
Application of Stodal cough for children

Cough in children often accompanies colds, SARS or flu. However, this is a symptom that needs to be treated without starting or allowing it to develop into a more serious disease. Modern means can quickly relieve children of a painful cough. For example, the Stodal homeopathic syrup, which gently affects its cause.

Release form

Stodal is a homeopathic remedy. Available in syrup form. In production, the drug is poured into glass bottles of 200 ml. The lid is equipped with a tamper evident ring. Each bottle comes with a measuring cap, with which it is convenient to measure the exact dosage of the medicine.


Homeopathic remedies contain components whose names are unusual for the ear. Thus, Stodal includes Pulsatilla, Rumex crispus, Bryonia, Ipeca and other substances in equal proportions.

But in fact, Pulsatilla is a meadow lumbago, Rumex crispus is a curly sorrel, Bryonia is a white step, and Ipeca is an emetic root. Under the name Spongia tosta hides a sea sponge, under Sticta pulmonaria - pulmonary lobaria, which bears this name for a reason, having a reputation for helping against the common cold and its symptoms. Therefore, Stodal is a composition of medicinal plants and a number of specific homeopathic ingredients.

The following substances are indicated as auxiliary substances in the instructions: Tolu syrup, Poligala syrup - homeopathic components, benzoic acid and ethanol - preservatives that retain the effectiveness of the medicinal composition throughout the shelf life, caramel and sucrose - sweeteners, give the medicine a pleasant taste. Tolu and Poligala are homeopathic substances.

Operating principle

The manufacturer does not explain the principle of the syrup's action, however, judging by the composition, the agent has an expectorant, bactericidal, sedative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Thanks to homeopathy's knowledge of the interaction of substances, all components of the syrup enhance and complement each other's action.


Thanks to a bouquet of medicinal plants, Stodal treats coughs of various etiologies.

A wet cough is a productive cough that helps clear mucus from the lungs. In contrast, dry is formed in the larynx and is characterized by prolonged and frequent, sometimes continuous attacks. Both types are harmful to health, and a prolonged cough can cause bronchial asthma. Of course, any kind of cough is exhausting for the child.

At what age is it prescribed?

The manufacturer does not establish a minimum age from which the medicine can be used. "Stodal" is indicated for use in children from an early age - up to one year.


The instructions for the drug contain only one limitation. This is intolerance or increased individual sensitivity to the substances used to prepare the medicine.

If the parents know the negative reaction that the child manifests to one of the medicinal plants or other component of the syrup, then the attending physician should be warned about this. It should be borne in mind that the active ingredients are contained in the syrup in micro doses, which are called homeopathic.

Carefully you need to use the medicine to treat infants and children under one year old. It is best to do this only on the recommendation of a doctor, since the syrup contains ethanol.

It is the presence of this component that limits its use for children who have recently suffered a traumatic brain injury, for example, a concussion or contusion of the brain, as well as any surgical intervention in the brain.

Side effects

The instructions for use of the drug note that there is currently no information on its side effects. It's all about small dosages of active ingredients. Even if the child is allergic to one of the components, then its content - 0.95 g per 100 ml of syrup is very small.

However, parents need to be careful. If, after taking the syrup, the child has any symptoms that they consider a side effect of the intake, you need to turn to give the child the medicine and consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the cause of the negative reaction, perhaps this is not related to the reception of "Stodal". If the reason is still in the medicine, then the doctor will select a replacement that is adequate to the child's condition and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Also, carefully give the syrup to children with diabetes, since it contains sucrose syrup.

It is all the more necessary to be careful if the child is small and cannot report disturbing symptoms. If a child cries, worries, refuses the usual food - this is a reason to seek medical help, regardless of what these symptoms are due to.

Instructions for use

In general, children are given 5 ml of syrup 3 to 5 times a day. The exact dosage, frequency and duration of treatment will be prescribed by the doctor.

You need to measure the amount of syrup required for one dose not by eye, but using a special measuring cup, which is put on the syrup lid. After use, it must be rinsed and dried.

