
Psychosomatics of the onset of bronchial asthma in children and adults

Today 300 million people on the planet suffer from bronchial asthma, and this number tends to grow and increase. Unlike many other diseases that have distinct physiological causes, the proportion of cases of bronchial asthma that are inexplicable from the point of view of medicine is very large. In fact, there is a disease, the bronchi are narrowed, breathing is difficult, there are seizures, but it is impossible to understand why this happened.

In this article, we will tell you what psychosomatic causes can lead to pathology, how to treat it from a psychosomatic perspective, and how to prevent pathology.

What does medicine say?

Bronchial asthma is a serious respiratory system disease. It is not infectious, that is, it is not caused by bacteria or viruses, it is considered chronic and shows all the signs of an inflammatory disease. It occurs in both adults and children, but recently it is the growth of childhood asthma that makes humanity reconsider the approach to the disease. Now this is not just a medical diagnosis, but a real social problem, and how to confront it is a very important question.

At the level of physiology, the following occurs: a chronic inflammatory process in the bronchi leads to a narrowing of their lumen. When exposed to allergens or with strong excitement, a spasm occurs and the rate of air intake is limited, and suffocation develops. Such attacks can occur not only in the acute period, but also in the remission stage of the disease.

Treatment is mostly symptomatic. As factors causing the development of the disease, allergens are mainly called - dust, pollen, particles of animal skin scales, perfume and chemical fumes.

Psychosomatic view

Large numbers of people come into contact with pollen and house dust, cats and dogs every day, but not everyone develops asthma. So what is the true mechanism of the development of the disease? Psychosomatic medicine, which views a person as a whole body and soul, argues that the lungs in the human body are responsible for the acceptance of new ideas, spirituality, for the acceptance of the outside world. How this happens and affects the health of the respiratory system.

Breathing makes possible the process of gas exchange, without it human existence is impossible. But the exchange is carried out not only at the level of "oxygen-carbon dioxide", but also at the level of subtle interaction with the world - the acceptance of the new, the return of one's feelings and ideas. On inhalation, a person accepts new ideas from the outside, on exhalation - he gives the world a part of himself.

It follows that the violation of contact with the outside world, unwillingness to contact, closeness to new things, inability or unwillingness to bring their emotions out and become the true cause of the development of problems with the respiratory system.

Louise Hay in her research notes that asthma is a disease of peoplewho have accumulated a lot of negative emotions, such as anger, resentment, anger. Dr. Valery Sinelnikov draws attention to the fact that asthma originates in childhood, when tears and resentments not cried by a child, inhibitions to cry lead to narrowing of the bronchi. These emotions subsequently "strangle" a person at a completely physical level.

A more detailed study was carried out in this matter by a professional certified biologist, specialist in human psychophysiology. Vladimir Taranenko... Psychoanalysis of respiratory diseases in his performance showed that the cause of asthma is the cessation of the normal functioning of the lungs, in this state the lungs and bronchi cease to be active. This is especially noticeable in the example of adults who reach certain professional and career heights, "inflated" from their own importance. The more important a person feels, the more he inflates the chest. Together with snobbery and pride, such loves usually acquire bronchial asthma... An illustrative example from history is Mao Zedong, whose lungs often became inflamed and who suffered from asthma attacks.

An adult rises above ordinary mortals and thereby locks himself in a trap - the outside world is no longer for him, he is dangerous and incomprehensible, there is no longer a need and desire to be in it. The cycle of "inhales" and "exhales" is disrupted.

Pragmatic and decision-making adults (for example, entrepreneurs) very rarely get asthma because they have to be in constant contact with the world (partners, negotiations, luck, luck, tenders). But this disease is a real scourge of eminent professors, laureates of various scientific prizes, officials.

The conflict between one's own expectations from the world and the real picture of the world is characteristic of all asthmatics.... Pay attention, the flourishing of consumption, tuberculosis, asthma falls on the revolutionary periods of the development of countries. This means that innovators-revolutionaries and those who sympathize and do not sympathize with them are people who have an internal conflict with the outside world first of all, and only then with inflammatory processes in the bronchi (historical example - Che Guevara).

As soon as a person breaks away in his development from the world around him, considers himself “chosen”, “different”, and sees the world around him as imperfect, flawed and hostile, he starts to cough (see for yourself!). Often this is noticeable in adults who suddenly believed in something, started going to yoga or to the temple and really want to involve others in this. They very soon develop a cough as a sign of disagreement with the world. The reasons are looked for everywhere, but not where they are.

