
What posture correctors are there for children and what to consider when choosing?

Modern children, who spend more time not playing on the street, but at computers, are more likely to suffer from postural disorders and problems with the musculoskeletal system. Constantly pulling up the child so that he does not slouch, does not hunch over and does not sit half-turned, working and busy parents have no opportunity. In matters of prevention and in the treatment of problems with children's backs that have already appeared, mothers and fathers will be helped by special devices called posture correctors. What they are and how to choose the right one, we will tell you in this article.

What it is?

Posture correctors are orthopedic devices that allow your child to maintain their posture. They keep the spine and muscles, which are responsible for the stable positioning of individual vertebrae, in an anatomically correct position. For different types of back health problems, various correctors have been developed and produced.

Much depends on what type of pathology is detected by the orthopedic surgeon. If your child has an initial stage of scoliosis, then a child reclinator may be quite enough, for more pronounced postural disorders, fixators may be recommended, and in the recovery period after spinal injuries, a spine corset will come to the rescue.

It is not worth making a choice on your own - only a doctor can answer the question of what kind of device your child needs.

When is it needed?

Correctors are necessary in the complex treatment of spinal curvature, posture disorders, post-traumatic conditions. They perform a rather simple, but very important function - they relieve some of the load from the muscles that hold the spine, and allow the vertebrae to take the correct position. At the same time, the child does not need to constantly remember the need to sit upright and not slouch. A posture corrector will not give him a purely mechanical effect.

In the initial stages of violations (and sometimes for prevention), a children's reclinator will help, which is two straps in the shape of an eight that are worn over the shoulders. The reclinator actually pulls the shoulders back, straightens the shoulder blades and prevents the child from hunching over. You can wear it both at school and at home.

A chest corset is recommended for scoliosis of the thoracic spine. It resembles a reclinator but is equipped with additional stiffeners. Such a corrector is most often recommended for children who have already been diagnosed with first-degree scoliosis or cervical osteochondrosis by doctors. The exception is children under 4 years old, breast correctors are contraindicated for them.

With scoliosis of 1-2 degrees, during rehabilitation after a compression fracture of the vertebrae in the thoracic spine, as well as kyphosis, more serious orthopedic products are recommended, for example, a thoracolumbar posture corrector. It resembles a bulletproof vest, combining a reclinator, a wide retention belt and a rigid back.

The list of diseases for which posture correctors are used is quite wide. Here are just a few of them:

  • scoliosis;
  • lumbar lordosis;
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • osteochondrosis radicular syndrome;
  • post-traumatic conditions.

Contraindications for wearing

Like any orthopedic device, posture correctors have their own contraindications. For this simple reason, you should not choose a corrector on your own in order to teach a child to just keep the back straight, the consequences of such self-designation can be more than dire.

Chest-lumbar corsets are not recommended for young children. Soft strap reclinators are more suitable for them.

Fully rigid braces are not recommended for children under 12 years old, although in individual cases, orthopedists prescribe them if necessary. Other types of correctors must clearly correspond to their purpose.

A common contraindication for all is an allergic reaction to the materials from which the product is made. If rashes, scratching, irritation appear on the child's skin after a short-term wearing of an orthopedic device, it should be discarded and the doctor who prescribed wearing the corrector should be consulted.

Violation of the integrity of the skin in those parts of the body with which the corset or reclinator is in contact is also considered a contraindication. First you need to contact a dermatologist and undergo appropriate treatment, and only then start wearing a posture corrector.

Sometimes wearing a corset can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs. Therefore, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and lung diseases can sometimes be a contraindication, but this issue is decided on an individual basis.


As already mentioned, there are several types of proofreaders:

  • reclinators;
  • breast correctors;
  • thoracolumbar devices.

It is difficult to overestimate the orthopedic effect of all types of correctors. But they should be used in compliance with the clear recommendations of an orthopedic surgeon. So, in case of a collarbone fracture, a child can do with both a conventional reclinator and a semi-rigid chest corrector, it depends on the type and severity of the fracture, and when recovering from a spinal fracture, thoracolumbar products are best suited.

Congenital curvatures, which are considered the most severe, as well as rapidly progressing scoliosis and kyphosis (in children with cerebral palsy, congenital difference in the length of the lower extremities) may require wearing different types of correctors depending on age and the exact type of spinal lesion.

Three types of posture correctors differ in design. The simplest are reclinators, the most complex are rigid and semi-rigid chest-lumbar corsets.

