
School desk

A writing desk is the main piece of furniture for a student - whether it is a future first grader or a high school graduate. After all, the health of your child depends on the right furniture.


Desks today are thought out to the smallest detail. Manufacturers take into account both the shape and the ability to transform, in a word - everything so that the table becomes multifunctional and lasts long enough. For schoolchildren, they came up with “growing” models that grow up relentlessly after the owner.

For a home, a writing desk can be selected by design, color scheme, shape. Models for classes have the main purpose - educational, therefore they are made in a strict form so that the student is not distracted by anything, and the design helps fruitful work.

Models, shapes and design

Modern tables are not only educational furniture, but also a component of the interior of the children's room, so that the child cultivates not only mental abilities, but also a sense of taste.

The shapes are as varied as their designs:

  • Classical - rectangular table. It is becoming less popular due to its bulkiness, but does not lose its relevance due to its spaciousness.

  • Angular - table for position in the corner. The angle can be adjusted and moved as needed. Looks stylish, can be lengthened on one side, or can be proportioned.
  • Round - table for group lessons. Great for working in a group, nothing gets in the way or hinders movement, while providing an excellent overview.

  • With a fun design - a desk for preschoolers or first grade children. It can be in the form of a toy or a fairytale hero. Children's attention is instantly riveted to such an interesting design.

Desks can be of very different colors: for younger children, color options prevail, but older children are offered stylized monochromatic and classic wood-like colors. Thanks to this, you can choose a model for any style and interior.

For greater spaciousness, designers endow tables with a large number of drawers and shelves, which are both simple and with combination locks and keys. Moreover, the more there are, the higher the price becomes.

But this factor is not the main one, it is important to remember that its functionality is important for the correct distribution of table space.

The following models are distinguished:

  • Transformer. It is also called the "first grader's table". Here you can adjust not only the height, but also the angle of the table top and footrests. It usually doesn't have any shelves.

  • Orthopedic. "Healing" table for posture correction and curvature correction. Has a special recess in the table top, allowing you to sit up straight without wobbling. Such a deepening allows the child to hold his hands correctly and not take poses that strain his back.

  • Height adjustable - "growing". A table for all ages. Has a special system that allows him to "grow" in proportion to the changing height of the child. They come with the same "growing" chairs. This option is durable and therefore we often buy. School desks are equipped with the same mechanism.
  • Children's computer desk, for which you can do homework and study at the computer, 2 in 1. Has shelves for the system unit and keyboard, recesses for disks and shelves.

It is convenient for its multifunctionality, but often the child may be distracted by the computer while completing the task.

  • School corner. A whole mini-world of a schoolboy. This is not just a table, it also contains all the necessary components for a student - cabinets, shelves, hanging cabinets, built-in lighting - everything to make the child feel comfortable and not be distracted from classes.
  • Folding / folding. The table is convenient for small rooms. If the child is not engaged, then the tabletop can be lowered, and when the time comes for homework, unfold it back.


Manufacturers try to create feature-rich versions. The table can have both additional shelves in the form of a second floor and cupboards below.

For school corners, they create a whole ensemble with shelves, with a pencil case, walls with a table. Cabinets and racks are added to computer models.

The fashionable trend is modular furniture, when, by combining several modules, each time you can create a new set.

There are ergonomic options for children's corners, where the table is a continuation of the bed, with a wardrobe, shelves. This option is convenient for small rooms or if two children live in one room.

Thanks to its functionality, the table can be used for a long time, it will be a wonderful auxiliary element in the room, easily replacing the wardrobe and saving space. And at the price with this option, you can save money than buying each item separately.

Options for two children

If you have children of the same age, or you are forced to live together for lack of rooms, there are variations of tables for two. After all, they will have to deal with at any age.

Of course, you can solve this issue by purchasing two tables, but if the room is oversized, you will have to consider other options.

Designers for such cases have come up with a few tricks:

  • Two tables along the wall, or a long tabletop with a lot of wall shelves and cabinets, tables can be placed under the table. Thus, you will have two independent jobs for children.
  • Table + windowsill. In this case, the window sill is part of the countertop, which saves space. On the sides along the walls there are narrow cabinets with shelves; you can also make small wall cabinets above the window.
  • Wide model (not less than 1.6 meters). Children will sit opposite each other and study. A cabinet can be added under the table, and common shelves on the side.
  • Corner model. Here, one side of the table will be defined for one child, and the other for the other. But there can be disputes with a lack of space, so this option is acceptable when the countertops are long enough.


  • Chipboard (particle board) - the classic version, which has firmly consolidated its position in the market due to its durability and reasonable price. It is practically harmless, as it is made using the technology of hot pressing of natural wood chips. But now, after 4-5 years, he begins to emit poisonous fumes, harmful to the child. Its sibling chipboard is less good from the point of view of environmental friendliness, since when pressed, it contains formaldehyde resins, which can be harmful if you and your child have respiratory diseases. But his price is much lower.
  • MDF (finely dispersed fraction) - a synonym for it is a coating called "veneer", which is fashionable in design circles. It is a high quality natural material with no synthetic surplus. It is very durable and water resistant. Due to its naturalness and its price is an order of magnitude higher.
  • Solid wood - natural wood. It can be an edged board. If its width does not allow creating a table of the desired size, then the boards are glued or spliced. This option is the most high-tech and natural. The price of such tables is high, but their quality is justified and confirmed by their durability.

Wooden models are most often made from these materials. It also includes less popular plywood.