So, in adults, asthma develops and progresses if they live in a fictional world, move away from the world, protect themselves from it, want to impose their opinion on it and do not hear the opinions of others, and also fear or despise the world around them.


Bronchial asthma in children can have several causes, and each of them is worthy of attention, as it can become the very "key" that will help to achieve a stable remission and cure the child.

At a certain age, children live in fantasies. They imagine the world as different, magical and colorful, and this is a very important stage in the formation of the child's psyche. If at this stage it is not difficult for mom or dad to throw away their past years and live a day with the child in the world of fairies and elves, play along with the child, then the child is definitely not in danger of asthma - "inhalation" and "exhalation" are not disturbed. His world is completely harmonious.

But there are parents who are very fond of "breaking off" the baby's wings - "this does not happen", "stop inventing", "why are you lying?", "you are already big." Seating the dreamer and a dreamer on a sinful earth, they do not care much about the landing was soft. Usually the child painfully flops to the ground and is disappointed in the real world (it's not so beautiful!), harbors resentment, closes off from parents, and at the same time from other adults. This gradually turns into closure from the world.

The mechanism, in fact, is repeated in adulthood: exchange with the world, internal the child does not want to breathe in what is there and breathe out what he has - so magical and beautiful that no one will appreciate. Regular bronchitis begins, and asthma is just a stone's throw from them.

Another cause of childhood asthma often lies in the material condition of mom and dad. Poor children are less likely to get asthma than children from wealthy families, who very quickly understand that much more classmates are allowed and available to them, and therefore begin to put themselves above others. This separation from the world is also fraught with pulmonary ailments.

Naturally, the cause of bronchial asthma in infants cannot be either a sense of self-importance or fantasy. For babies and children who still do not know how to speak, the root of the problem lies in overprotection on the part of the mother, grandmother, and other relatives... Remember the expression that caring "can stifle too."

The more the mother worries about the baby's health, the more clearly he feels on an intuitive level his own significance in the system of this world, which is still limited by the walls of the children's room.

Researchers often point out that resentment may be associated with asthma in a child. You need to understand that this offense is usually quite specific - the parents did not appreciate the significance, the uniqueness of the child's personality at some point, whereas before he was unconditionally put on a pedestal and the whole family prayed for him. To prevent this, you need from the first days of the baby's presence in the home, clearly prioritize. The youngest member of the family cannot be its ruler, god and king in any way... This does not happen, it is unnatural. Indeed, one day, when the parents treat the “deity” as an ordinary person, and such a moment will surely come sooner or later, the same “black” resentment and irrepressible coughing to suffocation will appear.

One more a mistake that parents make - not expressing emotions... “Don’t cry, it’s indecent”, “don’t shout, they can hear”, “don’t run, you are already big”. The more of these "not" the baby absorbs at that age when, on the contrary, he needs to learn to express joy and resentment, bitterness and hope, the more likely it is that his asthma will be of a psychosomatic nature.


The psychosomatic approach does not in the least replace the need for traditional treatment.

If the doctor has prescribed inhalations or medications, his recommendations must be followed strictly.

At the same time, it will not be superfluous to understand the true reasons, because, no matter how difficult it is to admit, one of the above will surely be found.

The psychology of the disease is such that it will remain chronic from an attack to remission. and from remission to an attack until a miracle cure is invented (which is not yet available) or until until the person himself does something to change the problematic psychological attitude, which caused bronchial asthma.

It can be very difficult to independently compose a description and imagine the scale of the problem; psychologists and psychotherapists can come to the rescue. Their job is to return the arrogant person to the ground, to help the withdrawn person express and speak what he could not voice.

there is techniques based on hypnotherapy, relaxation techniques that will help overcome dislike to the world around and the people who inhabit it.

With regard to children, parents will have to work, and on themselves and their educational methods. They just need to learn how to raise a child not by total prohibitions and restrictions, but by involvement in common affairs, not to underestimate, but not to exaggerate, the importance of a small child's personality.

To prevent asthma in children, parents should measure their ardor and not elevate the child to a cult, not tell him about how terrible and unfair the world around him is, and not show such attitudes by example... Only in this case a person will understand his real place in the world and contact him harmoniously, as a source of something new, interesting and safe. "Inhalation" and "Exhalation" will become light.

Watch the video: Dr. Lawrence B. Afrin, MD, Immunology and Allergy: Mast Cell 101 (July 2024).