Review of popular models

Modern orthopedic salons offer a huge selection of manufacturers of such products. The most popular brands today are:

  • Trives;
  • Orliman;
  • OttoBock;
  • Tisa.

These manufacturers have a rich history, they use only natural hypoallergenic materials, a well-thought-out design that will not cause unpleasant sensations to the child when wearing. As for the list of the most popular models, today there are several positions that are in the greatest demand among Russian parents.

RB1068 OttoBock

This reclinator belongs to semi-rigid correctors, but has elastic inserts that are attached with Velcro. Although the product belongs to reclinators, orthopedists rightfully refer it to the version of a soft and gentle corset, since the stakes in it are located so that the space between the shoulder blades is fixed. You can wear it under your clothes. Thanks to high-quality materials, the product is generally non-allergenic.

Such a reclinator is expensive, and there is nothing to be done about it - the manufacturer does not make an economy option in principle. But in the orthopedic salon you can find five options for the product - for a child or teenager of any build and build.

KOR-M3 Yew

It is a popular thoracolumbar corrector and is recommended when rigid fixation of the chest and lower back is required. It should not be used for prophylaxis, since the device is intended for correction according to strict medical indications.

Wearing it is quite difficult, but over time the child gets used to it. Usually, such an orthopedic device is recommended for adolescents. The corrector is worn no more than 4 hours a day. This model has many contraindications. But it is inexpensive and affordable for many.

Trives EVOLUTION ΠΆ-1702

The ribs of this product are located so that when trying to slouch, pressure is exerted on the abdomen. This corset is indicated not only for correcting posture disorders, but also for preventive wearing. The materials are breathable, moisture-repellent, and therefore wearing the corrector will not cause difficulties and inconveniences.

The tapes in the back area do not stretch, even after prolonged use, the corrector continues to maintain its shape and reliably fixes the spine in the correct position. The product has three levels of height, and therefore is suitable for a large group of patients. Doctors often call it universal.

Corrector from Trives is not used for severe forms of pathologies of the spine, as well as for injuries of the spinal column.

Posture Support Magnetic Corrector

This model is equipped with additional magnetic elements. According to manufacturers, they have incredible healing effects. And for this reason, such correctors are usually not recommended for children. For teenagers, the manufacturer has several sizes that are ideal for various back pathologies.

The downside is that the effect of magnetic fields on the body of children and adolescents is not fully understood, but the parents who chose this option claim that the child not only began to keep his back straight, but also feels much better in general.

How to choose?

Before choosing, you need to get an appointment from an orthopedic doctor in which he will describe the type of problem and recommend a certain type of posture corrector. After that, parents should measure the child's chest circumference, waist, and also find out the exact height of the child. With these data, you should go to the orthopedic salon, the parameters will help you and the salon specialist to determine the size of the product. A certain size is not standard for all manufacturers. If one size of the Tees model suits you, this does not mean that you should look at the same size, but already in the Trives line.

When choosing a corset or reclinator, do not try to save on material. Only good, natural materials that conduct air and do not get wet will provide the child with comfort when wearing.

For children who are in a period of intensive growth (6-7 years old - 14-15 years old), if possible, a corset or reclinator should be made to order according to the orthopedic prescription sheet. It will cost more, but a positive result will not be long in coming. Orthopedic devices are sold individually. Do not be too lazy to try on the corrector right in the salon to avoid misunderstandings at home.

How to wear?

Posture correctors are worn according to individual prescription. Systematic wearing of the product is recommended for some children, and for others - 2-3 hours a day and no more. But at the initial stage, it is always recommended to wear the orthopedic device a little - from 5-10 minutes, increasing the wearing time to an hour, then to an hour and a half, etc.

A cotton T-shirt worn under a corset or reclinator will save the child from chafing and prickly heat.

The elements of the corrector must be cleaned according to the instructions.


Reviews of doctors about posture correctors are ambiguous. Some experts trust such devices, while others do not place a special stake on them. But there is a general medical opinion that wearing correctors is quite justified as part of a comprehensive treatment.

Parents are especially fond of correctors with a sound signal. When the child begins to hunch down, the body position sensor is triggered, which gives a loud sound signal. This teaches the child to self-control.

Experienced parents advise against buying correctors online at suspiciously cheap prices. There are a lot of fakes in this market.

How to choose a posture corrector for a child will be told by an orthopedic surgeon in the video below.

Watch the video: Kids and Teenagers with Bad Posture - How to Fix Kids Posture. Fast and Easy (June 2024).