
Ovarian problems from a psychosomatic point of view

According to statistics, more and more women suffer from infertility. One of the main reasons why a girl or woman cannot conceive a child and is forced to be treated in a gynecological hospital is a problem with the female genital glands - the ovaries. Not only hormonal or inflammatory changes can lead to problems with them, but also psychological beliefs and attitudes that the woman took as a basis.

In this article, we will talk about what psychosomatic causes are pathological processes in the ovaries and how to eliminate ailments.

Medical point of view

To understand how a woman psychologically can influence her own sex glands, you need to clearly understand what functions are assigned by nature to these paired organs. The ovaries are located in the small pelvis, to the right and left of the uterus. Their task is to provide the necessary hormonal background for the female type, and also eggs develop and mature in them. - female reproductive cells, without which the conception of a child is impossible in principle.

The ovaries produce estrogens, as well as small amounts of androgens and progestins. The functioning of organs obeys clear cyclical laws - while one egg matures, the rest are suppressed. Normally, one egg matures every month..

In the middle of the female cycle, the mature oocyte leaves the follicle on the ovary and theoretically can be fertilized. If conception does not occur, after a day the egg dies and begins the reverse process of development of the uterine endometrium, which ends with menstruation. After menstruation, the next egg begins to mature in the ovaries.

With age, the ovaries change, the number of immature oocytes (ovarian reserve) is depleted. It cannot be replenished - in a woman's whole life, as many oocytes will mature as nature has given her. The stock is formed in the girl when she is in the womb of her mother, and then it is only consumed.

Problems can range from dysfunction to organ inflammation, from ovarian cysts to multiple cysts - multicystosis. In any case, the work of the female reproductive system is disrupted, conceiving and bearing a baby becomes difficult or impossible.

The main causes of ovarian pathologies in medicine are infections, hormonal disruptions, hypothermia. But a large proportion of pathologies are based on stress... What is this most nervous factor knows psychosomatic medicine, which studies human health in a comprehensive way - taking into account the mental, psychological state and the possible connection of these states with physiological diseases.

Psychosomatic prerequisites and causes

Psychosomatics asserts that the ovaries are not only a place for the maturation of eggs, but also a place for a woman's self-identification, her creative principle. therefore ovarian diseases are characteristic mainly of the fair sex, who do not recognize themselves as such or have negative beliefs about women and childbirth.

To understand this better, take a look around. How many women will you see who prefer to remain that way in any situation? The modern pace of life and social norms have given women the opportunity to hold government posts, work in typically male spheres of activity (female police officers, ladies in the military, women driving, at the helm of an airplane, divers and even boxers).

Women who choose male professions and hobbies more often than others suffer from diseases of the reproductive system - this fact will be confirmed by any gynecologist.

But even if a lady works as a teacher or educator in a kindergarten, she is not immune from ovarian problems. Why is that? Yes, because the denial of one's own feminine principle may not be open, as in the case of a woman world boxing champion, but internal, which will be impossible to notice externally.

But such women feel uncomfortable in a typically female role. They are close to the concepts and ideas of men, they often shoulder concerns about the safety and food of the whole family. Often they are the ones who take on the role of leaders in the family, make key decisions and bring the main income. The subconscious program becomes masculine.

Negative beliefs that can cause problems with the ovaries are formed in childhood and are largely borrowed from parents.

If a girl sees a mother who works three jobs to feed her family, and at the same time constantly says how hard it is for her, subconsciously, the baby develops a negative image of the feminine principle and procreation. Be sure that with a high degree of probability such a girl in the future will have problems with women's health in general and the ovaries in particular.

Also at risk are girls who have sex early or with the wrong personfrom whom we would like to have children. They have a strong fear of pregnancy. For this reason, psychogenic infertility develops very often, to which, according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, about 15% of all cases of infertility in women are allocated. With him, the examination does not show any deviations - from the point of view of doctors, a lady can conceive, but for some reason conception does not occur.