Stodal syrup is sweet, so children usually drink it with pleasure. If necessary, you can give your child a drink with water. Syrup intake can be combined with feeding - in small children. Older children are given it before or after meals.


There are no cases of syrup overdose in the medical literature. However, if the child accidentally took a large enough volume, for example, a whole bottle, then the parents need to take action.

First, syrup is a medicine that contains various substances from plants. And homeopathy is a method of treating "like like", that is, homeopathic remedies contain substances that can be harmful to a child in large quantities. Secondly, there is ethanol in the syrup, which in large quantities is also harmful to the child.

If no more than two hours have passed after taking the child, you need to give the child a gastric lavage, then give an absorbent medicine, for example, "Smecta".

Interaction with other drugs

There are no data on the interaction of Stodal syrup with other drugs. But before giving your child several drugs at the same time, you need to make sure that they are compatible with ethanol.

Terms of sale and storage

Stodal pharmacies are sold without a prescription. At home, the syrup bottle is stored out of the reach of sunlight at room temperature. The bottle must be kept out of the reach of children.

The syrup has a shelf life of five years from the date of issue indicated on the package.

It is not necessary to use syrup for the treatment of children that has expired or that has been stored in improper conditions. In these cases, the manufacturer cannot guarantee its effectiveness and safety.


Homeopathy appeared over 200 years ago, and over the long years of its existence, the debate about the effectiveness of this method of treatment has not subsided. However, many parents who have used Stodal syrup to treat dry or wet coughs are confident that this medicine helps. You can be convinced of this if you read the reviews on thematic sites, where parents share their respective experiences.

So, my mother writes that syrup helps a daughter of preschool age to quickly cure a cough. The first time the child was given syrup according to the instructions. The unpleasant symptom quickly passed. On another occasion, the girl continued to attend kindergarten, so she drank syrup only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, but after a week there was no trace of her cough. Mom notes that the child took the syrup with pleasure.

Many mothers write that the doctor prescribed Stodal for them during pregnancy, so they give syrup even to small children without fear. So, my mother described a case of treatment with Stodal for a cough in a child at 5 months. The cough was the result of an infection that the entire family was ill with. But if the adults drank drugs prohibited for children, then the baby was bought "Stodal", which her mother drank during pregnancy. The child liked the sweet syrup, giving it 3 times a day was not difficult. Already on the second day, the dry cough became wet, and after five days of the recommended course of treatment, it practically disappeared.

Parents also write that the volume of one bottle is just the same as the course of treatment, taking into account the fact that small children sometimes spill syrup, and they have to be supplemented.

The advantage of Stodal syrup is the absence of age restrictions, since the list of medicines allowed for infants is limited. In families where there is not one, but several children, most often, if one falls ill, then the second begins to cough after a while. And mothers treat everyone, including adult family members, with one remedy. This saves money on treatment.

Also, parents consider the advantage of Stodal that it is produced by a European pharmaceutical company, which guarantees compliance with standards and production technology, quality control of the drug.


Distinguish analogs by active ingredients and therapeutic effect. In homeopathic remedies, there are practically no analogues that are completely identical in composition. Most often they have unique compositions.

But according to the therapeutic effect, you can choose both a homeopathic remedy and a pharmaceutical one. For example, Russian pharmacies sell other drugs based on homeopathy. For example, "Cerebrum compositum N", "Leptandra compositum", "Dormikind", "Kindinorm".

According to the therapeutic effect, the substitute for Stodal syrup can be Lazolvan, Ascoril, Plantain-Herbion syrup and many other drugs on the Russian pharmaceutical market. In case of replacement, you need to consult a doctor or pharmacist at a pharmacy.

Analogs also differ in price range. Thus, Stodal syrup can be bought in Moscow pharmacies for 280–320 rubles. The price of "Cerebrum Compositum N" starts from 1.3 thousand rubles, "Gerbion" costs about 300 rubles.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all about the correct treatment of cough in a child in the next video.

Watch the video: Natural Cough Remedy for kids and adults - Mami u0026 Papi (July 2024).