
Psychosomatics of periodontal disease in adults and children

Periodontal disease is a disease that affects both children and adults. Despite the fact that in modern dentistry there is little unsolved, periodontal disease refers precisely to such ailments, the onset of which and their aggressive course are not always explained by medicine. But psychosomatic medicine offers an explanation that can help treat the disease.

General data on pathology

Periodontal disease is a deep lesion of the tissue located near the tooth. But the very concept of "periodontal disease" is considered outdated, modern medicine suggests using only the term "periodontitis", since it is more correct in terms of everything that happens in a person's mouth.

With periodontitis, "pockets" are formed in the gums, pus and blood are released from them, the teeth themselves become more mobile, loosened and may gradually be lost. This clinical picture corresponds to aggressive forms of the disease. In chronic lesions, the deposits of tartar are moderate, and the teeth are quite well fixed in the gums. But even this form is gradually progressing.

It is believed that periodontitis is usually caused by a violation of the requirements for oral hygiene. And also the researchers cite a genetic predisposition. It is believed that a disease proceeding with changes in bone tissue, most often develops in diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders and various chronic diseases that a person has.

It is possible to completely cure periodontitis only in the early stages, then it is possible only with the help of surgical methods and materials to maintain the condition of the teeth.

Psychosomatic causes

The starting mechanism of the development of periodontitis has not been studied by science, that is, the factors that are the first to trigger the process of destruction of tissues around the tooth are not reliably known. In this regard, specialists in the field of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis of diseases and dentists do not exclude that it is precisely psychosomatic causes that can trigger a disease-causing destructive process.

Psychosomatics often calls periodontitis "the disease of latent aggression." Teeth are a demonstration of a person's strength, his ability to defend himself, defend himself, and hunt. If he is afraid to take a step forward for fear of failure, then his teeth begin to deteriorate, he does not use them for their natural purpose.

At the physiological level, in a person with periodontal disease, there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the gums, blood vessels narrow, and much less blood flows to the gums. This has its own natural logic: if you grabbed your prey with your teeth, and it suddenly turned out to be infected, sick, poisonous, infectious, then you always have a better chance of surviving if less toxin gets into your bloodstream. The gum vessels are narrowed for protection.

Modern man rarely grabs his prey with his teeth, and what he puts in his mouth is usually tested and safe. Calmness for food is also transferred to the attitude towards those events and phenomena that a person also has to "grab his teeth". Adrenaline, which remains unused due to our ubiquitous calmness in eating, begins to have a vasoconstrictor effect on an ongoing basis. The gums of such a person are tense not only when biting food or a situation, but also the rest of the time. This is what becomes the reason for the development of destructive processes.

Specialists in the field of psychosomatics claim that people with periodontitis are afraid of the consequences of their decisions, and therefore sometimes even have to give up their decisions, preferring that important situations "settle" more "toothy" and "predatory" compatriots. The patient himself is characterized by frequent bouts of despair and helplessness.

It is believed that all the inhabitants of the planet suffer with the gums to one degree or another, but inflammation begins, the gums ache and bleed acutely in strictly defined situations: when a person forbids himself to do something, to decide something, to take responsibility, he experiences himself anger at myself for this.

As soon as a person allows himself what he wants, the inflammation of the gums disappears. If you don’t believe, you can check for yourself.

Researchers' opinion

Popular psychosomatic researchers have differing opinions about bleeding gums and loose teeth. Louise Hay in the manifestations of the disease saw a person's lack of joy in making decisions. She believed that this disease more often affects those who are forced to make decisions that do not bring pleasure, cannot be fulfilled. She emphasized that periodontal disease is more characteristic of people who lead an amoebic existence, deliberately avoid decisions, prefer to be led.

Canadian researcher Liz Burbo argues that the root of the disease lies in the fact that a person is afraid to express his desires and needs, prefers to remain a "gray mass", to be invisible among the crowd. When he is faced with a certain problem, he experiences helplessness and panic, suppresses a feeling of fear in himself, it is during this period that periodontitis begins to worsen.

Dr. Valery Sinelnikov claims that problems with teeth, in particular, with gums, indicate that a person speaks a lot of slander, tries to "scoff", but does it exclusively behind his back, not daring to open confrontation. If at the same time he questions family and other values, which in society are classified as eternal, then bleeding from the gums opens.


It is important for a person with periodontal disease to find their place in life - to clearly define their positions.

No matter how much you want to sit on the sidelines, while the stronger ones solve the current problem, it is important to learn how to take part of the problem upon yourself, take responsibility for the decision and implement it.

The easiest way to teach this position is to children - while mom and dad, grandparents, grandparents decide everything for them, the child has all the prerequisites for the development of gum disease. As soon as the child is given age-appropriate assignments and responsibilities, he learns to set goals and go towards them.

Watch the video: What Causes RECEDING GUMS. How to Reverse RECEDING GUMS Naturally (July 2024).