Plexiglass - can be a separate transparent coating, or cover a wooden tabletop. It can be called a kind of protective coating against cuts, ink, felt-tip pens. This option is good for light tables. The price range is also quite high, but the durability justifies these prices.

In the manufacture of complex models with shelves and cabinets, materials can be assembled, a metal or aluminum frame can be added.

Color solutions

The table can be matched to the interior of any color scheme. For the best working mood, this piece of furniture should be discreet shades. The classic version is the natural structure of wood - from light tones "White oak", "Maple Frize" to dark "Eben", "Wenge".

The fashionable trend is marble countertops and other species.

The color can also be solid. Strict black, laconic white, neutral gray and beige, calming blue, energizing green. This color scheme is the most suitable for learning, it does not depress or distract the child. For younger children, you can choose bright colors.

For any room design and stylistic solution, you can choose your own table color, the main thing is not to forget about its main function - to be convenient for work, which means it should not be pretentious and inconvenient, no matter how suitable and stylish it seems to you.

How to choose?

When choosing a desktop for your child, you need to rely mostly not on its design and beauty, but on convenience, quality and, as a result, safety.

The table must necessarily correspond to the child's height. The correct position when working is when the child's legs in the knees form an angle of 90 degrees, the foot is completely on the floor or on a special footrest, and the elbows are on the tabletop. The tabletop should be wide so that the child can safely place all the educational supplies on it, and there is free space for the class.

It happens that Parents make the mistake of buying a table "to grow" by adding a high chair to it or placing a pillow under the child. Or, on the contrary, they do not change the low table for a long time. All these mistakes form the child's wrong posture, in the future he may suffer from back and neck pain, followed by headaches. And he is unlikely to be fruitful to study after him, which will be reflected in his grades.

Materials must be environmentally friendly. If you are ready to change the table often, then you can choose chipboard, but solid wood is best. When buying, you can ask the seller to provide quality certificates in order to have reliable information.

If you do not want to change the table as the child grows, then it is better to choose universal "growing tables". Here, do not forget that the tabletop should be wide, even if your child is still in first grade. Indeed, as space increases, it will need more.

Before buying, it is important to decide on the number of shelves and cabinets, their sizes, options for their attachment. Fasteners must be strong and of good quality.

You need to equip your desk with another important piece of furniture - a chair. It must also be appropriate for the child's age and height.

The chair should have a back to ease the load. The material can be any, but for children the option with a soft seat and back is best suited.

When buying these pieces of furniture, take your child with you so that he can tell you about his feelings on the spot, and you do not have to change your purchase several times and regret the purchase.

In the following video, the popular children's doctor Komarovsky gives advice on choosing a desk and chair for him.

The basic rules for choosing a desk for a student are in the video.

Standard sizes

The standard size grid for desks is presented in five categories, according to the child's height.

Dimensions depend entirely on the age and size of your child.

The height of the table must correspond to the height of the child. He should feel free.

When positioned at a right angle, the legs should not exceed the distance from the table to the knees of 10-15 centimeters. The elbow in the lowered position of the hand should be 2-5 centimeters lower than the tabletop.

The table width should be at least 60-80 centimeters. If a computer is located on it, then another 30 cm is added to this distance.Accordingly, the depth of the table under the tabletop should be more than 60 cm, with dimensions of at least 50x50 cm, so that the child's legs can easily fit.

The table must be at least 1 meter long, so that the child's divorced elbows fit comfortably on the tabletop. The best option is when the arms are spread apart and the child reaches the edges.

The large work desk is suitable for high school children or those with two children in the family.

A small desk is small and compact, convenient for small rooms, but here the size of a small table top must be compensated for by an additional cabinet and shelves.

How to sit properly?

The child's health depends on the correct seating at the table.

The table top should be level with the solar plexus. The distance from chest to table is the size of your baby's fist. If you have a computer desk, then you need to leave a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the monitor screen.

Feet should rest on a full foot or rest on a footrest. Elbows - Position your elbows comfortably so your shoulders are in a natural position.

In order for the child not to forget about the correct fit, you can buy him a small poster with the rules and hang it in the line of sight. With such a prompt, even forgetting, the child will involuntarily glance at the image and sit down correctly.

In the following video, a pediatric orthopedic traumatologist gives some advice on how to sit at a desk to develop correct posture in children.


Parents often place the table by the window, because it is a wonderful natural source of light. To save space, the tabletop is built into the windowsill.

If there is a heating system under the window, then it is better to refuse the window connector, unless, of course, your battery has a separate adjustment.

Parents often buy the loft bed option. Then the table is located under the bed, and the effect of a mini-cabinet for the child is created.

When choosing a location, it is important to consider which side the lighting is falling from, so as not to burden the child's eyes.

The corner model can be located both in the corner and, if necessary, serve for zoning the room. The table should be located so that it does not interfere with the child during other activities, be it games or chatting with friends.


  • Even if the child's table is by the window, do not forget about additional lighting. This can be a table lamp or lamps built into the shelves.
  • The light should fall on the left for a right-handed child, and on the right for a left-handed child.
  • If there is a battery nearby, then move the table to a corner, observing the rules of light.
  • The lines of the product must be smooth, so that the child is not injured.
  • The table should not have foreign odors - paints and varnishes, plastic.

A proper writing desk is essential for a child's learning. It depends on him what mood the child will be in for him, his health and the success of his education in general. The child needs his own corner for solitude and creativity, and a properly organized space will be his protection and a place for solitude.

How to choose the right model is also covered in the Healthy Living program.

Watch the video: BACK TO ONLINE SCHOOL DESK TOUR 2020. Best Tips for Desk Organization + Productivity! (July 2024).