
Tonsilgon N for children: instructions for use

If a child is sick, it is important to shorten the time of illness as much as possible so that it does not harm the growing body, as well as prevent possible complications. The herbal preparation "Tonsilgon N" will help children of any age.

Release form

Tonsilgon N is available as drops and pills. Drops - a light liquid with a chamomile smell, poured into 100 ml dark glass bottles. Each bottle has a dispenser cap. Dragee light blue with a convex surface, packed in 25 pieces in a pack.


The therapeutic effect of "Tonsilgon N" is based on the composition of medicinal plants. It includes marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, horsetail herb, walnut leaves, yarrow herb, oak bark and dandelion herb. Most of the active substances in the medicine are walnuts.

All these plants grow on the territory of Russia, have long been known as medicinal, well studied by modern pharmaceuticals. For example, yarrow is called “common” because it grows in fields and forest trees throughout our country. But he was known even in Ancient Greece, where his properties were already used for treatment. The Latin name Achillea goes back to the ancient Greek hero Achilles.

This plant contains a large amount of useful substances, therefore it was used to treat many diseases and wounds. But the people also called it a consumptive herb for its high healing properties that help with coughing.

Most Russians know the walnut only as a fruit, but in the south of our country this plant not only grows like a tree, but also bears fruit up to the latitude of Voronezh. The leaves contain tannins, vitamins B1, C and P, mineral salts and essential oil.

Other plants that make up Tonsilgon N are also well known to everyone. This is a beloved chamomile, which helps not only with fortune telling, but also against many diseases. Horsetail - growing along the roads, marshmallow - wild rose.

In addition to crushed plant powder, the drops contain distilled water and ethanol. Additional components are added to the dragee: starch, lactose, glucose, and titanium dioxide, sucrose, glucose - sweeteners, and others are added to the shell. The content of excipients in the pills is negligible.

Operating principle

The composition "Tnzilgona N" is composed in such a way that each plant enhances the action of the other. Therefore, taking the drug is more effective than, for example, drinking the decoctions of these plants separately.

Drops and pills effectively fight against microbes and inflammation, activate a person's own immunity, and relieve mucosal edema.


"Tonsilgon N" is used to treat colds, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including tonsillitis. Important, that the drug acts as a means of preventing complications.

At what age is it prescribed?

"Tonsilgon N" drops are prescribed for children starting from infancy. Dragees are allowed for children from six years old. But it is not recommended to use this drug on its own in young children and infants.

It is best to consult your doctor first.


As contraindications, the instructions for the use of the drug indicate individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. It is also necessary to carefully apply "Tonsilgon N" in children who suffer from liver diseases.

Also, Tonsilgon N is not prescribed unnecessarily to children who have recently undergone traumatic brain injury or intracranial surgery due to the ethanol content.

Side effects

During the period of treatment with Tonsilgon N, allergic reactions to one or more components of plant origin may occur. Such cases are rare, but, nevertheless, parents should stop giving it to their child and seek medical help if they experience any manifestation of allergy, including rash, itching or swelling.

If the child is small and he develops edema, seek emergency medical help.

Instructions for use

"Tonsilgon N" in pills is prescribed for children from six years old. The usual dosage: 1 tablet in the acute course of the disease 5-6 times in the first days and 3 times during the day - in the following. The general course of treatment is 7 days, you can extend it for another week. Dragee should be washed down with plenty of water.

At an earlier age, drops are used to treat children. So, according to the doctor's prescription, you can give "Tonsilgon N" to children from infancy in the first days of illness, 5 drops 5-6 times a day, after a few days - 3 times a day.

In the first days of illness, preschoolers are given 10 drops 5-6 times a day, then 10 drops 3 times a day. Also, drops can be used in children of school age. The dosage is 15 drops with the same frequency of administration.

Doctors advise giving the drops undiluted and teaching the child to first hold them in the mouth and then swallow them. You do not need to drink drops. Shake the bottle before use.

Also "Tonsilgon N" in the form of drops can be used for inhalation. The drops are diluted in saline and allow the child to breathe. For children under one year old, a mixture is prepared by diluting one milliliter of drops with three - saline solution, under seven years old - in a 1: 2 ratio.


There are no cases of overdose in the medical literature. However, if the parents are sure that the child took a large amount of pills or drank drops from the bottle, it is better to take measures to prevent an allergic reaction: drink plenty of water, and then give any sorbent - activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta.

Interaction with other drugs

The possible effect of the medication on other medications is not known, therefore, Tonsilgon N can be used in combination therapy with antibiotics.

Terms of sale and storage

Tonsilgon N is a non-prescription drug. At home, it is stored in a cool place. It is important that the medicine is not available to children. The shelf life of pills is 3 years, drops - 2 years from the date of release.


Parents speak of Tonsilgon N as an effective and safe drug without side effects. The medicine helps to get rid of chronic rhinitis and inflammation of the lymph nodes. "Tonsilgon N" also helps in the complex treatment of purulent tonsillitis.


Compositions similar to "Tonsilgon N" are not found in any existing drug. However, drug substitutes can be other drugs based on drug compositions. The most common on the Russian pharmaceutical market are Sinupret, Doctor Mom, Suprima-Broncho, Tonsipret, Tantum Verde, Alteika. These drugs are available as syrup, lozenges, and lozenges.

If the pharmacy does not have Tonsilgon N prescribed by the doctor, then check with your pharmacist to find an adequate replacement. Each medicine has an individual composition, side effects and contraindications.

The price of drugs can also be a factor in drug selection. In Moscow pharmacies "Tonsilgon N" drops and dragees cost about 350-400 rubles. Drops "Doctor MOM" cost about 160 rubles, and syrup "Alteika" - about 150 rubles.

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