
Glycelax® candles for children

Pediatricians call Glycelax suppositories an effective medicine for children with constipation. They argue that such a drug is safe for children and acts mildly, therefore it is well tolerated by children. But at what age can Glycelax be used in children? How to use this medicine correctly and can a month-old child with constipation be administered such suppositories?

Release form

Glycelax is rectal suppositoriesthat is, they are intended to be inserted into the rectum. One package contains 10 suppositories.


The main difference between Glycelax children's candles and the drug for adults is the dosage of the active substance, which is glycerol. One candle for children contains 0.75 g of such a polyhydric alcohol. Excipients in Glycelax suppositories are solid fats and magnesium carbonate, as well as monoglycerides and polysorbate-80.

Operating principle

Due to the glycerol content, the drug has a laxative effect. It irritates the intestinal mucosa and stimulates intestinal motility, resulting in bowel movement. At the same time, suppositories help to soften the feces, so they are easier to remove from the rectum.


Laxative suppositories Glycelax are prescribed for problems with bowel movements, in particular, for constipation. The drug can be used both for treatment and with the aim of prophylactically protecting children from constipation, who are advised not to strain during bowel movements, such as after rectal surgery. In addition, the use of Glycelax is indicated before bowel examination.

From what age is it allowed to take?

Glycelax candles for children are prescribed from 3 months, therefore, the use of such suppositories for newborns or babies 1.5 months is not recommended. Children aged 3 months to 12 years can also enter 1/2 adult suppository. Over the age of 12 years, you can use candles with a dosage for adults (one such suppository contains 1.5 grams of active substance).

Watch a video that shows massage movements to relieve your baby of constipation. Using this massage in conjunction with candles, your little one will achieve the best results in combating constipation.


The use of Glycelax suppositories is not recommended for:

  • Intolerance or allergy to any ingredient of the medicine.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Inflammation of the rectum.
  • Tumor processes in the rectum.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Anal fissure.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Pain in the abdomen, if their origin is not clear.
  • Bleeding from the intestines.
  • Up to three months old.

If a child has renal failure, Glycelax should be used very carefully.

We recommend that you watch the recording of Dr. Komarovsky's program, which discusses the causes of constipation in children and the methods of their treatment:

Side effects

In most cases, Glycelax is well tolerated, but occasionally it can provoke:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Burning or itching in the anus.
  • Pain in the intestines.

If you use the remedy for too long, it threatens to weaken the normal process of defecation, as well as irritate the intestines.

Instructions for use and dosage

After thoroughly washing your hands with soap, one candle is freed from the packaging and inserted into the rectum, pushing it with your finger. It is best to do this after the first meal in about 15 minutes, but the administration of the suppository is possible at any other time of the day. The baby is laid on its side or back, slightly bending its legs so that the knees are brought to the tummy.

Gently spreading the buttocks apart, the candle is quickly inserted into the anus, after which the buttocks are squeezed for several minutes. If the child is an adult, then before the introduction, he is asked to push as if he is in the toilet, and after the introduction, the child is told to squeeze the gluteal muscles to hold the candle inside.

Defecation after the administration of the suppository can be expected within two hours. Sometimes it happens after 5-15 minutes.

Only 1 Glycelax candle should be used per day, and repeated administration in childhood is carried out only after 24 hours... However, in a situation where the child cannot push, the instructions for use allow the use of two candles a day. They are administered with a time interval of at least 2 hours.

The duration of continuous use of Glycelax is 7 days. Longer use is not recommended due to the risk of disturbances in the natural process of defecation. If a child has constipation, suppositories are used sporadically - only when there is a problem of emptying the intestines from accumulated feces, when other ways to stimulate defecation (for example, lactulose or prunes) are ineffective.

If the mother worries that the candle is large (usually this is true for children under 1.5 years old), Glycelax can be cut into several parts (cut lengthwise) and use only one piece or all the cut parts. Before the introduction, the edges of the cut candle are kneaded with your fingers so that there are no sharp edges left.

If the introduction of a quarter, third or half of the suppository provoked defecation, then the drug can then be used in such a reduced dosage. If, after the introduction of a part of the candle within 2 hours, there was no effect, again after at least 2 hours, a doubled dosage is administered. For example, a toddler was introduced into the rectum with a quarter of a candle. If there is no effect, after 2 hours you need to enter half of the suppository. Children over 1.5 years old should enter a whole candle.

For those who do not know how to alleviate the suffering of a child and put a candle on him, we recommend watching a video that clearly demonstrates the process of inserting a candle rectally.

What if it doesn't help?

After the introduction of the Glycelax suppository, most children will soon have a bowel movement. If the medicine has not had the desired effect, it is recommended to contact a pediatrician. The doctor will carefully examine the toddler and find out the cause of the problems with bowel movement, after which he will advise another treatment.

It is important to clarify once again that the use of Glycelax in children with constipation should be only episodic. If the problem with bowel movements occurs frequently, it is recommended to review the baby's diet and lifestyle. Before you enter Glycelax suppositories, you should try to eliminate constipation in more physiological ways, for example, massage your baby's belly or give a prune puree.


If you use several suppositories at once, the child will have frequent loose stools.... In such a situation, the drug is canceled, but the appointment of any treatment is not required. As soon as all the glycerol leaves the rectum, the diarrhea will stop on its own and the stool will return to normal. Glycelax does not have any damaging effect on the intestines and its walls.

Interaction with other drugs

No significant interactions of Glycelax suppositories with other medications have been noted.

Terms of sale

Glycelax suppositories are sold at the pharmacy without requiring a prescription. The average price of a pack of candles is 100 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

After purchasing, Glycelax should be placed in a place where the temperature will be within + 8 + 15 ° C. It should be dry and out of the reach of babies. The shelf life of the medicine from the moment of its production is 2 years.


Glycelax receives mostly positive feedback from parents.... Mothers often use such a remedy in case of difficulties with bowel movement, noting that the size of the suppositories is small and the surface is smooth, so the drug is injected without any difficulties and does not cause discomfort or pain in the child.

As for negative reviews, they usually mention not the lack of effectiveness of candles, but their rapid melting in the hands, large size, crumbling when cutting and similar difficulties in use.


If it is not possible to apply Glycelax, it is possible to replace such suppositories with other suppositories with the same active ingredient, for example, suppositories with glycerin, Laxolin or Dexeril preparations. If, for some reason, drugs with glycerol cannot be used in a child, for constipation, you can use medicines with a similar effect. The most popular are:

  • Vaseline oil.
  • Goodluck syrup.
  • Duphalac syrup.
  • Castor oil.
  • Buckthorn bark powder.
  • Microlax gel.
  • Syrup Normase.
  • Lactulose syrup.
  • Drops of Piconorm.

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