Women who do not feel like women in the full sense of the word, deny their nature, suppress it, run the risk of earning themselves big problems with women's health.

Disease development mechanisms

note that a cyst (accumulation of fluid) is more likely to form in those who seek to occupy an equal position in the society of men... These are the same women boxers and politicians. They often have increased levels of male hormones, which leads to changes in appearance (wider shoulders, stiffer gait, hair on their legs grows faster, etc.).

A cyst of the right ovary often develops in women who demonstrate such behavior in the professional sphere, the left one - in women who seek to dominate in personal relationships, suppress a partner and take on all his responsibilities (including financial).

The more a woman replaces her beginning with a masculine one, the more fluid accumulates inside the cystic cavity.

Polycystic disease is a condition in which a woman completely denies herself and identifies herself with the stronger sex, with him, women are often infertile, and the prevalence of male hormones is also outwardly noticeable (antennae grow over the lip, voice coarsens).

Multifollicular ovaries - a condition in which several follicles mature at the same time... In principle, this is a variant of the norm. At the psychosomatic level, a woman really wants to have children, wants to be a woman, and so much so that several eggs begin to ripen at once. But here it is necessary to distinguish normal multifollicular ovaries from multifollicularity as a manifestation of polycystic disease. In the second case, the woman's desire to have children is deliberately suppressed.

Ovarian dysfunction, violation of the menstrual cycle can develop as a manifestation of temporary misunderstanding and inconsistency between the feminine principle and circumstancesin which the woman fell. The gynecologist at the reception is absolutely precise and specific says that the reason lies in stress.

Fear of pregnancy often inhibits the egg, and it never leaves the follicle after maturation. This becomes the cause of the development of the cyst and the inflammatory process.

If we talk about inflammation in general, it usually occurs in women who have a negative attitude towards men in general or the man who is currently her sexual partner. The stronger a woman experiences resentment, anger, irritation, the stronger the inflammatory process will be.

Ovarian cancer is a state of extreme, long and protracted resentment towards men, aggression, anger towards them, a categorical denial of oneself as a woman for many years. Benign tumors indicate that only resentment prevails in the patient's emotional spectrum without signs of aggression.

It is noteworthy that women who really want a child, but cannot conceive it, in the IVF protocol often suffer from ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

This is traditionally attributed to the effect of hormones that are administered to the patient in the treatment protocol.

Psychosomats are sure that it's not about hormones, but about feelings of guilt and their own female inferiority, which patients of IVF clinics diligently drive deep into themselves, try not to show.

If you honestly answer this question to yourself, the answer will be unpleasant, but true.

How to get rid of the disease?

Self-talk can be very frustrating, but it’s necessary to understand where the problem came from. And understanding it will be the first step to recovery. A woman must definitely follow all the recommendations of the attending physician., to take medications prescribed by them, to have an operation, if the situation requires it - you cannot refuse all this.

But it is important to remember that without a change in negative psychological attitudes, the problem will return or treatment will not give the desired effect at all.

A woman may need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist, who will help her become more aware of her feminine origin and eliminate mental pain. It is imperative to reconsider your childhood attitudes towards childbirth and pregnancy, as well as change your attitude towards men.... Not only to her husband, but also to her father, brother, male friends.

How to raise a healthy daughter?

The mother should be engaged in the prevention of female diseases from a very young age. And it's not just what it takes monitor the daughter's compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, as well as protect her from hypothermia... Of course, this is very important, as well as the formation of the correct attitude to sex life, to its timeliness.

But in the first place it is worth putting those attitudes that the mother subconsciously conveys to the girl.

The baby should grow up and understand that children are happiness, it is not difficult, but it is wonderful that being a girl is good and healthy.

You can learn about psychosomatic problems with women's health from the lips of a professional psychologist from the video below.

Watch the video: 8 Early Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer, According to Women Who Experienced Them (July 2024).