
Psychosomatic causes of colds in children and adults

Colds in adults and children are quite common, especially in the cold season. And most often the explanations are given to her rather vague: hypothermia, decreased immunity, viruses and bacteria that took advantage of the decrease in immunity. But we freeze more often than disease, and the world around is literally teeming with bacteria and viruses, but one person gets sick, and the other does not (even after contact with an infected person). It turns out that only those who allow themselves can get a cold.

This article will focus on the psychosomatic causes of colds.

View of official medicine

There is no such disease as a “cold” in medical reference books. This is the popular name for several diseases at once: flu, SARS, herpes infection, rhinitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and many other respiratory (and not only) ailments.

The cold has nothing to do with it. Overcooling of the body can only lead to a decrease in immune functions, which makes it likely that one of the viruses circulating in the cold season is infected... But even without hypothermia, adults and children become infected with influenza or ARVI. And the hotter and stifler it is in the room, the higher the likelihood of infection.

Common symptoms of colds (in the popular sense): runny nose, cough, fever, headache and muscle aches. And most often, the true reason, from the point of view of doctors, lies in viruses.

Psychosomatics about colds

The human body is able to fight a variety of threats, viruses and bacteria - this fight will be imperceptible and imperceptible for the person himself. But this continues only as long as the person feels the strength to breathe deeply and cope with all the tasks. Cold attacks when there is no strength to defend (this is what doctors are talking about, implying a decrease in immunity).

therefore the main psychosomatic cause of colds in children and adults is fatigue... People who are tired, not too happy with the way things are going, and with themselves, tired and unwilling to go to work or school for lessons, to kindergarten, get sick because they allow themselves to get sick. AND they need illness as a rest from everything that is so tired... The subconscious reacts very quickly to such a state. If there is an opportunity to lie down, then the disease passes quickly enough., because everything goes according to a subconscious scenario. If you still have to go to work, there is no way to go on sick leave, then the program is considered unfulfilled, and the disease is delayed, complicated by secondary infections - so the body insistently demands that the person still take a break and rest.

Please note that such diseases usually start in the cold season - in winter and in the off-season.

It's not just that it gets colder and there are fewer vitamins. For a normal mood, a person needs sunlight, and as soon as the day becomes short, a person gets more tired, his mood deteriorates, which ultimately makes him subconsciously demand rest.

In babies, diseases appear mainly due to a general suppressed parental background.... Mom is exhausted and tired, dad is no better - in such a situation, the child will intuitively feel anxiety, from which he will eventually get tired too.

Often so-called colds occur against the background of predisposing factors. These include anger and irritation diligently suppressed by a person. At the same time, the flu with a high fever starts..

Fears before any events and a person's lack of confidence in their abilities (for example, before an important conference or exams, before a matinee or test work) - good soil for the development of ARVI with a low temperature.

Sore throats most often begin in those who did not express their anger, "swallowed" it, and kept the irritating speech in themselves. Now it irritates the larynx. Strong anger, anger for some reason, which literally "strangles", causes bronchitis. The inability to express your strong emotions also causes disruption of the bronchi and lungs.

Influence on the incidence and generally accepted statements and attitudes. Every child knows from childhood that they get sick most often in the cold. When these very cold weather comes, he is absolutely sure that at any moment he can get sick, which is what happens... If a person considers himself ill often (he was ill in childhood, was ill in his youth), what can change in adulthood? Children often get sick in families where they are constantly, tirelessly and annoyingly taken care of... Oddly enough, but this is exactly the case.

All of the above does not in the least contradict traditional medicine. If the sick person passes the tests, they will not show him restrained anger or anxiety before an important event. They will show which pathogen caused the disease - a virus, a bacterium. And it will be right. Man created the ground for illness, illness came. In fact, it was caused by the first virus or bacterium that came across immediately after the subconscious reacted to the desires and emotions of a person.

Who is more often?

Not everyone gets sick during the cold season. There are many people who go without a scarf and do not get sick, but there are those who do their best to protect themselves: they are engaged in prevention, inoculation, but still get sick. Experts in the field of psychology drew attention to the fact that a typical adult or child who often suffers from colds has a very specific personality structure.

If we talk about children, then these are usually very emotional guys, with a vulnerable and fragile nervous system, hyperactive children... If a student or kindergartener has absolutely no motivation to go to school or kindergarten with pleasure and interest, then he will certainly get sick often. It all depends on the parents, who are able to present the need to attend school and kindergarten. In adolescence, motivation is needed qualitatively different - focus on the profession, training, to achieve goals.

Among adults, people with an unstable psyche are most susceptible to seasonal ailments, who are easy to bring to tears, who quickly abandon their goalsif suddenly something does not go as they planned.

The other extreme is workaholicsaccustomed to taking on more responsibilities than they can actually handle. And another category of frequently ill adults is lazy people.

If a person is not able to overcome his laziness or does it with great difficulty and inner suffering, then his immunity also begins to be "lazy", and therefore even the most modern flu vaccine will not give a lazy person adequate protection.


From the point of view of psychosomatics, prevention cannot consist only in vaccination and hardening, in saturating the body with vitamins (although all these measures are extremely important in order to try to survive the cold season without significant loss of time and effort for illness).

With the onset of the cold period, it is important to correctly calculate your strength. Remember that overwork leads to illness. Therefore, it is important to go to bed earlier, have a full rest, walk in the fresh air (viruses are almost not present in the frosty winter air, but in a stuffy, crowded room, where it is warm, there are a lot of them).

The psychology of the disease is such that in order to prevent it, it is important to control your emotions. If anger or resentment is overwhelmed, it is better to throw it out on something, directing energy into a creative channel. - go with your child to the yard and build an exact copy of the boss who made you angry, for example.

As for children, it is important to teach them how to articulate their emotions as early as possible so that they too can express their negative feelings in words. Pay attention to the child's need for communication with adults. Quite often, children get sick with flu or SARS just because they want to draw attention to themselves busy adults. After all, every kid knows for sure that if he gets sick, his mother will stay at home, will not go to work, and dad will come early and bring something tasty or a new toy. If the child has enough attention in everyday life, he will not need to be sick.

Thus, having familiarized yourself with the psychosomatics of colds, you became aware of what negative thoughts or emotions can cause illness. Try not to overwork yourself and keep yourself in good shape. Play sports, maintain good relationships with family and friends, and have a good rest - in this case, all ailments will bypass you.

Watch the video: Common Cold Treatment in Children (July 2024).