Having directed the end of the tube into the oral cavity, you should press it 3-4 times, directing the sprayed liquid to the affected areas. The scheme for using "Ingalipt" in the form of a spray is determined by the doctor, but often the treatment is repeated every 2-3 hours up to five times during the day. To prevent the tube from clogging, after each irrigation it is rinsed with water or purged.
  • When using aerosol, the cylinder is freed from the safety cap, after which a spray bottle is installed on its head... The free part of the nozzle is inserted into the mouth and directed to the inflamed areas. To spray the required dose of medication, you must press the cylinder head for one or two seconds. Processing is carried out 3-4 times a day, but the specialist prescribes the treatment regimen more precisely. As with the use of a spray, the spray should be blown out or rinsed with clean water after each manipulation. It is important to keep the bottle upright during spraying.


You can see different reviews about the use of Ingalipt while waiting for a baby. Some women note its effectiveness for stomatitis or sore throat, others argue that the medicine did not help and had to be replaced with an analogue.

Among the advantages of the drug, antimicrobial effect, cheapness and availability in pharmacies are noted, and the main disadvantages are the presence of ethanol in the composition, not too pleasant taste and the occurrence of side effects caused by irritation of the mucous membrane.


If it becomes necessary to replace "Ingalipt" with a drug with a similar effect, the doctor may prescribe other drugs.

  • "Hexoral"... The action of this solution provides an antiseptic agent called "hexetidine". It is active not only against candida and harmful bacteria, but also against some other viruses. While waiting for the baby, irrigation and rinsing with this drug are permissible only after a doctor's prescription.
  • "Lizobakt"... The composition of such tablets is represented by a combination of vitamin B6 and lysozyme. They are advised to dissolve for expectant mothers with tonsillitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and some other indications, when Ingalipt can also be used. The drug is considered completely safe for the fetus, therefore it can be prescribed to women in position at any time. It can be replaced with Hexalysis tablets containing lysozyme in combination with an anti-inflammatory ingredient and an antiseptic.
  • Tantum Verde. This medicine, available in pharmacies with rinse solution, metered spray and lozenges, contains benzydamine hydrochloride. Such a substance affects prostaglandins, so the drug quickly eliminates the inflammatory process. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect. The drug is prescribed for pregnant women in 2-3 trimesters with stomatitis, infection of the salivary glands, sore throat, pharyngitis and other diseases.